Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 24-Jun-2016 09:18 | Anonymous

    The 18th Annual Ronald McDonald House Westmead Charity Golf Classic is coming up on Tuesday 9 August and we need your support.

    Gold Hole Sponsorship is a fantastic opportunity for any organisation looking to help us provide a ‘home away from home’ for families with seriously ill children. Plus, you get to play on a world-class championship course which has been recognised as one of the Top 100 courses in Australia.



    • Registration and entry for team of 4 including carts
    • Prominent corporate signage and opportunity for brand activations at sponsored hole
    • Logo displayed in the Golf Day Program and Presentation
    • Logo displayed on the Ronald McDonald House Westmead social media platforms
    • Photograph opportunities on the day
    • Opportunity for a branded item in the player gift bag
    • Invitation for private tour of RMH Westmead for organisation and key stakeholders
    • Certificate of Recognition for your support

    Activities on the day include:

    • A day of Ambrose golf at Castle Hill Country Club
    • Great prizes plus fun and games at various holes on the course
    • BBQ breakfast
    • Delicious meal in Members Lounge after golf
    • Live and silent auctions
    • Great opportunity to network with over 100 other corporate attendees

    To discuss sponsorship opportunities or to donate prizes, please contact our Event Coordinator, Michelle Burman on 02 9845 0600 or email

  • 24-Jun-2016 09:11 | Anonymous

    Boundaries are a common area of thought, professional debate and clinical intervention in professions which work with individuals dealing with mental illness. In counselling settings the invitation that is made to clients to alter the normal boundary around what information they share with others and how much of themselves they can openly reveal clearly has to be matched with very clearly defined and understood boundaries that puts a professional shape to that relationship.

    However similar boundaries are found all over the workplace, in HR policy and Key Performance Indicator documents, in employment contracts, legislation, return to work plans and performance meetings. Anywhere that an agreement has been reached about what is typical and expected behavior for a given situation, and even sometimes only in the unspoken assumptions of individuals, there exists a boundary such as the helping professions would define one.

    However they are expressed, boundaries, when clearly articulated and reached in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, can be the way we come to understand and assess our own sense of achievement, competence, self-worth and of our alignment with the others in our lives, personally or professionally.

    Within the workplace, boundaries are often expressed as policy documents, KPIs and performance expectations, codes of conduct and even simple elements such as shift times and meeting start times. It goes without saying that when clearly articulated, collaboratively designed, well promoted and maintained with regular and equitable implementation across a business, these workplace boundaries can contribute to a psychologically healthy workplace.

    Naturally, in providing a response to an employee’s disclosure of mental illness, and its potential impact on their participation in the workplace, it is these kinds of boundaries that require review to ensure that support is provide to the employee of a nature which is appropriate to their individual needs and their required performance.

    It is in the definition of appropriate support and required performance that lie the challenges for workplaces, individuals and health professionals alike. Employees facing new or changing experiences of mental illness are already likely to be sensitive and perhaps less resilient in the face of changes in workplace expectations.

    Clearly stated expectations, identified via professional assessment of functional capacity over time in the workplace, collaboratively developed and closely resembling the typical expectations for the employee are the most likely to maintain the employees function throughout and beyond recovery.

    It may be obvious that a blaming, stigmatizing or inflexible approach to changing employee needs contributes to poor outcomes. However, even well intentioned offers of flexibility, relaxation of performance expectations and open ended support time frames can impact outcomes negatively if the boundaries around the changed role and expectations are vague in the minds of stakeholders.

    The structure and clarity that is a necessary component of a well-functioning workplace can serve as a strongly protective and stable influence in the lives of employees with experiences of mental illness. The tools and processes which provide this stability are the very ones managers of all stripes use every day, however are also ones which they are the most likely to begin to dilute in the face of an unfamiliar mental illness disclosure by employees.

    If you would like to find out more about Injury Treatment’s Optimise Corporate Health Services please contact us on 1300 622 734.

