Member News - Gold Member Sydney Showground launches new brand

29-Apr-2014 20:09 | Deleted user

The event industry gathered to celebrate the launch of Sydney Showground’s bold new brand. The launch was held in the newly opened 10,000sqm multi-purpose building which is now operational for the first time since it was completed in early March.

The new brand comes with bright new colours and the tag line “Big Experiences.”

‘Big is what differentiates us in the market place and we want to ensure that all of our customers, their customers and most importantly, their visitors have a ‘Big Experience’ each and every time they attend an event at Sydney Showground,’ commented Peter Thorpe, General Manager, Sydney Showground.

‘The new brand has been twelve months in the making and involved extensive research and surveying of our clients, prospects and other key stakeholders. It was through this research and subsequent workshops that our ability to do ‘Big’ well was identified. We also identified other areas that needed a bit of polish or upgrade and have taken steps to address these as well.’

The launch of the new brand coincides with the opening of our wonderful new facility which takes us up to over 32,000sqm of pillarless event space. Both of these achievements show that Sydney Showground is serious about supporting the events industry and is prepared to follow through on what we promise.’

At the same time, the Sydney Showground website is being relaunched to reflect the new brand and new technologies with the ability to be viewed on any mobile device

The brand launch preceded the Sydney Royal Easter Show ‘Arts Preview’ which had over 1,300 guests and was officially opened by The Hon, George Souris, Minister for the Arts, Major Events, Tourism, Hospitality and Racing and Minister for the Hunter. The ‘Arts Preview’ is the first major event to be held in the new building just two days before the opening of Australia’s largest event the Sydney Royal Easter Show.