Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 04-Feb-2016 17:33 | Deleted user

    It was in February (actually on Valentine’s Day) last year that we launched our Building Love Campaign to raise awareness and $31M in funds to build the new Ronald McDonald House Westmead.

    As we stand today, we’re over $22M towards our target, we’ve started the construction, and we’re confident of occupying the new House in 18 months or so. In the meantime however, we’re still in our current House and given the fact that it’s now over 20 years old and accommodates hundreds and hundreds of people each year, maintenance and upkeep is one of our key daily challenges.

    We want to provide the very best for the families staying with us. It’s our Home and we’re proud of it. Maybe you can help us?

    Can I ask you to think about whether you have any time (and skills) to help us in this area, or maybe you know someone who would love to help us out if only they were asked? Maybe you’re a Tradie and can spare a couple of hours every so often to help us when things do go wrong.

    Please do get in touch if this is the case.



    Tel: (02) 9845 0600 


  • 01-Feb-2016 13:40 | Anonymous
    You are invited to an exclusive business lunch and afternoon of entertainment with Bryan Brown and some of the Greater West's most prominent individuals, including live entertainment throughout the afternoon with highly acclaimed special guest artists and a comedy-filled auction. 

    Venue: WatervieW in Bicentennial Park

    Date: Friday 12.00pm, 11 March 2016 

    RSVP: Friday 26 February 2016 via: 

    Online: visit

    E-mail: Complete the form below and e-mail to 

    Celebrate the West will treat you to a fantastic afternoon of superb food, entertainment and inspiring stories.  The day includes entertainment by the legendary Daryl Braithwaite, a not-to-be-missed selection of raffle items and a comedy-filled auction by Vince Sorrenti and Richard Callendar. Hosted by Bryan Brown, it will be a day to remember. 

  • 27-Jan-2016 12:02 | Deleted user

    Energy costs form a significant proportion of business operating costs. The Parramatta City Council is offering free workshops to help local businesses reduce their energy costs.


    Attendees will receive expert independent advice on energy saving and solar opportunities and will be eligible to register for a free energy assessment for their business. 



    Reducing energy costs for businesses through solar panels or solar hot water systems


    Tuesday, 15 March 2016

    7:30 am for a light breakfast with the workshop running from 8 am to 10 am.

    Rydalmere Bowling Club, 6 Park Road, Rydalmere


    Learn about:

    ·         Basics of solar systems including installations

    ·         Solar panels and storage technologies

    ·         Costs savings generated

    ·         Innovative financing options such as Environmental Upgrade Agreements (EUAs)

    ·         Free advice from independent experts


    To register visit



    For further information please contact Kartik Madhira, Parramatta City Council on 9806 8291.


    Improve business performance through energy efficiency


    Thursday, 25 February 2016

    7:30 am for a light breakfast with the workshop running from 8 am to 10 am

    Rydalmere Bowling Club, 6 Park Road, Rydalmere


    Learn about:

    ·         No cost and low cost energy saving opportunities

    ·         Financial benefits of energy efficiency

    ·         Innovative financing options such as Environmental Upgrade Agreements (EUAs)

    ·         Free advice from independent experts


    To register visit

  • 18-Jan-2016 12:31 | Anonymous

    Interested in an unforgettable experience that will make a real difference in the lives of seriously ill children and their families?

    Join WSBC Charity Partner Ronald McDonald House Westmead and lend a helping hand in 2016 through their Corporate Volunteering Program.

    Your team will assist in a variety of tasks ranging from administrative support to housekeeping, gardening and maintenance and will also have the opportunity to interact with the families, staff and volunteers. 

    Support families when they need it most and help make Ronald McDonald House Westmead a ‘home away from home’ for seriously ill children and their families.

    Interested?  Then contact Michelle Burman at Ronald McDonald House Westmead on 02 9845 0600 or

  • 17-Dec-2015 18:26 | Deleted user
    " Thank you to those businesses that were able to for attending the formal launch of Shaping Future Cities: Designing Western Sydney at Rosehill Gardens last week.

