Member News

  • 01-May-2014 20:10 | Deleted user

    The people of Western Sydney are finally getting a fair go after being treated as an economic afterthought by ­policymakers for far too long. The Australian government is putting an end to Labor’s investment vacuum by delivering a ­record $3.5 billion roads package over 10 years in Western Sydney that will create at least 4000 jobs in addition to other economic spin-offs and slash drive times for local residents.

    This historic investment includes the construction of new motorways and upgrades to existing infrastructure which will support a new airport at Badgerys Creek, boosting the local economy and making Western Sydney an even better place to live and do business.

    As Australia’s third largest economy and in its own right our fourth largest city, Western Sydney needs the infrastructure of the 21st century to unlock its economic potential so local residents have more employment ­opportunities closer to home and can enjoy the quality of life they deserve.

    As Prime Minister Tony Abbott has said on numerous occasions, we want people to spend less time stuck in traffic and more time being productive at work or at home with their families.

    That is why we are fast-tracking infrastructure development in Western Sydney so the 200,000 people that have to leave the region for work every day can do so more quickly and safely or, alternatively, have access to more employment opportunities closer to home.

    Our infrastructure plan will deliver significant upgrades to major and local roads including widening of Bringelly and The Northern Rds, construction of a new four lane motorway between the M7 and the Northern Rd, upgrades to key interchanges and a $200 million package to upgrade local roads.

    These projects will increase the capacity of the region to handle future traffic growth, improve accessibility to the M7 and M4 motorways, significantly reduce travel times and improve the safety performance of Western Sydney’s road network.

    Both the Australian and NSW governments are serious about building these vital economic road projects quickly, which is why ­construction work has been fast-tracked to commence this year with the first ­contracts for Bringelly Rd expected to be put to tender in July and planning on The Northern Rd also substantially progressed.

    I will continue to work closely with NSW Minister for Roads and Freight Duncan Gay to plan and prioritise funding of current projects and consider future projects for later stages of the program.

    Unlike the previous Labor government, when we make promises we get on with the job of delivering them. Not only are contracts being put out to tender and planning is well underway, we are already actively engaging ­residents and businesses to ensure they have the opportunity to add value to the roll-out of this significant ­infrastructure investment.

    In the past two weeks my local federal and state parliamentary colleagues and I have hosted a number of information sessions with key stakeholders from local government, business, tourism, education and health sectors.

    The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, with University of Western Sydney Vice Chancellor Barney Glover welcoming the long overdue infrastructure investment: “The ­framing of these commitments around employment and economic priorities ­confirms both levels of ­government understand the region’s capacity.’’

    The Australian government’s investment in Western Sydney’s future is a key pillar of our broader economic action strategy and builds on significant commitments we’ve already made, including $1.5 billion towards building WestConnex and developing the Moorebank intermodal terminal.

    These commitments, coupled with our responsible management of the Budget will ensure Western Sydney gets a fair go and grows into one of the economic powerhouses of Australia.

    Source: The Daily Telegraph by Jamie Briggs. Original articleJamie Briggs is Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development

  • 01-May-2014 20:00 | Deleted user
    Congratulations to our Gold Member and Partner, University of Western Sydney, for being named one of the world's best 100 young universities in its 25th anniversary year!

    UWS placed 87th on the 2014 Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 list released yesterday.The list ranks modern universities from around the globe based on their research and teaching quality, international outlook, connections with industry, and innovation.

    Vice chancellor Barney Glover said it was exciting for the university to be recognised for it’s research strengths and teaching innovation.

    “In just a little over two decades, UWS has grown to become a truly world-class university,” Professor Glover said.

    “To do justice to our greater western Sydney region, it is vital that UWS firmly establishes itself as a globally-recognised and vibrant institution of higher learning and research.

    “This international ranking underscores the significant work we are doing to broaden the university’s international horizons and expand our international student population.

    ‘‘I congratulate everyone in the university community on this excellent result.”

    Times Higher Education list editor, Phil Baty, said it was interesting to see the diversity of institutions that had made it into this year’s rankings.

    Australia also had more listings than any other country except the United Kingdom.

