Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Mid-Morning Member Meet Ups

Want to strategically broaden your network? 

The Connection is providing members the opportunity to virtually connect with one another via our Mid-Morning Member Meet Ups. 

How does it work?

During these fast paced online events, you will be moved between virtual meeting rooms every 15 minutes, giving you the opportunity to meet one-on-one with other Connection members. 

Who will I be meeting with?

We will match and schedule you to meet with up to five other Connection member businesses who have also registered to attend.

Where will the meetings be held?

Online via zoom. Once registrations close, we will provide you the log in details and your meeting schedule.  

What is the cost? 

Members receive 2 complimentary seats to this event. If you would like to expand your reach, we suggest splitting up to meet more members. 

When is the next Mid Morning Member Meet Up?

Join our mailing list and keep an eye on your inbox for further details.

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