Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 07-Oct-2021 15:49 | Deleted user

    By Blake Scheffers from William Buck

    The Federal Government has officially announced its plan to transition away from the COVID-19 Disaster Payment as states reach their vaccination targets.

    The changes are as follows:

    70% Vaccination Rate (16 years and older)

    • The payment will cease to automatically renew. Individuals must reapply each week to confirm their eligibility.
    • Payment amounts remain the same.

    80% Vaccination Rate (16 years and older)

    • The payment will step down over two weeks from the first week after the target is reached.

    Week 1:

    • Flat payment of $450 for those who have lost more than 8 hours of work.
    • The supplement for those on income support decreases to $100 from $200 currently.

    Week 2:

    • Flat payment of $320 (same as JobSeeker) for those who have lost more than 8 hours of work.
    • The supplement for those on income support is removed.

    After the two-week phase out, individuals will need to look at other social security payments if necessary.

    The Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment remains in place until 30 June 2022. This payment provides support for individuals if they can’t earn an income because they must self-isolate, quarantine, or are caring for someone with COVID-19.

    These changes are regardless of whether a state remains in lockdown or still has significant restrictions in place.

    Contact your local William Buck advisor if you or your employees are impacted by these changes.

  • 07-Oct-2021 15:37 | Deleted user

    By Blake Scheffers and Tim Lyford from William Buck

    The NSW Government has announced phasing out of its business support payments as vaccination rates in NSW reach the 70% and 80% targets and government restrictions are eased. These changes are set out below.

    70% Double Vaccination Rate (16 years and older)

    • JobSaver
      • Payments will reduce from 40% to 30% of weekly payroll
      • Minimum weekly payment will be $1,125
      • Maximum weekly payment will be $75,000, and
      • Weekly non-employing business payment amount will reduce to $750.
    • Micro-business Grant
      • No changes

    80% Double Vaccination Rate (16 years and older)

    • JobSaver
      • Payments will reduce from 30% to 15% of weekly payroll
      • Minimum weekly payment will be $562.50
      • Maximum weekly payment will be $37,500, and
      • Weekly non-employing business payment amount will reduce to $375.
    • Micro-business Grant
      • Fortnightly amount will half to $750

    On 30 November

    • Both JobSaver and the Micro-business grant programs end.

    These payments will continue to be paid on a fortnightly cycle until 30 November. Reconfirming your eligibility, including that businesses continue to experience a 30% decline in turnover, will be required until the end of the program.

    It’s expected that the NSW Government will announce its Economic Recovery Plan in October with the aim of boosting business confidence, jobs growth and injecting targeted stimulus as restrictions ease across NSW.

    Contact your William Buck advisor for more information on the COVID-19 Support packages.

    Related Article: COVID-19 Disaster Payment To Be Phased Out By Blake Scheffers 

  • 07-Oct-2021 15:25 | Deleted user

    Did you know spending at least 30mins online in your social account (liking and interacting) before posting significantly boosts the performance of your post?

    Did you know reels (videos) perform better / have broader reach on average than a static post (just text or just photo)?

    Do you know the demographics of your audience / followers (potential customers) and are your posts / choice of social platform tailored to them?

    Maintaining your digital presence isn’t hard, but it is time consuming. Let Factotum Communications take care of it for you.  

  • 23-Sep-2021 16:01 | Deleted user

    Every October thousands of Australians get on their bikes with one simple mission – to make sure that parents never need fear watching their child die from cancer because research will find treatments and cures.

    Great Cycle Challenge participants choose how many kilometres they want to ride then ask their friends to sponsor them. They design their own challenge, inside or outside, alone or in groups – but all with the same mission: to fight kids’ cancer.

    Since the Great Cycle Challenge started in 2013, over 79,000 riders have raised more than $27 million for the cancer research done in the Westmead labs of Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI) to help kids like Jess, who has been one of the faces of the ride since she was first diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

    Mum Joanne said there were times she thought they were going to lose her.

    “I had times where I it felt like I was watching my daughter die, right in front of me, and all I could do was just fight for her. I remember this one night, the doctors were jumping all around her, it was touch-and-go. It was so serious we were just taking things hour-by-hour.

    “She ended up in ICU, and they told me it wasn’t looking good. I just cried and cried. But she pulled through – like she always did.

    “She’s always been such a fighter. That’s what kept me going, she’s such a fighter.’’

    After two years of having countless rounds of lumbar puncture chemotherapy, constant blood transfusions, bone marrow biopsies and even a dose of pneumonia which left her in intensive care – Jess rang the bell to symbolise the end of treatment in May this year.

    The hopes of mothers like Joanne rest in the hands of scientists like those at Children’s Medical Research Institute. Scientists like Associate Professor Tony Cesare who is on the cutting-edge of cancer research. He was recently awarded a prestigious Australian Research Council Future Fellowship for his work investigating DNA damage.

    As CMRI’s scientists are not guaranteed any government funding, Associate Professor Cesare said they rely on the generosity of the Australian public through fundraising campaigns like the Great Cycle Challenge.

    “This year has been difficult for everyone, including our researchers who haven’t been able to work in the labs the same as we normally would, but our research hasn’t stopped because cancer doesn’t stop.

    “What motivates us is knowing that every day a new child is diagnosed with cancer and every day a parent is holding out hope that just one innovation or one discovery may be the difference between whether a child survives or not.’’

    You could be the reason that vital discovery is made. The Great Cycle Challenge can be done anywhere, anytime throughout October! You can hit the road or do it inside on a fixed bike. You choose how many kilometres you aim to ride and how much money you’d like to raise – then just ask your friends to sponsor you, and when they hear Jess’s story, how can they say no?

