Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 20-Nov-2014 09:09 | Anonymous

    The Bankstown Business Advisory Service is pleased to invite businesspeople to its final networking event for 2014, which will incorporate a breakfast with expert speakers, a round of golf followed by lunch, and a chance to win a new car.




    Businesses can register to attend either or both of the breakfast and the golf followed by lunch. Places for the round of golf and lunch are strictly limited to one person per business. Priority for the round of golf and lunch will be given to BBAS Members, with non-members placed on a waiting list; places will be allocated on a first come, first-served basis, and will be subject to email confirmation by BBAS.


    Guest speakers for Breakfast include:


    Joel Norris, Operations Manager, AusIndustry Entrepreneur Development, New developments in Commonwealth Government Support for SMEs

    Andrew Stainer, Co-Founder, The Helmsman Project, Investing in Bankstown's future talent - all hands on deck! 


    Networking Breakfast






    Tuesday 2 December 2014




    7.30 - 9.30am (Breakfast)




    Bankstown Golf Club 70 Ashford Avenue Milperra 




    Parking on premises




    By Tuesday 30 November 2014




    BBAS Members Free - Non Members $25




    Networking Lunch & Golf






    Tuesday 2 December 2014




    10.00am- 3.00pm




    Bankstown Golf Club 70 Ashford Avenue Milperra




    Parking on premises




    By Tuesday 30 November 2014




    BBAS Members Free - Non Members $50



    To register your interest or obtain more information contact Domenica Mirarchi on 9707 9227 or email

  • 20-Nov-2014 08:55 | Anonymous

    A NEW multimillion dollar transport, engineering and technology centre is beginning to take shape at TAFE South Western Sydney Institute (TAFE SWSi) Wetherill Park College.


    The refurbishment of the College to accommodate the new SWSi Wetherill Park TAFE Transport Technology Centre initially required the demolition or removal of certain buildings or structures. 

    In a move that will undoubtedly be music to the ears of the NSW Government (who is funding the project) the college has come up with a novel approach to cutting costs during the demolition phase.

    Buildings earmarked for demolition have been auctioned off at bargain prices but on the condition that the buyer removes the building at their own expense. 

    TAFE SWSi Wetherill Park College Manager Brian Mulvey said the college had quotes of around $100,000 for the removal of a big demountable classroom; a big storage shed and spray booths. Crane costs alone to remove the demountable would have been $45,000. 

    “We ended up selling them for six to seven thousand dollars so we’ve made a big saving that can go towards enhancing student experience on the campus,” he said. 

    The centre is destined to be the largest automotive training facility in Sydney and will offer students a 21st century learning experience with the integration of technologies that allow students to be focused on workshop related tasks rather than traditional classroom-based learning. 

    TAFE SWSi Teacher Chris Greentree said one of the major innovations would be Wi-Fi saturation through the classrooms, workshops and common areas connecting students to the National Broadband Network (NBN). 

    “This means the learning experience will be enhanced for students because teachers will be able to show students things in video rather than relying on textbooks,” he said. 

    TAFE SWSi Institute Director Peter Roberts said it was great to see such innovative thinking to cut costs for a project designed to be at the cutting edge of innovative learning. 

    “The Centre itself will have state of the art facilities and provide a huge boost to training and career opportunities to people in the region and beyond.” 

    The Centre will open in 2016 and offer students a number of course options including light vehicle technology, heavy vehicle mechanical technology, plant mechanics, automotive electrical technology, speciality automotive courses and engineering technology courses.



  • 19-Nov-2014 21:03 | Deleted user


    Managing Director of WSBC Gold Member, Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing Pty Ltd, Bill Pickering, whose firm jointly hosted a networking event in Parramatta last Friday, said he and his team were delighted with the support and warm reception received from the WSBC executive and business members.


    “Our launch into western Sydney corresponded with one of the hottest days on record, but we still managed to attract around 60 attendees keen to talk business and explore potential networking opportunities and business connections. 

    The diversity of enterprises – ranging from financial and educational  institutions, senior Government agencies and local and state political representatives, professional services to a variety of entrepreneurial businesses – made the afternoon a great success".      

    “We look forward to establishing our permanent office and starting our Parramatta-based business operations in the next two weeks.”

