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Get More Done! Delegate Effectively to Amplify Results

05-Sep-2022 14:25 | Deleted user

By Diana Tapp, CEO of World Class Teams

At some stage in their career, every leader has been told, "You need to delegate more." But why is delegation so crucial to the people in charge of a team?

Most middle managers, supervisors and team leaders feel the need to do everything themselves. They tend to hang on to all the tasks they did in their previous role AND manage people, so they become burnt out, overloaded and overwhelmed!

Too many managers believe delegating isn't worth the effort. The problem is that they have never learned how to delegate effectively. They don't know how to 'sell' the job to the person and gain their genuine commitment to doing it.


Learning to delegate well is a win-win-win situation.

Your team members win because they get opportunities to grow and develop. Your company wins because they get more output, increased retention and better-engaged employees. And lastly, you win because it improves your reputation as a leader and puts you in a position where you're in high demand for bigger opportunities.

In this live-streamed training, you'll discover:

  • The proven 6-step model for delegating successfully
  • How to 'sell' rather than ask your team to complete tasks
  • Why you need to implement the critical final step in delegation
  • How to be confident the task is being done well without micromanaging
  • Avoid burnout for yourself and your best people


Middle Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors who want to:

  • Lift up and become more strategic
  • Make smarter, longer-term decisions
  • Make their job easier, more enjoyable and less stressful
  • Create happy, engaged teams that experience greater job satisfaction and boosted morale
  • Earn a reputation as a world class leader
  • Become the person everyone wants to work for!


  • 45-minute live-streamed workshop
  • 15-minute live Q&A
  • Printable Action Pack with tools, techniques and templates
  • 30-day access to a recording of the session


Tickets are $87 per person. Click here to register your seat.

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