Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 21-Mar-2016 09:14 | Anonymous

    The third report in the Making Western Sydney Greater research is now available. In this edition, we asked Western Sydney business owners and managers the greatest benefits and impediments of being a business in Western Sydney.   The results are sure to spark debate.

    Business sentiment, employment intentions, financial performance and growth plans are some of the other topics we explore. 

    To download your copy of the research, and find out what’s Making Western Sydney Greater for businesses, click here.

  • 21-Mar-2016 09:00 | Anonymous

    Grab the team and head to Novotel Sydney Parramatta's 350 Restaurant & Lounge for a Pintxo experience. 

    Enjoy Pintxo every Wednesday from 5.30pm. 

    As a special offer for WSBC members, book a table of 4 or more & receive a complimentary bottle of Shiraz or Sauvignon Blanc.

    To book: email or phone 02 9890 0882.

  • 17-Mar-2016 13:52 | Anonymous

    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull presented the inaugural Pemulway prize to Bankstown Poetry Slam at the Deloitte-supported Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue’s ‘Out There’ Summit held on Friday at Western Sydney University’s Parramatta Campus.

    Named after a revered Indigenous warrior and leader, the Pemulway prize honours an outstanding contribution to the region. Bankstown Poetry Slam was one of six Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue Award recipients, celebrating contributions from business and community to the advancement of Western Sydney.

    Deloitte was amongst the winners, presented with the Business Leadership award for the firm’s Shaping Future Cities – Designing Western Sydney initiative; an economic blueprint setting out recommendations to generate 200,000 great new jobs for Western Sydney.

    Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue Chair, Christopher Brown, AM said: “Shaping Future Cities is considered one of the most significant public policy contributions by a private company in Australian history. We are delighted to honour the leadership of Deloitte in developing the report, which is a game-changer for Western Sydney.”

    Deloitte Western Sydney Managing Partner, Danny Rezek, said: “We are thrilled to have been recognised for our work on Shaping Future Cities, and congratulate all award winners who, in different ways, are committed to advancing the region and ensuring it has a strong future.

    Shaping Future Cities was the result of the collective efforts of over 400 business, government and community leaders in the region, and has been endorsed by the NSW Premier.

    “We are already seeing the positive impact of the blueprint, with a number of recommendations implemented or in the pipeline, including the establishment of a Western Sydney University campus at Olympic Park and the Greater Sydney Commission (GSC) being located in Parramatta.”

    Western Sydney Leadership Award winners were:

    ·         Business Leadership – Deloitte: Shaping Future Cities

    ·         Regional Advocacy – News Corp/Daily Telegraph: Fair Go for the West Campaign

    ·         Corporate Philanthropy – Crown Resorts Foundation: Western Sydney Arts Initiative & Sydney Training College

    ·         Community Engagement – Bankstown Poetry Slam

    ·         Productive Partnerships – Lendlease/TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute: Barangaroo Skills Exchange (BSX)

    ·         Brand Champion – Western Sydney University 

    For more on the prize winners go to:

  • 17-Mar-2016 13:04 | Anonymous

    Been thinking of getting fit and losing a few kilos? Now is the time to do it by joining Northcott’s Fit for Funds program! Not only will you get fit, but your efforts will raise money for Northcott so we can make a real difference to the lives of people with disability.

    People with all kinds of abilities are encouraged to participate in Fit for Funds by pursuing activities that suit their lifestyle. You can walk, run, swim, dance, join a wheelchair basketball match, ride, roll or play your favourite sport, give up smoking or change your eating habits. Try a new activity like yoga classes, boccia, golf, go for strolls on the beach or run your first ½ Marathon!

    How can I join Northcott Fit for Funds?

    Just follow these simple steps:

    First, head to and click ‘Join Now’. Within minutes you can set up an everydayhero account and start building and customising your very own fundraising page.

    Then simply pick any activity you enjoy and set your goals. Next, start to upload your activity record using the Strava or MapMyFitness apps. If you don’t use these apps you can still be part of Fit For Funds – just post photos and messages of your progress on your fundraising page.

    What will my efforts achieve for people with disability?

    $15 will help us run our unique and inclusive sporting carnivals, giving children with disability an opportunity to compete with their peers.

    $30 will help enable a child to participate in a ‘Skills 4 Wheelies’ workshop, learning the safest way to use their wheelchair.

    $60 will help us run workshops to empower young adults, providing them with skills to live a more independent life.

    Spread the word!

    Use social media to get your message out and don’t forget to add #NorthcottFitForFunds to all your Instagram photos and Facebook posts about your activities.

    Ready, set, go!

    See you in May! 

  • 17-Mar-2016 13:00 | Anonymous

    Dine at TABLE:30 before the end of April 2016 and you and a guest can enjoy their seafood buffet for only AUD110*.