    I’m sure that you share with me the immense sense of pride in what we have achieved together to date. To have the NSW Premier, the Hon. Mike Baird MP, formally launching the economic blueprint with an endorsement from his Government that this blueprint is not only important in achieving the future economic and social success of Western Sydney, but also as the engine room of Sydney and NSW’s success, was a true reflection of what we can achieve by working together as a region.

    i hope you had an opportunity to sign the Charter at the launch. If you didn’t have a chance to, and would like to add your name to the charter, please review the charter by clicking here and send a scanned copy with your signature attached to

    How can you help?

    As you are no doubt aware, 200,000 great new jobs will not suddenly materialise in Western Sydney. And the hard work of creating the conditions and opportunities to achieve this ambitious goal starts in earnest from today!

    Deloitte is proud to continue to lead the conversations and bring stakeholders across Western Sydney together to discuss the issues and formulate the strategies to achieve our goals. The 25 strategies featured in the blueprint provide a fantastic structure to address the opportunities that we have identified over the past few months of discussion within our workshops, focus groups and summits. Please contact me or any Deloitte Partner if you are interested in participating in activities focused on any of the 25 strategic recommendations

    I encourage you to maintain the conversation with Deloitte and our Shaping Future Cities: Designing Western Sydney community. Please click here to access some suggested Tweets that you can share with your social media networks.

    In addition to the hard-copy of the blueprint and the infographic scroll you would have received last week, I have enclosed a link to :

    On behalf of Deloitte and the Steering Committee of Shaping Future Cities: Designing Western Sydney, I sincerely thank you for your continued commitment to achieving our vision of creating 200,000 great new jobs by 2020. "

  • 17-Dec-2015 18:18 | Deleted user

    Is your business part of the Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals industry?

    A new Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals Growth Centre has been launched to help the sector improve productivity and competitiveness.

    What are Industry Growth Centres?

    Industry Growth Centres are not-for-profit organisations that work with their industry to develop strategies to:

    • reduce regulatory burden
    • collaborate with researchers and increase commercialisation
    • engage with international markets and global supply chains
    • enhance management and workforce skills.

    The Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals Growth Centre will be led by a small group of industry experts. It will work with the sector, CSIRO, Cooperative Research Centres, universities and other research institutes to encourage research outcomes that meet the needs of the sector.

    Other Growth Centres

    The Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals Growth Centre is part of the Industry Growth Centres Initiative.

    The Food and Agribusiness Growth Centre and Mining Equipment, Technology and Services Growth Centre are now operating.

    The Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre has been approved and will begin operating shortly.

    Growth Centres are also being established for the sectors of:

    Find out more...

  • 17-Dec-2015 18:02 | Deleted user

    Dozens of new community infrastructure projects will be carried out across the Parramatta LGA after Council finalised details of the works to be funded from its Special Ward Reserve.


    Seven million dollars has been allocated to the Reserve for the completion of community projects, over and above Council’s regular works program.  The funds have been allocated from the proceeds of the sale of former Council land on Victoria Road.


    “Ensuring that these funds are spent on improvements in our suburbs is an important investment in our community and it will help make Parramatta a more liveable and loveable city for all of its residents,” Lord Mayor of Parramatta Cr Paul Garrard said.


    After consultation between Councillors and Council staff, a number of projects have been identified in each of Parramatta’s five wards.  Among the projects endorsed by Council is the upgrade of facilities at Lake Parramatta, upgrades at a number of parks and reserves, infrastructure to improve pedestrian safety, and footpath improvements in various locations.


    The largest projects to be undertaken will be the construction of a Regional Playground at Fred Spurway Reserve, Carlingford and additional works at Boronia Park, Epping.


    “These projects have all been identified as being of benefit to the wider community and will provide the people of Parramatta with access to first-rate facilities to enjoy across our suburbs,” Cr Garrard said.


    “As we build Australia’s next great city here in Parramatta, Council is also focussed on the needs of our wider community.  We have dedicated 2016 as the year of ‘Our Community, the People We Serve’, and by targeting investment in the areas where people live we can foster a stronger sense of ‘neighbourhood’ in our city and increase people’s involvement in their local communities.”


    The works will now be individually assessed by Council and completed on a project by project basis.

