Member News

  • 15-May-2023 11:32 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

    Motivate your team, promote their mental and physical wellbeing, while raising money for vital medical research as part of the Jeans for Genes Sofa to 6k Corporate Challenge.

    We’re celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Jeans for Genes and Westmead-based Children’s Medical Research Institute is launching a Health and Wellness Challenge in July, culminating on Jeans for Genes Day, Friday 4th August. This free corporate running challenge is designed to increase morale, collaboration, health, and wellbeing. As well as throw in a bit of friendly competition.

    The concept is simple – starting on July 1 and going until Jeans for Genes Day on August 4th.

    You and your colleagues can set personal goals and, big or small, feel good when you log your weekly training on the Jeans for Genes Sofa to 6k portal.

    The Jeans for Genes online portal will give you access to fantastic training guides written by our partner, Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA). These are designed to support you to reach your goals safely.

    All the money raised helps our medical researchers find treatments and cures for the 1 in 20 Australian children living with a birth defect or genetic disease, like cancer. That’s one in every classroom.

    Sofa to 6k campaign manager Penny Horsfield said this is an excellent way to bring your employees together for a great cause and work on your fitness.

    “We are always being asked by our long-standing supporters how they can be more involved in fundraising for our researchers, and this is a great way to foster team bonding, improve mental health amongst colleagues, and even encourage a bit of fun team rivalry.

    “Every dollar raised during the Jeans for Genes Sofa to 6k goes directly to Children’s Medical Research Institute and helps find cures for currently incurable conditions, like childhood cancers, cystic fibrosis, life-threatening metabolic conditions, and inherited blindness. The families of children affected need hope, and they are so grateful to everyone who gets behind this great cause.’’

    For more information contact Penny Horsfield at or call 0402 926 003.

    About Children’s Medical Research Institute

    Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) is an award-winning state-of-the-art medical research facility dedicated to researching the genes and proteins important for health and human development. CMRI is supported in part by its key fundraiser Jeans for Genes®. CMRI is located at Westmead a major hub for research and medicine in Sydney, NSW Australia, and is affiliated with the University of Sydney.

    Register now:

  • 14-May-2023 15:39 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

    What does this year’s Federal Budget means for middle-market businesses and individuals?

    While cost-of-living relief was the centrepiece of Treasurer Jim Chalmers second Federal Budget, other measures aim to increase affordable housing and healthcare access, address the national skills shortage, support our shift to clean energy and support small businesses.

    We’ve analysed the announcements that matter most and identified five key take-outs for SME businesses.

    Click here for Federal Budget Analysis 2023 - William Buck Australia

  • 24-Apr-2023 15:32 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

    Government departments need to look beyond traditional service delivery models; yet, can be hamstrung by a bureaucracy that can often be considered cautious and conservative at best, slow and reluctant at worst – while the private sector is generally quicker to adapt to citizen expectations. As with most things, some nations do it better than others. The United Nations e-Government Survey 2022 found that, while some developed nations have surged ahead in the digital age, others are lagging behind.

    WorkZone, developed by KMD, an NEC group company, is based in Denmark and boast 40 plus years of achievement and trust with Danish central and local governments. This partnership has supported the Danish e-government in its #1 global ranking by the United Nations for the third consecutive time. The Digital Cities Index was developed by the Economist Impact and measures connectivity, comprehensive digital transformation and scales programs like WorkZone against indicators of digital infrastructure, quality, and affordability. Such services are underpinned by strong probity and security debates which are essential for improving community trust and maintaining the integrity of the product itself.

    Indeed, digitisation should not be about technology for technology’s sake. Rather, it must genuinely help people create cohesion by providing oversight over their own data.

    In line with the Digital Cities Index 2022 strategy, WorkZone is deliberate about its engagement and its identification of problems that technology could be used for, while identifying potential risks ahead of time. The public sector is responsible for providing essential services to citizens. The delivery of these services requires a considerable network of people and resources, which can be daunting to manage collaboratively.

    Naturally, in a country as vast and diverse as Australia, the challenge is to ensure sectors of the community are not left out in the digital journey. People in rural and remote areas, the elderly and those from disadvantaged communities require access to essential services in order to receive an equivalent level of customer service.

    WorkZone uses agility to cater for changing agency and shifting citizen needs. It is easy to use, accessible on any device, and, importantly, is safe and secure. Given recent high-profile cases of serious and significant data breaches, the demand for secure platforms has never been greater for ensuring public trust and product integrity. WorkZone should be explored for use in Australia, with the potential to significantly accelerate inter-agency data sharing and processing. This can further drive efficient digital services – providing positive experiences and interactions, ultimately leading to a tangible improvement in people’s everyday lives.

    The efficiency and productivity of this product relies on the adaptability of both the public and private sectors. This will ensure a highly advanced service delivery expected by Australian citizens in an increasingly digital age. Governments must raise awareness of and adopt new platforms and technologies such as WorkZone. Its application in Australia provides an opportunity to lead the tech sector on both a national and global stage.