    Seafood lovers can delight in a succulent spread, with a delicious variety of fresh Sydney rock oysters, Australian tiger prawns, poached whole ocean trout, mouth-watering mussels, local Balmain bugs and blue swimmer crabs. Complement your fresh catch with an enticing array of hot dishes, salads, a live cooking station and a selection of delectable desserts.

    This offer is available on Saturdays from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.

    Bookings are essential. For dining reservations and enquiries, speak with the friendly staff at Parkroyal Parramatta today:

    P: 02 9685 0377  


    *Terms & conditions apply. Offer price is based on two people.

  • 17-Mar-2016 12:18 | Anonymous

    Want to know how investing in Workplace Rehabilitation can help to reduce your Worker’s Compensation Premium Costs?

    You may not be aware, but partnering with a Workplace Rehabilitation Provider with a proven record of facilitating safe and timely return to work is the best way to ensure that your staff are returned to work rapidly with a minimum of premium impacting lost wages.  There are many benefits for NSW Employers who maintain a safe workplace and support early return to work after injury occurs.

    New scheme reforms were introduced in August 2015 whereby high performing employers can achieve a performance discount of between 5-20% off their premiums. About 70% of employers currently perform better than the scheme average. These employers have achieved low workers compensation claim costs through good safety systems and proactive support of injured workers resulting in early return to suitable work after an injury. (See

    Under the reforms, premiums continue to be calculated based on claims costs however the medical and rehabilitation claims costs are now excluded from the calculation. The intent of this change is to ensure that workers are given rapid access to the medical and rehabilitation interventions that will support recovery and return to work. The flipside of this is that the claims costs associated with weekly payments now impact more heavily than before, with the wages bill being recouped up to three times in the premium calculation.

    What does this mean for the way NSW employers manage injuries?

    The core message of these reforms for employers is to promote safe workplaces through injury prevention strategies. By minimising the quantity and nature of workplace injuries, NSW employers can demonstrate improved performance against the scheme average. This message is reinforced through:

    1. The automatic application of the Employer Safety Incentive (ESI) which provides a 10% discount off the premium with the value of this discount only being recouped in instances of a claim that results in more than 4 weeks off work.

    2. Access to an additional 5% discount, through the Employer Safety Reward (ESR), if you are a medium to large employer and are claims free for 4 years.

    What if I have a claim or several claims, what should I do?

    The second intent of these reforms is to promote recovery through early access to rehabilitation and return to work. Early provision of workplace or vocational rehabilitation support with clear objectives around return to work is a great way to ensure that you qualify for the additional Return to Work Incentive (RTWI). The RTWI provides a further 5-15% off your premium where return to work has been achieved by 13, 26 or 52 weeks. 

    Infographic from

    If you’d like to discuss how partnering with a Workplace Rehabilitation Provider can assist you to improve your systems to prevent injuries and minimise premium costs, Injury Treatment will be happy to help! 

    Injury Treatment is a national clinical consulting firm employing approximately 300 staff nationally, including; Senior Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists, Psychologists, Rehabilitation Counsellors and Employment Consultants. 

    Contact us on 1300 622 734 and talk to our customer team today. 

    We can provide you with consultation around safety systems, risk assessment and implementation of appropriate risk controls too.

    To best understand the full extent of how these reforms apply to your individual business, contact WorkCover NSW on Ph.13 10 50. 

  • 17-Mar-2016 11:00 | Anonymous

    The new site for Gallop Management has gone live and we are thrilled to share it with you. 

    Check out who we are, what we do and the success of our clients. Let us know what you think!

    Gallop Management is a Gallop Solutions Company

  • 15-Mar-2016 16:54 | Deleted user

    The Western Sydney Business Connection is proud to be a part of the NSW Department of Industry's procurement project and encourages you to get involved in a key piece of research.

    A valuable procurement toolkit is being developed for Western Sydney and we welcome your company's involvement.

    The initial part of the project aims to identify and research the needs of companies that procure products and services based in Western Sydney. This information will be used to produce a printed toolkit guide for SMEs to use. 

    If your organisation procures products and services in Western Sydney and you want to be part of this groundbreaking research, please contact WSBC CEO Michael Sugg to express your interest and participation in this short survey.

    The Procurement Toolkit will:
    • introduce local, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to large organisations (government and commercial) operating in Western Sydney that are procuring products and services in Western Sydney.
    • increase awareness by large organisations operating in the region of local SMEs and their capabilities which can assist them to diversify their supplier base and/or increase their local spend.
    • encourage local SMEs to develop a better understanding of what large organisations require in terms of the tendering process.
    • assist SMEs to develop their capabilities to a level where they are confident to approach companies or industry sectors that they have not previously considered supplying.
    • encourage collaboration between SMEs to form joint ventures or informal alliances.
    • provide opportunity to work collaboratively with all levels of government,  industry and industry associations.
    This initiative is being driven by the NSW Department of Industry, in conjunction with WSBC, AIG, ICN, NSWBC, NSW Transport and RDA Sydney.

