Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 27-Oct-2014 16:45 | Anonymous

    It is with great pleasure that we welcome Josh Sherman to the team at State Training Services – Western Sydney & Blue Mountains region as Training Services Manager.




    Josh comes to us from State Training Services in Newcastle, and brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience in the vocational education and training sector. In his previous role, Josh was responsible for managing a number of workforce development projects involving a diverse array of employers and stakeholders in various industry sectors.


    Josh has a background in learning and development and is passionate about assisting businesses to increase their capability through training and retaining quality staff. He is available to work together with you to assess your organisational training needs and provide solutions using apprenticeship and traineeship pathways.


    Josh is based at State Training Services, Ground Floor 16-18 Wentworth Street, Parramatta NSW 2150, and is looking forward to working with the business community of Western Sydney.


    For more information on the services offered by State Training Services, please visit or contact the team in Parramatta on 02 9204 7400.

  • 27-Oct-2014 16:38 | Anonymous

    Gold Member William Buck, in partnership with Western Sydney Business Connection, will be launching the “Making Western Sydney Greater” project over the coming weeks.


    Platinum Members St.George and the University of Western Sydney are also partnering with William Buck on this initiative.


    The first stage will be a survey of owners and managers of businesses in Western Sydney on key issues affecting their businesses.  This is your opportunity to be heard on the issues you think are important for your business and others in Western Sydney.

    The results will be used to drive positive change through:


    – Informing government on the key issues you identify

    – Creating seminars and training targeted to your needs

    – Arranging networking opportunities for local businesses with common opportunities, interests and challenges

    – Developing resources to directly support Western Sydney businesses

    – And more…


    Members of WSBC have the exclusive chance to be part of this project and gain priority access to all of our research and reporting.


    To be involved, please email us at


    For more information, our video is available here

  • 27-Oct-2014 16:11 | Anonymous

    On 14 October 2014, the Federal Government released its Industry Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda, which contained its long awaited Employee Share Scheme reforms.


    The current Employee Share Scheme rules have proven very problematic for SME’s for a number of reasons, not the least being the size and timing of the taxation impact of any Scheme on the staff, most often at a time when there is no ability to actually sell any equity to help fund the associated taxation liability.

    The Federal Government’s announcement is thin on detail at this early stage, with the supporting legislation still to be drafted through an industry consultation program, but what is clear is that the changes are scheduled to apply from 1 July 2015, and that the overall implication for SME’s will depend on whether the SME constitutes a “Start-up” or not.

    Start-up Companies

    The clear winners are private “start-up” companies which are defined as unlisted companies, incorporated for less than ten years and with an aggregate turnover of less than $50 million.

    Companies that fit into this category are able to provide Option and Share schemes with no up-front taxation in the hands of the Employee, and tax levied on sale under the Capital Gains Tax regime. This is a significant departure from the current rules in allowing employees to access the growth in value of the shares on Capital Gains Tax account (and the potential CGT discount), rather than ordinary income tax, as well as ensuring the tax payable is timed with an actual sale, rather than vesting.

    A number of conditions need to be met for the Scheme to qualify for this concession, including Share schemes being offered for no more than a 15% discount, Share Option schemes not being issued “in the money” and there being a minimum holding period of at least 3 years.

    Non Start-up Companies

    For all other Companies, unfortunately the reforms are not as substantial.

    For Share Schemes, there appears to be no substantive change to how they will operate – with tax to be levied either on grant of the Shares or at a deferred time having regard primarily to whether there is a risk of forfeiture.

    For Option Schemes, the Government has announced a roll back of the taxation rules to the pre 2009 position. This means that Schemes will continue to be categorised into “taxed up front” or “deferred tax” schemes with tax payable at the Employees ordinary income tax rate at the relevant point, as they are currently. The key difference however will be in respect to “deferred tax” schemes whereby tax will primarily be levied when the Option is exercised, rather than when the Options vests (or the risk of forfeiture lifts). This will afford greater control over the timing of the taxation in the hands of the Employee.

    Moore Stephens response

    The Start-up concession is a welcome announcement that provides some very compelling benefits, and any Company that is in the 7 to 9 years of age, which falls under the $50m turnover limit, should give serious regard to whether an Employee Share Scheme fits their strategic plan before the start-up window closes.

    For all other Companies, we are disappointed that very little has been done to address some of the practical hurdles of the current rules. For SME’s considering an Employee Share Scheme, we envisage the planning process to remain much the same as it has over the past few years.

    If you would like to discuss this article or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact the authors or visit

    Michael Dundas
    Moore Stephens Sydney

    T +61 2 8236 7788

    F +61 2  8215 7902

    Andy Briggs
    Moore Stephens Melbourne

    T +61 3 8635 1969
    F +61 3 8102 3400


  • 27-Oct-2014 14:30 | Anonymous

    The new look Yaris hatch has now arrived at Lander Toyota.


    Featuring an all new stylish exterior and packed with additional features including new touch screen audio display, seven SRS air bags, LED stop lamps and reversing camera* as standard across the range, the new look Yaris is small in size but big on features.


    For more information, call 02 8884 4888 or visit to book a test drive.


    Land a better deal at Lander Toyota.

  • 24-Oct-2014 14:30 | Anonymous

    Director of the Department of Industry’s Entrepreneur’s Infrastructure Programme, Doron Ben-Meir, has been named one of ‘Australia’s 12 most influential people in tech’ by leading business news organisation, SmartCompany.






  • 24-Oct-2014 14:11 | Anonymous

    Social media can be daunting, but with some research and planning, you can use it to your business' advantage. With this in mind, has developed a Social Media Plan Template and Guide to help businesses navigate the social media landscape.






  • 24-Oct-2014 13:53 | Anonymous

    The R&D Tax Incentive Snapshot is a new mobile responsive website which provides clear and simple guidance around the programme to help smaller companies quickly identify whether their business is eligible for the R&D Tax Incentive. The R&D Tax Incentive Snapshot provides real life case studies relevant to specific industry sectors and guides businesses on how to register and seek further information.






  • 24-Oct-2014 13:49 | Anonymous

    The Australian Government will invest $188.5 million in Industry Growth Centres to pursue global excellence in areas of competitive strength.


    A key part of the Government’s Industry Innovation and Competitiveness Agenda, the centres will help industry exploit new global markets and supply chains, invent and commercialise new products and services and generate new jobs.


    The Minister for Industry will seek expressions of interest from business-led consortia to establish five nonprofit Industry Growth Centres in the following sectors:


    ·         food and agribusiness

    ·         mining equipment, technology and services

    ·         oil, gas and energy resources

    ·         medical technologies and pharmaceuticals

    ·         advanced manufacturing sectors.


    Each of the five Centres will receive funding of up to $3.5 million per year. The Centres will be required to establish a plan to become self-sustaining after four years and the Government will look to establish further Centres based on the success of the programme.



  • 24-Oct-2014 13:35 | Anonymous

    Small business advisory service providers can now apply for funding of up to $200,000 per annum over three years to provide expert advice to small businesses under the Australian Small Business Advisory Services (ASBAS) Programme.





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