Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

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Webinar: Unfair Contract Terms - Law Changes Your Business Must Understand

Thursday 5th September 2024  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

Australian Consumer Law in relation to unfair contract terms has changed. The new laws can affect the validity of standard contracts and give rise to significant penalties.

In this webinar, Matthews Folbigg Lawyers’ Principal Lawyers, Zeeshaan Nordien and Michael Stevens, will provide an overview of the reforms, explore recent cases and consider risk-mitigation strategies for your business.

Proudly supported by Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

Webinar: Unveiling Blindspots: 9 Reasons Most Managers Are Underperforming

Wednesday 31st July 2024  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

How capable are your Managers, particularly with their current team and in the challenging climate we are facing? Their effectiveness as leaders is not just dependent on their technical skills but also on their ability to inspire, delegate, influence, and build a genuinely high-performing team.

Strong leadership isn’t just a ‘nice-to-have’ - it is essential, at all levels for your organisation to succeed. Most businesses have some excellent managers and some mediocre ones – unfortunately, overall success is determined much more by the underperforming managers than by those who excel.

Research from Gallup shows that businesses with ineffective leaders face significantly higher turnover rates. This not only increases costs in terms of recruitment (assuming you can even find a suitable person!), it also impacts stress levels and the morale of the rest of the team as they cover. The flow on effect of this is more burnout, more absenteeism, lower productivity, lower engagement, and more turnover (or presenteeism). It’s a downward spiral that not only impacts business profitability but also hinders long-term growth and sustainability, even business survival.

So, what are the critical areas that many managers are weak in? What blindspots do you need to become aware of as a Senior Leader so that you can support and upskill your managers? How specifically can you lift them from mediocre to highly effective?

You'll discover:

  • 9 reasons why most leaders underperform
  • The High-Performance diagnostic to assess the effectiveness of your leaders
  • 3 practical actions you can implement straight away
  • 5 essential skills of world class leaders
  • The critical role Middle Managers play in organisational success
  • Plus get all your questions answered in our live Q&A

Proudly supported by World Class Teams

Webinar: “Closing Loopholes” – What ALL Employers and Businesses MUST Know

Thursday 27th June 2024  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

Are you interested in understanding opportunities to sell to the Australian Government?

If you are interested in understanding how to participate in Australian Government procurement and contracting opportunities, come along to this introductory session to find out more.

The session will be delivered by the Australian Government Department of Finance in collaboration with the Western Sydney Business Connection.

During this webinar, you will discover:

  • Why sell to the Australian Government
  • What the Australian Government buys and how
  • Procurement methods and industry engagement
  • How to start the process to sell
  • Responding to an Approach to Market
  • What to expect if you win / don't win a contract

    Proudly supported by Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

    Webinar: CYBERSECURITY – The Commercial Challenge of Our Generation

    Thursday 14th March 2024  |  11.00am to 12.30pm

    What actions is your company taking today?

    Cybersecurity poses an ever-present threat to every company of all sizes in Australia today and the laws surrounding cybersecurity are changing.

    DON'T be one of those companies that puts its head in the sand and says ‘this won’t happen to us’ because it can, and it is happening now to companies right across the country. Any company that did elect to ‘ignore and hope’ should be aware that new penalties for a breach of privacy laws can exceed $50M for corporations and $2.5M for individuals.

    In this free webinar, Matthews Folbigg’ Principal Lawyers Simone Brew and Gigi Au will outline what it is that you should be concerned to understand and what actions you should be taking to protect your company, your customers and your senior executives and Directors.

    Discover CYBERSECURITY – what is it, why is it important and what should you be doing now!

      Proudly supported by Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

      Webinar: Selling to Government – An Introduction to Australian Government Procurement for Suppliers

      Thursday 30th November 2023  |  11.00am to 12.30pm

      In February 2024, the Australia Parliament passed the second stage of the Government’s ‘Closing Loopholes’ employment law reforms, bringing with it a raft of further complex changes to the Fair Work Act 2009.

      Some of these changes have already commenced operation, whilst other changes will come into effect later in 2024 and early in 2025.

      Given the significant impact of the ‘Closing Loopholes’ reforms and the potential penalties imposed for non-compliance, it is essential that employers take steps to understand these changes and how the changes will impact their business.

