Arato's Tennis Triumph Amidst the Shadows of Stargardt Disease

20-Nov-2023 18:22 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

Just like his dad, 12-year-old Arato loves sport, but tennis is where he comes alive! He recently represented Australia at an international tennis tournament, and he even came home with medals.

But when he was nine, his coach noticed Arato was beginning to miss the ball more and more. That’s when he was tested and it was discovered, just like his dad, Arato had Stargardt Disease.

Stargardt Disease is a progressive condition that often starts as a few black spots in the central vision but can eventually lead to loss of the entire central vision, leaving only the peripheral vision. Sadly, this is how Arato’s dad, Tim, now sees the world.

But scientists at Children’s Medical Research Institute in Westmead have just calculated that an individual with a genetic eye disease could spend $5.2M over their lifetime, just to live an independent life.

Now, their only hope for Arato is through research.

Professor Robyn Jamieson at Children’s Medical Research Institute said research is closer than it has ever been to finding treatments for kids like Arato.

“We need to find a treatment to stop the progression of his vision loss right now.

“With your support, we can continue our research into Stargardt Disease and help give his parents hope that Arato will live life to the fullest, playing tennis, and winning tournaments.’’

To find out more about this research happening right in your backyard in Western Sydney, visit: