CEO Walk In My Shoes

25-Jul-2023 08:48 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

Ronald McDonald House Charities Westmead has an exclusive opportunity for CEOs, Senior Managers, Directors and Board Members. We invite you to join us in October 2023 for CEO Walk In My Shoes. CEO Walk in My Shoes is an immersive overnight experience that will take place from Thursday, the 26th, until Friday 27th of October, 2023. All participants will have the opportunity to see first-hand what it takes to create the best possible experience for families with seriously ill or injured children, staying at our House in Greater Western Sydney ❤️

This unique experience has limited places. Inaugural CEO Walk In My Shoes participant, Jarrod Rice from Cook’s Plumbing Supplies said the following of his experience: "What will stick with me forever is the gratitude that the families have for those who are helping them in - quite often - the worst circumstance any of us could imagine. Their positivity and brightness create an environment in the House that is difficult to describe. The children pull so much strength from those around them, so this positivity is an essential part of what the House has created for the families. To play even a tiny part in giving them something to enjoy or look forward to was truly a life-changing experience".

To find out more and to register for CEO Walk In My Shoes, head to RMHC : Greater Western Sydney Chapter ( or contact Senior Partnerships Manager: Matthew Mifsud via