      In this free webcast, Matthews Folbigg Lawyers’ Peter Doughman will canvass the primary changes arising from the ‘Closing Loopholes’ reforms, including:

      • The new employee ‘right to disconnect’;
      • Changes to the concept and definition of casual employment;
      • Changes to the definitions and tests for employees and independent contractors;
      • New protections for labour hire workers including ‘same job, same pay’ orders;
      • New rights and protections for independent contractors, including new minimum standards for ‘employment-like’ workers; and
      • New criminal penalties for wage theft.

          Proudly supported by Australian Government Department of Finance

          Webinar: Burnout Busters: How to Combat the Unspoken Crisis of Senior Leader Burnout

          Wednesday 15th November 2023  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

          As a Senior Leader, you are no doubt all too familiar with the relentless stress and threat of burnout that often plague your team. But here's the stark truth: in your quest to safeguard their wellbeing, you may unknowingly be sacrificing your own.

          Recent studies have shone a spotlight on this very real issue, revealing that 41% of Senior Leaders grapple with elevated stress levels and 36% teeter on the brink of exhaustion. A staggering 69% are seriously contemplating leaving their current roles for a job that better supports their wellbeing.

          This burnout impacts your drive and your decision-making ability at work, it impacts your mood, energy and relationships at home. Unfortunately, it is also contagious. Employees tend to act in alignment with their leaders, often without even realising it. So when the staff see you looking and sounding stressed, when they see you going down the burnout slope, they will tend to go down the same slope. As a consequence, burnout spreads like a virus throughout your organisation, wreaking havoc on performance and morale.

          During this free webinar presented by leadership guru Diana Tapp, CEO of World Class Teams, you will discover:

          • The true cost of stress and burnout
          • Understanding how it disseminates through organisations
          • Recognising pivotal signs and symptoms that demand immediate attention
          • Exploring the 3-Step plan to take pressure off your leaders
          • Identifying the 5 essential skills every leader must possess for lasting success

            Proudly supported by World Class Teams

            Structural Failure - Getting Business Structures Right

            Thursday 10th August 2023  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

            No matter the stage or type of your business, failing to ensure you have the best structure can lead to adverse consequences. Even your existing structure that was 'right' at the time may no longer be fit for purpose. Adopting and adapting the right business structure is a critical decision, and also an ongoing process..

            In this free webinar, Geeti Chawla and Zeeshaan Nordien, both Principals in the Matthews Folbigg Lawyers Commercial and Corporate Law Group, will assess the various benefits and risks of different business structures, especially through the lens of asset protection and corporate governance.

            Proudly supported by Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

            How To Take Your Content Creation To The Next Level With ChatGPT

            Thursday 25th May 2023  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

            The Connection, together with our presenter Simone Rennocks, are delighted to offer this event as a condensed, free webinar on May 25th at 11.00am. AND if that's not enough, we will also share the recording with all attendees that register.

            For those who are unaware, ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model that generates human-like text. It has the ability to create high-quality content quickly and efficiently, as well as increase the frequency of content production, helping your business stay top-of-mind with audiences.

            ChatGPT is a real game changer for businesses and is taking the marketing world by storm. If you're not already using it or are unsure of how to get started, this interactive webinar is for you.

            Delivered by My Skills Australia CEO, Simone Rennocks using ChatGPT live, you will learn:

            • How to log in and set up your ChatGPT account
            • The many ways you can use ChatGPT for your business, such as writing social media content and blog posts
            • Common pitfalls and challenges to watch out for when using AI for content creation
            • Plagiarism concerns and how to avoid them
            • What Google thinks about AI-generated content
            • How we use AI on a daily basis
            • Other AI tools that can help you in your business

            Proudly supported by My Skills Australia

            Millennials Are Now Managers! How To Get The Best Out Of Them As They Reshape The Workforce

            Thursday 20th April 2023  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

            With the oldest millennials now in their early forties, this generation is increasingly occupying middle management positions. And it turns out they approach management very differently to previous generations, in four areas in particular. Not only that, but research shows they are significantly more likely to report that they feel burnt out, and they choose to leave more quickly than other managers.

            While there has been plenty of discussion on how to manage millennials, what about the impact millennials are now having as managers themselves? How are these value-driven digital natives changing the rules for people management, communication, feedback and team building in the workplace. How do you get the best out of them, as leaders - and what are the possible pitfalls you need to avoid along the way?

