Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 16-Nov-2016 12:40 | Anonymous

    City of Parramatta has welcomed the State Government’s announcement that it will build a new western metro line as part of an integrated transport plan centred on Parramatta which includes the Parramatta light rail project.

    The announcement of the Sydney Metro West reaffirms Parramatta’s position as Sydney’s Central City and acknowledges the need for improved transport links to the City, which is set to undergo a major transformation over the next five years underpinned by unprecedented levels of public and private investment.

    The underground line will become the new spine of Sydney’s public transport system. It will effectively double rail capacity between the Eastern and Central CBDs and take pressure off the busy western railway line.

    Sydney Metro West will be able to move 40,000 people an hour in each direction between the CBDs of Parramatta and Sydney, running via the Bays Precinct and Olympic Park and servicing a rapidly growing population and employment base along that corridor.

    Council looks forward to working with the Government during the planning phase of the Sydney Metro West project to identify possible locations for underground stations in the Parramatta LGA, including new stations at Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park.

    City of Parramatta is encouraged by the Government’s statement that it will investigate innovative ways to reduce travel times between the Parramatta and Sydney CBDs.

    Council has previously argued the case for a fast rail line linking the Parramatta CBD with the Eastern CBD and the Western Sydney Airport at Badgerys Creek.

    A joint Federal and State Government scoping study of western Sydney rail needs, including a possible fast rail service linking Parramatta and Western Sydney Airport, is due for release before July 2017. The Sydney Metro West line is forecast to be operational in the second half of the 2020s.

  • 01-Nov-2016 16:14 | Anonymous

    Parramatta Mission need your help to make Christmas special.

    They are preparing for their 2016 Christmas Food and Gift Appeal. Last year, they provided around 1100 hampers to individuals and families who may have been homeless, at risk of homelessness, facing crisis or in need of our assistance. This was more than ever before.

    Help make 2016 an even bigger and better Christmas for more people in our community by donating or volunteering this year.

    What can you do?

    1. Donate to sponsor an individual or family

    For a donation of $50 you can supply a hamper to an individual, or for a family $100. Donate here or send your donation to Locked Bag 5360, Parramatta NSW 2124

    2. Donate food items for our hampers

    Donate individual items or collect as a group with your family, friends or colleagues. Click here to view a list of ideal Christmas hamper items.

    3. Donate gifts

    Gifts are needed for all ages and interests. Toys and games for younger children (no battery operated toys), linen, toiletry packs, backpacks and bags, sunglasses, watches, wallets, books. No second hand gifts please.

    4. Volunteer your time

    Help sort, pack and distribute hampers during November. You can volunteer individually or in a group, for a few hours or a whole day. Please contact Parramatta Mission Volunteer Coordinator Rena by phone 02 9891 2277 or email

  • 31-Oct-2016 16:00 | Anonymous

    Readers will recall that we (succinctly) addressed the issue of returning to work after childbirth in our last article and briefly mentioned the issue of flexible work arrangements which we examine in more detail in this article.

    Who qualifies?

    Employees can request flexible work arrangements in certain circumstances if they have been working at their place of employment for at least 12 months, or if they are a long term casual with reasonable expectations of ongoing employment on a regular basis.

    Employees that may qualify for flexible work arrangements are:

    • parents to children of school age or younger
    • carers (as defined in s5 of the Carer Recognition Act 2010)
    • individuals with a disability
    • individuals 55 years or older
    • individuals experiencing family violence
    • individuals providing care and support to a member of their immediate family or household as a result of violence from the member's family

    Making the request

    The request must be in writing, with an explanation of the proposed changes and reasons for them. Suggestions might be made in the request which demonstrate an attempt to accommodate the needs of both the employer and the employee with the proposed arrangements. An invitation to discuss the request may also be proffered.

    What's in it for the employer?

    It will usually be helpful on making a request to consider how the proposed changes may benefit the business in the long run. Flexible work arrangements can increase staff retention or even enable clients to contact the employee outside of business hours. Perhaps the changes will also increase the employee's productivity and job satisfaction.

    A discussion with the human resources department might help to engender ideas around how the changes can benefit both parties, taking into account the particular needs of the business and the employee's personal circumstances.

