Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 02-May-2016 13:00 | Anonymous

    Imagine visiting a zoo and not having to view the wildlife through wired fences or glass windows; or not having to plan ahead to ensure you make the ‘feeding times’ of your favourite animal; or not straining to hear the zookeeper from a distance introduce the animal under their care.

    Jake Burgess, CEO of Sydney Zoo, did imagine this and, together with Western Sydney University (WSU), are seeking to deliver his vision for a fully immersed, on-safari, whole of family experience to Australia. 

    Through WSU’s Launch Pad innovation program, a zoo hackathon was held (on Friday 8th April 2016) aimed at bringing together people across various disciplines (including engineering, industrial design, science, zoology, business, communications, and information technology) to crowdsource ideas for the creation of the world’s most technologically advanced zoo.

    Some ideas generated involved virtual reality technology, advanced multi-touch robust displays, live in-field discreet surveillance streaming, gamified educational applications, sensorised cageless enclosures, and bio-metric diagnostic monitoring tools for data collation and analytics. The winning idea will be announced in the next few weeks.

    By partnering with WSU Launch Pad, Sydney Zoo is able to engage with its resident emerging tech startups, university scientists and researchers, and corporate sponsors, such as KPMG, who assisted with the facilitation of the zoo hackathon.

    KPMG is committed to and seeks to support innovative ecosystems throughout Australia by sharing its industry knowledge and experience, and providing access to leading thinkers in the innovation space, to achieve commercial success, including:

    • General innovation consulting services to identify opportunities and create strategies that drive innovative initiatives and capabilities
    • Advice and assistance with R&D tax and grants
    • elevate61: together with Advance, deliver a rapid growth entrepreneur program for Australian start-ups to expand their market and funding to the US
    • Alliance with Artesian Venture Capital Fund to support the growth of Australian startups, and
    • Sponsorship of the Australian Fintech hub Stone & Chalk.

    Article published by Tricia Liew, Manager, KPMG Innovate & elevate61

  • 02-May-2016 12:45 | Anonymous

    Did you know that according to the most recent available WorkCover statistical bulletin back injuries accounted for 23% of the 6089 major injuries in NSW?

    As the most common type of injury experienced by NSW employees it is important that you, as an employer, are able to provide the correct intervention to ensure your back-injured employee recovers and returns to productivity quickly. Injury Treatment, through their team of Physiotherapists, is pleased to be able to offer employers access to a state of the art intervention known as ViMove. Under the intervention ViMove sensors are used to record your employee’s low back movement, postures and muscle activation over the course of a work day.

    Using the data collected the ViMove Physiotherapist will analyse the movement patterns of your injured employee at work. Activities and postures that might be contributing to symptom are identified and tailored advice provided regarding manual handling, task design and suitable duties. The result is that your employee is less likely to experience hiccups with their recovery and return to work!

    If you would like to find out more about how ViMove, or other workplace based Physiotherapy interventions, can help your employees return to or continue at work please contact Injury Treatment on 1300 622 734.

  • 02-May-2016 12:28 | Anonymous

    Parisa Rad joins the team at Novotel Sydney Parramatta as Business Development Executive for Conference and Events and has already hit the ground running. With a strong background in hotel operations, Parisa’s personal experience and determination makes her a great addition to the team. 

    Parisa returns to Novotel Sydney Parramatta, having previously worked at the hotel in Front Office before she headed to Sydney Olympic Park hotels and Novotel Rooty Hill to gain more experience. She is excited to be back in Parramatta having observed it's continued growth as Sydney's second CBD. With this comes the possibility of working with great companies, many whom have already been very welcoming of Parisa into the area.

    Parisa shows enthusiasm for working in hotels, enjoying the day to day interaction with people and being able to change a person’s day or feelings through genuine hospitality. She says of working for Accor, that everyone feels welcome, like family, and that every individual is encouraged to develop their personal growth.

    With a passionate personality, Parisa is a real people person and enjoys social time with her family and friends over great food and drinks. Currently studying her Bachelor in Business and Commerce, Parisa has the character to succeed within the business world.

    For a chat or assistance in organising your next conference or event with Novotel Sydney Parramatta in one of their great versatile spaces, feel free to contact Parisa directly on:

    P: 02 9630 4999 


    Visit for all their fantastic offers.

  • 02-May-2016 12:06 | Anonymous

    Anyone who deals with injury management knows the value of having a medical certificate issued that matches the injured worker’s capacity to the duties available in the workplace. Equally important is the issue of a final certificate when the worker’s capacity matches that of his/her pre-injury duties. But what information is provided to the treating doctor to make this call? Do you have a workplace representative attend the first medical appointment with the injured worker and if so, are they equipped with adequate documentation to assist with negotiation of an appropriate medical certificate?

