Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 02-Mar-2015 08:26 | Anonymous

    Lynwood Country Club is very proud to be the official amalgamation partner with Castle Hill RSL Group securing the sustainability of the club and its facilities.


    Castle Hill RSL Group has a membership of approximately 47,000 members which has increased by in excess of 27,000 during the past decade. This growth has been achieved as a result of a strategic shift in Board and Management policies and the decision to reinvest back into our venues and significantly expand our community engagement initiatives. During this time we have re-invested approximately $67m in building costs and $34m in plant and equipment. As a result the Group has an extremely solid asset base of $95.5m and is in a very strong financial situation for a hospitality venue and not-for-profit entity.


    Castle Hill RSL Group has established itself during the past decade and is now a state of the art modern hospitality and sporting venue and its facilities and amenities are second to none and brand new. However, the true financial benefits of our recent capital expenditure programs will be realised in the years to come with only limited capital expenditure required at the Castle Hill RSL site, thus enabling the Group to concentrate heavily on its Parramatta and hopefully Lynwood sites. 


    The Board and management of the Castle Hill RSL Group are excited about the opportunity to further develop a premier nationally recognised Links Golf Course in the Hawkesbury region developing a future strategy for Lynwood Country Club transforming it into the social community hub for the Hawkesbury and Northwest sector through the provision of a Links golf course, accommodation, functions, café, restaurant and sporting infrastructure. 


    Castle Hill RSL’s Group General Manager David O’Neil said “The Castle Hill RSL Club Group consists of the parent entity the Castle Hill RSL Club, C2K Fitness and Aquatic Centre and the Parramatta RSL Club. The Group’s mission is to provide facilities, products, services and relationships which add value to our members and communities – we strive to operate a vibrant, exciting, entertainment, hospitality, sporting precincts that are central hub of our communities, relevant to all age and demographics operating in a profitable, efficient and effective manner”.


    The Group is passionate and committed to supporting our local communities and recognise that our entities in Castle Hill, Parramatta and hopefully Pitt Town need to have their own identity.  All venues are vastly different and require an individual approach to servicing the needs of the members and their relevant communities.


    The Group is extremely active within our local communities and nurtures and supports local projects providing in excess of one million dollars per year in direct and indirect donations and community support programs. Many of these initiatives are directed at youth through Sporting, Education and Leadership programs. 


    The Board of Directors and management of Castle Hill RSL Group are supported by Clubs NSW, the staff and members of Lynwood Country Club are building a solid business platform for the future growth and development of the Lynwood Country Club site and the promotion and expansion of golf.  Lynwood has an opportunity to capture the community and provide a unique experience to its local and broader community.  We believe in partnership we can create a successful future for Lynwood Country Club and it’s growing communities.


    Currently short and medium plans are under development to ensure that Lynwood Country Club is a vibrant entertainment and sporting precinct relevant to its communities. These plans include refurbishments of the club house, upgrading of the golf course and driving range. We are also committed to developing first class community engagement programs including a Golf Academy and Junior Golf Academy. Some minor works on the golf course have already commenced including repairs, maintenance and resigning.


    We are excited to be part of the Pitt Town community and we look forward to sharing our Lynwood vision with you.

  • 27-Feb-2015 13:49 | Deleted user

    WSBC would like to see procurement processes leveraged to provide sustainable outcomes for the region and consider further legislation on local procurement for long-term support of business in the region.


    $30bn worth of investment is proposed for Western Sydney in the coming decade with some of this investment already underway and flowing through to the economy.

    This is great news for the people and businesses of the West, however a key issue identified by WSBC through recent research and discussions with industry is that local Western Sydney Businesses are not necessarily getting access to work on infrastructure and other major projects that are already underway.

    One of the key concerns is that local businesses are not receiving sufficient opportunities due to difficulties in joining supply chains and accessing preferred supplier lists with prime contractors the government has engaged. 

    Given the scale of the investment and opportunity that lies ahead it is critical for the Western Sydney economy that we address these issues. 

    WSBC considers this issue has two parts, firstly how can we address this as a short-term consideration, getting local supply chains working better together and ensure local Western Sydney SME’s are getting fair access now to current projects. 

    Secondly, how can industry in Western Sydney be properly prepared for the future to take on as much work as possible from the upcoming investment boom? Keeping this money flowing back into the Western Sydney economy should be a major focus.