    Can an employer refuse a request for flexible work arrangements?

    The employer has 21 days within which to respond in writing to the request.

    If refused, the response must include reasons for the refusal which are based on 'reasonable business grounds' – including, but not limited to, financial limitations, impracticality for the business, incapacity to make other arrangements and loss of efficiency or productivity.

    It is illegal for an employer to take any adverse action against their employee because of a request for flexible work arrangements.

    Can I challenge my employer’s refusal of a request for flexible work arrangements?

    The Fair Work Act provides no mechanism by which employees can challenge the employer's refusal and no remedy is available where the refusal is not based on reasonable business grounds.

    However, there are very limited circumstances in which employees can seek to challenge a refusal by making an application to the Fair Work Commission to deal with that dispute.

    Circumstances may be different if an employee is employed pursuant to an enterprise agreement or enterprise award or has relevant rights under their employment agreement or a company policy.

    Do I have other options?

    Employees may also be able to seek remedies under other federal or state anti-discrimination legislation which prohibits unlawful discrimination (including on the ground of family or carer's responsibilities).

    An employer's refusal of a request for flexible working arrangement in New South Wales may be considered unlawful discrimination where there are no reasonable operational reasons for the refusal and accommodating the request would not cause the employer unjustifiable hardship.

    Is there anything else I should know?

    In our experience, communication is the key. If you have a good working relationship with open and honest communication, then any issues around flexible working relationships can generally be worked through so that a mutually agreeable outcome is reached.


    If you have any questions or would like any assistance, please feel free to speak with or email a member of our Matthews Folbigg Workplace Solutions team on (02) 9635 7966 or

    DISCLAIMER: This article is provided to clients and readers for their general information and on a complimentary basis. It contains a brief summary only and should not be relied upon or used as definitive or complete statement of the relevant law.

  • 31-Oct-2016 14:15 | Anonymous

    City of Parramatta has applauded the Greater Sydney Commission’s (GSC) vision for a thriving economic corridor from Olympic Park to Westmead which recognises the crucial part Parramatta will play in the future growth of Global Sydney.

    Greater Sydney Chief Commissioner Lucy Turnbull has outlined a plan to create a three city strategy for Sydney with Greater Parramatta and the Olympic Peninsula (GPOP) to be delivered as the Central City.

    GSC’s report identifies Parramatta as the “connected, unifying heart” of Global Sydney.

    “The Commission has worked closely with City of Parramatta and other stakeholders to create a unified vision for what is a very critical economic corridor, which will be underpinned by the new Parramatta Light Rail,” City of Parramatta Council Administrator Amanda Chadwick said.

    “There is a significant amount of investment flowing in to the GPOP corridor and having an agreed vision will ensure a coordinated approach to planning and infrastructure delivery.

    “Crucial to this vision will be the delivery of key cultural and transport infrastructure such as Parramatta Light Rail, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS) and a fast rail connecting the Eastern City and Parramatta with the new Western Sydney Airport.”

    The Commission has outlined four distinct zones within GPOP including: Parramatta CBD and Westmead Health and Education Super Precinct; Next Generation Living from Camellia to Carlingford; Essential Urban Services, Advanced Technology and Knowledge Sectors in Camellia, Rydalmere, Silverwater and Auburn; and Olympic Park Lifestyle Super Precinct.

    The report highlights the importance of the 4,000 hectare economic corridor and the opportunities to create jobs, housing and transport connections to facilitate significant population growth in the region.

    “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to deliver Sydney a central city that offers lifestyle, employment, arts and culture and world-class transport infrastructure. The Parramatta CBD is at the core of this vision and needs to be interconnected to the north, south, east and west in order to create a highly liveable city,” Ms Chadwick said.

    Council’s recent ‘Parramatta 2021’ report by PricewaterhouseCoopers shows that Parramatta will benefit from more than $10 billion worth of investment during the next five years. Economic growth is expected to double and the City’s economy will be worth $30 billion.

    “There is already significant investment momentum and work underway to deliver on the vision for GPOP. City of Parramatta Council will continue to work with the Commission and other stakeholders to ensure all these opportunities are realised for the community.”