    WSBC General Manager, Michael Sugg welcomed Hugo Halliday to Parramatta and to the Western Sydney Business Connection community. "We were also delighted to have The Hon. Anthony Roberts MP, Minister for Resources and Energy and Leader of the House, join us to share his insights and welcome WSBC Gold Member Hugo Halliday PR & Marketing to Parramatta" commented Sugg.

  • 18-Nov-2014 21:36 | Deleted user

    As its name suggests, the Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme provides the support businesses need so that entrepreneurship can flourish, writes programme director Doron Ben-Meir.

    As a serial entrepreneur, and having met and supported hundreds of Australian businesses both as a venture capital investor and as a senior executive of the Department of Industry, I know the path to business success is never easy. The text books present a multiplicity of tasks, problems and obstacles in building a business but the central challenge for any entrepreneur may be summarised very simply…one needs to reach the right people at the right time. The right customers, the right employees, the right service providers, the right partners, the right investors…and time is money!

    The $484.2 million Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme aims to help new and established businesses meet this challenge. The programme is the Australian Government’s flagship initiative for improving business competitiveness and productivity at the firm level. It is a key component of the Industry Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda, which is the Government’s action strategy to build a strong and prosperous economy. The guiding principle of the agenda is to focus on Australia’s strengths, not to prop up poor performers.

    In keeping with this, the Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme’s focus is on providing expert advice and connecting businesses with networks, experts and investors, rather than only offering financial assistance.

    The Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme has three elements:

    • Business Management, providing support for business improvement and growth
    • Research Connections, helping small and medium businesses collaborate with the research sector to develop new ideas with commercial potential
    • Accelerating Commercialisation, helping entrepreneurs, researchers and start-ups address key challenges in the commercialisation pathway of bringing new products, processes and services to the market.

    These elements provide comprehensive support in the areas that are crucial for business success and growth.

    The programme is delivered by a single business service, which is streamlining government business assistance through the website and the 13 28 46 contact centre, with expert, face-to-face assistance available from the AusIndustry network of advisers.

    The Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme aims to help businesses grow and succeed. It provides tiered support, with the intensity of assistance increasing as the high-growth potential of a business becomes apparent. At this later stage, when a business has worked closely with their business adviser, grants are available. These are awarded on a merit basis, with the applicant required to match funding.

    For example, Research Connections provides grants of up to $50,000 after a business has gone through a facilitation process, to help fund specific, identified activities like bringing a researcher into a business.

    In the case of Accelerating Commercialisation, with grant funding of up to $1 million available, the application process is also competitive – recognising that a limited funding pool must be focused on the highest quality projects.

    Accelerating Commercialisation

    The Accelerating Commercialisation element of the programme opened 1 November. It offers services and grants to eligible entrepreneurs, researchers, inventors, start-ups and small and medium sized businesses. The programme aims to help these groups bring their novel products, services and technologies to market as quickly as possible, increasing their prospects for success.

    Accelerating Commercialisation has five core components:

    • Independent, professional Commercialisation Advisers who help participants become investor and market ready
    • Matched grants of up to $1 million for commercialisation activities
    • A curated Portfolio of companies with high growth potential bringing qualified commercialisation opportunities together for maximum visibility and credibility
    • An Expert Network of successful entrepreneurs, domain experts, professional investors and strategic corporations offering participants access to key business connections and opportunities to develop their businesses, enter new markets and raise smart capital. Over time the depth and breadth of this network will grow resulting in a continuously improving source of value addition for Portfolio companies.
    • Promotional opportunities through in-bound and out-bound domestic and international roadshows and trade missions to ensure that Australia’s success stories and best commercialisation prospects are marketed globally. 

    The Portfolio

    An important feature of Accelerating Commercialisation is the creation of a Portfolio of companies that are undertaking early-stage commercialisation activities. The Portfolio will create opportunities for businesses with high-potential to receive greater visibility and credibility, especially with investors, other entrepreneurs, domain experts, supply chains and strategic corporations. Businesses chosen for the Portfolio, for example, will have access to networking events, exposure to international trade missions and opportunities to join Australian delegations to major global events.

    Accelerating Commercialisation, and the Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme in general, work to foster innovation and entrepreneurship by building strong and self-reliant businesses. The programme is a central part of the Government’s industry policy which recognises that Government plays an important role in establishing supportive frameworks to maximise the probability that entrepreneurs and businesses will create and capitalise upon good opportunities - both for their own benefit and for the benefit of the Australian economy as a whole.

