Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

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  • 13-Apr-2022 16:07 | Deleted user

    By EV20 Consulting Group

    Australian Constructors Association (ACA) says major public infrastructure activity is expected to reach $52 billion in 2023. And yet, productivity growth and technology adoption for construction lags other industries by over 25 per cent.

    In the last four years, fixed costs on construction projects have dramatically increased. Labour, raw materials and transportation or logistics costs have largely contributed. Here are five tips to increasing profit margins on construction projects.

    Successful construction firms and businesses have deployed a range of measures to deal with increased costs. These measures are largely and thematically all to do with technology. They include:

    1. Labour. Labour represents one of or the single largest cost to a business. Accordingly, many businesses are looking to rationalise their workforce by trying to automate, where possible, repetitive, mundane administrative or ‘overhead’ tasks. Depending on size and complexity of the business, this could take the form of new processes or controls, but mostly relies on implementing and promoting the adoption. Some improvement areas for seeking profit margins are invoicing, finance, budgeting and forecasting, project costing, scheduling, rostering, time sheeting (particularly important to reduce time theft), payroll (in line with EBAs or IWAs), HR, HSEQ and compliance.

    2. Productivity. Embrace technology to remove the manual, tenuous and routine based tasks (which can be costly). Start small. A simple example is teaching site administrators to help workers complete timesheets, log and manage leave/time off will result in reducing overheads and improving margins.

    Onboarding new staff to the point of being fully effective will take from two weeks to up to nine months, so it stands to reason that the companies that lose substantial figures in their workforce will struggle in the future. Set workforce peaks and troughs in line with mobilisation and demobilisation that are required for project specific work. Availability, lead times and proper planning are key considerations.

    3. Fixed pricing. Contracts are often negotiated with certain limits on validity (till project completion, one to three years) yet if the nature of fixed costs increase above and beyond what thresholds have been assumed and estimated, then pressure and strain comes in. Consider risks associated with fixed prices, relating to: materials estimates; labour estimates; previous experience; logistics and transport; excavation and waste removal; unforeseen delays, extensions, standdowns and shutdowns.

    4. Business decisioning. Having data on location, representing the nature of work performed, project cost tracking and forecasting, scheduling/rostering, time and attendance, time off, payroll, compliance (certification registers, safety, pre work brief notes), HSEQ, audit results and findings all play a critical role in business decisioning and when acted upon can radically increase profit margins.

    5. One view of the data. In order for this data to be collated, maintained and in a prepared state to enable interpretation and for it to inform decisions, you need to centralise it. Most businesses still operate at varying levels using Excel. While this may work, it fails to provide an enterprise wide view of a business. For that reason, technologies (namely core systems) are required to be put in place and integrate with one another to deliver to the Project Directors, Executives with timely, accurate and consistent information. Only once data is properly managed can your systems use that data for the benefit of seeking profit margin in forecasting, pricing, cost controls, finance, risk management, everyday business/management reporting and people management.

    Gartner recognises that by 2024, organisations will lower operational costs by 30% by combining automation technologies with redesigned operational processes and that “Organisations will require more IT and business process automation as they are forced to accelerate digital transformation plans in a post COVID 19, digital first world.”

    From project resourcing, planning and management – jobs need to be supported by technologies, processes and controls that enable them to be delivered successfully.

    There are a number of systems that cater for precisely this but every job has nuisances, so caution should be taken when looking at providing projects with customised / proprietary solutions unless the size and complexity of the project warrants the additional time and effort required to customise solutions to meet business objectives.

    My experience is that there is no one magical technology/solution offering that encompasses all of the above. A blend of different solutions will most likely be your best bet Eg. Drive Lynx, BuildXAct, Deputy, Procore or CoConstruct.

    Companies need to invest in the right people (overheads), ‘think out of the box’ to procuring and mobilising project resources, proper and prudent planning and job control underpinned by core technology to support, promote efficiency and have the plans and processes in place to take action to minimise business disruption and key person loss. This can be an iterative process but is transformative.

    Alisdair Blackman has over 15 years’ experience in executive, senior management positions specialised in digital and business transformation, strategy and operations across Education, Health, Construction/Engineering.

    Are you a small business with an annual turnover less than $50 mil?

    The Government's Technology Investment Boost means you'll be able to deduct a bonus 20 per cent of the cost of expenses and depreciating assets that support digital uptake. That includes your subscription to the management software application Drive Lynx! For example, if your Drive Lynx subscription is $12,000 a year, you will receive a bonus $2,400 in your tax return. Contact Drive Lynx via their Western Sydney Business Connection Profile here.

