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Performance Conversations That Actually Work

22-Nov-2018 10:02 | Anonymous

It’s performance review season, and you know the drill. Fill in those long, tedious performance documents, drag each of your direct reports into a conference room for a one-on-one, hand them the performance document, and then start the same, tired conversation. Say some positive things about what the employee is good at, then some unpleasant things about what he/she’s not good at, and end with some more strokes of his/her ego to try to end on a positive note. The result: a mixed message that leaves even your best employees feeling disappointed, and results in little (if any!) change in attitude, behaviours or performance.

This Performance Management System is broken. Industry leaders including Adobe, Microsoft and Deloitte have all abandoned the traditional system complete with the dreaded annual appraisal, and 70% of corporate employers are either currently reviewing or updating their approach. The question becomes – what do you need to replace it with?

Many smart companies recognise there is a difference between a performance management system and having conversations that genuinely improve performance. These companies have woken up to the fact that it’s the conversation rather than the system that makes the difference.

So they are shifting their attention to equipping their managers to have the effective ongoing conversations so crucial to developing and expecting excellence in their people. Such conversations can at times be sensitive or difficult and as a consequence are often avoided by managers. All mediocrity continues and arises as a result of a tough conversation someone didn’t have.

‘Performance Conversations that actually work’ is a 2-hour dynamic and practical workshop. In it you will learn:

  • How to give honest feedback without the person becoming defensive or emotional
  • How to set clear and meaningful development goals with your direct report
  • How to ensure they are motivated to achieve these goals and take accountability for doing so
  • How to ask the right questions in the right way to keep your best talent

You will also have the opportunity to ask your questions and share your experiences or frustrations.

Don’t spend December and January dreading those Performance Reviews with your team. Instead sign up for this 2-hour workshop:

4-6pm on Thursday, 17 January

World Class Teams guarantee that after the workshop you will be able to have the conversations you need to have, and get the results you want rather than the reaction you fear.


World Class Teams would like to exclusively offer WSBC members the special early bird price of $89.00 (if they book before the 31st December) and $109 (if they book from 1st January).

General Entry: Early Bird $119 (until 31st December); $139 (from 1st January)

Limited to 40 people to ensure strong interaction

Book now by clicking here or for more information please call Ramsina McCully from World Class Teams on 1300 085 248.

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