    Task analysis reports that detail the physical, cognitive and environmental demands of suitable and/or pre-injury duties are invaluable in providing objective information to the doctor. If the doctor has a breakdown of tasks that includes weights to be lifted, working heights, bending, standing required etc. they are more likely to set meaningful restrictions that enable an early return to work.

    Job task analysis reports can also be used to develop functional assessments for pre-employment/ internal redeployment screening or assessments of a worker’s ongoing capacity to remain at work. The analysis conducted during the job task assessment can also form the basis from which tailored manual handling training can be developed. A good place to start!

    If you would like to know more about Injury Treatment’s tailored job task analysis service, or any of our injury prevention services, please contact Judy Jankovics, Manager Training and Corporate Health on 02 8746 3314.

  • 02-May-2016 12:00 | Anonymous

    Would you welcome a new and fulfilling opportunity which would enable you to give back to a worthy community organisation and strengthen your skills? 

    Northcott is seeking mature and experienced managers to guide and nurture our management team as they deal with the challenges the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will bring to the disability services industry.

    The NDIS is an Australian Government scheme that will give people with disability the opportunity to develop their own goals and make decisions about their supports, including who will provide them. Northcott is registered to provide supports for NDIS participants. The rollout of the NDIS will commence in July 2016 and we want your help to support our managers through this change.

    We want to hear from leaders in your organisation who:

    • Have experience in senior management roles
    • Have managed during periods of great change
    • Are excellent communicators and sensitive to the needs of others
    • Can commit to volunteering 1 hour per month over a full year
    • Are keen to give back to the community

    For more information or to register your interest, contact: Melanie Hughes by May 20 via:

    P: 9890 0505


  • 02-May-2016 11:59 | Anonymous

    The upcoming release of the 2016/2017 Australian Federal Budget has the nation abuzz with speculation of many changes, including possible tax concessions to businesses. However, one policy focus getting particular attention is “the Ideas Boom”– the government’s proposal of investment in innovation across all sectors. One of the key areas in discussion is to provide easier pathways to funding for Universities and businesses to collaborate in industry based research. So what does this mean for the economy?

    Currently, Australia is trailing behind many other countries in the world when it comes to innovation. Europe, Israel and the U.S have been investing in this area for a lot longer and the results are evident. Our great resources boom is scaling down and now we need the next big thing to keep the economy going. If we have businesses collaborating with researchers, the research will be conducted in the areas which are most vital to the industry and those which will help propel that particular industry into the future.

    The National Innovation and Science Agenda website explains plans to fast track the project funding process, meaning a shorter lag time between research and development of products and services and those being used in industry. The increase in project-based work will produce a transferrable workforce with added emphasis on more flexible working arrangements, where workers can move more easily from project to project.

    The Turnbull government has also recognised the need to attract the best of the world’s talent to Australia and to be able to retain the talent we have. As we move into the New World of Work, the emphasis has shifted to the value of human talent, and in order to produce this valuable commodity, it is necessary to invest in research and innovation. According to CEDA’s 2016 Economic and Political Overview report, Universities and Business working together will:

    • Enable businesses to focus on research and development in a more targeted, intensive way
    • Result in organisations spending less money and time in this area
    • Produce talent that is relevant, more aligned to business needs and job ready by involving university students in research and development

    In combining our talent in these areas, we are increasing our competitive advantage on a global scale. The National Innovation and Science Agenda states that “Innovative firms are more competitive, more able to capture increased market share and more likely to increase employment than their competitors.” It can be argued that this is a case of too little, too late for the government to be pushing such an agenda and that the private sector has been fuelling this for a lot longer, but the fact remains that we can only benefit from investment in these areas.

    If the government is able to deliver on these policies as promised, it would provide a much-needed boost for the education and business sectors. It will also help shape the growing contingent workforce into the fluid asset our economy now demands.

  • 02-May-2016 11:52 | Anonymous

    More than just a buzz word, disruption is what we are seeing all around us and its impact on the workplace is undeniable. From major technological developments like Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, to the rise of the ‘next generation’ workforce, there is no doubt that the way we work is changing.

    In the video interview below, Fay Calderone from DibbsBarker's People & Workplace team speaks with BRR Media about some of the things employers should think about as they start to create more agile workforces and innovative workplaces to keep pace in an era of unrelenting change.

    Click here to view the video

  • 02-May-2016 11:45 | Anonymous

    There’s still time to take that yoga class you’ve been thinking about.

    There’s still time to go for a swim on Sunday mornings.

    There’s still time to quit smoking.

    There’s still time to get fit for Northcott!

    Throughout May, disability service provider Northcott is encouraging people of all abilities to get active and make a real difference to the lives of people with disability.

    It’s really easy to join up – just head to Northcott’s Everyday Hero page and get started!

  • 22-Apr-2016 12:43 | Deleted user

    Western Sydney’s councils, major landowners and advocacy groups have joined forces to campaign for Sydney’s missing rail link – a ‘north/south spine’ through Badgerys Creek Airport that links major regional residential and employment zones. 