  • 11-Apr-2022 11:09 | Deleted user

    Western Sydney community groups can now apply for WestInvest funding with the $1.6 billion Community Project Grants program open to registrations of interest.

    Community, sports, multicultural, faith based groups, non-government organisations, Local Aboriginal Land Councils, universities, Local Councils, registered charities and more are encouraged to put forward transformative ideas for their neighbourhoods.

    Community organisations will be able to participate in the mandatory Registration of Interest (ROI) process before 5pm on April 21, 2022 to help inform their applications and determine their eligibility.

    Applicants will be informed of the outcomes of the ROI process before grants open for eight weeks from 9am on 2 May, 2022 until 5pm on 27 June, 2022. Successful applicants will be informed from November.

    Eligible projects must be based in one or more of the 15 eligible west and southwest Sydney Local Government Areas, and must target one of the six focus areas:

    1. Parks, urban spaces, and green space;

    2. Enhancing community infrastructure such as local sporting grounds;

    3. Modernising local schools;

    4. Creating and enhancing arts and cultural facilities;

    5. Revitalising high streets;

    6. Clearing local traffic.

    In addition to the $1.6 billion in grants for community projects, $400 million in non-competitive funding will be allocated directly to the 15 eligible local councils.

    A further $3 billion is available to NSW Government agencies to deliver transformational projects of benefit to local communities.

    To find out more or to put in an ROI, visit:


    P: 02 9228 5260


  • 04-Apr-2022 13:45 | Deleted user

    Join Mayor Khal Asfour for this exclusive invitation to The City of Canterbury Bankstown's annual event CBEvolve - Building the Bankstown Health and Wellbeing Precinct.

    Canterbury-Bankstown is evolving into one of the most vibrant cities in Sydney, affording massive opportunities for business growth and development.

    Global consultancy company Deloitte will outline a vision, the opportunities for investment, and a timeline for the new Precinct.

    Event Details

    Date: Thursday 12th May 2022

    Time: 12.30pm to 2.30pm (registration opens at 11.45am)

    Where: Bankstown Sports, 8 Greenfield Parade, Bankstown

    Cost: $45 (includes a 3-course lunch and beverages)

    Register: Reserve your seat by 1 May at

    For further information about the event, please contact:

    Kevin Tran 

    P: 9707 9227 


    This event is proudly supported by the Bankstown Sports and Canterbury Bankstown Chambers of Commerce.

    City of Canterbury Bankstown is committed to running COVIDSafe events and conditions of entry are in line with NSW Government requirements.

  • 01-Apr-2022 16:55 | Deleted user

    By Terry Doust, Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

    Estates (Wills) can be contested and claims can be made against the estate in certain circumstances.

    Contested Estates

    If a person dies with a valid Will in place, his or her estate is usually distributed according to their wishes - as you would expect.

    We should emphasise that most estates are largely uncontested or perhaps have only a few issues which can be resolved once the parties come to understand the legal principles that apply. An experienced Estate Lawyer can help in this regard and in the process avoid unnecessary cost and misunderstanding

    Estates can be contested and claims can be made against the estate in certain circumstances.

    There are three main types of claims:

    1. There is a Will but someone has been (or feel that they have been) left out of a Will unfairly, or not adequately provided for.

    The “someone” must fall into the category of ‘eligible persons’ as defined in the Succession Act 2006 to make a claim on this basis.

    ‘Eligible persons’ basically are limited to spouses (both married or de facto) at the time of death, child (minor or adult), a person who was at any particular time wholly or partly dependent on the deceased, a grandchild who at some time was a member of the household of which the deceased was a member, or a person with whom the deceased person was living in a close personal relationship at the time of the deceased’s death and a former spouse.

    Unless there are unusual circumstances, other more remote relatives do not get a guernsey - they are not eligible persons.

    Just because someone is an “eligible person” does not mean they will be successful in their claim. The provisions of the Will stand unless the Court decides otherwise.

    The Court has a number of factors to take into account when deliberating whether or not to make provision for a claimant out of an estate. The testamentary freedom of a “wise and just” testator is to be balanced with the testator’s ‘moral duty’ to provide for certain persons within the eligible persons category.

    The Court will often place itself in the position of the testator to consider the relevant factors surrounding the creation of the Will. The Court will consider a range of issues including the needs of claimants, their health and their relationship with the deceased.