  • 31-Oct-2016 08:42 | Anonymous

    In the May 2016 Federal Budget the Government announced a raft of proposals to change the superannuation rules. Since that time there has been considerable debate, consultation and political negotiation. In September and October 2016 exposure draft legislation was released, providing additional detail of the changes.

    It is likely to be months before we see final legislation passed by Parliament and for some people there will be a short timeframe in which to take action to avoid penalty or adverse outcomes. Advice should therefore be sought sooner rather than later to ensure that you are ready for the changes.

    Summary of proposed changes

    The proposed changes include:

    • Reduction in the concessional contribution cap from $30,000 or $35,000 to $25,000 per annum
    • Reduction in the non-concessional contribution cap from $180,000 to $100,000 per annum and ban on further non-concessional contributions where super balance already exceeds $1.6 million
    • Introduction of a $1.6 million cap on the amount that can be held in superannuation pension accounts
    • Transition to retirement pensions will no longer attract tax concessions in a superannuation fund
    • Allowing over 65s to make personal super contributions and removal of the “10% test”, allowing anyone up to age of 75 to claim a tax deduction for concessional contributions
    • Ability to “catch-up” unused concessional contribution caps over 5 year period where super balance is below $500,000
    • Extending the tax offset for low income spouses

    Start date

    The start date for most of proposed changes is 1 July 2017. The catch-up of concessional contributions will commence from 1 July 2018.

    Planning opportunities

    Business owners will need to be aware of the changes, particularly where business assets are held in self-managed superannuation funds. The new measures may adversely impact succession plans and also the ability to continue to fund limited recourse borrowing arrangements.

    The 2016/17 financial year represents the final opportunity for people with available funds to make large super contributions before the lower limits start to apply. If the three year “bring forward” limit for non-concessional contributions has not already been utilised, a contribution of up to $540,000 can be made, even if the current balance exceeds $1.6 million. A contribution can be made in cash, a transfer of listed shares or business real property.

    The small business CGT cap of up to $1.415 million continues to apply and this represents a significant opportunity for eligible people to top up their super savings in addition to the standard caps. The small business CGT concessions apply to the disposal of active business assets.

    Anyone with current super pensions exceeding the proposed $1.6 million “transfer balance cap” will need to make some decisions prior to 30 June 2017 and will be required to roll some of their super back into an accumulation account. Superannuation death benefit nominations and estate plans will need to be revised as reversionary pensions are adversely affected by these proposals.

    Transition to retirement pensions may no longer be worthwhile for some people as the tax exemption on associated earnings is proposed to be removed from 1 July 2017. This will affect anyone who started a superannuation pension before retirement, or reaching age 65.

    It is important to obtain personal advice to understand how these proposals will affect you and what planning opportunities may be available, particularly in the lead up to 30 June 2017. For further information, please contact your Pitcher Partners representative.


    Louise Meijer

    Partner, Private Clients

    Pitcher Partners Sydney

    T: +61 2 8236 7748



  • 31-Oct-2016 08:23 | Anonymous

    Events by ATC at Royal Randwick and the newly refurbished Rosehill Gardens are excited to officially launch their brand new website and rebrand.

    Over the past 5 years both Royal Randwick and Rosehill Gardens have undergone a $178million redevelopment and now offer some of Sydney’s most exciting event spaces for functions, conferences and special events. Premium venues along with the experienced Events by ATC team, ensures a stress-free and enjoyable experience for both organiser and guest.

    “In order for event planners and clients to fully understand the range of venues that Events by ATC can offer, we wanted to create an online destination that would not only showcase our event venues, but also show how we can help to make their events a success. The new branding is reflective of our professional team of industry specialists and approach to delivering successful events” said Jimmy Busteed, General Manager Function & Event Sales

    The new website has been designed to make finding the perfect venue suitable for events ranging from 100 to 50,000 as easy as possible. With clear images, precise venue information, floor plans and menus, event planners and clients will find it easy to choose the best venue for their next event.

    Rosehill welcomes new addition to their premier event precinct 

    The recent refurbishment of the J.R Fleming Grandstand at Rosehill Gardens is now complete and sees the introduction of a brand new venue called The Hive.