    ‘‘The inclusion of institutions such as UWS offers further evidence of a national system with a potentially bright future,’’ Mr Baty said.

    Source: St Mary-Mt Druitt Star. Original article.

  • 30-Apr-2014 18:21 | Deleted user

    Sydney Hills Shire Council’s Investment Attraction program has been praised by a husband-and-wife business team who not only re-located their integrated medical practice, but also their home, to the Sydney Hills.

    Sivanna Health is now operating on Showground Rd and Director Girish Raniga credited Council’s Economic Development Team with introducing him and wife Dr Jaimini Raniga to the Sydney Hills.

    “We were doing some research on The Hills area and came to see Council’s Economic Development and Marketing Officer Stephen Garrard,” Mr Raniga said. “Stephen took us on a tour of The Hills, explained the demographics of the area, developments that were set to take place, infrastructure that was due to be built and information on how the area would grow.”

    “This information really attracted us to the area and we’ve now set up our business and our home here. We really like the lifestyle here in The Hills.”

    Hills Shire Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne said the Investment Attraction program has also pulled in new residents.

    “The Raniga family wouldn’t have chosen the Sydney Hills had they not met with Council’s Economic Development and Marketing Team,” Mayor Byrne said.

    “The Sydney Hills is going to be home to an additional 100,000 residents over the next 25 years, and those residents need jobs. Attracting businesses like Sivanna Health will give more options to locals.”

    “Our Economic Development Team is here for our business community, but it’s also here to attract businesses to the Sydney Hills as we keep up the pace as one of the fastest growing Local Government Areas in Australia.”

    To find out more, contact Council’s Economic Development Team on +612 9762 1108.

    Pictured: Director Girish Raniga, Mayor Dr Michelle Byrne, Dr Jaimini Raniga, Council's Economic Development Officer Stephen Garrard at Sivanna health opening.

  • 30-Apr-2014 18:16 | Deleted user

    Sydney Hills Shire Council's commitment to delivering quality facilities and infrastructure that meet the present and future needs of the community involves much planning and consultation with the community. 

    The information via the link below has been provided to help keep the community informed about the progress of Council's major infrastructure and transport projects in the Shire. View Infrastructure and Transport Projects

  • 30-Apr-2014 17:52 | Deleted user

    Parramatta intellectual property firm, Davies Collison Cave, has received the 'Australian – Prosecution IP firm of the year award' 2014 from Managing Intellectual Property (Managing IP), a leading global resource for IP news and analysis.

    "This is a great acknowledgement from the industry that our professionals continue lead in the IP field.  Without the commitment from our staff and our clients' support, winning such an award would not be possible," said Damon Henshaw, lead Partner in the Parramatta office.

    A specialist intellectual property legal practice, Davies Collison Cave is renowned for strategically focussed IP services and is proud to have won this prestigious award in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and now in 2014.

    Managing IP provides an extensive online portal, monthly magazine, web seminars and events since 1990 and hosts the Global Awards annually.  The awards are established as the yardstick for recognition of the firms behind the most innovative and challenging IP work of the past year.

  • 30-Apr-2014 17:12 | Deleted user

    CareFlight has a long history of working with Corporate Australia and relies on the generous support of the corporate community. We are grateful to the many wonderful organisations that have contributed their time, resources and financial support over the years.

    Corporate support helps keep our doctors in the air and our MediSim trauma care training program on the road. As we continue to expand our operations across Australia, it is increasingly important to have the support of the corporate sector.

    Our aim is to build long term individual relationships. We work together with our partners to ensure the sponsorship solution complements your brand.

    To talk more about how CareFlight can support your marketing objectives please contact Scott Monaghan on (02)9843 5154.

  • 30-Apr-2014 17:07 | Deleted user

    Few things are more important to small businesses than increasing their brand awareness, customer reach and driving new business; and few things are more important to the Panthers Group than supporting those businesses and serving the community.

