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How Good Are Your Leadership Skills?

17-Feb-2020 15:14 | Deleted user

In December Harvard Business Review (HBR) published their top 15 leadership tips for 2019. The beginning of the new year is usually the time when we feel ‘fired up’ for action, so I have decided to kick the year off by using HBR’s top tips to create a ‘Leadership Scorecard’.

Leadership Scorecard

Take 5 minutes to answer the twelve questions on the scorecard below and find out how strongly you rate as a leader. To download your copy, click WCT Leadership Scorecard.

The responses are Yes/No because you must do that item at least 80% of the time before your team members and your peers will describe you as having the skill or characteristic. Anything below 80% is a ‘no’ because it needs prompt attention and action from you.

Interpreting Your Quiz Results

Congratulations on completing the quiz. Add up the total number of ‘Yes’ responses.

If you scored:

  • 8 to 10 – Well done! Your team and colleagues will see you as an excellent leader. Keep up the superb work.
  • 6 to 7 – You’re a competent leader, but not a high-flyer. What actions are you going to take this year to improve your leadership capability?
  • 5 or less – It looks like your intentions don’t match your actions, at least not consistently enough. What changes will you make?

Need to Improve Your Score?

Which item would make the most significant difference to your performance as a leader? What will you need to change to become the leader you’d like to be? Can you make the changes yourself, or could you fast-track them by using a coach or mentor?

If you’re ‘fired up’ about making changes to your leadership performance, don’t let another year slip by. Take a photo of your completed quiz and text it now to 0417 272 583 or email it to

Every person who submits their quiz will get a FREE 15-minute coaching session with Diana Tapp. In this 100% free, no-obligation call, you’ll get greater insight into your leadership style and be given three practical tips, based on your individual responses.

This FREE 15-MINUTE COACHING SESSION offer is strictly limited — send in your quiz by 5pm on 3rd March 2020 to secure your spot.

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