    This event space is designed with their guests in mind. A multi-purpose function venue located on the top level of the J.R. Fleming Grandstand with spectacular views of the racecourse, the flexibility of The Hive can facilitate functions and events for intimate groups or large scale groups of up to 300 guests.

    Venue features include:  

    • Floor to ceiling windows trackside with racecourse views
    • Public address sound system
    • Wall mounted LCD screens
    • Air conditioned
    • Existing bars and café outlets
    • Amenities
    • Natural light and carpeted floor

    For further information contact the ATC sales team on 1300 729 668 or email

  • 28-Oct-2016 16:32 | Anonymous

    On the 10th and 11th November Urban Growth invite you to participate in panel discussions, working sessions, inspirational presentations, site tours and displays to help grow ideas for the Parramatta North heritage precinct.

    Day one of Sprout will provide you with an opportunity to get a good understanding of the site, with tours and displays.

    On day two Urban Growth will ask everyone to roll up their sleeves and put pen to paper. You will hear from community leaders, business owners, innovators, designers, artists, heritage experts, university students and academics to help inspire your thinking.

    There will also be an opportunity for you to present your own ideas.

    When, what and where:

    Thursday 10 November 10:00am – 3:00pm

    Site tours, displays, incubator showcase, NBN Sky Muster.

    Friday 11 November 8:00am – 5:00pm

    Presentations, panel discussions, workshop, displays, incubator showcase, NBN Sky Muster.

    Friday 11 November 5:30pm – 7:30pm

    Join us in the evening at Sprout, to view presentations, displays and videos, participate in a workshop, and provide your feedback.

    Where: The Chapel, Norma Parker Centre, 1 Fleet Street, North Parramatta NSW 2145

    Travel: The site is a pleasant 2km walk from Parramatta or Westmead Station. Alternatively, take bus 549, 601 or M54 or the free shuttle bus from Parramatta Station. Limited parking is available on site.

    Contact: For more information please contact: 

    Sara Wilson on 0419 815 087


    Sprout is free to attend, however pre-registration is required, as there is limited space. Click here to register.


  • 27-Oct-2016 09:41 | Anonymous

    After experiencing huge success in 2015, Sydney’s largest family spectacular is back at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse this December.

    The Sydney Santa Spectacular is set to be a fun filled family extravaganza with lots of rides, ice skating, 100's and 1000's of decorations that will dazzle your senses, and the ever popular North Pole experience which is sure to provide amusement and entertainment for every child and for the inner child of every mum and dad as well. 

    There will be limited tickets for each of the three hour sessions so book your tickets early to confirm a place for your family.

    What does the ticket price include?

    Your ticket gives you access to unlimited rides and the gorgeous interactive walk-through enchanted snow forest where snow falls daily*, interactive attractions including:

    • Gingerbread Land where you can custom decorate your own cookie
    • Little elves craft workshop where you can can create your favourite Christmas character!
    • Snow World's ice skating on The North Pole's spectacular ice skate of Australia's largest portable ice skate rinks
    • Toboggan snow slide double lane, larger then last year
    • Christmas Fairy reading time and Snow Queen stage entertainment
    • Roaming meet and greet characters
    • Free parking
    • Santa Express Train
    • A magical walk through Enchanted Christmas Forest
    • Family amusement rides and attractions
    • Stage entertainment at 'North Pole's Main Stage'
    • Australia's only enchanting Double Decker Carousel
    • Spectacular Snow Castle and Christmas theme inflatable world

    And much much more!

    Click here for further information or to book your tickets. 

    *Please Note: Snow falling in the event is artificial snow from snow machines

  • 27-Oct-2016 09:19 | Anonymous

    In business, what's more important…Work ethic or brains?

    This is a question I have asked myself constantly over my entire business life.

    I grew up in a household that paid no respect to education whatsoever.

    In my primary school years, aged say 6 to 12, I spent more time working on the small family farm and playing football than learning.

    A typical day would be out of bed at 5 - 5:30am.

    My 7 brothers and sisters and I would make our way to the warmth of our heater in the dark, cold of the morning (being very careful not to wake our parents) and flick on the TV to watch cartoons.

    The old Looney Toons was the go to back then and for me it was my only peace in the day when I didn't have to worry about anything or do anything.

