NSW Premier Mike Baird announces his first cabinet

22-Apr-2014 14:12 | Deleted user
NSW Premier Mike Baird says his new-look cabinet balances experience and renewal.

Mike Baird is the new NSW Premier after Barry O’Farrell quit. Picture: Bradley Hunter
Mike Baird is the new NSW Premier after Barry O’Farrell quit. Picture: Bradley Hunter Source: News Corp Australia

The big winners are Andrew Constance, who replaces Mr Baird as treasurer, and Pru Goward, who becomes the new planning minister.

Brad Hazzard has been promoted from planning to Attorney General, at the expense of Greg Smith.

Mr Baird said the new ministerial team balanced “experience, renewal and hunger”.

Attorney General Greg Smith has been dumped, along with liberal colleague Robyn Parker, to make way for new Environment Minister Rob Stokes, Finance Minister Dominic Perrottet and Mental Health Minister Jai Rowell.

Premier Mike Baird said the new team represented renewal for the state, and would be unchanged in the lead up to the election.

“It is a group that brings experience but just as importantly, it brings a hunger,” Mr Baird told reporters of his new team.

“A hunger to make this great state even greater. A hunger to transform NSW.”

He described Mr Smith as a “good man and a good friend”, but stood by his decision to replace him as Attorney-General.

“I’ve had to weigh up what I think is the right team to take us forward, to provide a renewed focus on how we can turn this great state to an even greater state,” he said.

“Part of that involves some difficult decisions ... but I strongly think that they were in the right long-term interests of this state.”

Dumped National Party minister Don Page announced he would retire at the 2015 election and Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner said he “wouldn’t be surprised” if dumped minister George Souris came to the same decision.

“They’ve had a good run,” Mr Stoner said.

The announcement came an hour after veteran north coast MP Don Page said he was retiring from politics.

Mr Baird confirmed the Nationals MP had been demoted from Local Government Minister and paid tribute to his service to the state.

Deputy Premier Andrew Stoner said he wouldn’t be surprised if George Souris undefined another Nationals MP who has also been demoted undefined would also step away from parliament before the next election.

Outgoing Environment Minister Robyn Parker said she was proud of her achievements during her three years in the position.

“As a member of Cabinet I am proud to have taken this opportunity to exercise my conscience as we made very difficult decisions,” she said.

“I urge my colleagues to remember that good policy, integrity and the wellbeing of the community should always be our guiding motivation.”

Full Ministry List

Michael Bruce Baird MP: Premier, Minister for Infrastructure, and Minister for Western Sydney

Andrew John Stoner MP: Deputy Premier, Minister for Trade and Investment, Minister for Regional Infrastructure and Services, Minister for Tourism and Major Events, Minister for Small Business, and Minister for the North Coast

Gladys Berejiklian MP: Minister for Transport, and Minister for the Hunter

Adrian Piccoli MP: Minister for Education

Michael Joseph Gallacher MLC: Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for the Central Coast, and Vice-President of the Executive Council

D uncan John Gay MLC: Minister for Roads and Freight

Anthony John Roberts MP: Minister for Resources and Energy

Jillian Gell Skinner: Minister for Health, and Minister for Medical Research

Andrew James Constance MP: Treasurer

Prudence Jane Goward MP: Minister for Planning, and Minister for Women

Bradley Ronald Hazzard MP: Attorney General, and Minister for Justice

Gabrielle Cecelia Upton MP: Minister for Family and Community Services

Katrina Ann Hodgkinson MP: Minister for Primary Industries, Assistant Minister for Tourism and Major Events

Kevin John Humphries MP: Minister for Natural Resources, Lands and Water, and Minister for Western NSW

John George Ajaka MLC: Minister for Ageing, Minister for Disability Services, and Minister for the Illawarra

Stuart Laurence Ayres MP: Minister for Fair Trading, Minister for Sport and Recreation, and Minister Assisting the Premier on Western Sydney

Victor Michael Dominello MP: Minister for Citizenship and Communities, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and Minister for Veterans Affairs, Assistant Minister for Education

Robert Gordon Stokes MP: Minister for the Environment, Minister for Heritage and Assistant Minister for Planning

Troy Wayne Grant MP: Minister for Hospitality, Gaming and Racing, and Minister for the Arts

Dominic Francis Perrottet MP: Minister for Finance and Services

Paul Lawrence Toole MP: Minister for Local Government

Jai Travers Rowell MP: Minister for Mental Health and Assistant Minister for Health

Source: The Daily Telegraph by Alicia Wood and AAP. Original article.