    To address the short-term issues WSBC is calling on the government to work with all current prime contractors to review their preferred supplier lists and ensure local capabilities are being considered for Western Sydney work, creating a more diverse and local supply chain. WSBC’s research showed local sub-contractor businesses clearly felt they don’t have adequate access to major projects and they need help to understand what they need to do to be considered.

    To address the long-term issue, WSBC believes that due to the massive scale of investment that will take place in Western Sydney, there is a real need to significantly improve communication and consultation with local industry in Western Sydney to maximise local procurement opportunities.

    Don Wright from University of Western Sydney and a board member of WSBC, stated, 

    The investment that will happen in Western Sydney over the next decade is a once in a generation opportunity for local business, but we have to work with local industry to prepare them ahead of time to capitalize on this opportunity. The government needs to engage with industry now to ensure comprehensive workforce planning is undertaken and that this planning is underpinned by high quality and timely information flows from government related to major projects. Business has to know the scale of what is ahead to adequately prepare”.

    To make this approach work, WSBC is calling on the government to give greater priority, urgency and status within government to work with local industry representatives, (such as WSBC, University of Western Sydney, TAFE WSi and RDA), to formulate a strategic plan to drive new employment and economic outcomes in Greater Western Sydney by harnessing procurement opportunities, particularly through the work of the new “Strategic Procurement Group”.

    We would like to see the Government draw together the skills and local knowledge of organizations to leverage procurement processes to provide sustainable outcomes for the Region. It will consider areas such as; effectively disseminating information about projects, identifying the opportunities of these projects and the skills required, further mapping the skills and training needs, industry engagement, professional education requirements, supply chain collaboration and even issues such as tender development capabilities.

    WSBC calls upon the government to strongly support the work of this group and the development of legislation on local procurement for long-term support of business in the region.

    WSBC is encouraging the group to look specifically at five key objectives;

    • Coordinate and disseminate infrastructure project information from different levels of government   
    • Expand on current work by some Western Sydney Councils to develop strategies for local procurement
    • Undertake further research to look at other international examples of similar infrastructure booms and how regional economies have capitalised effectively
    • Work with government and prime contractors to ensure the capabilities of local industry are effectively communicated and considered
    • Research on skills and labour forecasting to map the future jobs and skills requirements within the region

    Brendon Noney, President of WSBC stated, “Western Sydney is not looking for a handout. We just want to ensure that this massive amount of money that will be spent developing the region will flow through the local economy to create opportunities for local businesses and boost local jobs”.    



  • 27-Feb-2015 13:00 | Deleted user

    An introduction to the research 

    National accounting and advisory firm William Buck, in partnership with Western Sydney Business Connection, St George Bank and the University of Western Sydney will soon release the findings of recent research on Western Sydney businesses in the report “Making Western Sydney Greater”.  

    The report includes insights into:

    • The 3 key priorities for Western Sydney business owners – and how they vary to those of the Government;
    • The 6 action points that must be considered for the region’s successful growth;
    • How to shape Western Sydney as Australia’s 3rd largest economic region by developing a workforce for the future;
    • The support the Government can provide for businesses – and how that differs for Micro, SME and Large Businesses;
    • And much more.

    Amongst all the research, three key themes that emerge are employment, infrastructure and business sentiment. 

    Quick peek …

    Business impediments and opportunities

    The research found SME Businesses are positive in their employment intentions. As a group, they are expecting to increase employee numbers, in particular their full time employees and contractors.  By way of contrast, large Businesses, on average, are intending to reduce their workforce. 

    Despite this positive outlook on employment, both SME Businesses and Large Businesses in the region cited workplace regulation and employment taxes as two of the most significant impediments to their businesses. 

    For SME businesses, their greatest threat comes from employment related regulation, which creates 2 of their top 3 business issues. 

    More than taxation, and materially more than import/export regulation and environmental laws, it is employment related regulation that is negatively impacting businesses. Changes to the current arrangements are required for SME businesses to develop to their full potential.  

    These same businesses see investment in their workforce as a key opportunity.  Government support for training of employees was identified as a preferred way for structured support to be provided to businesses in the region.

    Business sentiment

    The “GWS Business Sentiment Index” was -4.9, showing a neutral to slightly negative business outlook. This is not only negative – but more negative than that of the general Australian business community.

