Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 30-Oct-2014 16:30 | Anonymous

    Partnering with the Children’s Medical Research Institute can take on many different forms. Whether you want to increase staff engagement, strengthen your brand credibility or help increase profits, they can tailor a partnership that meets your objectives. By working with them, you are helping our world-leading researchers accelerate the search for cures, so that every child can have a healthier future. 


    Benefits to your business:

    • a strategic partnership that meets your business, marketing, and community objectives  
    • corporate social responsibility outcomes based on an alignment of shared values 
    • increased media exposure and community recognition by partnering with one of Australia’s most reputable paediatric research institutes 
    • cause-related marketing opportunities to increase sales and profit margins 
    • exposure of your brand and products through joint marketing initiatives including direct marketing, media, social media, digital marketing and above the line  
    • stronger employee engagement through national volunteering and fundraising opportunities  
    • public recognition and appreciation of your organisation's support 

  • 30-Oct-2014 16:15 | Anonymous


    Who said charity starts at home? By supporting Westmead Medical Research Foundation in your workplace, you can boost staff satisfaction and retention, build teamwork, increase your brand recognition and exposure, and give customers and clients another reason to remain loyal. 


    For our Foundation, corporate and workplace giving is invaluable. It guarantees us the financial support and security we need to commit to groundbreaking research projects and new clinical services that will transform and save lives for thousands of adults and children at Westmead.  

    See the honour roll of workplaces who have made a positive difference and donated to the My Westmead program.

    Corporate Opportunities 

    Westmead Medical Research Foundation welcomes support from corporate leaders and their employees. Partnership opportunities may include any of the following, but we are always open to discussing new ways in which we can partner with the business community to achieve the best possible results for everyone.  

    • Workplace giving: a 'salary sacrifice' opportunity for staff members to make regular donations    
    • Event sponsorship: an opportunity to gain significant exposure by providing financial or in-kind support to one of our campaigns or events    
    • Workplace fundraisers: our online Westmead Champions tool enables any business to add a fundraising component to staff events and team-building activities    
    • Corporate volunteering: volunteering for a charity is a wonderful team-builder, boosts morale, and helps position your company as one that is socially responsible


  • 30-Oct-2014 16:06 | Anonymous

    Our Current Appeal 


    "CareFlight pilots are a special group of people."


    Derek Colenbrander, CareFlight CEO

    Phone 1800655876

    Of course they have the necessary technical skills and flying experience – which they need for those times when they encounter the unexpected, such as sudden weather changes or tricky landing sites. They’re adaptable enough to respond to all sorts of conditions and unpredictable situations.


    But they all possess something extra.


    They’re steady, resilient and dedicated. Above all, they’re team players who are always willing to go the extra mile to get critical care to patients as quickly as possible.


    As a valued supporter of CareFlight, you’re part of that team too, and I know that you’re every bit as dedicated as our pilots when it comes to helping save the lives of ordinary Australians. We simply couldn’t stay in the air without people like you, which is why I hope you can make a kind gift towards our work today.


    No matter when or where they're needed, our pilots are always ready. They can be airborne within three minutes of an emergency call, bringing the hospital to the patient. 





  • 30-Oct-2014 15:08 | Anonymous

    Australia is a lucky country, with a bright future. But we have a problem – and its colour is red. Red tape, that is.


    There’s too much of it…and we need to address the grip it has on our economy.

    There is a rich source of barely tapped efficiency savings we can turn to – fewer and better rules to drive creativity, innovation and productivity.


    This is the fourth report in our Building the Lucky Country: Business imperatives for a prosperous Australia series, and to be among the first to get some real insights into the issues, register here to receive our report.


    In the meantime, click here to watch our video which explores how we can get out of our own way.



  • 30-Oct-2014 12:49 | Anonymous

    Live screening of Wanderers vs. Al Hilal


    From 3.30am on Sunday 2 November at


    Centenary Square, Church Street, Parramatta.


    Free entry


    Fans will sing for the Western Sydney Wanderers in the early hours of the morning on Sunday 2 November at a live site and watch the game on a 4.8 by 2.4 metre outdoor screen as the Wanderers take on Al Hilal at the Asian Champions League Final (ACL).


    Parramatta City Council decided, at Monday night’s Council meeting, to partner with the Western Sydney Wanderers and FOX SPORTS to host the live site for the ACL Final for the first time in Parramatta.


    Deputy Lord Mayor Cr Steven Issa who lobbied to secure the live site said it is a great opportunity for activation and promotion of our city.


    “I’m so happy to hear the live site will go ahead. With fans now being able to collectively share their support, I’m sure the energy and enthusiasm will make the event a memorable occasion.


    “Our community in Western Sydney has passionately embraced the Wanderers with their continued support and enthusiasm at every game.


    “The live site will provide an opportunity for fans to come together and share their support in a family-friendly atmosphere.


    “We invite families from all over Sydney to come along and share their support for a hugely successful team that we should all be proud of.”


    Lord Mayor of Parramatta Cr Scott Lloyd said he is proud of the Club’s achievements and he is confident the Wanderers will continue to be a success.


    “Council tributes FOX SPORTS for its dedication to growing the sport of football and thanks them for providing the opportunity for a live public broadcast of the ACL Final for Western Sydney football fans to celebrate this very unique occasion.


    “I’d also like to thank Deputy Lord Mayor Cr Steven Issa for his continued support and lobbying effort to bring the live site to Parramatta.”


    LIVE CROSS WITH THE TEAM: There will be a live cross to the Wanderers players in Saudi Arabia from the Foundations Festival on Sunday 2 November at 8.15pm, Rosella concert stage, along Church Street, Parramatta.