    If you are thinking of leaving someone out of your Will who could make a claim as an eligible person, you should talk to an estate planning lawyer.

    Similarly, if you yourself have been left out of a Will or not adequately provided for, talk to an estate lawyer about your eligibility as defined by the Act, and the possible remedies and whether they apply.

    2. There is a Will, but the will maker’s capacity at the time of the making of the will is in doubt.

    Testamentary capacity has been the subject of litigation for centuries. A case in 1861 called Banks v Goodfellow is still the guide to what has to be established to test a will maker’s capacity. The capacity test requires a testator to understand:

    1. the nature of the Will and its effect;

    2. the extent of the property of which they are disposing under the Will; and

    3. the persons for whom they would usually be expected to provide.

    This seems straightforward enough, however as is often the case “proving a negative’ - lack of capacity - can have its challenges.

    You should contact an Estate dispute lawyer to assist you to assess the evidence of capacity or otherwise.

    On the other side of the equation, when a Will is being made it is important that an experienced Estate Lawyer take appropriate steps to assess and record matters that may be relevant to potential capacity issues, especially with older will-makers.

    3. There is a Will, but you feel that a will-maker changed his or her Will under duress or undue influence

    Coercion is the big issue that is emerging in will disputes.

    People are living longer, becoming frail in the later years, becoming dependent on family members. There seem to be more family dysfunction and greater misconceptions about “entitlements”. These factors together with greater accumulated wealth are factors leading to elder abuse becoming more pervasive.

    A test of undue influence was set down in another very established case of Wingrove v Wingrove (1885).

    In this case the Court said “To be undue influence in the eye of the law there must be – to sum it up in a word – coercion... The testator is in such a condition that if he or she could speak his or her wishes to the last, he or she would say “This is not my wish but I must do it”.

    If you believe that a will-maker was under pressure to make provisions in a Will because of manipulative behaviour of a potential beneficiary, you should talk to our Estates team about challenging the Will.

    These examples of contested estates are not exhaustive, but are the most common kinds of estate disputes.

    If you have any questions about contested estates, whether family provision claims, capacity issues or undue influence issues, you should call the Estates Team at Matthews Folbigg on 9635 7966 or email them at

    Estates can be contested and claims can be made against the estate in certain circumstances.

  • 29-Mar-2022 11:24 | Deleted user

    Australia’s most seamless airport experience is one step closer with construction officially underway on the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport runway.

    Western Sydney Airport CEO Simon Hickey said cutting-edge technology and innovative design will come together on the airfield to set a new benchmark for air travel in Australia.

    “Not only are we building Australia’s best airport terminal – we’re building Australia’s best runway, delivering a travel experience that will be unrivalled in this country,” Mr Hickey said.

    “Our airfield’s design means we’ll safely get planes in the air or to the gates faster.

    “At Western Sydney International, we’ll get passengers on their way sooner, whether that’s getting to your meeting on time or arriving home to loved ones.

    “Passengers and airlines will love using Western Sydney International because the experience we deliver will be seamless, safe and reliable from start to finish.”

    Mr Hickey said the efficient design of the 3.7km runway and rapid-exit taxiways, enabled by the latest technology, will reduce taxi and holding times, preventing delays on the tarmac that can be frustrating for passengers and costly for airlines.

    WSI’s runway will handle the full range of commercial aircraft, including the new generation of ultra-long-haul airliners like the A350-1000 and Boeing 777X.

    WSI will be the only airport in Sydney equipped with a modern CAT III-B instrument landing system.

    “Western Sydney International will continue operating safely in foggy conditions that currently shut down Sydney’s skies,” Mr Hickey said.

    “Our airfield will be future-ready, designed for expansion with consideration for emerging technologies such as electric aircraft.”

    Sustainability will remain a key focus on the airfield as well as in the terminal, with the efficient design reducing fuel burn and emissions. Lighting will be LED with recycled content used for construction wherever possible.

    Crushed sandstone from tunnelling projects across Sydney will be reused as a high-strength foundation to support construction of the runway, taxiways and roads.

    Along with the runway and taxiways, airfield construction will include more than 40 kilometres of roads and the installation of 3000 aeronautical ground lights.

    It also includes 90 kilometres of power and fibre optic cabling to electrify the airport and enable the delivery of tomorrow’s technology to what will be Australia’s new gateway to the world.

    Airfield construction is expected to create around 1,200 direct jobs and support many more indirect jobs through flow-on benefits to suppliers, subcontractors and the local economy.

    Western Sydney International is on track to open to international, domestic and air cargo services in late 2026.