            During this free webinar presented by leadership guru Diana Tapp, CEO of World Class Teams, you will discover:

            • The 4 things millennial managers do differently
            • Why they are experiencing higher rates of burnout and what can be done to avoid it
            • The importance of values-first leadership
            • The biggest generational pitfalls to avoid
            • How to develop these young managers, so they grow into great C-suite executives

              Proudly supported by World Class Teams

              Employment Law Changes - What Every Business And HR Team Needs To Know

              Thursday 2nd March 2023  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

              The Federal Government’s recent industrial relations reforms are significant and have wide-ranging consequences for businesses from a compliance, enforcement and liability (including personal liability) perspective.

              Whilst the current reforms target matters such as pay secrecy, flexible working arrangements, sexual harassment at work and the prolonged use of fixed-term contracts, future reforms are expected to also cover the criminalisation of employee underpayments, regulation of the gig economy, the reduction of the use of casual employees, and requiring labour hire employees to be paid at the same rate as direct employees.

              In this free webinar, Daniel Iminjan from the employment law team at Matthews Folbigg Lawyers will explain the current reforms and provide practical guidance to assist employers to meet their legal obligations and to endeavour to reduce their risk of exposure to claims.

              Proudly supported by Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

              How To Build A Strong Bench Of Leaders

              Thursday 17th November 2022  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

              The war on talent has left businesses short on leaders. 89% of organisations report they don't have a strong enough bench to fill leadership roles. This leadership gap is a significant risk given the challenges of recruiting talent in the most competitive job market in four decades.

              And it's not just senior leadership positions CEOs and HR executives are worried about. Middle managers have become more important than ever in this new era of hybrid work, with increased expectations and pressure on managers to keep their teams intact and motivated.

              Responsible for delivering strategy and reporting to senior management while checking in with each team member, middle managers have become the "glue that holds everything together". They are critical to fostering the business’s culture, cohesion, connection and sense of belonging, particularly in workplaces where people don’t come in every day.

              How will you overcome the leadership gap and build a strong bench of leaders in your organisation? How will you ensure you have the leaders you need today and in the future?

              Join us for a free, not-to-be-missed webinar where Australia's #1 High-Performance Team Consultant, Diana Tapp, will reveal how to build a strong bench of leaders in your organisation.

              In this live webinar, you’ll discover:

              • The 5 essential skills every leader and manager must master
              • Why managers are the missing piece in the ‘war for talent’ puzzle
              • The 3 major capability gaps where most leaders struggle
              • How to upskill your managers and keep your best people
              • The 2 big mistakes CEO’s make in their succession planning

              Proudly supported by World Class Teams

              How To Create A One Page Plan To Drive Customer Decision Making 

              Wednesday 7th September 2022  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

              Finding a strategy that immediately gets the attention of potential leads is often a big challenge for small businesses and despite investing a lot of time and money into their marketing efforts, business owners often see little to no results.

              Direct response marketing is a strategy that encourages an immediate response from customers in order to quickly generate new leads. The response can be any action such as purchasing your product, reading your marketing content, subscribing to your newsletter, sharing your post on social media or signing up for your loyalty rewards program.

              Direct response marketing educates instead of selling….It costs very little to produce….It’s targeted….The results are trackable and measurable….And it can be created in one single page, making it the easiest and fastest way to create a marketing strategy to propel your business growth.

              This free webinar has been specifically designed for small business owners and managers who want to get results and return on their marketing investment. Join us to find out:

              • What direct response marketing is
              • How it can benefit your business
              • Why every small business should have a direct response marketing plan
              • How to map out your own sophisticated plan in a single page

              Proudly supported by My Skills Australia

              Practical Steps To Help Your Business Weather The Insolvency Storm

              Wednesday 31st August 2022  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

              With warning signs business insolvencies are set to increase, Jeff Brown and Stephen Mullette from Matthews Folbigg Lawyers will provide:

              - A brief review of the most recent statistics and trends in insolvency
              - A short reminder on different forms of insolvency 
              - ‘What to expect when you’re not expecting’ – what is going on that is affecting your customers that you might not see
              - ‘Better get a bigger boat’ – practical tips and steps to make sure you can weather the storm

                Proudly supported by Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

                How To Receive Up To $150K A Year To Promote Your Product Or Service Internationally

                Tuesday 21st June 2022  |  11.00am to 11.30am

                Following on from last year’s business essential webinar, How To Access Business Grants & Which Ones You Should Look At Right Now, KPMG’s Laurens Visscher is back, this time to brief us on a specific Export Grant which will open for application soon.