  • 17-Nov-2014 09:25 | Deleted user

    The electronic medical records system at Blacktown Hospital is transforming the way staff manage patient care.

    Paper-Lite - the name given by the Western Sydney Local Health District to the implementation of its state-of-the-art medical records system – holds the medical records of all new patients, while existing and past patient records are in the process of being digitised.

    By moving away from paper records, Blacktown Hospital staff can quickly, easily and securely access patient records.

    Blacktown Hospital is the site of a massive health infrastructure project. A five-storey Clinical Services Building is the centrepiece of the $322 million, Stage 1 redevelopment of Blacktown Mount Druitt Hospital.

  • 17-Nov-2014 09:24 | Deleted user

    The first stages of the $280 million Camden Valley Way upgrade have opened to traffic ahead of schedule.

    We started construction in 2012 and now Stages 1 and 2 are not only complete but have opened four months ahead of schedule.

    Camden Valley Way is the primary route for communities living in the South West Growth Centre, linking the Hume Highway and the M7 and M5 interchange at Prestons with Camden, Narellan and Liverpool.

    Meanwhile, the Australian and NSW Governments have announced four successful projects for Round One of the $200 million Western Sydney Local Roads Package to ease congestion and create local jobs, including upgrades to Eagle Vale Drive and The Northern Road and Erskine Park Road Intersection. 

  • 17-Nov-2014 09:17 | Deleted user

    Minister for Planning Pru Goward has unveiled plans to keep driving Western Sydney’s housing boom, with more homes and shopping districts around the North West and South West rail links.

    Land releases at Leppington and around the future Cudgegong Road Station will unlock 11,000 new houses, along with the shops, cafes, parks, road upgrades and schools that will help make them homes.

    Our plan means future residents will live close to new shops, can choose from different styles of homes, and have access to terrific new public transport services.

  • 14-Nov-2014 09:33 | Deleted user

    At the recent WSBC Business leader Luncheon, held at Platinum Partner Parkroyal Parramatta and kindly supported by gold member University of Western Sydney, WSBC general manager Michael Sugg highlighted some recent WSBC updates and reported back on his recent UK visit and research.

    "For those of you that attended the SOR event you will have seen a number of news items on the WSBC website, post the event relating to the $30bn investment planned for Western Sydney.

    Recently, WSBC were invited to participate in the 2014 Business Leadership Forum, with 120 representatives from a broad priority of sectors as part of the Government’s engagement with industry. WSBC were able to represent its members, the SME businesses of Western Sydney and voice opinion and feedback towards the Governments economic development plans and their priorities in the year ahead.

    With NSW clearly emerging as the engine room of Australia’s economic future, with improving business confidence, above the trend growth forecast and jobs growth, there is more and more importance on the collaboration, of not only research and industry, as we shall hear today, but also government and industry particularly in laying the foundations for long term growth in NSW and especially Western Sydney.

    As well as the initiatives laid out by the State Government WSBC is seeking to formalize its new advocacy position to ensure that its members and the SME businesses of Western Sydney directly benefit from the $30bn investment into the region.

    We have been conducting some research with the Committee for Sydney and I have also visited a number of organisations in the UK to understand how local businesses have benefited from major infrastructure projects, assessing how prime contracts are broken down and awarded to local sub contractors amongst other key initiatives. 

    Over the coming weeks we will consult our members further and inform you of our plans to engage and connect industry, local and state government to benefit the local economy. We will also be working with our education partners too, to ensure that the Western Sydney SME businesses are equipped to tender for and deliver on these sub contracts.

    One of our education partners, TAFE WSi, as we mentioned last time is already working on the Barangaroo and North West rail link projects doing exactly this and we will be sharing informative stories over the coming months to show you how success has been achieved.

    We will also be conducting research on Western Sydney businesses – addressing the future skills gaps of Western Sydney industry, with TAFE Wsi and the needs and sentiment of Western Sydney SME businesses, with a joint project with William Buck, St George and UWS. For those interested in getting involved in this research please contact me directly and also look out for the first round of the business research in your inboxes this week.

    Manufacturing and in particular, Advanced Manufacturing was discussed at the Business Leadership Forum, and I am pleased to announce that WSBC will be re-launching our manufacturers connection with a joint program with UWS, named WSFAM.