  • 23-Jun-2016 12:38 | Anonymous

    The words ‘disruption’ and ‘change’ are uttered daily these days, as organisations of all kinds seek to keep pace with never-ending challenges and transformations to the way they do business. The question is – how can businesses effectively adapt and innovate in the face of constant change?

    This question was at the core of DibbsBarker’s Client Innovation Day, recently hosted in the firm’s Sydney office. From morning until night, clients mixed and mingled with DibbsBarker staff at a series of thought-provoking sessions that pulled everyone out of the day-to-day, immersing them in creative thinking and inspiring discussion.

    The day kicked off with a breakfast panel featuring Angela Mentis, Group Executive, Business Banking at NAB, speaking about the changing world of banking and how her organisation is harnessing the power of those changes to move forward. Angela was joined by Christine Middap, Editor of The Weekend Australian Magazine, as well as Fay Calderone from DibbsBarker’s People & Workplace team.

    In a second stand-out session, Dr Gerald Khoury facilitated an enlightening discussion over lunch about the value of creativity as a leadership trait, the connection between creativity and innovation, and the secret to creating industry-changing innovation and disruption.

    DibbsBarker’s own presenters included restructuring specialist Macaire Bromley, intellectual property experts Stuart Green and Catherine Boxhall, property specialist Andrew Flannery and corporate / M&A specialist Lis Boyce.

    David Carter, the DibbsBarker partner who spear-headed Client Innovation Day, said: “We wanted to give both our clients and our staff an opportunity to take a step away from their desks and participate in something different – something that would engage and inspire them to think about what it really means to be ‘innovative’, which we all need to be in a climate of so much change. It was a great day and we were privileged to have such exceptional guest speakers leading and participating in the fun.”

    DibbsBarker has plans to host a similar Client Innovation Day in its Brisbane office, following the resounding success of the Sydney event.

    For more about DibbsBarker, visit the firm website or LinkedIn page.


  • 23-Jun-2016 12:09 | Anonymous

    BREED would like to invite you to their next Bottom Line Series seminar for 2016: Unfair Terms in Contracts and Small Business.

    This free seminar will cover contracts used in small business and the unfair terms that can go along with them. Bring your questions!

    The event details are as follows:

    Presenter: Steve Brown - Etienne Lawyers

    Date: Wednesday 20th July, 2016

    Time: 5:15pm for 5:30pm

    Address: Nirimba Education Precinct, Building T2A, Warawara Circuit, Quakers Hill NSW 2763 

    RSVP: As numbers are limited, bookings are essential - Register here

    Cost: Free

    For more information, visit or contact Naomi Pikse:

    P: 9853 3200


  • 23-Jun-2016 11:11 | Anonymous

    I was sure the problem was in my knee. It hurt when I walked, it hurt when I stood up, it hurt whenever I straightened it. I definitely had a problem with my knee.

    But no, my doctor diagnosed a hamstring strain. After a week of following his instructions it was a good as new.

    So what led my doctor to look away from my obvious pain point?

    He was armed with the results of a raft of tests. He drew on his experience with clients with similar complaints. He had his own expertise and had access to an array of specialists and their knowledge. In short, he had built up knowledge that led him to take a more holistic view. He understood how everything fit, how all the parts worked together.

    Running a business is similar. Understanding how all the parts of the business interact is the key. Intelligence is the fuel that runs the business. How do you know if a downturn in sales is due to seasonality or a parts shortage or the loss of a major client? Business intelligence is the answer and the key to business intelligence is the business management system on which the organization is run.

    What sort of system do you want? You want a system that is simple to use. Ideally, you would like something that looks familiar and is easy to learn. You want a system that will grow with the business. You don’t want to have to move to a new system and move any data across. You want a system that will manage all aspects of the business. You want a system that adapts and grows and may be customised to your industry.

    The good news is that KPMG’s Microsoft Dynamics practice provides an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that meets these requirements. It’s a solution designed to help businesses make smarter decisions with real time insights. It is a system that understands how all the parts work together.