    Panthers Approved Business (PAB) is a new initiative created to give businesses the chance to gain benefit from the Panthers brand by giving them the ability to reach over 70,000 Panther Group members. PAB allows businesses to promote their offerings each month through the custom built PAB website, giving all Panthers Group and Football Members access to a wide range of complimentary or discounted goods and services.  Small businesses who join the program also receive other benefits such as general admission tickets to Panthers home games, as well as a PAB decal and flag for business display.

    The program brings focus and awareness to the Panthers brand ensuring that those who work, live or visit the Penrith LGA are aware that there is a sporting brand that plays and serves the community.

    Click here to find out how your business can reach over 70,000 Panther Group members.

  • 29-Apr-2014 20:18 | Deleted user

    More than 120 local business leaders have been inspired by one of the world’s leading authorities on productivity and innovation in manufacturing.

    Professor Goran Roos was the guest speaker at Bankstown City Council’s recent Manufacturing the Future forum.

    “Local manufacturers need to add additional services to their operations in order to succeed,” Professor Roos said.

    “If manufacturers want to succeed moving forward, they need to have something that makes them unique and customer’s want.

    “It’s critical companies also look to add services to their traditional manufacturing operations as a way of adding value from their customers’ perspective.

    “Local manufacturers can do this by strengthening their capacity to use things like nanotechnology, advanced materials, photonics, industrial biotechnology and advanced manufacturing technologies.”

    Professor Roos also told the audience that ‘hidden champions’ or smaller based businesses were key to the future of Australian manufacturing.

    “Hidden champions are typically family owned businesses which keep a low public profile with leaders strongly identified in the firm; are product focussed; and have a strong bond with their employees.”

    Organised by Council’s Bankstown Business Advisory Services (BBAS), the forum was attended by representatives of small, medium and large local manufacturing organisations.

    The BBAS is planning to hold similar forums throughout the year for various industries as part of its aim at identifying and addressing the business challenges and opportunities facing the city.

    The Manufacturing the Future forum received high praise from attendees including Chris Elasi, Senior Regional Coordination Officer from the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet.

    “It was a very informative event and I was really impressed with Professor Goran Roos and his presentation as well as the other speakers,” said Mr Elasi.

    “It’s a great initiative of Bankstown City Council and its value is demonstrated by the large and impressive turn out.”

  • 29-Apr-2014 20:16 | Deleted user

    Research: Eight in ten students want flexibility to fit study around busy lifestyles

    TAFE NSW - Western Sydney Institute (WSI) is commencing the first stage of a fundamental shift in the VET market by introducing an entirely flexible course offering - “Mix + Match”  which puts learning on the terms of the student by giving them the choice of how, when and where they study units within a qualification.

    Today is the first release of what will be a wider range of Mix + Match products which will progressively increase throughout 2014 and 2015.

    The innovative offering was created in response to research conducted by TAFE WSI which showed eight in ten (81 percent) students wanted greater flexibility in where, when and how they study to fit their study program around their individual lifestyle. The research also showed three quarters (75 percent) wanted the option of completing their studies faster by combining classroom learning with self-paced online learning.

    Mix + Match will be available across more than 12 study areas* and will allow students to fit their studies around their current work and life schedule, with options to choose how, when and where they study.  They can choose to learn online or face-to-face – or a combination of these – as well as being able to fast-track qualifications using previous qualifications and work experience.

    “Western Sydney’s population is expected to grow by more than half a million people in the next 25 to 30 years and will be the engine powering growth for Australia’s economy with the development of the Broader Western Sydney Employment Area . We need to ensure people in this area have easy access to training options that are practical and relevant so they are job-ready with the right skills to work in growth areas,” said TAFE-WSI Associate Director Organisational Capability, Ms Francesca Saccaro.

    “We have undertaken a significant amount of research with our student population and industry partners across western Sydney to identify what they need from their local TAFE. mix+match directly responds to these needs, as well as aligning with the TAFE NSW Owners Expectations released by the Minister for Education as part of the NSW-wide Let’s Talk About TAFE research initiative. 

    “The mix+match web portal has been designed to make enrolment simple, including the online shopping-style experience of selecting the modes of learning that suit the student. The flexibility of mix+match requires our customer service and educational resource capability to be able respond rapidly to our customers,” Ms Saccaro continued.