    This can be contrasted with the forecast financial performance of businesses in Western Sydney, which is positive. 

    On average, businesses expect to slightly exceed their revenue and profit targets and maintain capital expenditure over the coming six months. Financial performance is strongest for SME Businesses, in particular those with turnover of $2-$30m. Capex is strongest in the +$100m turnover businesses, but financial performance is weakest in this group.

    The report’s research shows the material difference in economic performance between the region as a whole, the SME Businesses, and the Large Businesses.

    For example, the forecast revenue results for:

    What next?

    Western Sydney has a once in a generation opportunity. If the benefits of major projects in the region, such as the ‘Badgerys Creek Airport’, can be harnessed to drive and grow development of SME Businesses, the benefits for Western Sydney and New South Wales, could be enormous.  

    With a detailed plan for Western Sydney’s development and growth, the skills and attributes of the workforce needed for its implementation can be identified.  Businesses in the region should then be supported to invest in their employees and develop these skills and capabilities in a targeted way.  

    Local procurement combined with employee skills development, targeted at SME Businesses, will be an effective way to drive the growth and development of the Western Sydney economy.

    Get involved … 

    The Making Western Sydney Greater report will be released in early March 2015 to all those that completed the research and to those that want to participate in the next stage of this ongoing research. 

    To receive a full copy, email

    This research is based on the responses of over 200 business owners and senior managers from across the region.  

    The research is an ongoing effort. To be part of the next survey in May 2015 contact us on 

    William Buck, WSBC, St George and UWS are committed to making Western Sydney greater.

  • 27-Feb-2015 09:32 | Anonymous

    Deciding how to allocate valuable marketing resources can be hard with many avenues available for promoting your brand.


    In challenging economic times it’s imperative that any investment is able to return diverse benefits, not just exposure. It is more important than ever to be able to convert marketing investment into additional business and working with a charitable organisation can help improve this conversion. 

    Westmead Medical Research Foundation is currently offering a strictly limited number of digital advertising opportunities on screens positions in high traffic areas of Westmead Hospital.

    3, 6 and 12 month packages are available for Big Hearted Businesses who would like to support health care in Western Sydney while exposing their brand over 1 million patients, family and friends who visit the hospital annually.

    Raise awareness of your brand amongst the 8,500 staff that service 975 beds and celebrate over 5,500 births.

    For more information please contact Mat Fisher on 0435 009 406.

  • 27-Feb-2015 09:12 | Anonymous

    Mike Conway, leadership specialist and corporate innovator, will create and deliver a world-first in experiential-based leadership for the award-winning MBA program run by Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia’s top business school. 

    MGSM today announced the exciting new unit and the appointment of Mr Conway as an Adjunct Professor, who will draw on his outstanding skills and achievements to mentor its next generation of business leaders from April 2015. 


    Professor Conway is the CEO and Founder of XVenture, a fast-growing group specialising in creative and innovative solutions for business, leadership, team and experientially based learning programs. His achievements include creating the television series XVenture Corporate Challenge, the XV141 digital business channel, and the extraordinary 100 Leaders program which is presented through Event cinemas.


    MGSM has been working with XVenture since its executive, senior staff and students tested a two-day, hands-on XVenture Challenge last year. 


    Professor Alex Frino, Dean of MGSM, said: “After undertaking the XVenture Challenge it was obvious that this has to be a key part of future learning. The aim is to take students out of the classroom and into the field to test out traditional management ideas.


    “XVenture’s approach is unique, with a blend of challenges reflecting contemporary business as well as an understanding of reflective learning practice – something which is often lacking in MBA studies. This program delivers important management theory in an online program before taking students into the field in a radical new experiential learning experience.


    “XVenture has tremendous dedication, commitment and standards in this field. The work they have undertaken with major corporations and the research they continuously gather on how teams and leaders succeed is very powerful.”


    The future-proof MBA module consists of 12 mini-lectures and recorded lectures delivered by MGSM’s top academic team, including Prof Frino, and produced jointly by XVenture and MGSM.


    This elective unit, a global first titled “Leadership & Teams in Action – XVenture”, will be offered from Term 2. It includes a set of introductory mini-lectures and a two-day, experience-based XVenture Challenge to complete the module. The entire Challenge is filmed and post-produced on site, and the video is used for learning during and after the program.


