Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 31-Aug-2015 12:50 | Anonymous



    Are you a small business? Do you want more local customers? 


    News Xtend is here to help you discover how you can reach more customers online. 


    We offer a broad range of digital advertising products including Display, Re-targeting, Video, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation, Facebook and other social platforms. 


    Whoever you need to reach we've got you covered across multiple platforms and devices. 


    Our job is to eliminate the guesswork and build customised local solutions that will deliver leads to your business.


    We know each business is truly unique, so we tailor your News Xtend package to suit your individual business requirements and specific digital marketing objectives. We design our solutions to match your needs and work with you to make sure you’re on the right track and hitting the right goals.


    It’s a brilliant way to connect with more of your local customers than ever before.


    Contact us for a free consolation today  

  • 31-Aug-2015 12:11 | Anonymous

    You're invited to the Careflight Charity Golf Day.

    Event Details

    Date: Friday October 23rd

    Venue: Lynwood Country Club

    253 Pitt Town Rd, Pitt Town

    Format: 18 holes golf (4 ball ambrose)

    Catering: Lunch on arrival & dinner

    Activities: auctions, raffles & novelty games

    RSVP: Friday 2nd October to:

    (02) 9843 5132

    Click here for further information 


  • 31-Aug-2015 08:54 | Anonymous

    Join us at TABLE:30 and indulge in our sensational seafood buffet special! 

    Seafood lovers can enjoy a succulent spread, with a delicious variety of fresh Sydney rock oysters, Australian tiger prawns, poached whole ocean trout, mouth-watering mussels, local Balmain bugs and blue swimmer crabs. Complement your fresh catch with an enticing array of hot dishes, salads, a live cooking station and a selection of delectable desserts.

    Normally $65.00 per person but for all WSBC members we would like to extend a special offer of $59.00 per person.

    Bookings are essential and mention WSBC. For bookings please contact us on:

    P: 02 9685 0377 


  • 29-Aug-2015 10:15 | Anonymous


    Westmead Medical Research Foundation raises funds for health care and research at Westmead. We believe everyone who is sick deserves access to the best possible treatment and care. To help make this possible we recognise the health problems Australians are facing and search for the best way to help. Generous donations are directed to state of the art medical equipment, life saving research and enhanced services at Westmead Hospital and Westmead Millennium Institute for Medical Research.

    Supporting these organisations that have such huge reach and impact across Australia means our fundraising efforts can reach so many who are sick. One million patients, their families and countless others impacted by the breakthroughs of medical research all over the world.

    One donor can make local, regional, national and global impact.


    ‘My Westmead’ is our Community campaign that aims to capture the pride in the community for the medical excellence of Westmead as well as bringing people together to share the good stories and ultimately, support the great work.


    Why Westmead needs your support?

    Westmead is a rare gem, the heart of specialist health care for the 1.9 million of us who call Western Sydney home.  Westmead Hospital is entrusted to care for everyone in our local area, and also those further away who are in the most need; newborn intensive care, trauma and emergency services, brain injury, cancer treatment and care, neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery and so much more. 


    • Donate or get involved today:  
    • Become a regular donor through our My Westmead Gem Program
    • Find out more about Workplace Giving
    • Hold your own fundraising event
    • Partner with us through your business or community group
    • Collect donations in lieu presents at a celebration

    To find out more details on how you can get involved contact:


    Susie Saba - Partnerships & Community Officer

    P: 9845 8162  M: 0407 780 787  E:

  • 29-Aug-2015 10:02 | Anonymous

    This September, Novotel Sydney Parramatta invites you to try 350 Restaurant and Lounge, their newly revamped food and beverage outlet. This area will be decked out with a new identity from branding to furniture and appearance. With a great atmosphere and friendly staff, 350 Restaurant and Lounge makes the ideal destination for anyone wanting a fantastic dining experience in the heart of ‘Eat Street’ Parramatta.

    Executive Chef Kiki and team have created a wonderful new menu to match this new identity that is sure to delight the most discerning palate. Guests have the choice of either casual dining in the lounge area with a cocktail or two, or private dining in the restaurant with many wonderful options to choose.

    When dining at 350 Restaurant and Lounge, you will be greeted by a friendly new face, Lucas Lees, Food and Beverage Team Leader who joins with a wealth of knowledge in restaurants and bars. Lucas joins Kristiana Terkes & Adam Jones’ team after working in various restaurants and bars in Sydney and around the world including Chef hatted restaurant, The Cook’s Garden, popular Tetsuya, Jordan’s Seafood and well renowned Pattison’s Patisserie.

    Lucas’ bubbly and outgoing personality makes him a perfect fit for the new direction of 350 Restaurant and Lounge. From working in Germany and Canada, Lucas developed a passion for travel and starting in hotels was a natural progression for furthering his hospitality career. Originally from Western Sydney, Lucas sees the future in Parramatta and the direction of hospitality in the region.  

