Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 22-Sep-2016 17:23 | Anonymous

    The Federal Government has recently announced funding, along with contributions from Campbelltown City Council, Western Sydney University, UrbanGrowth NSW and AFL, to establish the Campbelltown Sports and Health Centre of Excellence (CoE) at Western Sydney University, Campbelltown Campus. 

    The CoE will co-locate facilities for elite sports training, administration and operational spaces, as well as sports and recreational areas for the community. The CoE will address the unmet need in South West Sydney for quality sporting facilities and will accommodate a range of elite training and sports science research activities, and include specialist equipment such as an altitude training centre and a hydrotherapy pool, which can be used for rehabilitative purposes.

    The CoE will also include multiple gymnasiums, indoor courts, and training and playing fields. In addition to providing aspiring athletes a pathway to elite sport, the CoE will provide a myriad of health facilities providing individual and inter-professional health and medical services and be a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in service provision and clinical training across many of the Western Sydney University disciplines.

    It is estimated that the precinct will have major economic benefits for Campbelltown, contributing between $22 million and $27 million worth of value to the community over the next 10 years.

  • 22-Sep-2016 16:33 | Anonymous

    Round off the year with PARKROYAL Hotels & Resorts and let us take care of your Christmas function for you. A selection of versatile function rooms and restaurants are available to suit festivities of all sizes.

    With enticing treats plated with seasonal flair and complemented with expert attention to detail, our experienced team will ensure a truly memorable occasion.

    From cocktail packages, to three-course sit down dinners, all Christmas packages can be tailored to suit your event size and requirements. All packages will be themed with Christmas decorations including table centrepieces and bon bons.

    Click here for further information or to book. 

  • 15-Sep-2016 17:17 | Anonymous

    Women are sometimes surprised to learn that they play a very important role in driving the economy and increasing workforce participation when they return to work after a period of parental leave.

    However, despite the fact that it is now the “norm” for a woman to return to work after the birth of a child, Australia's female participation rate still tracks lower than that in other similar countries such as New Zealand and Canada and women continue to face challenges when balancing work and family commitments.

    So what rights do new mothers have when returning to the workforce after childbirth?

    Returning to Work

    The National Employment Standards (NES) in the Fair Work Act provide the statutory framework for the majority of women returning to work after childbirth.

    Generally, a new mother will be returning to work after having taken a period of parental leave under the NES of up to 12 months (or up to 24 months if an extension was granted).

    During that time, the employee may have maintained contact with her workplace via “keeping in touch days” and visits to introduce the new baby.

    Importantly, a new mother returning to work has a statutory right to return to her pre-parental leave position or, if that position no longer exists, to an available position for which the employee is qualified and that is nearest in status and pay to the previous position.

    Flexible Work Arrangements

    Amongst other things, the NES provide employees who are parents of, or who have responsibility for the care of, a child who is of school age or younger, with a right to request a change in working arrangements.

    The changes can include a request to work part time, a request to change the patterns of work and a request to change to the work location (e.g. to perform some work from home).

    While this statutory right exists for employees, employers also have the right to refuse a request for flexible working arrangements when there are reasonable business grounds for doing so.

    Nonetheless, the employer must genuinely consider the request and respond in writing.

    What are the formal requirements to make a request?

    To make a request for flexible working arrangements, an employee must have at least 12 months of continuous service. If an employee is a casual then they must be a long term casual with a reasonable expectation of continuing employment on a regular and systematic basis.

    The request for flexible working arrangements must be made in writing, and set out the details of the change sought and reasons for the change.

    Once a written request has been received, the employer must provide a written response within 21 days, which states whether the request is approved or refused. Employers can only refuse a request on “reasonable business grounds” and must provide their reasons for the refusal in writing.

    Next Article

    In our next article we will examine in more detail the issue of flexible work arrangements.


    If you have any questions or would like any assistance, please feel free to speak with or email a member of our Matthews Folbigg Workplace Solutions team on (02) 9635 7966 or

    DISCLAIMER: This article is provided to clients and readers for their general information and on a complimentary basis. It contains a brief summary only and should not be relied upon or used as definitive or complete statement of the relevant law.

  • 15-Sep-2016 16:20 | Anonymous

    The Australian Turf Club has taken top honours at the 2016 Savour Australia Restaurant & Catering Hostplus Awards for Excellence – NSW in the category of Events Caterer.

    The ATC beat out seven finalists to take home the award, recognising the hard work and talent of our Rosehill functions and catering team at the 60th Running of the Golden Slipper event.