                In this 30-minute free webinar, Laurens will look at the Export Marketing Development (EMDG) Grant and how your business could receive up to $150K a year to promote your product or service overseas.

                This briefing is a must-see for new and existing exporters (with <$20M turnover for FY21) who:

                • are looking to promote an Australian designed/developed product or service abroad (can be manufactured/produced overseas)
                • want to find out how to receive up to 50% funding for costs, including employing overseas representatives, IP or Trademark registration and purchasing promotional material

                Proudly supported by KPMG

                How To Identify Improvement Opportunities In Your Business

                Thursday 9th June 2022  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

                It is vital for businesses to continually improve. If they don’t, they will fall behind others that do.

                But what to improve, how to improve, has the improvement made a difference? These questions may be simple, but they are not easily answered.

                In this free webinar, you will:

                • Learn techniques to identify improvement opportunities
                • Find out how to select the right projects to focus on
                • Learn how to measure improvement
                • Examine a successful case study from a Western Sydney based business

                Proudly supported by Efficiency Works

                How To Win The War On Talent

                Thursday 5th May 2022  |  11.00am to 12.00pm

                Hiring has never been harder for employers. As pandemic restrictions ease and businesses start bouncing back, the competition to recruit new workers and retain existing ones is fierce.

                With record-low unemployment levels and increasing inflation, companies of all sizes are trying to attract workers with increased pay. But what do you do when you don't have endless supplies of money to raise wages or when workers have already hit the top of their pay range? How do you ensure your company can attract and retain the best people?

                Join us for a free, not-to-be-missed webinar where Australia's #1 High-Performance Team Consultant, Diana Tapp, will reveal how you can win the war on talent. Discover the free and low-cost ways leaders can use to reward star performers, attract top staff and become a company no one wants to leave.

                In this webinar, you'll discover:

                • The actual reason people leave their company
                • Why raising wages alone isn’t enough to attract and keep workers
                • The top 5 skills ALL managers need to have
                • Why supporting employee career ambitions is the key to success
                • How reimagining your reward structure will lead to results

                  Proudly supported by World Class Teams

                  Contract Essentials - Getting It Right & What Happens When It Goes Wrong

                  Thursday 3rd March 2022, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                  Putting commercial agreements in place is something companies (large and small) do almost every day.

                  In this free webinar, Gigi Au and Douglas Brown from Matthews Folbigg Lawyers will share 5 ways to get the best out of your commercial contracts and the 3 steps to take if something goes wrong.

                  This webinar is essential viewing for all managers.

                  Proudly supported by Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

                  Connecting To Construction Opportunities

                  Thursday 24th February 2022, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                  The Connection is delighted to be joined by five companies in the construction industry who will provide:

                  • An overview of their upcoming projects
                  • A top-line summary of the products and services they are looking to procure 
                  • Information on how to tender with them

                  Attending Connection Members (excluding Small Business Members) will get the added benefit of submitting an Expression of Interest to our five presenting companies.

                  An Economic Outlook For Western Sydney

                  Tuesday 23 November, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                  The Connection is delighted to be joined by the CommBank’s Chief Equities Economist, Craig James, who will share insight on:

                  • Factors affecting Western Sydney’s economy
                  • What the economic recovery landscape looks like, including impacts to employment, wages and spending.

                  Proudly supported by the Commonwealth Bank

                  3 Ways To Empower Employees To Take More Initiative

                  Tuesday 16th November 2021, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                  As a leader, are you tired of having employees who wait to be told what to do? And even when you do give them a task, just do the bare minimum? Do you feel frustrated when they find a problem and pass it on to you rather than using their initiative and coming up with a solution?

                  Taking initiative means seeing something that needs to be done and deciding to do it without being asked. It means anticipating and preventing problems and going beyond their everyday responsibilities, even if they have no formal position of authority.

                  When this proactive culture is missing, your company risks losing ground to competitors. While YOUR employees say, "it's not my job", THEIR employees are going above and beyond to find ways to improve processes, increase customer satisfaction, cut costs and introduce innovative new products and services.

                  The good news is that empowering people to take more initiative is an easily learnable skill.

                  Join us for a free, not-to-be-missed webinar where Australia's #1 High-Performance Team Consultant, Diana Tapp, will reveal three powerful ways leaders can create a proactive culture, empower staff to take initiative and help drive your business forward.

