Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Get Informed

Our State of the Region Address is not only The Connection's signature event of the membership year, but is arguably one of the best business luncheons in the region. Attracting over 500 movers and shakers from Western Sydney and beyond, the event features an annual address by the Premier of NSW. 

Our Business Leader Luncheons typically attract between 200 to 250 attendees and focus on issues that relate to Western Sydney businesses. They also provide a forum for you to keep up-to-date with what’s going on in the region. We use high profile guest speakers and subject matter experts at these events.  

As a Gold member you receive:

  • Four complimentary seats to our State of the Region Address plus member rates for additional work colleagues and guests 
  • Ten complimentary seats to be used across our two Business Leader Luncheons (five complimentary seats per luncheon) plus member rates for additional work colleagues and guests 
  • Exclusive invitations to attend affiliate events

Get Learning

Our Breakfast Masterclasses and webinars are designed to support you in growing your business. They focus on delivering professional development opportunities in areas such as leadership, business improvement, marketing and sales. 

As a Gold member you receive:
  • 12 complimentary seats to be used across our six Breakfast Masterclasses (two complimentary seats per masterclass) plus member rates for additional work colleagues and guests 
  • Complimentary virtual seats to all Connection webinars and where possible access to recordings

Get Connected

As strategic connection experts, we use every opportunity possible to connect you to the right people and businesses. To help you build new relationships and identify business targets and leads, Gold members receive:

  • Complimentary virtual seats to our Mid-Morning Member Meet Up - "its like speed dating for business"  

  • Complimentary access to our Meet the Buyer Event (should your EOI be successful) - "its like speed dating for business", with the added bonus of meeting active buyers in the region  
  • Access to event guest lists prior to the State of the Region Address, our Business Leader Luncheons and Breakfast Masterclasses (Name & Company) - to help you identify networking opportunities   
  • Seating request opportunities at the State of the Region Address, our Business Leader Luncheons and Breakfast Masterclasses - you tell us who you want to sit with and we do everything possible to seat them at the same table as you  
  • Identify opportunities throughout The Connection's member network with facilitation of six e-introductions (to Member Reps) per year 

Get Noticed

We will get you started by adding your business and a link to your website here. You will also receive access to our member directory where you can upload your profile and use it to find and connect with other members. New members will also be welcomed in our bi-monthly e-newsletter. In addition, Gold members also receive the opportunity to provide:

  • Content for our social media sites (up to six posts per year)
  • Six submissions per year for inclusion in The Connection's bi-monthly e-newsletter
    • An unlimited number of articles/thought leadership pieces for inclusion on the Member News page on our website 
      • Four exclusive offers to members per year (to be displayed on our website)
      • A representative from your business to participate in a short one-on-one interview with The Connection's General Manager, with footage to be used on our social media sites

      Get Support

      We are here to connect, advise and support your business. Our team is available Monday through Friday by phone, zoom and email and we look forward to hearing from you.

      Get Invested

      The Gold membership is a 12 month investment of $4250 + GST, payable annually. Quarterly and half yearly payment options are also available. 

      Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software