    When I say peace, it was always an uneasy peace as in the back of my mind there was always the darkness of what mood my mother would be in and how that would affect my day. Would I be with my friends at school learning and enjoying being a child or would I be working/ cleaning, trying to keep mum in a good mood?

    The Looney Toons solitude lasted about an hour before my parents started barking orders and the peace was shattered and the work began.

    We all fed ourselves, dressed ourselves, made our own lunch, cleaned up our mess, and often had jobs to do before school.

    Our mornings were made easier if our mother was in a good mood, however if she wasn't then those mornings could be thrown into absolute chaos.

    To cut a long story short, if my mother felt I should stay home and work then that's what happened, so at least one day out of a normal week I would not be at school.

    I never did any homework, EVER.

    It just wasn't important at our house.

    Afternoons I worked and or trained football and weekends I played my game then worked.

    Having friends over or going to someone's house rarely happened. We were too busy working.

    We rarely had time to play, or if we did it was often interrupted because we had to work.

    You might know (recall?) I went overseas at a very early age to play football, so whatever education I was getting stopped then.

    So clearly I lacked a typical education, but all my hidden learning was about work ethic, through my home life, upbringing and my football.

    I was always a relentless competitor and still am.

    When I was overseas on my own from 14, I'm sure a big part of my hidden learning was becoming street smart.

    "Was this where I GREW A BRAIN"?

    So, I knew how to work but was I smart?

    I think the answer is, I had potential to be smart but hadn't tapped into it yet. One thing is for sure, I needed to be interested in something to learn about it.

    When I was in school I was hopeless, really hopeless, and was in all the lowest classes in every subject.

    I don't think anyone ever even cared how hopeless I really was or read any of my reports. I think everyone already knew what they contained.

    But I think most people just said, ‘don't worry about Kazan, he's going to be a football star!!’

    When I eventually gave up football due to multiple serious injuries, and concentrated on building and on my company, I discovered something about myself that I don't think anyone knew, something "I certainly didn't".

    And that was that I was interested in something other than football for the first time in my life, and every single thing I learnt, that I was taught or I saw relating to building stuck. Even mathematics came easy to me when I used it in the context of building things, a subject I was clearly interested in now.

    So this meant I only needed to be shown or taught something once, and I knew it forever.

    The biggest thing was though, because I was so interested, my work ethic, " how hard I tried " went through the roof.

    I wouldn't let anyone ever work harder than me, "NO WAY" and I could work literally until I fell asleep with exhaustion, or I finished a job, whatever came first.

    For me work ethic wasn't just physical though. It was also the relentless effort and perseverance of the day to day mundane tasks of running a business - making that phone call you just didn't want to make, staying back that extra half hour to finish something properly, making sure your client was always happy with you and your team, arguing your point for what you believed in often against some very intimidating character's in the building game.

    Most importantly, the constant coaching of all your team around you how to believe in and maintain your standards hour after hour, day after day, year after year, never dropping the ball… NEVER EVER DROPPING THE BALL.


    Kazan Hadden


    0416 024 369

    Board Member, The John Maclean Foundation,

    Address: Suite 101, 22 Brookhollow Avenue, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

    Phone: 02 9659 3387



    Instagram: @nickaz_constructions

  • 27-Oct-2016 08:58 | Anonymous

    Novotel Sydney Parramatta welcomes all families and friends to celebrate this festive season together with their extravagant Christmas Day Lunch Buffet in 350 Restaurant and Lounge on Sunday 25th December. This Christmas will be one to remember as the hotel’s Atrium is transformed into a dazzling Christmas wonderland!

    Enjoy a delicious Christmas Day Lunch Buffet with an abundance of fresh seafood, tantalising carvery selection, delectable Christmas desserts, plus the inclusion of house wine, beer & soft drinks.

    Children can delight in a separate buffet just for them and gather around the impressive Christmas tree to receive a special Christmas gift from Mr. Claus! Children under 5 years of age are free.

    Bonus offer: Stay from $150 Standard Room for overnight accommodation including buffet breakfast & parking.

    Email or call the friendly Novotel reservations team on (02) 9630 4999 for the booking form or for further information.

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