    The list of approved projects is as follows:


    Arthur Phillip Ward


    Lake Parramatta

    Upgrades including multi-functional picnic and BBQ areas; improved swimming area access; planting


    Upgrades to nominated sections of CBD footpath



    Caroline Chisholm Ward


    Hospital Farm Reserve, Northmead

    Continue walking track to link Redbank Rd and Bevan/Balfour Sts

    Klein’s and Hammer Rds, Northmead

    Pedestrian safety upgrade at existing roundabout

    Various locations

    Installation of additional street trees

    Caroline Chisholm Dr

    Refuge Island remedial works

    Vidilini Lane, Northmead

    Installation of two speed humps

    Reynolds Park, Toongabbie

    Development of Park Masterplan

    Reynolds Park, Toongabbie

    Refresh existing basketball half court

    Timbergetters Tennis Courts

    Improvements and upgrades to facilities

    Ballandella Rd at Toongabbie West Public School

    Increase height of existing raised pedestrian crossing

    Binalong Rd

    Bench at bus stop near Fitzwilliam Junction and Toongabbie Public School

    Ancona Ave, Toongabbie car park

    Ongoing works



    Elizabeth Macarthur Ward


    Fred Robertson Reserve, Dundas

    Works including playground replacement and picnic shelters

    Homelands Reserve, Telopea

    Installation of adult exercise equipment, spectator seating and storeroom

    Bells Rd Shops, Oatlands

    Streetscape upgrade

    New Settlers Reserve, Oatlands

    New entry wall, improved seating and pathway

    Barton Park, North Parramatta

    Adult exercise equipment

    Upjohn Park, Rydalmere

    Adult exercise equipment

    Doyle Ground, North Parramatta

    Awning for clubhouse

    Eric Primrose Reserve (foreshore), Rydalmere

    Works including picnic shelters, BBQs, seating and landscaping

    Sturt Park, Telopea

    Expanded skate park with seating, picnic facilities, replace cricket nets and sport posts


    Lachlan Macquarie Ward


    Fred Spurway Reserve, Carlingford

    Regional playground

    Loftus Square, Epping

    Basketball court extension and additional play equipment

    Terry’s Creek Walk, Carlingford

    Public art work and entry signage

    Duncan Park, Epping

    Picnic shelter; works to preserve and protect existing creek line; landscaping

    Boronia Park, Epping

    Works including extension of terraced seating, adult exercise equipment, additional bridge crossing, picnic shelter, and amenities upgrade

    James Hoskin Reserve, Carlingford

    Improvements to Reserve

    Bartlett St Shops and Thomas Wemyss Reserve, Ermington

    Improve connectivity to reserve, including refuge island and improve reserve entry



    Woodville Ward


    Guildford Park

    Park Masterplan; demolition and rebuild of amenities

    Granville Park

    Adult exercise equipment and replacement of electric BBQ

    Ray Marshall Reserve, Wellington Rd

    Complete fence around playing fields 1 and 2

    Mountford Ave, Guilford

    Reversing of priorities at intersections in Mountford Ave

    Various locations

    Footpath construction

  • 17-Dec-2015 18:00 | Deleted user

    Parramatta City Council is moving to realise its vision of a revitalised and world-class river foreshore after acquiring properties critical to the success of its River Strategy.


    Council has now finalised the purchase of four sites along Phillip Street – the historic Willow Grove, St Georges Terrace and other commercial buildings – at a total cost of $35.5 million. The acquisitions open the way for Council to improve the CBD’s connection to Parramatta River.


    "These purchases will allow Council to provide a critical civic link within the City from Parramatta Square through to Riverbank and the foreshore. It allows Council to be more flexible in its activation and rejuvenation of a core precinct in our CBD," Lord Mayor of Parramatta Cr Paul Garrard said.


    “Prudent negotiations mean Council was able to achieve the best possible purchase prices in a competitive market in order to achieve its vision for Riverbank. Council is making a smart investment in the River Strategy that will deliver cultural and social benefits and another economic injection into the city.


    “Historic Willow Grove will be included in our plans to activate the Riverbank precinct which is a crucial part of Council’s River Strategy adopted earlier this year.”