                  During this webinar you will also discover:

                  • The right questions to ask to encourage initiative
                  • What is "flearning" and why is it so important
                  • How to respond with curiosity, not judgement
                  • 5 ways to create opportunities for your team to show initiative
                  • How to create an environment that rewards questions, not just compliance
                  • Tips to promote forward-thinking and diverse ideas

                    Proudly supported by World Class Teams  

                    Connecting To Construction Opportunities

                    Thursday 14th October, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                    Over the next 10 years the Australian and New South Wales Governments will be investing billions of dollars into Western Sydney infrastructure projects. With transport, education, cultural and health projects already in the pipeline, now is the time to connect your business to potential opportunities.

                    The Connection is delighted to be joined by five companies in the construction industry who will provide:

                    - An overview of their upcoming projects
                    - A top-line summary of the products and services they are looking to procure 

                    - Information on how to tender with them

                    Strategies To Improve Your Business Efficiency

                    Wednesday 13th October, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                    Lockdown has interrupted, and in some cases, exacerbated existing inefficiencies in the operational procedures of many businesses.

                    It is critical to have optimal processes in place to ensure your business is efficient, agile and more profitable.

                    During this webinar, you will learn how to:

                    - Increase your efficiency / productivity / capacity
                    - Simplify your operations planning process
                    - Increase your bottom line
                    - Create time in your business
                    - Increase customer satisfaction
                    - Improve worker engagement

                        Proudly supported by Efficiency Works

                        Building Innovation Into Your Strategic Planning

                        Thursday 23rd September, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                        Innovation is critical to the continuing success of any organisation. It improves sales and customer relationships, allows businesses to pivot when required, and to stay relevant in a rapidly changing market.

                        How can you implement and take advantage of innovation in your business right now and create a blue print for future innovation?

                        In this webinar, Gerard Hermens, Director of the Institute of Strategic Management (ISM), will show you how to build innovation into your strategic planning to reduce costs and generate more income for your business.

                        You will also learn:

                        • How to create an innovative business culture to stay ahead of the curve

                        • A step-by-step plan to create successful outcomes

                        • How to benchmark your innovation against your competitors

                        Proudly supported by the Institute of Strategic Management

                        COVID-19 In The Workplace

                        Thursday 9th September, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                        From potential mandatory vaccinations to keeping employees safe, businesses are facing never-before-seen COVID-19 workplace challenges. With this area of employment law evolving daily, if not hourly, it is difficult to keep up-to-date with your legal responsibilities as an employer. At the same time, Federal and State governments are preparing the blueprint for an easing back of restrictions, including those currently affecting creditors seeking to recover their debts. There is also the pressing matter of the growing mountain of ATO debt that will need to be clawed in at some point.

                        WSBC is delighted to be joined by two experts from Matthews Folbigg Lawyers, who will discuss some of the challenges and issues every business owner should be aware of as they navigate their way forward. Our experts will also give registrants the opportunity to receive a free letter of demand prepared by Matthews Folbigg Lawyers.

                        During this business essential webinar, you will be provided with knowledge that is critical to your current decision-making.

                        Proudly supported by Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

                        How To Access Business Grants & Which Ones You Should Look At Right Now

                        Thursday 26th August 2021, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                        Understanding and unlocking government funding programs can accelerate business growth.

                        WSBC is delighted to be joined by Laurens Visscher and Joel Lovell, two experts from KPMG, who will talk about the current grants landscape and the times when a business should check on potential funding opportunities.

                        They will also discuss specific grant programs in the areas of R&D, export and Job Creation/Business Growth. Be one of the first to become aware of some programs that are about to open, what the key criteria will be, and whether your business will be eligible to apply.

                        During this free webinar, Laurens and Joel will run you through the following four programs:

                        • Innovation Scaleup Fund: the brand-new NSW COVID-19 support grant assisting businesses to commercialise their R&D ($25K - $1M).
                        • EMDG Export: rebate for export promotion expenses incurred last year and their new grant program for the coming years which opened last week (up to $450K, accessible for SME’s up to $20-50M).
                        • Jobs Plus Program & The Western Sydney Investment Attraction Fund (WSIAF): two job creation grants in NSW if you create 10-30 jobs in the coming 2-3 years. The Western Sydney Investment Attraction Fund will be exclusively accessible for businesses in the following councils: Blue Mountains, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Hawkesbury, Liverpool, Penrith and Wollondilly.