    The live site is a strictly no alcohol event. For further information on the event call Parramatta City Council 9806 5050.

  • 30-Oct-2014 10:40 | Anonymous

    Western Sydney travel management company, JC Travel Professionals, have been recognised for their excellence in promoting Australia as a destination to the world, being shortlisted by their peers as Finalists in the prestigious 2014 NSW Tourism Industry Council Awards. The news comes hot on the heels of JC Travel Professionals being named the Most Outstanding Travel Agency in the 2014 Sydney Hills Business Awards.  Founder and Managing Director, Freddy Mikhael, was also singled out at the same Awards, named a finalist in the 2014 Hills Business Person of the Year category.



    Founded in 2004, JC Travel Professionals have grown to overtake their nearest competitors as Australia’s largest inbound tourism operator for the Middle East, responsible for bringing tens of thousands of visitors to Australia each year.

    “We are thrilled and honoured to be judged to be the equal of so many wonderful tourism businesses in this prestigious award”, Managing Director and Founder Freddy Mikhael said. “2014 has been a big year for JC Travel Professionals and this award is further validation of this. With continued investment in our service delivery, 2015 promises to be even bigger.”

    JC Travel Professionals will know the final outcome of the annual awards at the tourism industry’s gala awards night held on 27 November in Sydney.

    About JC Travel Professionals

    JC Travel Professionals are a privately-owned Corporate Travel Manager and Inbound Tourism Operator, founded in 2004 by Freddy and Sahar Mikhael. JC Travel Professionals offer a full range of complementary travel management services to individuals, governments and corporates. Based in the Sydney Hills with offices on the Gold Coast and in New Zealand, JC Travel Professionals employ 20 qualified travel consultants.

    For further information about JC Travel’s nomination in the Awards, please contact:

    Adrienne Lee, Corporate Sales Manager

    02 9634 6444;


  • 29-Oct-2014 19:20 | Anonymous


    Three key planning documents that are set to shape the future of Parramatta are currently on public exhibition. 


    The community are invited to have their say on the three proposals which include The Draft Parramatta CBD Planning Framework Review, The Draft Parramatta City River Strategy and The Draft Auto Alley Planning Framework.


    “These three documents will help to shape the future of Parramatta’s CBD. Covering areas from Auto Alley to our iconic River foreshore and proposing a new planning framework for our City, these documents will have a big impact on what direction Parramatta takes in the coming years,” Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Scott Lloyd said.


    “Parramatta is a city on the move and there is opportunity with these three proposals to revitalise the area, encouraging growth and development and creating vibrant new public spaces for the community to enjoy.


    “The proposals seek to make the most of what Parramatta has to offer and build on our natural assets by bringing new life to precincts such as the Parramatta River. We have great untapped potential with the River and we are the only CBD on a river foreshore. We want to become a great river city.”


    The Auto Alley proposals seek to revitalise the Southern Gateway to our City and turn it into a vibrant and attractive area that still allows for the development of a commercial hub and has the potential to deliver 26,000 jobs over time with a further 6,500 people living there.


    Council has developed a Draft Planning Framework for Auto Alley that comprises proposed land use zones, floor space ratio (FSR) and height controls and a draft Public Domain Plan that identifies proposed public facilities such as new parks, roads, through site links and footpaths.


    The Draft Parramatta CBD Planning Framework Review is also set to help Parramatta continue to grow its commercial capacity.


    Among the proposals are no building height limits (subject to sunlight access controls and aviation restrictions); higher building densities, with a floor space ratio of 10:1 - similar to densities in central Sydney; allowing some residential development in the commercial core on the condition it is accompanied by commercial development; and an expanded boundary of the city centre to ensure it is responsive to growth targets and the market.


    Council is seeking feedback and input from the community on these three documents as they are vital to Parramatta’s future, addressing important issues like current land uses and the positioning of Parramatta as a prominent business centre in Western Sydney.


    For more information visit






  • 29-Oct-2014 08:45 | Anonymous

    At a Council meeting tonight, Fairfield City Council Mayor, Frank Carbone will propose that Freedom Plaza, Cabramatta host a live screening of the state memorial service for the late Prime Minister and former resident Gough Whitlam.


    After discussions with the ABC and the Whitlam family, Mayor Carbone felt it fitting to have this as a third live stream location, in addition to Sydney and Federation Square, Melbourne, given Gough’s close ties to the Cabramatta community.


    “Gough Whitlam was responsible for so much of what makes this area what it is today,” Mayor Carbone said.


    “Gough Whitlam lived on Albert Street, Cabramatta from 1957 in a house that still stands today and he represented the electorate of Werriwa for more than 25 years.


    “He left a great legacy in Fairfield City. Gough actively sought to improve amenities and services. This included his work in drawing up the legal paperwork to establish the Cabra- Vale Diggers Club, which is still a major institution in Cabramatta today. He also started the planning process for the existing Cumberland Highway and delivered a sewerage system to Western Sydney.


    “It is very appropriate that we allow the people of Cabramatta, and Western Sydney, pay their tributes to this great man who worked so hard to make the area the wonderful place it is today,” Mayor Carbone said.



    What: A public community screening of the ABC’s live broadcast of Gough Whitlam’s state memorial service


    When: 11am Wednesday, 5 November

    Where: Freedom Plaza, Cabramatta

  • 27-Oct-2014 17:52 | Anonymous

    As a Platinum Partner we would like to extend this exclusive Platinum Card offer to our WSBC Family & Friends for the month of November 2014.




    Call into a branch today to apply!













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