    This program kicks off on 10 November and its first event is already sold out. 

    WSFAM is a business innovation program designed to support a transformation of the manufacturing industry in Western Sydney through increased productivity, growth and sustainability. 

    To help rebuild the competitiveness of Western Sydney manufacturing industry, WSFAM integrates a series of activities including undertaking detailed research to map the future of the industry, 

    delivery of targeted advisory services to support business enhancement and establishment of a network group and Knowledge Hub to connect businesses and share information.

    Further information on the program can be found on our website soon or by contacting myself or Don Wright at UWS.

    As WSBC continues to grow its membership, provide a voice for the SME businesses of Western Sydney and conduct various research You, our member, will continue to benefit from our engagement programs and connect with the businesses you need to connect with.

    Our news pages have received a massive increase in content recently and we are starting to hear how members are reaping the rewards of new connections and contacts, directly from their thought leadership articles and news items. 

    WSBC will also be introducing new benefits to the Platinum and Gold partnership levels over the coming months to focus on getting even more businesses in the room at out events. Look out for information on this as we prepare for our next business leader luncheon in February, on the subject of health. You will have noticed we have moved the date from the 3rd of December to accommodate our key note speaker, and the date and speaker will be announced as soon as we can. For those wanting to partner with us on this event and our future ones please give me a call.

    In the New Year you will see a number of new initiatives aimed at connecting you further and for those wanting to network after work in a more social environment make sure you book on the event on the 14th November, kindly hosted by new gold member Hugo Halliday. 

    I am pleased and proud to report that WSBC continues to grow and offer more value to YOU, its members. And I ask that you continue to pass on the good word to grow our community and support us in connecting you more beyond our key business leader luncheons.

    Together we will grow and with it the Western Sydney economy ".

  • 13-Nov-2014 16:40 | Anonymous

    Local businesses are invited to attend a free breakfast forum about diversity and hear an expert panel discuss workplace participation of people with a disability in the workplace on Wednesday 19 November from 7.30am-9.15am at the Parkroyal, Parramatta.


    The event is aimed at employers and employees from local businesses in the Parramatta area and provides an opportunity to learn more about how disability is addressed in the workplace. It will explore both the challenges and benefits for employers and the support available.


    “The workplace diversity business breakfast provides a great opportunity to connect our local businesses with an expert panel to learn more about disability in the workplace,” Lord Mayor of Parramatta Cr Scott Lloyd said.


    “The breakfast will feature a great selection of key speakers who can help employers better their understanding about the support that is available.”


    Guest Speakers will include:


    MC - Donna Purcell, Diversity Manager, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
    As the event MC, Donna will provide insights into how diversity is managed and supported by the Commonwealth Bank.


    Stephen Booth, Principal, Coleman Greig Lawyers
    Stephen has an extensive background in employment law and disability, and will discuss legal issues and solutions.


    Bernard Sobiesiak, National Disability Coordination Officer, Western Sydney Region
    Bernard will speak about what is available to help businesses and individuals support the workforce participation of people with a disability.


    Amy Whalley, Relationship Manager, Australian Network on Disability
    Amy will lead the facilitated conversations with the guest employers, guiding them through their experience of employing people with a disability, and offering insights from the Network’s experience in this area.

    For further information contact Tanya Owen on 9806 5599 or to book visit

  • 13-Nov-2014 16:14 | Deleted user

    Dyldam Parramatta Eels and CareFlight club ambassador Darcy Lussick attended the ‘CareFlight on Display Day’ on Thursday 30 October, 2014.

    Click here to view the video.

    CareFlight's mission is to save lives, speed recovery and serve the community by providing the highest standard of rapid response critical care.

    Scott Monaghan from CareFlight, whom have over 350 missions a year, stressed the importance of relying on community support and donations for their missions.

    “We do about a mission a day and it works out at about $10,000-$11,000 every rescue we do,” Monaghan said.

    “We are 100% supported by the community, with no government funding, so we really do rely on the community to keep us in the air.”

    “It really does help us to keep building that profile and make sure we get the support we need to keep flying.”

    Lussick had the opportunity to visit the CareFlight facilities and observe some of the training facilities, techniques and show his support.

    “You probably don’t realize just how much money this costs to operate. $10,000 a day is quite expensive and they rely on the community to fund it.” Lussick said.

    For more information, please visit

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