    NEC has long been a trusted partner for business and governments to connect all Australians to a brighter future. Its integrity, innovation, experience, as well as its heralding in of new platforms such as WorkZone can help governments and businesses alike to strive towards a seamless, secure and efficient future where citizens and consumers are the primary beneficiaries.

  • 18-Apr-2023 15:24 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

    Game-changing robotic equipment has been donated to Children’s Medical Research Institute’s Stem Cell and Organoid Facility by the Medich Foundation, which will accelerate research into stem cells, organoids, and human diseases.

    Dr Anai Gonzalez Cordero is a leader in the field of stem cell medicine and organoids: mini-organs grown in the dish from lab-grown stem cells. Following a seven-year appointment at University College London, Dr Gonzalez Cordero founded the Stem Cell and Organoid Facility at CMRI in 2019.

    Her laboratory team transforms small samples of skin or blood into stem cells, which can be directed to turn into almost any type of cell, and then to form organoids.

    “Thanks to the Medich Foundation, Dr Gonzalez Cordero and her team now have advanced technology which enables them to greatly expand their study of organoids derived from a patient’s own cells. These organoids exhibit the genetic disease of the patient – offering a window through which to investigate disease mechanisms and develop new treatments and cures,” said CMRI’s Director, Professor Roger Reddel AO. “This will speed up their work.”

    The Medich Foundation was established in 2012 by Roy and Anthony Medich, along with their families, to facilitate their philanthropic activities which have a particular focus on medical research. Their philosophy is that giving back improves both the quality and longevity of lives.

    “The Medich Foundation wants to support the communities we invest in,” said Anthony Medich, “and we believe society is only as strong as its weakest members. Supporting this type of medical research will give hope to children and families who are dealing with devastating genetic conditions - hope for effective treatments and cures.”

    Over many years Dr Gonzalez Cordero has developed exceptional expertise in generating retinal (eye) organoids. At CMRI she has now expanded her research to include neural (central nervous system), kidney, lung and cardiac cells and organoids.

    Organoids speed up the development and testing of new therapies, especially for inherited diseases, but there is an urgent need for large-scale production. With the new robotic equipment’s automated set-up, this will now be possible.

    “Stem cells require a lot of daily care,’’ Dr Gonzalez Cordero said. “They must be fed every day of the week.’’

    The facility team feed the cells, which are stored in plates. Every day they must also watch to see if any of the cells have grown enough to be transferred into new plates, to continue to grow more cells indefinitely.

    Thanks to the Medich Foundation, all that manual work will now be completed by the Hamilton Microlab Star robot. As well as processing the cells, it can also more accurately assess when a cell is ready to be transferred, rather than relying on human assessment.

    “This is not only saving us time but it also allowing the process to be more precise and consistent. We are eliminating human error and the risk of contamination. We are now producing a more consistent protocol and a more robust system.’’

    Dr Gonzalez Cordero said this gift was creating more opportunities for her team to focus on their research.

    “It is really incredible to have this level of support from the Medich Foundation because without them, we wouldn’t have this robot.

    “Philanthropy is so important to our work at Children’s Medical Research Institute, and that is especially true for a lab like ours that is working in such a new field. It is very rewarding to think that this astute private organisation sees the potential in what we’re doing.

    “Our thanks to Anthony Medich and his family for helping us in our efforts to make the incurable curable and improve the lives of countless children for generations to come.”

    About Children’s Medical Research Institute

    Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) is an award-winning state-of-the-art medical research facility dedicated to researching the genes and proteins important for health and human development. CMRI is supported in part by its key fundraiser Jeans for Genes®. CMRI is located at Westmead a major hub for research and medicine in Sydney, NSW Australia, and is affiliated with the University of Sydney.

  • 18-Apr-2023 14:55 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

    Latitude Financial Group, a prominent consumer lender, has taken a firm stance against cybercriminals who demanded a ransom after they stole sensitive information from approximately 14 million consumers last month. The stolen data includes highly sensitive information, such as driver's license details.

    Latitude's new CEO, Bob Belan, has declined to disclose the amount demanded by the hackers, emphasizing that the company has no intention of giving in to their demands.

    Belan stated, "Latitude will not pay a ransom to criminals." He further explained that there is no guarantee that paying the ransom would ensure the destruction of the stolen customer data. Moreover, acquiescing to the hackers' demands would only serve to embolden cybercriminals, potentially leading to more attacks on businesses in Australia and New Zealand. Instead, Latitude Financial Group is focusing its efforts on contacting each customer whose personal information has been compromised. The company aims to provide support and guidance to affected individuals throughout this challenging process.

    The recent spate of cyberattacks targeting consumer data has brought the issue of data security to the forefront for many companies. In response to these incidents, organizations are reevaluating their data security measures and implementing continuous improvements to ensure customer privacy.

    Some of the steps that companies can undertake to enhance data security and customer privacy include:

    1. Regular risk assessments: Conducting routine risk assessments can help identify potential vulnerabilities within the company's IT infrastructure. This enables businesses to proactively address security issues before they can be exploited by cybercriminals.

    2. Employee training: Ensuring that all employees are well-versed in data security best practices is crucial. This includes training staff to recognize phishing attacks, use strong passwords, and adhere to company policies surrounding data handling and storage.