    The Awards for Excellence is a nationally recognised, independently judged awards program that celebrates exceptional service and culinary talent across the state. The Awards for Excellence is the only program in Australia where the judging criteria is determined by consumers who rank what is important to them in the dining experience.

    With a recent $28million dollar refurbishment at Rosehill Gardens and rebrand of our events business, Events by ATC, The Australian Turf Club is proud to be showcasing and promoting its functions which are a reflection of our professional team of industry specialists. The award was accepted by General Manager, Function & Event Sales, Jimmy Busteed.

    The Australian Turf Club will progress to the nationals held in Sydney on the 24th October 2016.

    For function/event enquiries please contact The ATC team:


    P:  1300 729 668

  • 12-Sep-2016 11:40 | Anonymous

  • 08-Sep-2016 15:18 | Anonymous

    Author: Kylie Adoranti, Parramatta Advertiser

    Click here to view online article

    PREMIER Mike Baird has talked up the level of investment and attention his government has given to western Sydney while addressing 600 of the region’s business leaders.

    Mr Baird today delivered his third State of the Region speech at the Western Sydney Business Connection at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse and boasted about the Liberal Government’s key projects and achievements for the region and the state.

    “Starting with the economy, there has been real progress. The numbers came out yesterday for NSW as the fastest growing economy in the country ... It is the 22nd largest economy in the world.”

    The Premier said there was good news regarding western Sydney’s growing housing market.

    “Every weekend there are more than 500 new homes that are coming on the market. It is happening in a very significant way.”

    He said Westconnex was just one of the important pieces of infrastructure the region needed.

    “From Parramatta to the airport, you can get there 40 minutes quicker.”

    Mr Baird said he believed moving the Powerhouse Museum to Parramatta would boost livability and attraction to “the great parts of western Sydney”.

    Infrastructure was also a big part of the Premier’s address. He said the government was spending more on infrastructure in the next four years than any state government had spent in the history of the country.

    “We are giving opportunities to the future generation of workers,” he said.

    In terms of health, Mr Baird said it was “a difficult area” but the health system was doing “an incredible job” and that he was proud of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and the significant amount of money going towards the disability sector.

    The government’s work with the environment was briefly mentioned, with Mr Baird saying he believed the introduction of the container deposit scheme would have a huge impact on reducing litter across the state.

  • 29-Aug-2016 16:39 | Deleted user

    Western Sydney Business Connection (WSBC) is pleased to welcome The Hon Mike Baird MP, Premier of NSW to the heart of Sydney for his annual State of the Region Address at Rosehill Gardens, 8 September, 2016.

    This year’s event will deliver another bumper crowd with the Premier addressing over 600 of Western Sydney’s business leaders to share the NSW Government’s progress and future plans for shaping the state’s economic engine room.

    The Premier will provide insights on the government's key initiatives to grow jobs in the west and to create cities with a liveability focus through continued investment in transport, health, education and the cultural economy.

    Ticky Fullerton from ABC’s ‘The Business’ program will provide additional analysis of the region's challenges and opportunities and facilitate a panel discussion with four of Western Sydney’s key business leaders including:

    Danny Rezek, Managing Partner, Deloitte Western Sydney


    Duncan Ellis, Commercial Business Director, TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute

    Ross Jones, Vice President, Eastern Region, Jacobs

    Jake Burgess, Managing Director, Sydney Zoo

    Event Details

    Date:  Thursday 8 September, 2016

    Time:   11.30-2.00pm

    Location: Rosehill Gardens Racecourse

    Grand Pavilion (Level 2)

    James Ruse Drive

    Rosehill NSW 2142




  • 18-Aug-2016 16:42 | Anonymous

    Tesla Motors is barely a decade old and enjoys a worldwide reputation and financial success. It started from scratch with a bright idea, like most start-ups and small businesses, and much can be gleaned from the way Tesla has managed its ideas.

    Pre-orders for the latest Tesla Motors "Model 3" have exceeded US$14 billion in future sales and are testimony to the transformational effect it is having on the automotive industry. Intellectual capital, in the form of intellectual property (IP) rights, has helped steer the company from engineers in a garage to success on the commercial highway.

    Here are three examples of how Tesla Motors was able to use IP rights to fuel its growth (without ever having to enforce them!).

    1. Start up phase: attracting investment

    To date, Tesla owns approximately 900 patents worldwide. But during early stages, Tesla focused only on protecting a few key solutions to problems faced by electric vehicles at that time. One of their earliest patents filed was simply for a method and apparatus for mounting, cooling, connecting and protecting batteries (see US patent application 2007/0009787).