  • 24-Mar-2022 14:58 | Deleted user

    EV20 Consulting Group has announced a partnership with Indigenous civil group, R And C Civil Group, to develop an operations management software solution that will trail blaze next generation Indigenous construction providers in Australia.

    The partnership will foster the R And C Civil Group values:

    • Bridging the gap – for equality in business, regardless of status or race.
    • Thiyama-li Wuu-ri (Lift up and give back) – providing opportunity and skills development to Indigenous communities for greater subsistence in their living and working.

    The Drive Lynx operations and project management software solution for the construction industry helps “Bridge the gap” by linking projects, people and processes via tasks or their own service portal. The automated tender process, scheduling and template features allow for subcontractors to access equal opportunities either to meet tender requirements or to provide availability and capability to work.

    The Drive Lynx operations and project management software solution for the construction industry helps “Lift up and give back” by taking a gradual approach to using digital technology. Subcontractors learn to use the software, firstly as project resources under R And C Civil Group’s projects, to eventually running their own Drive Lynx accounts at a very affordable subscription, all via one log in and multiple accounts.

    Rob Dennis, Managing Director and owner of R And C Civil Group, indicated that he is excited to work with EV20 as both companies share common values with a strong focus on people at the centre of everything we do.

    “Our use of the Drive Lynx project management software and the newly formed partnership will enable R And C Civil Group to work more closely with local Aboriginal community partners in everything that we do. As a 100% Aboriginal owned business, we want to give back to the community while introducing modern software technology into all our business practices including the work we do with other Aboriginal businesses.”

    EV20 Consulting Group is an Australian software start-up with 400 years of shared experience amongst its programmers and 250 years of shared experience amongst its operations team. The Executive Chairman is former Toll Global Logistics President, Chris Pearce.

    According to Chris, digital technology is a powerful enabler for bridging gaps and building capability.

    “EV20 is made up of a passionate group of professionals whose purpose is to develop software that actually delivers excellence in industry and is well supported locally in Australia. The partnership with R And C Civil Group symbolises our commitment to Australian home-grown talent and our desire to build capability among First Nations People through our intuitive software – Drive Lynx.”

    The EV20 development team will provide software integrations to orchestrate an overall digital technology structure for R And C Civil Group.

    “We’re very excited to embark on this partnership and demonstrate that digital technology can vastly improve operational efficiency, bridge gaps and build capability. We look forward to the growth of R And C Civil and its contractor community as our success indicator,” says Chris.

  • 21-Mar-2022 11:01 | Deleted user

    As we edge closer to Budget night on Tuesday, 29 March, impacts of the pandemic and world events continue to cause a triple blow of staff shortages, slowed supply chains and a decline in consumer activity.

    Consequently, Australian businesses are looking to Canberra for continued investment in economic recovery and substantive tax reform to promote growth.

    Join William Buck tax specialists Todd Want and Danielle Constantine the morning after Budget hand-down as they explore key Budget initiatives and their impact on you and your business.

    Discussions will include:

    Stimulus for private business – will this Budget maintain the momentum of Australia’s economic recovery by once again supporting jobs?

    Tax rates and key middle market tax measures – what opportunities and pitfalls will there be for you and your business?

    The ATO’s recently announced draft guidance that focuses on family trusts - should you reconsider your tax planning strategies or business and investment structures in light of the ATO guidance and the Budget measures?

    Date: Wednesday, 30 March 2022

    Time: 10am AEDT

    Registration: Click here

    Duration: 1 hour

    Location: Zoom

    Speakers: Todd Want and Danielle Constantine

  • 18-Mar-2022 14:00 | Deleted user

    The construction of Sydney’s new airport is creating opportunities and driving social uplift for Western Sydney with the launch of a new hub providing a pathway for the local community to access sustainable jobs on the project.

    The Western Sydney Airport Connectivity Centre officially opened in Penrith today and is a one-stop shop providing holistic support to jobseekers by coordinating a range of services to help them into sustainable employment. These include First Nations support services, migrant and refugee services, services for people without homes, as well as charity groups, schools and all three levels of government.

    Western Sydney Airport CEO Simon Hickey said the Centre will be run by WSA’s terminal construction contractor Multiplex and will offer jobseekers the opportunity to help build the Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport passenger terminal.

    “Our commitment to Western Sydney goes further than building an airport,” Mr Hickey said.

    “We want to ensure Western Sydney International drives generational change and social uplift, creating opportunities for those who need it most and setting them up for success long after the airport is built.