    If you would like further information contact me:

    Greg Hunt


    M: 0412 402 464 


  • 23-Jun-2016 10:29 | Anonymous

    What’s the best bet for Melbourne Cup? Novotel Sydney Norwest. 

    Celebrate the race that stops the nation with our Melbourne Cup Luncheon. 

    $98.00 per person
    Tuesday 1st November 2016
    Grand Ballroom
    12:00 – 4:00 p.m.

     Package Inclusive of:

    ·    Sumptuous buffet

    ·    Large screen coverage of the day

    ·    4 hour beverage package

    ·    Lucky door prizes

    ·    Entertainment

    ·    Sweepstakes

    ·    Complimentary car parking 

    Bookings Essential 

    Simply call (02) 9634 9634 or email

    *Terms and conditions apply. Tables of 10 people

  • 23-Jun-2016 09:45 | Anonymous

    On Saturday 6 August 2016, multi award-winning Loxley on Bellbird Hill will welcome over 100 guests for an important fundraising degustation dinner and a night filled with fabulous entertainment, great prizes, gifts for attendees and more. Funds raised from this inaugural event will help My Westmead support Diabetes research and care.

    My Westmead is the charity arm for Westmead Hospital and The Westmead Institute for Medical Research. These institutions work together to provide ‘bench to bedside’ treatment and care for everyone in Western Sydney. Breakthroughs and discoveries made by researchers are translated into actual outcomes for patients being treated locally.

    The inaugural ‘Dine In Style’ event will take place on Saturday, 6 August 2016 and is the brainchild of Loxley owner Paul Maher. The venue specialises in weddings, conferences, accommodation and private dining. Located in Kurrajong Hills, the original land grant dates back to 1833, one of the oldest grants in Australia and has since been developed into the scenic 30 acre estate that stands today. Loxley on Bellbird Hill is one of Western Sydney’s most elegant and romantic destinations and is situated at Kurrajong Hills, the gateway to the world heritage listed Blue Mountains.

    Paul Maher and Loxley on Bellbird Hill have been long term supporters of My Westmead. They are true examples of positivity and advocacy for Western Sydney and their generosity over many years has helped My Westmead with multiple events and fundraising campaigns. Paul is a dedicated ambassador for businesses in Western Sydney and the potential of what can be achieved by supporting each other.

    Paul has a personal connection with Westmead, both his parents were treated at Westmead Hospital and his son was in intensive care at Westmead’s ICU after a major motorcycle accident.

    Associate Professor Wayne Hawthorne, who will be a guest speaker at the event, leads a specialised team of professionals committed to providing patients with the best possible treatments for Type 1 diabetes. They are working to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes and to help patients that suffer from secondary complications such as renal failure.

    For more information about the ‘Dine In Style’ event at Loxley on Bellbird Hill or how you or your business can support health care and research, contact My Westmead on 1800 639 037 or visit

  • 23-Jun-2016 09:38 | Anonymous

    ARC makes career development easy. We specialise in placing school leavers into 12 month business traineeships in many varied industries and run government funded training courses in five key industries (business, retail, warehousing and logistics, process manufacturing and community services). 

    From exhibiting at the Western Sydney Careers Expo across four days, we have over 1,000 students interested in a traineeship and the Interview Skills Bootcamp, a great achievement for our team and one that we are extremely proud of!

    ARC was able to present our traineeship program to school leavers and widen the career options for many young adults leaving school.

    With National Skills Week (August 29th-September 4th) and the end of the school year rapidly approaching, we took this opportunity to introduce an Interview Skills Bootcamp and our ARC Pathway program – an intensive ‘job ready’ course.

    Our success at this event has prompted us to exhibit at other various Conferences and Expos later this year. To see our success in action, visit our Instagram page - .

  • 23-Jun-2016 09:32 | Anonymous

    City of Parramatta has welcomed the State Government’s commitment to investigate locating a new aquatic centre on the site of the former Golf Course in Parramatta Park.

