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Want to attract great talent? Tell a story

14-Mar-2019 15:08 | Anonymous

You’ve got a new role to fill in your business. You want someone with the right skill set and experience. Someone who will be loyal and who is the right fit for the team.

But getting good talent is not that easy. There are many successful businesses with fantastic products who still face challenges when it comes to people power.

Recruitment agencies are expensive. And they don’t always have the depth of knowledge in your industry to find you a gem in a pile of resumes.

Worse than not filling your vacancy is hiring badly. It’s a waste of time and money – onboarding the wrong person can equate to up to 2.5 times the salary of the position.

What can you do about it?

Fortunately, there is a solution for businesses across all industries – you can tell your story.

Storytelling allows you to position yourself in the best possible way to attract good talent.

Through storytelling you can show applicants who you really are and what working for you is really like.

Set yourself apart

Scrolling through Seek can leave you feeling uninspired, but if you see a story in your newsfeed about what it’s like to work at a company you’re interested in, that’s something different.

The absolute best way to do this is to get your employees to tell the story for you.

A landing page with video and text is ideal. It’s a great way to demystify your organisation for applicants.

Convey emotion

We practise what we preach at Brilliant Digital – take a look at our Flexible Work page.

We asked our team to tell applicants in their own words why it’s great to work here. And in doing so we uncovered some delightful and heartfelt stories.

That’s recruitment gold. You can’t convey that feeling and emotion in a traditional job ad.

Be yourself

Getting someone who is the right fit can be harder than it sounds. The interview process doesn’t always allow for each party to represent themselves sincerely.

Optical Solutions Australia has a smart careers page.

They are an engineering company that has shaken off the shackles of a technical facade by the team telling real, relatable stories about working at OSA.

Make a connection

Storytelling allows you to break down barriers, so by the time you’re sitting in an interview room, the applicant has read your story or watched your video.

They’re already engaged emotionally and that’s half the battle of recruitment.

Know the motivators!

Make sure you include hooks that will attract the best talent. And that’s not just dollars …

Maybe you offer on-the-job training, work from home options or a particular benefit … career advancement opportunities.

Talk about whatever makes you special and you’ll attract people who are the right fit for your business.

It’s time to stop paying exorbitant agency fees. You need to get great talent that fits, first time.

Read the full article here.


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