    Council has also resumed control of the former David Jones car park site, which together with the four key purchases will create an 18,000sq m foreshore site that will become a lively mixed-used precinct featuring a variety of social, cultural and community assets as well as apartments.


    The River Strategy sets out plans to revitalise the foreshore between Gasworks Bridge and Rings Bridge, O’Connell Street. New and improved spaces will be created for walking, cycling, picnicking, outdoor dining and hosting major events such as New Year’s Eve and Loy Krathong.


    The $200 million River Strategy project will be completed in stages over a 20-year timeframe with funding from a range of sources including Council, the State Government and the private sector.


    “These acquisitions are just another example of Council’s commitment to moving forward with its vision for Parramatta as Australia's Next Great City,” Cr Garrard said.


    “The development of the $2 billion Parramatta Square and our visionary River Strategy will ensure our City remains vibrant while celebrating our unique cultural, historical and economic credentials.”


    A blueprint for the Riverbank is currently being considered by Council.

  • 17-Dec-2015 17:55 | Deleted user

    PARRAMATTA Council looks set to win the tussle for Sydney Olympic Park with the long-awaited State Government decision on amalgamations expected to be released this week.

    The announcement could see the number of metropolitan councils reduced from 41 to about 20.

    Parramatta is likely to absorb Sydney Olympic Park from Auburn Council and its boundaries redrawn to include suburbs that will receive the light rail — from Westmead to Parramatta and on to the sporting hub.

    The new council will be touted as the new economic precinct for western Sydney and matches up with the government’s metropolitan strategy for Sydney’s growth and economic future.

    Under this plan, Parramatta Council could lose some territory to the newly amalgamated councils of Auburn and Holroyd, including Lord Mayor Paul Garrard’s electorate of Woodville. Woodville takes in the suburbs of South Granville, Chester Hill, and parts of Guildford, Merrylands and Granville.

    Several sources have told The Advertiser it made sense to have one local government authority manage the light rail.

    Cr Garrard said he would not be pleased if the government removed his ward and added it to another council area.

    “I would be very disappointed if that happened and I would think it would be a very average result for Parramatta. But I don’t want to speculate on that until I have more information,” he said.

    Sydney Business Chamber of Commerce Western Sydney director David Borger said the chamber was excited at the opportunities for building strong local government.

    “A bigger Parramatta means it will become a more strategic council but it’s important we don’t set council boundaries based on political outcome. We need to make sure boundaries are set for the right reason,” Mr Borger said.

    As part of its submission to the Fit for the Future report, Auburn Council requested it merge with Burwood and Canada Bay councils under the banner of Sydney Olympic Park Council, however this plan now seems unlikely.

    Redrawn boundaries would have to be looked at by the Boundaries Commission before going back to Local Government Minister Paul Toole for consideration.

    Holroyd has been a strong opponent of forced amalgamations, constantly stating it did not want to join with Parramatta.

  • 15-Dec-2015 18:01 | Deleted user


    Achieve positive change for Western Sydney businesses! 

    Only a few weeks left to influence Government policy and Western Sydney economic and social strategy.

    We know it's a busy time of year, yet we also know that over 250 business leaders have already contributed to our ever growing piece of research and we encourage you to do the same.

    Our biannual research is already used by local and State Government to shape their strategy and its results have recently featured in Deloitte's 'Shaping Future Cities' economic strategy for Western Sydney. This research is delivering and achieving positive impact from people of influence like you!

    Be part of achieving positive change for Western Sydney businesses and click the link below.

    Join the conversation and over 250 businesses already contributing to 

    Making Western Sydney Greater. 

    Led by William Buck, and supported by Western Sydney Business Connection, St. George Bank and Western Sydney University, the results are used to contribute to and influence discussions on NSW Government policy. Our aim is to achieve positive changes for businesses in Greater Western Sydney. 

    In this edition, we're looking into:

    • the benefits and issues of being a Western Sydney business
    • access to Government support
    • trends in business sentiment
    • international trade
    • and the collaboration between industry and education

    Be a person of influence and click the link below.

    Join the conversation and over 250 businesses already contributing to 

    Making Western Sydney Greater. 

    If you missed the release of our second Making Western Sydney Greater report please follow the link.

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