    Prof Conway said: “The Challenge is a big job, but the benefits and impact on an individual’s learning are so significant. To work with MGSM is one of the most exciting projects I have ever been involved with and I can’t wait to see the first MGSM MBA students enrolling.


    “This new learning module provides the platform for individuals to explore leadership styles and test assumptions by combining e-learning and real-world experience to give students a rigorous, academic and transformative MBA experience.”


    Prof Frino said: “This immersive and integrated, experience-based learning program gives every participant the opportunity to work on their own development in a unique team environment.


    “It is a perfect fit for MBA programs, the breeding ground for tomorrow’s leaders. They are the finishing school for middle managers gunning for senior leadership positions, and the place where the national stock of leadership capital is being developed.”

  • 24-Feb-2015 00:34 | Deleted user

    A new report examining a light rail route along the “Olympic Corridor” has encouraged the private sector and government to work together to deliver a precinct that will support more homes and jobs than the Barangaroo, Bays Precinct, Central to Eveleigh and Green Square projects combined. 

    The report by Deloitte and respected urban planner, Rod Simpson, Restarting Sydney’s Heart – Light Rail the Engine of Change examines the opportunities and issues that a light rail line along Sydney’s Olympic Corridor would deliver. The Olympic Corridor begins at Westmead and connects the Greater Parramatta area with Rosehill, Camellia, Olympic Park, Rhodes and Strathfield. 

    The report was commissioned by the WestLine Partnership, comprising of some of Sydney’s leaders in business, government, sport and development, and has been released as the NSW Government considers four proposed light rail options as part of Stage 1 of the Western Sydney Light Rail Network. 

    WestLine spokesperson and Chair of the Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue, Christopher Brown AM, said that the Deloitte report indicated that the creation of two light rail lines – one from Rosehill to Carlingford and the other from Westmead to Strathfield/Rhodes along the Olympic Corridor, was not only cost-effective, but would also unlock the potential of one of Australia’s fastest growing regions. 

    “The report findings show that there is a strong argument for the route along the Olympic Corridor, which will stimulate the growth of more smart jobs, homes and development,” he said. 

    “This is not a case of one or the other, we feel that the people of Western Sydney deserve both this line and the other line to Carlingford. This report not only reaffirms that view, but also reveals that it could potentially be self-funded by the private sector. 

    “Essentially, this is a two-for-one deal for the NSW Government. A deal which would add thousands of jobs and homes, and provide a once in a lifetime opportunity to totally re-think Sydney.” 

    Under the proposal outlined in the Deloitte report, the light rail line along the Olympic Corridor could be funded through a voluntary contribution model for the private sector. This involves land owners who elect to take up density uplift incentives along the light rail route putting up money for the project. 

    It is a similar approach to the one successfully adopted to fund the recent Homebush Bay Bridge development between Rhodes and Wentworth Point. 

    “The Olympic Corridor is an often over-looked region when it comes to transport infrastructure, but over the next 20 years, with the right support, it is expected to house more than one third of all new jobs and almost 20 per cent of new dwellings,” Mr Brown said. 

    “For this, and many other factors outlined in the report, it can no longer be ignored.” 

    The Deloitte report highlights that by 2036 more than 190,000 people are expected to be living in the Olympic Corridor, putting significant pressure on the existing transport network. 

    It highlights that renewal and revitalisation of the Olympic Corridor catalysed by a light rail link provides the opportunity to connect established knowledge, business, health, recreation and cultural precincts in Parramatta, Strathfield and Sydney Olympic Park. At the same time, creating new housing and employment, attracting new businesses and investment and improving urban productivity. 

    Mr Brown added that the WestLine Partnership had held positive talks with the NSW Government, NSW Opposition and other key stakeholders over the past three months and would continue to engage with these groups and the broader community to research the opportunities and issues that exist along the Olympic Corridor. 


    Restarting Sydney’s Heart –Light Rail the Engine of Change 

    What a light rail line along the Olympic Corridor will deliver: 

    • More potential jobs and new dwellings than the Barangaroo, Bays Precinct, Green Square and Central to Eveleigh projects combined. 
    • Through private sector support, the potential for two Western Sydney Light Rail lines to be built for one cost. 
    • Conservative estimate of $1.1b in project funding for light rail and remediation via voluntary developer levies through the precinct 
    • Almost 20% of required infill and a third of all new jobs in Western Sydney by 2036. 
    • The capacity to move 5000 passengers per hour in both directions through the Corridor. The equivalent to 40 light rail services in place of 200 buses. 
    • Possible relocation of the Sydney Produce Markets at Flemington to a new home at Badgerys Creek to boost outer Western Sydney employment, reduce Parramatta Road congestion and free up the 42 hectare site for residential development 
    • Halve the current travel time between Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park. 
    • Significant and sustainable ‘smart jobs of the future’ to Western Sydney and attract global investment to the region. 