    The State Government has confirmed the Parramatta War Memorial Swimming Centre will be closed to make way for the $350 million Parramatta Stadium redevelopment.

    “Council has been working closely with the State Government to identify a new site for an aquatic centre near the heart of the CBD, which will service the immediate Parramatta area and beyond. While losing a much loved community asset, the building of a new centre presents an opportunity to design a swimming facility for the future,” City of Parramatta Administrator Amanda Chadwick said.

    “The former golf course site, which is situated on Parramatta Park Trust land, will now be the subject of a State Government feasibility study and masterplan to determine its suitability and to provide greater clarity about the costs of developing the facility.

    “Selecting a site for the new aquatic centre is an important first step in the process. Council will now continue to work with the State Government to explore funding options to ensure the vision for the swimming facility is realised.

    “The pool is a very popular community asset with an average of 160,000 visitations per year. It has been serving the community since it opened in 1959 and we understand that many people have fond memories of the pool.

    “Interim arrangements are being developed to reduce the inconveniences that we know the pool patrons, including the Parramatta Memorial Swimming Club, will experience. We will do what we can to help ensure important social, health and swim safety services continue during the construction period.

    “We are working with the Government to investigate and negotiate arrangements for swim school users and other swimmers to access other facilities in the area.

    “There will be short-term inconveniences for pool users, which we regret. However, in time Parramatta will be home to a world-class sports stadium and a modern aquatic facility.”

    Council currently leases the land that the Parramatta Swimming Centre occupies from the Parramatta Park Trust on a month-by-month basis.

    The State Government has indicated that the current Centre will be able to remain open throughout the 2016/17 summer season until the end of March 2017.

  • 22-Jun-2016 16:08 | Anonymous

    Use these 4 easy tips to transform your next corporate event into a spectacular Gala Dinner.

    Tip 1 – Make a great first impression

    From the moment they arrive, your guests should know they are in for a fun, spectacular evening so choose decorations that create the WOW factor.

    These days, event decorations are more than table centrepieces and chair sashes. They can include floral walls, trellised archways, plants and flowers suspended from the ceiling, chandeliers, candelabras, even tropical fish tanks and faux sand castles if they match the theme.

    If you are hosting a themed Gala Dinner, the room decorations should immediately transport your guests. For example, if your theme is Under the Big Top, the décor should take your guests to the circus.


    Tip 2 – A balanced mix of entertainment & conversation

    Keep the WOW factor coming with carefully selected, jaw dropping entertainment. If your venue allows, consider aerial performers (they require high ceilings), acrobats, contortionists, fire eaters, stilt walkers and dancers. Hiring a comedian is another option to add fun and humour to your event.

    Mix it up a little with a dance floor and music to keep your guests moving and energised. Depending on your budget, live musicians are always popular – especially if their music matches the theme of your Gala. Alternatively, hiring a DJ is a cost effective option and s/he will be able to play a variety of music to suit the tastes of your guests.

    Try to balance all of this excitement with quieter periods so your guests can chat with each other and mingle between tables. Also allow time for speeches and presentations if required.

    With many components to the entertainment, it’s a good idea to hire an experienced MC for the night. His or her role will be to direct your guests’ attention by introducing the entertainment and speakers as well as keeping the whole event flowing and on schedule.


    Tip 3 – Choice of food and drinks

    The food you serve your guests can make or break the success of a Gala Dinner so don’t skimp on the quality of the food served.

    Table service is the norm, however some organisers choose dessert buffets as a way to get guests away from their table and mingling with each other.

    Provide plenty of soft drinks to ensure each designated driver has plenty of non-alcoholic options. Soft drinks are also important for those guests who love to dance. They usually need a lot of rehydration.


    Tip 4 – Ask for help

    Gala Dinners require a great deal of organisation so ask for help from a committee or the venue itself.

    WatervieW in Bicentennial Park provides a range of options for organisations wanting to hold a Gala Dinner. In addition, their experienced corporate event managers have the contacts to help you source anything you desire.

    Enquire online for more information or call 02 9764 9900.

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