    Owning IP rights, however, enabled Tesla to approach the likes of angel and venture capital investors to attract the necessary funding for developing the Roadster model with British car manufacturer Lotus, and growing the business.

    In exchange for providing the money to build and market your products, investors want to know that your point of difference cannot be easily replicated, and that the business has legal assets to protect it, in the hope that these will grow in value with the success of the firm.

    2. Gaining momentum: protection is leverage

    The Tesla Roadster was launched in 2008 with a string of IP rights behind its proprietary technology. These related to numerous improvements to the electric vehicle, including the battery life being extended to a range of 394 km per charge and the ability to supercharge without detriment to battery lifespan. For the first time, electric cars were both more feasible and attractive to a commercial market.

    A small business with a well-protected idea or brand is in a much stronger position to negotiate with a large corporate - even more so if their idea has proven commercial market interest. Most competitors and organisations are all too eager to avoid the threat of infringement, which carries real legal, financial and reputational risks, in favour of either doing a deal with the rights owner or staying out of the market completely.

    3. Reinventing the wheel: brand enhancement

    In 2012, Tesla Motors launched the Model S and subsequently entered a more mature era of production, with sales exceeding 50,000 vehicles on the road. This level of success spurred Tesla Motors to continue using its IP rights to further growth.

    Telsa’s CEO, Elon Musk, used the company’s early success from its patent rights to increase the value of its goodwill and trade mark rights (brand). Yes, you heard right. Musk made an unprecedented announcement in 2014 that anyone could use Tesla's portfolio of patent rights.

    He was thereby supporting the development of the technology to help grow the mainstream market size for electric vehicles, while cementing Tesla's reputation amongst buyers as an innovator in the field of electric vehicles.

    The ultimate end-goal for many businesses is to build a powerful and valuable brand that can be used as a competitive edge to distinguish present and future products and services in the market.

    By protecting your ideas – your intellectual property rights – you have powerful tools at disposal that can be utilised in different ways according to the needs of each business stage.

    Author: Jack Shan, Patent Attorney at DCC

    © 2016 Davies Collison Cave

  • 17-Aug-2016 10:59 | Anonymous

    Over the years, as much has been invested into Nickaz as a company as has been invested in giving back.

    We have been involved in a lot of charities; Ride to Conquer Cancer, hosting The World’s Greatest Shave, the PIF annually to raise money for homeless children, the City2Surf, the Steve Waugh Foundation Ride and more recently Kazan has been working closely with John Maclean and his foundation.

    Then there’s everything behind the scenes - Kazan and Nicole don’t bat an eyelid to jump in and help out people in need directly - financially, with resources or connecting people to create a supportive network. I’ve never witnessed any consideration to receive acknowledgement or repayment.

    It’s rare to meet individuals so adamantly open to giving, over and over … how are people that genuine shaped? I asked Kazan what it meant to him;

    ‘For many people that have been successful in business – do you know how many at some point in life have been told “How lucky” they are when someone gets a glimpse of their wealth?

    The last time someone told me how lucky I was I thought to myself, isn’t luck when you win the lotto or Keno or find fifty bucks on the ground???

    I wish that person was around when I had nothing. Living in a shed with my wife and three young kids, holes in the floors and walls, and in the bitter cold of winters and the searing heat of endless summers…when people I employed often earned more than me. Getting out of bed in the morning at 4:30, working on the tools till 12pm, changing into nice clothes to visit clients in the afternoon, getting home to see the family and help put the kids to bed, then working on designs and quotes until midnight before starting all over again.

    Day after day. Year after year.

    Or the times I had to do all-nighters…being so tired that I fell asleep on the floor of an office building with a cordless drill in my hand and a screw half in the wall.

    NO, for me there is no “luck”, just hard work, perseverance, work ethic and many other things you need to get you to where you need to go.

    One of the greatest things I have learned though - through my experiences and coming from a humble beginning having to work my way up - is a deep understanding of what people less fortunate than me now can go through.

    As I get older and as I enjoy some of the success of years of hard work, it only deepens my sense and need to give back.

    As a business owner and as I’m seen more and more as a leader in my field and the wider community, the idea strengthens that all of us who enjoy success for whatever reason should think about the people who need our help and try in some way, whether it be time or maybe financially but we should all try in some way to PAY BACK!!’


    Kazan Hadden


    0416 024 369

    Board Member, The John Maclean Foundation

    Alison Meurant

    Director of Sales and Operations

    0450 608 804

    Address: Suite 101, 22 Brookhollow Avenue, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153

    Phone: 02 9659 3387


    Wesbite: (currently under construction)

    Instagram: @nickaz_constructions

    Facebook: Nickaz Commercial Interiors

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