                        5 Powerful Ways To Improve Your EQ To Become A Great Leader

                        Thursday 5th August 2021, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                        When you think of a world class manager or leader, what characteristics come to mind?

                        You might picture someone who never lets emotions get the better of them, no matter how stressful the situation. Or you might imagine a person who has the complete trust of their team, encourages idea sharing, is easy to talk to, and builds strong connections. These are all the hallmarks of someone with high emotional intelligence (EQ).

                        Being smart is not enough. What distinguishes the great managers and leaders from the average ones is not their IQ but their EQ.

                        Being able to read people's signals and react appropriately is vital. When managers have low emotional intelligence, problems such as distrust, conflict, and silos arise. Issues are avoided and not dealt with, which results in increased staff turnover, higher absenteeism, lower engagement, and poor productivity.

                        The good news is that EQ is a learnable skill. Join us for a not-to-be-missed webinar where Australia's #1 High-Performance Team Consultant, Diana Tapp, will reveal five powerful ways to improve your EQ to help you become an exponentially better leader.

                        In this webinar you will discover:

                        • Five powerful strategies for improving your leadership EQ
                        • How to manage your emotions in stressful '5% moments'
                        • How to respond in high stakes situations to get the outcome you need AND keep people on board
                        • Practical tools & techniques you can start implementing straight away

                        Proudly supported by World Class Teams  

                        The NSW JobSaver Package Explained 

                        Tuesday 3rd August 2021, 11.30am to 12.30pm

                        NSW JobSaver applications are now open and the scheme has been expanded to include larger businesses and an increase in the maximum amount that eligible businesses may receive.

                        On Tuesday 3rd August, our tax experts will help you understand the eligibility requirements for JobSaver and give you a chance to ask all those burning questions. They will update you on:

                        - JobSaver eligibility
                        - Minimum & maximum payments
                        - Step by step instructions on the JobSaver application process
                        - Alternative circumstances
                        - The Micro-business grant for smaller businesses

                          Join us for this practical webinar in which WSBC member, William Buck Accountants and Advisors will continue to bring you the detail on what the measures mean for you and your business.

                          Proudly supported by William Buck  

                          Variants, Vaccines and Lockdown – An Expert Opinion

                          Friday 30th July 2021, 12.00pm to 1.00pm

                          As Sydney endures another lockdown, a new COVID-19 variant and a fluctuation in daily cases, there continues to be a barrage of information from multiple sources around the pandemic.

                          WSBC is delighted to be joined by two internationally renowned experts from The Westmead Institute for Medical Research (WIMR) who will help us better understand the virus, vaccines and the medium to long term outlook for you, your family and and your business.

                          During this free webinar, we will ask our experts a range of questions including:

                          • What are the specific characteristics of the Delta variant we are seeing in Sydney’s outbreak and how are the vaccines holding up against these strains?
                          • How can herd immunity be achieved?
                          • Can you mandate COVID-testing for your employees?
                          • What is long COVID? And what are the potential impacts for business?
                          • What does living with COVID-19 look like?
                          • What else can we be doing to manage COVID-19 better in both our personal lives and in the workplace?

                          You will also have the opportunity to ask live questions during this webinar.

                          Proudly supported by The Westmead Institute For Medical Research   

                          The COVID-19 Business Support Package Explained 

                          Friday 23rd July 2021, 11.00am to 12.00pm

                          The NSW and Federal Government’s joint COVID-19 business support package dominated the news cycle last week. And while there’s been much written about the announcement and Greater Sydney’s lockdown, it’s been largely light on detail.

                          Join us for this practical webinar in which WSBC member, William Buck Accountants and Advisors goes beyond the headlines to bring you the detail on what the measures mean for you and your business.

                          Tax expert and business advisor, Tim Lyford will outline the eligibility requirements and how to apply for:

                          • The Small Business COVID-19 Support Grant
                          • The Micro Business Grant
                          • JobSaver
                          • COVID-19 Disaster Payments
                          • Payroll Tax Deferral and Relief
                          • Landlord & Tenant Support Measures 

                            Proudly supported by William Buck  

                            Supplying To Campbelltown City Council

                            Wednesday 14th July 2021, 11.00am to 11.45am AEST

                            Campbelltown City Council is in the middle of one of Sydney’s fastest growing regions. With Council actively working with a diverse range of suppliers, there are opportunities for businesses of all sizes to supply products and services to support this growth.