    WestLine Partnership Members: ANZ Stadium, Australian Turf Club, Billbergia, Dexus, Goodman Group, GPT Group, NRMA, Payce Consolidated, Accor, Royal Agricultural Society of NSW, Sekisui House, Sydney Olympic Park Authority, Sydney Olympic Park Business Association, Sydney Business Chamber, City of Canada Bay, Auburn City Council. 

    Supporters: AECOM, GIS, FDC, University of Western Sydney, Graf International, McCollough Robertson 

  • 23-Feb-2015 23:27 | Deleted user

    Up to 108,000 new jobs could be created as a result of building a light rail route from Parramatta to Sydney Olympic Park and beyond to Rhodes and Strathfield.  This is one of the findings in a new report by Deloitte, commissioned and launched this week by the WestLine Partnership, a consortium of Western Sydney business and government leaders.

    The Deloitte report, Restarting Sydney’s Heart: An Examination of a Proposed Light Rail through the Olympic Corridor, was written in consultation with respected urban designer, Roderick Simpson, to report on the opportunities and issues that exist if a light rail route is built along the Olympic Corridor (the area of Western Sydney extending from Westmead through Camellia and Silverwater to Sydney Olympic Park and beyond to Rhodes and Strathfield).   The route is one of four the NSW Government is considering for future light rail connections.

    The Deloitte report highlights that by 2036 more than 190,000 people are expected to be living in the Olympic Corridor, putting significant pressure on the existing transport network.   It highlights that renewal and revitalisation of the Olympic Corridor catalysed by a light rail link provides the opportunity to connect established knowledge, business, health, recreation and cultural precincts in Parramatta, Strathfield and Sydney Olympic Park.  At the same time as creating new housing, attracting new businesses and investment, creating new employment and improving urban productivity.

    Theo Psychogios from Deloitte says: “We have provided an objective perspective on the urban renewal benefits that would come from improving connectivity in this area if a light rail line was built.  In our view light rail would not only improve accessibility along the Olympic Corridor, but importantly, support and drive future employment, investment and residential growth.”

    The report also proposes a voluntary contribution model for private sector funding to construct a light rail line to Sydney Olympic Park.  This involves land owners who elect to take up density uplift incentives along the light rail route putting up money for the project.  This approach helps to address what is often a key constraint for infrastructure development: lack of government funding.  It also allows the private sector to contribute to urban regeneration and drive future investment in housing and employment. This approach presents an opportunity for the Government to roll out its network faster through private sector funding that offers the Government two lines for the price of one.

    The Deloitte report concludes that construction of a light rail line through the Olympic Corridor presents a unique opportunity for the government and private sector to work collaboratively to deliver infrastructure, jobs and homes for Western Sydney and NSW.  It strongly encourages the Government to consider this model and engage relevant land owners to negotiate a contribution funding deal that can bring the vision of the Olympic Corridor to life.  

  • 23-Feb-2015 23:24 | Deleted user

    Are you a Champion of the West? Nominate using the entry form for your chance to win $10,000 for your business, initiative or innovation.




    Champion of Champions – People’s Choice

    Chosen by the public throughout the People’s Choice (15-22 March).

    Start up

    An innovative project that increases productivity and provides better outcomes for Western Sydney



    A young Entrepreneur, under 30 years of age who lives and works in Western Sydney, and whose start up is of benefit to the Western Sydney community.

    Small Business (50-100 Employees)

    Excellence in small business located in Western Sydney (50-100 Employees).

    Small Business (under 50 Employees)

    Excellence in small business located in Western Sydney (under 50 employees).


    For not for profit organisations running innovative community programs or projects that addresses unmet needs for residents, workers and visitors of the western Sydney community.

    Indigenous Excellence

    Programs that promote the development of relevant skills for Indigenous Australians, including education, life skills and employment prospects.

    The Arts

    For a creative arts organisation or outstanding program that promote engagement with the arts of western Sydney.