    The Western Sydney Rail Alliance comprising of Campbelltown, Liverpool and Penrith Councils, Sydney University, south-west and north-west landowners, and the Committee for Sydney and Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue are united in their calls for a rail connection along the north-south corridor, stretching from Campbelltown/Camden in the South West through to Marsden Park in the North West. 

    Known as the ‘innovation corridor’ which was the focus for WSBC Platinum Partner Western Sydney University's report and WSBC event last year, the route would link Western Sydney’s massive growth areas, as well as Badgerys Creek Airport, the Sydney Science Park and major tertiary institutions. 

    The Alliance has been established to respond to the Joint NSW/Federal Government Investigation into Rail Options for Western Sydney, and has appointed WSBC Platinum Partner Deloitte and Arup to prepare a detailed submission, analysing the opportunities and challenges that exist in the corridor and how improved transport links will unlock the jobs, homes and education of the future. Importantly, the study will also examine the ‘value capture’ potential of this corridor, to help meet the costs of construction. 

    “The one critical thing missing in Sydney’s transport network is the north-south spine, a connection that links to all of the key growth and employment areas. Make no mistake, this is not just about leveraging the once in a lifetime opportunities that come with the Western Sydney Airport, but about connecting Western Sydney with Western Sydney,” Convenor of the Western Sydney Rail Alliance, Christopher Brown said. 

    “We see a rail connection along the innovation corridor as the catalyst that will drive the smart jobs of tomorrow and when integrated with current metro and heavy rail and light rail plans, will form a complete orbital transport network that works for all of Sydney.” 

    “There are a lot of urgers touting their own fast train projects from Badgerys Creek to the city but we all need to recognise that this is not Sydney’s second airport, it’s our first airport, and our link to global jobs of the future. Before we get carried away with rail lines to Circular Quay, we first need to ensure the people of Penrith, Liverpool, Blacktown, Parramatta and Campbelltown can get to and from Sydney West Airport.” 

    Tim Williams, CEO, Committee for Sydney added: 

    “Public transport is vital for Western Sydney’s future. When combined with Badgerys Creek Airport, and fast rail connections between Parramatta and the CBD, it is a game-changer for the region,” he said. 

    “Western Sydney has lacked equitable access to public transport for too long and effective links across the region will drive productivity and boost the creation of knowledge economy precincts. 

    Liverpool, Mayor, Cr Ned Mannoun: 

    “Improving transport is a major dynamic to opening up the Great South West to more employment and investment,” Cr Mannoun said. 

    Penrith Mayor Karen McKeown: 

    “To maximise Western Sydney’s productivity and realise the region’s potential there needs to be more connection between the North West and South West Growth Centres. Rail will re-shape the region and be followed by new town centres that are thick with jobs of the future.” 

    Campbelltown Mayor, Cr Paul Hawker: 

    “Our area is growing at a rapid rate, and supporting this growth with suitable infrastructure that facilitates efficient movement of people and goods between the North West and South West Growth Centres will help to ensure that the liveability and business potential of the Macarthur region is maximised,” Cr Hawker said. 

  • 22-Apr-2016 12:34 | Deleted user

    Parramatta City Council is releasing for development the first parcel of property in its landmark $1.2 billion cultural and entertainment precinct on the Parramatta River.

    At completion, the 20,000 square metre Riverbank mixed-use precinct will provide an optimal blend of residential, dining, retail, heritage and cultural facilities including flexible open space that will attract residents and visitors to the rejuvenated waterfront location.

    Council will run an Expressions of Interest campaign throughout March and April for a 5,150 square metre parcel of land on the Riverbank site that is prime for residential and retail development.

    Lord Mayor of Parramatta Cr Paul Garrard said the redeveloped Riverbank precinct will be a compelling all-hours entertainment and cultural destination that will connect with and complement the $2 billion Parramatta Square business district.

    “Council has a development blueprint for Riverbank that proposes up to 1,200 apartments, 6,000 square metres of retail, and 10,000 square metres of open space. It includes the preservation of local heritage and the possibility of an iconic cultural asset to distinguish Riverbank as the cultural heart of Australia’s next great city,” Cr Garrard said.

    “The first parcel of land for sale sits on the western side of the precinct. It offers an enviable waterfront location prime for a high-quality development including residential, retail and dining spaces that can set the precedent for a vibrant Riverbank precinct.”

    Cr Garrard said the 5,150 square metre western site could yield up to 680 apartments in a 74-storey mixed-use tower, subject to Council approval.

    “We are offering this site without a development application as we want to give a developer the flexibility to achieve design excellence for the residential tower and retail space to complement Council’s vision for Riverbank,” he said.

    “The successful proponent will be required to carry out a design competition and obtain all necessary approvals.”

    Expressions of Interest will close in early May.

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