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How to keep your high-performing brain active, even under intense pressure

20-Jun-2017 17:02 | Anonymous

You know the feeling. You're about to give the biggest presentation of your life to a room full of strangers who will be critiquing your every word. A lot is riding on it, but you know the content. You're feeling confident, yet, five minutes before you're due to start, your heart starts beating through your chest, your hands sweat, and you're not sure if you can remember the opener that you've rehearsed a thousand times. 

You are experiencing an Amygdala Hijack and the clever part of your brain, the cortex, is shutting down.

If you are interested in learning a technique that will allow you to stay in high-performance mode, with the clever part of your brain working for you, even under intense pressure, then watch the clip below from a recent Great Managers MasterClass.

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