    Further attracted by the global Accor brand and their people-ology philosophy ‘people want the real deal’ represents his genuine and outgoing customer service and how Lucas leads by example for his team. Combining his personal philosophy of wanting to ‘leave a mark’ fits in with the vision seen for 350 Restaurant and Lounge and where Novotel sees it positioned amongst ‘Eat Street’ Parramatta.

    Pop along to 350 Restaurant and Lounge to meet Lucas and try out the new menu or just have a general conversation with him about his other passions, sports and photography. 

    Visit to keep up to date with all their offers and upcoming events. Accor Plus members dining discounts welcome, call 02 9630 4999 now to secure your booking. 

  • 29-Aug-2015 09:58 | Anonymous

    DCC, KPMG and Telstra will be presenting at 3 seminars across Western Sydney over the coming months.

    The three half day seminars will be held in Blacktown, Parramatta and Penrith and are aimed at assisting SMEs with practical insights on how to protect and grow their business.

    As every business has intellectual property (IP), Damon Henshaw and Will Hird from DCC will talk about exactly what you can and can’t protect, how and when to protect it, and how it can be used strategically as a business asset and gain a competitive advantage in the market. 

    Dr Jim Taggart will facilitate the seminars, and DCC will be joined by KPMG on how to recoup R&D expenditure through tax incentives and government funding that is available, as well as Telstra presenting on how to leverage working on the cloud.

    Tickets are $77 including morning tea and lunch – register at: Protect Grow Prosper

  • 26-Aug-2015 11:44 | Anonymous

    Royal Randwick and Rosehill Gardens have been announced as finalists in the Sydney Metropolitan Catering Awards as “Caterers at a Major Event”. 

    The judging will take place within a few weeks and the Australian Turf Club is very excited to be considered within this category. 

    Watch this space for the announcement!


  • 20-Aug-2015 15:55 | Anonymous

    Parramatta City Council has adopted a Smart City Masterplan which will guide the integration of leading-edge technology and future town planning designs in new developments across the City, including the $2 billion Parramatta Square project.

    As part of a commitment to build a world-class Smart City, Council has appointed a dedicated Strategic Project Officer to implement the blueprint and oversee the roll-out of future Smart City initiatives.

    “With so much urban renewal taking place across the city, Parramatta City Council is determined to be a leader when it comes to finding innovative solutions,” Lord Mayor of Parramatta Cr Scott Lloyd said.

    “The Masterplan will position Parramatta to achieve its ambition to become Australia’s next great city, and a world-class Smart City.”

    Chairman of the Parraconnect Committee and Deputy Lord Mayor of Parramatta Cr Steven Issa said council was actively promoting private and public collaboration in the development of Parramatta’s Smart City program.

    “Parramatta throughout the ages has been known as a place of major trade and innovation. Our new Smart City program will enable research institutions, businesses, residents and the City Council to collaborate on tech solutions to improve the quality of life and accelerate economic growth in our region,” Cr Issa said.

    Previously a strategic partnerships consultant for the National Retailers’ Association and Director of Executive Women Australia, Tara Cheesman is Australia’s first local government appointed Strategic Smart City Officer.

    “Parramatta’s Smart City initiatives will enable us to become a well-connected, prosperous and resilient city,” Ms Cheesman said.

    “Cities, locally, nationally and abroad, are competing for top talent and trade and they must provide compelling offerings to their investors, employers, employees, patrons and residents.

    “Our new Smart City program will provide us with the perfect engagement tools and platforms to source the best ideas and technologies to make it easier for people to connect, share, collaborate, and innovate. Our Smart City program will allow us to evaluate applicable technologies to improve the city’s liveability, sustainability, and develop local attractions.”

    Parramatta’s new Smart City Masterplan states: “Parramatta will be a Smart City that leverages the foundations of good urban planning, transparent governance, open data and enabling technologies that will underpin our position as a vibrant, people-centric, connected and economically prosperous city.”

    Cr Lloyd said the Masterplan and appointment of a full-time Strategic Project Officer are tangible examples of what Council is doing to position Parramatta as a true city of the 21st Century.

    “We already have convenient public transport and the city’s workforce has easy access to great amenities, shopping, cafes, parks and restaurants – these are all characteristics of a Smart City.

    “Parramatta’s Smart City Masterplan and Tara’s role will ensure that Parramatta is competing on a global stage.  By joining the global Smart City ISO standards, Parramatta will soon be able to compare its ‘smart’ efforts against Amsterdam, London, Barcelona, Melbourne and Brisbane.

    “Potential Smart City initiatives include open data, a state-of-the-art library of the future, a new Discovery Centre, street sign way finders and free public WiFi.”

    The Smart City Masterplan has been developed by leading innovation and Building Technology Strategist Bruce Duyshart of Meld Strategies, who previously played a key role as Technology Development Manager for the Barrangaroo South Project.

    The Masterplan has provided a work-ready matrix to ensure each project can be assessed against its alignment with the Council’s current strategic planning priorities to 2038.

    UWS’s timely move to a vertical campus on Parramatta Square with 10,000 ‘tech-savvy’ students will also enable Council to progress healthy discussions on the future needs of the city.