    Workplace of the future 

    Innovative workplace initiatives.

    Classroom of the future (secondary)

    Innovative secondary education programs. Excellence in the conduction of teaching and learning programs in addition to the secondary school curriculum through the use of digital innovation.

    Energy Smart Business

    Excellence in making a difference with sustainable business operations and energy efficiency

    Sport in Education

    Excellence in primary, secondary or grass roots sporting programs that promote health, exercise and wellbeing for the youth of western Sydney.

    Classroom of the future (primary)

    Innovative primary education programs. Excellence in the conduction of teaching and learning programs in addition to the primary school curriculum through the use of digital innovation.

    Apprentice Employer

    Excellence in training and providing above and beyond career advancement opportunities for an Apprentice(s) within their business.

    Tomorrow’s Leaders Today

    A business that invests in the development and implementation of accredited Vocational Training programs to continually upskill their employees, meeting future business growth and future career prospects of their staff.

  • 23-Feb-2015 22:55 | Deleted user

    A BOLD plan to create an ­innovation corridor throughout Western Sydney could generate up to 80,000 jobs over the next decade and see the region become the nation’s own Silicon Valley.

    The independent economic development strategy, which has the backing of three tiers of government and the business community, proposes the creation of innovation hubs — suburbs that specialise in different industries.

    The blueprint, developed by the University of Western Sydney, plans for medical, science, technology, aviation and agribusiness hubs, each dotted along the outer Sydney orbital corridor and centred around the long-awaited Badgery's Creek airport.

    The widely backed plan also includes a proposal to build a $20 million Western Sydney Science Centre, similar to the renowned Questacon science and technology facility in Canberra, to be built at the UWS’s Penrith campus.

    Western Sydney Innovation Arc

    At the core of the UWS strategy are key hubs.

    It proposes a large health and medical research hub be created in Macarthur, connected directly to the new population within the South-West Growth Centre (Oran Park, Leppington, Austral).

    In conjunction with a private sector plan to build a Sydney Science Park, a centre of science, development and ­research would be created around Luddenham. This hub would focus on becoming a leading international centre for research and development in food, energy and health.

    Further north, the blueprint proposes a hi-tech business hub at Werrington Park “that focuses on activating and growing technology and innovation-orientated businesses’’.

    It has already been dubbed Sydney IQ and has the backing of Federal Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

    “By creating a whole innovation corridor, there will be more jobs, opportunities and people living here,’’ Ms Bishop told The Daily Telegraph. “This part of Western Sydney then becomes a hub for a smart economy … this is how Silicon Valley started.’’

    At the core of the arc is Badgerys Creek airport which, according to the blueprint must be surrounded by an aerotropolis business hub.

  • 21-Feb-2015 12:06 | Anonymous

    Exclusive raceday hospitality offer for Western Sydney Business Connection Members





    Book any raceday hospitality on Cellarbrations Ladies Day - 14 March or Western Sydney Legends Day - 28 March & receive 15% off your booking. 

    The Australian Turf Club invites you to join us for The Golden Slipper Carnival. Promising three unsurpassable weeks of racing within the 2015 Sydney Autumn Racing program, the Golden Slipper Carnival includes Cellarbrations Ladies Day on 14 March, Sydney’s premier race day the Tooheys New Golden Slipper Day on 21 March and Western Sydney Legends Day on 28 March. 

    We would like to offer an exclusive 15% off any raceday hospitality booked for Cellarbrations Ladies Day, 14 March, or Western Sydney Legends Day, 28 March. If you’re a lady who likes to lunch, experience our Ladies Long Luncheon from the top floor of the JR Fleming Stand on our premier Cellarbrations Ladies Day. Or for the men you have the chance to meet cricketing star Mark Waugh, NRL commentator and former player Peter Sterling, and former soccer player and presenter Andy Paschalidis, at our Lunching with Legends event. Or perhaps you would like to experience a first class raceday from your own private box. At Rosehill Gardens, this Golden Slipper Carnival, we have a range of hospitality options to suit your needs. 

    With the glamour, live music, fashion, entertainment, hospitality and heart racing action of the track that we all love – this is a carnival not to be missed! We hope to see you there.

    To book in your raceday hospitality, please contact:

    Anthony Nicolaou


    P: (02) 9760 6215

    or click here for further information.

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