    Get Involved now and be part of creating this valuable procurement tool kit!

  • 15-Mar-2016 14:22 | Anonymous

    Fair Work Act Changes

    In November 2015, laws were passed that amended the Fair Work Act (Act) and below is a recap for employers of the main changes as these laws are now in operation.

    Greenfields Agreement

    These are enterprise agreements that are made in relation to new enterprises (ie, before employees are actually employed) and are typically negotiated between the employer and relevant trade unions.

    NEW:    the Act now provides employers with relief where an agreement with unions cannot be reached – after six months of negotiation, employers can go directly to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to have their Greenfields Agreement approved

    NEW:    the FWC must approve the Greenfields Agreement if, on an overall basis, it provides for pay and conditions that are consistent with the prevailing pay and conditions within the relevant industry for equivalent work

    NEW:    provided the FWC approves the Greenfields Agreement, it is taken to have been made on the date when the application for approval was lodged with the FWC

    Unpaid Parental Leave

    Employees who qualify for unpaid parental leave are entitled to request up to an additional 12 months of unpaid parental leave (ie, in addition to the usual 12 month unpaid parental leave period) and an employer can only refuse the request on reasonable business grounds.

    NEW:    the employer must not refuse the request unless the employer has given the employee a reasonable opportunity to discuss the request  

    Protected Industrial Action 

    Protected industrial action is simply industrial action engaged in pursuant to the provisions of the Act (as a tactic in enterprise agreement negotiations).

    NEW:    unions and other employee associations are now prevented from taking protected industrial action to force an employer to agree to bargain

    NEW:    in order for unions and other employee associations to apply to the FWC for a Protected Action Ballot Order (ie, requiring a protected action ballot to be conducted to determine whether employees wish to engage in particular protected industrial action for the agreement), one of the following must occur:

    (a)    the employer agrees to bargain, or initiates bargaining, for the agreement;

    (b)    a majority support determination in relation to the agreement comes into operation;

    (c)    a scope order in relation to the agreement comes into operation; or

    (d)    a low‑paid authorisation in relation to the agreement that specifies the employer comes into operation.

    On the Horizon….

    Further changes to the Act may be coming so stay tuned for updates in due course!


    If you have any questions or would like any assistance, please feel free to speak with or email a member of our Matthews Folbigg Workplace Solutions team on (02) 9635 7966 or

    DISCLAIMER: This article is provided to clients and readers for their general information and on a complimentary basis. It contains a brief summary only and should not be relied upon or used as definitive or complete statement of the relevant law.

  • 15-Mar-2016 11:48 | Anonymous

    ‘There has never been a more exciting time to be an Australian’ is the very first sentence of the well publicised innovation statement released by the Turnbull Government on 7 December, 2015. The purpose of this bold statement is to demonstrate a firm belief by the Government in the innovation potential of Australia and a commitment to the cause of promoting a post-mining era ‘ideas boom’ through initiatives worth $1.1 billion over four years. The statement is focused on four pillars: culture and capital, collaboration, talent and skills, and “government as an exemplar” with an overarching long-term goal of encouraging ‘a culture that backs good ideas and learns from taking risks and making mistakes.’

    A key government measure to promote ideas at their root stage is the R&D Tax Incentive, which is a broad based program that provides a tax offset to eligible companies at a rate over and above that of a normal tax deduction. The Incentive can see eligible businesses obtain tax offsets of up to 45% of R&D spend, with some of this potentially refundable in cash for businesses with grouped annual turnover of less than $20 million.

    R&D activities can involve design and development of new products, processes, platforms or services, or those that are above and beyond the capabilities of their predecessors. Expenses that are eligible for the R&D tax offset include cost incurred on salary and wages, direct prototype costs, travel, contractor costs and other business overheads applicable to the registered R&D activities.

    In order to apply for the R&D Tax Incentive, companies are required to lodge an R&D Application within 10 months of their financial year end. Therefore, a company that undertook eligible R&D activities at any stage during the 2015 financial year is able to access the tax offset through lodging an Application form by 30 April 2016. We assist over 1000 companies nationally with this, with over 300 of these out of the Sydney area.

    Further to the R&D Tax Incentive, the statement references a desire to introduction of tax breaks for early stage (angel) investors in order to promote investment in innovative start-ups with high growth potential. These tax breaks include: a 20% non-refundable tax offset on investments (capped at $200,000 per investor per year) and a 10 year exemption on capital gains tax, provided investments are held for three years. The new arrangements are not yet officially law but, if passed as such, are expected to commence from 1 July 2016.

    For further information please contact: 

    Mitch Eady

    PwC R&D Manager 


    P: 02 8266 4991


    Aaron LePoidevin 

    PwC R&D Partner 

    P: 02 8266 0215


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