    “The Western Sydney Airport Connectivity Centre is about supporting the most vulnerable people in our community by providing a wrap-around service that builds their skills, confidence and experience so they not only get a job, but find sustainable, long-term employment.”

    Western Sydney Airport has workforce targets to guarantee jobs on the project for Western Sydney locals, learning workers such as trainees and apprentices and diverse workers, including Indigenous workers and people from economically and socially disadvantaged backgrounds.

    Mr Hickey said initiatives like the Connectivity Centre are just one of the ways the project continues to exceed its targets.

    “We are committed to empowering our Western Sydney community to take advantage of the new era of jobs and opportunities the airport will deliver to their doorstep,” Mr Hickey said.

    Multiplex Regional Managing Director David Ghannoum said the Western Sydney Airport Connectivity Centre was about building a positive social legacy as well as an airport terminal.

    “There are many fantastic organisations doing an excellent job in our community but often they are working in isolation,” Mr Ghannoum said.

    The Western Sydney Airport Connectivity Centre is the 14th Connectivity Centre established by Multiplex and will offer employment support agencies a physical space to come together to work collaboratively to find solutions, not only getting people into sustainable employment but supporting them at every step of the way.

    “These may be people who have never had a job, or never even had a job interview. The Connectivity Centre will provide a tailored service designed to suit the individual needs of each jobseeker to break down the barriers and obstacles they have experienced in seeking sustainable employment.”

    Aboriginal Employment Strategy Managing Director Kristy Masella said the initiative would lead to life-changing outcomes for people in Western Sydney.

    “The Connectivity Centre model is next generation thinking, providing a truly holistic service that is unparalleled,” Ms Masella said.

  • 15-Mar-2022 09:25 | Deleted user

    Western Sydney Airport is inviting its future customers to join an exclusive panel that will help set a new standard for what people can expect when they fly in Australia.

    Members of the Western Sydney International Panel will be asked to regularly contribute their opinions on different elements of the airport experience, from their dream travel destinations to the retail and dining choices they want to see in the terminal.

    Western Sydney Airport CEO Simon Hickey said everyone across Australia can join the WSI Panel, which is about identifying and addressing the pain points customers typically experience at older airports, whether they are flying for business or leisure.

    “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help shape what will be the people’s airport,” Mr Hickey said.

    “We want to deliver Australia’s foremost airport experience - an airport designed from the ground up with customers at its heart.

    “We’re proud that Sydney’s new global gateway will call Western Sydney home and we want our community to be part of the design journey.

    “There is no one better to guide us as we make important decisions about how the airport will work than the people who will soon be using it.”

    Mr Hickey said the airport’s advanced baggage handling system is one example of the difference Sydney’s new airport will offer.

    “We’re aiming to make the anxious wait around the baggage carousel a thing of the past. Our baggage system will give passengers the option to track their bags via an app so they know exactly when they will arrive,” he said.

    Leading technology, clever design and excellent customer service will be among the factors that differentiate Western Sydney International from older airports.

    “We’ll get passengers on their way sooner, whether that’s getting to your meeting on time or arriving home to loved ones,” Mr Hickey said.

    “Fast, seamless and reliable – that’s what people will think when they think of Western Sydney International.

    “The input from the WSI Panel members will help bring that to life.”

    To join the Western Sydney International Panel click here.

  • 18-Feb-2022 10:44 | Deleted user

    The William Inglis Hotel is an Accor ALLSAFE property, with the well being and safety of their guests and staff their utmost priority. 

    As restrictions ease across the country they are keeping up to date with the latest policies and procedures to maintain a safe, clean and trusted environment. 

    Accor’s global cleanliness and prevention label ALLSAFE ensures some of the most stringent cleaning standards in the world of hospitality. The ALLSAFE standards have been developed with Bureau Veritas, a world leader in testing inspections and certification. 

    The William Inglis Hotel is a registered Covid safe venue, fully complying with NSW government regulations. Their Covid safe plans are visible here:

    The William Inglis Hotel – NSW Health Covid 19 Safety Plan

    The William Inglis Hotel EVENTS – NSW Health Covid 19 Safety Plan

    The William Inglis Hotel NEWMARKET RESTAURANT and HEROIC CAFE- NSW Health Covid 19 Safety Plan

    The William Inglis Hotel COVID SAFETY PLAN UPDATED 2 x 2 sqm 

    For more information on the important steps Accor hotels have put into place to assure everyone receives a safe welcome visit:

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