    3. Encryption and secure data storage: Encrypting sensitive data, both in transit and at rest, is an essential component of data security. Companies should invest in secure data storage solutions and employ encryption technologies to safeguard customer information.

    4. Multi-factor authentication: Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides an added layer of security, making it more difficult for unauthorized users to access sensitive data.

    5. Regular software updates: Keeping software and systems up to date is crucial in defending against known vulnerabilities. Companies should establish a routine for updating and patching software to minimize the risk of exploitation.

    6. Intrusion detection and monitoring: Implementing intrusion detection systems and monitoring network traffic can help identify and respond to potential threats in real-time.

    7. Incident response plans: Companies should develop comprehensive incident response plans to address potential data breaches or cyberattacks. These plans should include steps to identify, contain, and remediate security incidents, as well as communication strategies to inform affected customers and relevant authorities.

    By prioritizing data security and customer privacy, businesses can not only protect their customers but also maintain trust and foster long-term relationships. Continuous improvements in data security practices are essential to stay ahead of the ever-evolving threat landscape and safeguard sensitive customer information.

    Are you neglecting the security of your customer data?
    Upskill your team today with My Skills Cyber Security pathways.

  • 18-Apr-2023 14:42 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

    With EOFY just around the corner, our friends at William Buck Accountants and Advisors have outlined some simple steps businesses can take before year-end to ensure they receive the maximum amount from their Research and Development (R&D) Tax Incentive claim.

    Find out more here.

  • 18-Apr-2023 14:25 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

    William Buck Accountants and Advisors will be providing SME focused specific coverage of the Federal Budget next month. The Connection Members may sign up for their practical Next Day Debrief” Webinar (Free of Charge) at 10:00am on Wednesday 10th May or alternatively they can sign up to receive their overnight Federal Budget Analysis which provides a concise summary of how the key budget changes impact SMEs and their owners.

    The Connection Members can sign up here.

  • 17-Apr-2023 16:38 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

    The William Inglis Hotel MGallery by Sofitel is offering a 10% discount for all The Connection Members when you book a Whisky Tasting Experience for 6+ people
    Discount available from Wednesday-Friday

    Whisky Tasting Experience with The William Inglis Hotel MGalley by Sofitel

    Until 31st June, we will be running Whiskey Tastings served with an antipasto board in our 1867 Lounge.

    Select three whiskeys from our extensive range that tickle your fancy and enjoy an antipasto board for two for just $65 per person.

    Tastings will be guided by our expert Bar Manager where they will teach you how to properly taste whiskey and discuss notes and aromas in each.

    Call 02 8324 3460 to book.

    Wednesday to Sunday from 5pm - 9pm

    Click here for more information

    Terms and Conditions
    Minimum booking of 2 people
    Additional surchage appies
    Bookings are essential

  • 17-Apr-2023 16:08 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

    Western Sydney Wanderers are hosting a Corporate Cup at their new 5-A-Side Facility on Friday 26th May 2023.


    COST TO ENTER: $1,000 per team (minimum of 5 players and maximum of 8 players per team)

    This event will take place at the Wanderers Fives, where each team will participate in a 5-A-Side tournament. Teams can be mixed, all female or all males. This event is open to all abilities, whether you have played football before or not, all are welcome. Businesses can enter as many teams as they like. Each match will run for 10 minutes each half with a 5 minute drinks break at half time. Trophy and medal presentation will be held at the conclusion of the event.

    All funds raised go to the Wanderers Foundation, where we connect communities and improve lives through the football initiatives, such as: Multicultural engagement, supporting Indigenous communities, youth development and female football.

    What’s included:

    • Lunch
    • Silent auction
    • Players meet and greet (player availability dependant on A-Leagues finals series)
    • Networking opportunities with other businesses
    • Opportunity to play on a state of the art synthetic 5-A-Side surface
    • Each participant will receive a WSW goodie bag

    Register your team via link

    We look forward to your participation!

  • 17-Apr-2023 15:14 | Cassidy Lau (Administrator)

    Fire safety regulations are changing. Mandating procedures for the maintenance of fire safety measures will take effect on the 13th of February 2025.

    Owners must maintain essential fire safety measures in all types of buildings, except single dwellings, in accordance with procedures in the Australian Standard 1851-2012 Routine service of fire protection systems and equipment, where the maintenance activity is addressed by the standard.

    At J&J Metro Air Conditioning, we have a specialised and dedicated Mechanical Fire Services Team, we are taking all measures to ensure our work is compliant.

    • Assessing installed mechanical fire services progresses. Your handover to OC will always be complaint.
    • Detailed and correct documentation in compliance to AS1668.1, detailing all fire services equipment and relevant materials.
    • Compliant materials and equipment installation.
    • Operation and Maintenance procedures to meet AS1851 changes, when scheme is approved.

    We understand the importance of mechanical fire safety and staying up-to-date with reforms! Enjoy peace of mind, and let us take care of your upcoming projects or current building maintenance.

    Get in touch by calling 1300 883 153 or visiting