                            In this free webinar, Procurement and Contracts Lead, Rochelle Whipps will help you to better understand the procurement process at Campbelltown City Council and give some tips on what is expected when submitting a quote or tender.

                            Rochelle will also share information on:

                            • The different ways Council obtains products and services, so you can determine the best approach for your business
                            • How Council engages contractors
                            • How to register to receive future public opportunities with Council
                            • Current, upcoming and future projects.

                            We will also share information on local organisations who have been successful in a tender process to supply goods and services to Campbelltown City Council.

                              Proudly supported by Campbelltown City Council

                              Bullying And Harassment In The Workplace

                              Thursday 27th May 2021, 11.00am to 11.45am AEST

                              Bullying and harassment in the workplace can take many forms. It can be overt and obvious, or it can be subtle and less visible. No form of workplace bullying and harassment is acceptable.

                              Employers and managers have a responsibility to provide employees with a safe workplace free from bullying and harassment. Failure to do so is liable to cause disruption to an employer’s business, reduce employee morale, and expose the employer to significant legal risk.

                              In this free webinar, Matthews Folbigg Lawyers’ Senior Associate Peter Doughman will explain:

                              • the damage and legal risks caused by bullying and harassment in the workplace;
                              • the benefit of workplace policies and what these policies MUST include;
                              • how to investigate bullying and harassment claims if and when they are made; and
                              • how to take disciplinary action against workplace bullies and the risks arising from such action.

                              Proudly supported by Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

                              Light At The End Of The Tunnel - The Key Economic Trends For 2021

                              Thursday 18th March 2021, 11.00am to 12.00pm AEDT

                              After a year of severe global economic contraction, is there finally light at the end of the tunnel? 

                              Macquarie Wealth's Division Director Martin Lakos is back to share his insights on the global and national economic trends expected to impact business in 2021. 

                              Known for his ability to clearly explain complex economic issues and market trends, Martin will provide a big picture global view and then drill down to Australia with an emphasis on the recovery, business and consumer activity and housing. Martin will also discuss opportunities from emerging themes.

                              With a financial career spanning more than 40 years, Martin’s understanding of a broad spectrum of issues from big picture macroeconomics and current trends, to interest rates, investor strategy and what’s happening in key global markets, places him in very high demand.

                              WSBC, in collaboration with Macquarie Bank, are delighted to present this exciting opportunity to hear from one of Australia’s leading economic commentators.

                              Proudly supported by Macquarie Bank

                              Proven Strategies To Generate New Business From Google Search

                              Wednesday 24th February 2021, 9.00am to 11.00am AEDT

                              In today’s digital world you are who Google says you are; and being visible on the most popular search engine on the planet is an essential part of doing business in 2021. Google search offers incredible opportunities for all sizes and types of organisations, giving them the ability to reach untapped markets and generate new business locally, nationally and globally. 

                              Done right, Search Engine Optimisation or SEO will significantly increase your visibility on Google search and therefore deliver opportunities to your door every day of the week.  However, many businesses find that despite investing in SEO their bottom line is not seeing the returns. 

                              This webinar is for business owners and leaders who want to get reliable results and return on investment from SEO. Delegates will learn the fundamentals of Google search at a big picture level, what’s possible and what’s not, what SEO activity will deliver reliable, sustained growth and how to create a strategic and effective plan to tackle your Google visibility. 

                              Proudly supported by Brilliant Digital

                              State Government Opportunities for Local Businesses

                              Thursday 18th February 2021, 10.00am to 11.00am AEDT

                              In 2020, over 250 businesses heard from three Western Sydney councils on local tendering opportunities.

                              We now turn our attention to one of the state’s largest procurers – the NSW Government.

                              Spending over $30 billion each year on goods, services and infrastructure, the NSW Government is actively encouraging a diverse range of suppliers to apply for Government work.

                              What opportunities are available now and in the near future and how can local SMEs take advantage of them?

                              In collaboration with the Western Sydney Procurement Steering Committee, WSBC is delighted to be joined by NSW Procurement, who will provide:

                              • Ways to supply to NSW Government
                              • Information on how to register as a NSW Government supplier
                              • An overview of current and upcoming opportunities
                              • Tips on applying for Government tenders
                              • Advice on how to keep up to date with future opportunities

                              Proudly supported by the Western Sydney Procurement Steering Committee

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