    PCC Smart City Masterplan

  • 20-Aug-2015 09:50 | Anonymous

    "WSBC has been working with Deloitte on Shaping Future Cities: Designing Western Sydney for some months now, and the following, focusing on Health & Education Precincts, is an example of the first findings following a Summit held in Parramatta on 20 August."

    Healthcare and education precincts identified as critical growth catalyst.


    Over 40 business and government leaders, including the NSW Planning Minister the Hon. Robert Stokes, met today at Deloitte’s Eclipse Tower offices in Parramatta to discuss a draft blueprint to create 200,000 great new jobs in Western Sydney by 2020.

    The event is the latest step in a ten month journey, which has brought together for the first time over 300 business, community and government leaders to develop an economic blueprint to maximise the potential of the Western Sydney region.

    Through its Shaping Future Cities: Designing Western Sydney initiative, Deloitte has sought to unite multiple business and government perspectives on how to transform and restructure the region and create more local jobs. 

    Deloitte Western Sydney Managing Partner, Danny Rezek, said: “Western Sydney has huge growth potential, but this brings associated challenges, particularly around retaining jobs in the region.  Over the past year, we have reviewed the existing plans and research developed to improve Western Sydney, added analysis from Deloitte Access Economics and canvassed the opinions of leaders across the region to develop a shared economic vision for Western Sydney to reach its full potential.

    “Today’s summit gives us the opportunity to road-test our hypotheses on how best to create 200,000 great new jobs by 2020.  It’s an ambitious target and the blueprint is intended to set the foundations to create greater clarity, certainty and promotion of our region’s strengths.”

    The final blueprint for Shaping Future Cities: Designing Western Sydney is expected to include a series of specific recommendations for business and government to adopt.  These recommendations will be based around a strategic framework for jobs creation, and consider platforms for growth, how to create jobs and how to connect the people of Western Sydney to those jobs.  The final blueprint will be launched in November 2015.

    Building off our strengths

    One of the recommendations in the draft blueprint is for business and government to concentrate investment on those industries which give Western Sydney the best opportunity for jobs growth in the next five years and beyond – those industries where the region’s comparative advantages meet global opportunity and demand and which will act as economic drivers to galvanise jobs growth across the region as a whole at above average rates.

    Key economic drivers for Western Sydney identified by Deloitte include:

    ·         Health and education

    ·         Advanced manufacturing

    ·         Food manufacturing (including agribusiness supply chains)

    ·         Professional services

    ·         International education

    ·         Tourism, hospitality and leisure

    ·         Cultural and creative industries

    The blueprint will explore each of these in terms of barriers to growth, where to invest, future skills required, how business can participate and connecting relevant industry and government policy. Beyond the above industries, the blueprint will look at the role of important enabling industries such as construction, logistics, retail, and other services. These will drive jobs growth indirectly through their linkages to these key sectors.

    HEPs key to future jobs growth

    · The health and community sector is the number one employer in the Western Sydney region.  In addition, Western Sydney has five health and education precincts (HEPs), and together these precincts have seen a 20% increase in jobs growth between 2006 and 2011

    · Western Sydney’s five HEPs currently provide 47,000 jobs in the region and this is forecast to increase by a further 20,000 in the next decade

    · Combined, health and education represent 21% of all jobs in Western Sydney

    · The HEPs are all undergoing enormous infrastructure expansions (totalling c. $5b), particularly around research (e.g. Ingham and Millennium Institute)

    · The region has a high prevalence of lifestyle preventable diseases compared to rest of Australia, for example Western Sydney has a 13.2% prevalence of diabetes compared to 4.1% in Australia

    · Deloitte is facilitating discussions between Western Sydney’s five health and education precincts (HEPs) to develop a joint HEP growth program, which is expected to consider how to maximise their collective impact and pioneer new models for collaboration in health R&D.

    “Healthcare provides an ecosystem of jobs and opportunities for all types of worker, from construction workers, to hospital orderlies, to receptionists, to doctors and teachers,” said Deloitte partner and blueprint author, Theo Psychogios.  “Our health and education precincts, such as Westmead, Blacktown and Liverpool are also located in areas of high population growth, providing employers with a ready local base of workers and helping to retain jobs in Western Sydney.

    “There’s a collective recognition that if we can identify more productive ways of working together, health and education precincts are one of our best magnets to create and build jobs for the future.”

    The Shaping Future Cities initiative is being led by a steering committee to ensure a bi-partisan approach and recognition that Western Sydney’s growth is a key part of Sydney’s and NSW’s overall success.  The steering committee members are: Stuart Ayres MP (NSW Minister for Trade, Tourism and Major Events, Minister for Sport), Chris Brown (Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue), David Borger (Sydney Business Chamber), Greg Dyer (Parramatta City Council), Professor Barney Glover (University of Western Sydney), Dr Tim Williams (Committee for Sydney) and Danny Rezek, Theo Psychogios and Ben Artup from Deloitte.

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