    “In today’s market, students are demanding choice.  While some may prefer to attend their TAFE college full-time or part-time, others may have jobs, families and other demands on their busy lives, around which studying needs to be accommodated and that’s where Mix + Match is a great option for our students,” Ms Saccaro concluded.

     “TAFE-Western Sydney Institute has always provided industry relevant training that produces job-ready graduates for western Sydney businesses and beyond through regular consultation with industry reference groups,” said Mr Michael Sugg, General Manager Western Sydney Business Connection. 

    “Western Sydney is a fast growing region that requires increased skills to meet the demands of industry. TAFE WSI’s mix+match responds to the region’s commitment to further education by providing students with the flexibility to fit study around their work and their lives, which in the end will produce more work-ready graduates for the region and beyond,” Mr Sugg concluded.

    One of the students featured in the campaign for Mix + Match is 38 year old Eric Fanene who is studying Diploma of Mental Health. Eric welcomes Mix + Match, “The course I’m studying has made a massive difference to my life, I have just started a new job in the area of mental health, which a TAFE teacher helped me get. I want to encourage other people to be role models for the community too and it’s not always easy to fit study in with other commitments.  The flexibility of being able to combine what units I study in class at any of the TAFE WSI campuses or  online, makes it much simpler. There are no more excuses for not pursuing further qualifications.”

    TAFE WSI’s Mix + Match courses will be available online at, from April 11 on campus at Baulkham Hills, Blacktown, Castle Hill, Kingswood, Mount Druitt, Nirimba, Richmond, Katoomba and Wentworth Falls campuses.

    Students can visit the website:, Facebook:WSI Facebook, Twitter: WSI Twitter or call [131 870] for information on their flexible study options.

  • 29-Apr-2014 20:14 | Deleted user

    Royal was the word on everyone’s lips today as the Royal couple The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge spent time this morning at Sydney’s iconic Royal Easter Show.

    Record crowds and a perfect autumn Sydney day set the scene for the much anticipated visit.

    Image Source: AUSPIC

    TRH Duke and Duchess of Cambridge arrived at the Show just before 11am and were escorted by President of the Royal Agricultural Society Mr Glen Dudley, and his wife Jennifer to meet excited teachers and school children involved in the Schools District Exhibit Display Competition.

    The Duke and Duchess talked to some of the children involved in the competition about the challenge of putting on a professional display, created from grains, fresh produce and wool.

    President Glen Dudley said the Royal itinerary at the Show was designed to give TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge an all-encompassing Show experience.

    ‘’The couple spent some time viewing the District Exhibits and speaking with farmers, before officially opening the Southee and Badgery Pavilion, the new home of the Sydney Royal Show’s arts, crafts and garden displays, and the biggest arts and crafts competition in Australia,’ Mr Dudley said.

    “It was a great honour and very exciting to host the Royal couple. They are the ninth visit by members of the Royal family to our Show over the last 100 years, the most recent being Princess Anne in 1988.”

    The first ever Royal visit to the Royal Show was by HRH the Duke of York (Prince Albert) and HRH The Duchess of York (Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon) in 1927 when they travelled to Australia so The Duke could open the provisional Parliament House in Canberra on 9th May.

    Following the Southee and Badgery Pavilion, Their Royal Highnesses Duke and Duchess of Cambridge moved into the Show’s Sheep and Wool Pavilion and were introduced to Fred.

    Fred is a very large, well-behaved Merino Ram, who is now quite famous, having appeared in several television commercials.

    However it was a royal blue evening gown that really stole the show. One of the highlights of the Royal tour was viewing the display of the gown designed for the Duchess by winner of the 2013 Wool4Skool program, school student Sophie Aylward from Orange. The task was to ‘’Dress a Royal’’, and Sophie chose the colour, style and shape of the dress with the Duchess in mind.

    The Duke and Duchess enjoyed a sheep shearing demonstration, before being asked to sign the historic RAS visitors book for distinguished guests, a tradition honoured by previous Royals when they have visited the Show.