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Why SEO Is Still The Key To Organic Business Growth

18-Sep-2018 18:00 | Anonymous

In today’s digital world, is it still important to focus on and invest in search engine optimisation to drive your business website up to the top of Google rankings?

Absolutely - SEO is still the best way to grow a serious business online.

Google it

In the business of digital marketing we have to ask ourselves if websites are going to go away or if Google is going to disappear.

The phenomenal potential for a service that could find and organise the world’s data was clear from the start… And that’s still the same today. Google is still the go-to search engine with the widest reach globally.

When we look at the landscape of our business, we can’t see a change to that any time soon.

Websites are still here. And Google moves with the times - they listen to customer feedback and adapt and innovate. So what makes sense is to focus your efforts on optimising your website content and coding. That’s how you will grow your business.

Your website - your control

You own your website and all the content on it. No one can advertise around it. No one can comment on it unless you let them.

But social media platforms can be a risk to your business - they are rented space and you are at your landlord’s mercy. Those platforms will come and go and you will never have any control over your content on them.

Facebook can even take your business page down without warning... if you were relying on it for your digital marketing, you could find yourself instantly invisible to your prospects.

But your website is your permanent information hub. It is the gateway to your business for the majority of your prospects. You can keep it up to date and fresh. You will have worked hard to optimise the content. It’s your brand, it’s your domain. You can manage it in any way you choose.

The best traffic

Google Analytics is a fantastic, freely available tool that shows you exactly how your website is performing and where and when the traffic is coming from.

The very best traffic is from Google organic search - the free search engine listings on Google. This is the traffic that converts to leads and sales. This is because this type of prospect arrives at your website with a positive mindset, delivered by a lofty position at the top of Google’s rankings.

And the great thing is that once you’ve built your platform full of great content that draws Google search in, the traffic is free. And it just keeps on growing.

Businesses that have been clients of Brilliant Digital for 10 years get ridiculously good volumes of free, trusted traffic from Google that goes to their website and sees their brand. And a percentage of those people convert to leads and sales. That is priceless.

Learn more about SEO here.

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