    Learn more and register here


  • 23-Sep-2021 09:16 | Deleted user

    By Energy Action

    Our story began 21 years ago as a small, western Sydney based business. In the 2 decades since, we have grown to be a company that services over 7,000 clients, with over 20,000 small and large business sites being supported by us. We’re ASX listed and AFS licensed, with offices all around Australia.

    So, how do we make energy simpler, cleaner and lower cost for Australian businesses?

    1. By Reducing energy prices.

    We offer scalable energy buying solutions that drive down energy prices and help clients reach affordable Net Zero targets. Famous for our reverse auction platform, we drive competition to deliver lowest cost and fair outcomes. We have over $1 billion of energy spend under management.

    2. Energy Management services to stop you burning money.

    We scrutinise and measure every energy bill you receive and check it four ways. This allows us to assist your business in identifying emissions you can prevent and the money you can save.

    3. Helping you take action to achieve net zero.

    Energy is the starting point for any net zero journey. We provide data, insights, and tools specific to your situation and size so you can achieve Net Zero at least cost.

    At Energy Action, we pride ourselves on:

    • Our Expertise 
    We have a national team of experts, real people, able to go the distance with you to identify better ways of buying, generating and managing your energy.
    • Our Leadership 
    We have the buying power as a market leader to fight for a better deal with independent comparison.
    • Our Technology 
    Developed from client and industry insights, we translate the market’s complexity and reduce your energy category spend.
    • Leading Net Zero
    We bring the renewable energy market to Australian businesses. We built the standard for the renewable energy supply agreement to take the risk and costs out of net zero for energy.
    • Working across the renewable energy supply chain 

    We support our customers define, procure and implement their solar and storage projects to reduce their emissions at least cost.

    To find out more about how we can support your business on its Net Zero journey, we’re holding a free webinar on the 7th October. Join our National Manager, Tim Smith, along with the Energy Efficiency Council’s Head of Projects, Holly Taylor as they step out a holistic and systematic approach towards setting up your businesses net zero goals.

    You’ll be able to learn about how you can lead your business by Building a Case for Change: How You Can Lead Your Business Towards Net Zero At least Cost.

    For more information and to register for our webinar, click here


  • 21-Sep-2021 17:30 | Deleted user

    By Efficiency Works

    Most companies aren't run much differently than they would have been 50 years ago. They follow a top-down, management-by-objectives style that essentially tells managers in each layer of the business hierarchy: "Hit your numbers and you will be rewarded. How you do it is not that important."

    The main shortcomings of command-and-control management are that it takes a long time to make sustainable changes and it discourages collaboration, which is the opposite of how companies need to perform in today's hypercompetitive markets. In traditional organizational hierarchy problems accumulate and fester until they are big enough for managers to take notice. When fixes are made, the changes tend to be limited in scope and performance often slides back to the prior state after leaders move on or attention is focused on another problem.

    Making a break from traditional management behaviour requires a shift in mindset. But more fundamentally, it requires a change in how managers allocate their time every day. By embracing the practices of leader standard work executives and managers of companies can begin to create a culture that:

    • Solves problems quickly, creatively, and permanently
    • Collaborates instinctively
    • Makes continual gains in performance
    • Develops the next generation of leaders
    • Delivers superior financial results.

    Leader standard work changes the focus of managers and employees from being the primary problem solvers to building the problem-solving muscle of their organization. Leader standard work is part of the infrastructure of a lean management system that includes Pursuit of True North, standardized work, visual management, people development, and accountability systems. Key elements of Leader standard work practices include:

    • Daily team reflection
    • Gemba walks
    • Rapid response to abnormalities
    • Mentoring
    • And strategy deployment


    Taking the time to reflect doesn't come naturally in the day-to-day pressure to get things done and push products and services out the door. But daily team reflection meetings keep everyone focused on the work that needs to be done, the way everyone has agreed to carry it out, and where the next improvement is coming from.

    Usually held at the start of the workday the supervisors, team members and managers review the basic questions of:

    • How did we do yesterday?
    • Where was the waste?
    • How can we have to do it better today?"

    Team leaders may focus on a particular problem, eliciting suggestions and solutions, and introduce classic problem-solving tools as needed.

    Gemba walks

    A gemba walk is to go to the place in any organization where people create value. When the management team goes to the gemba on a daily basis—following a regular route at a standard time, possibly using a checklist to keep track of issues—they accomplish three objectives by addressing problems where and when they occur.

    1. Maintain baseline performance levels, which provide the foundation for future improvements.

    2. Builds a culture that focuses on solving problems, and not blaming people. By not jumping to conclusions—coaching behaviour that admittedly takes time and practice to learn—and asking open ended questions in a manner of humble inquiry (5 Whys), the responsibility for solving problems falls to the people and teams who are doing the work. This leverages the innate creativity of the workforce. Once people get off of 'autopilot,' a whole new side of them can open up, a much happier and engaged side.

    3. Because the daily business is under control, managers have more time to concentrate on the longer-term, strategic issues that will move the organization forward. Our experience has shown—this may seem a bit counterintuitive—that the repetitive aspect of gemba walks and the other elements of leader standard work, lead to more breakthrough thinking and breakthrough achievements. Rather than stifle creativity, constantly looking at a process allows creativity to emerge, resulting in new work methods and new standards that out-perform the old.

    Rapid response to abnormalities

    When management responds to an abnormality that has occurred, and helps resolve the issue quickly, it sends several signals to the workforce.

    • It reinforces the understanding that the gemba is where value is created, and that's what matters most to the managers of the organization.
    • It supports the message that hiding or ignoring problems undermines performance.
    • It further reinforces the understanding that the people doing the work are responsible for making sure it's done right, not supervisors or managers, or some quality inspector down the line.

    Individual mentoring

    Reflection on performance and mentoring should occur at every level to further build the problem-solving muscle of an organization. A far cry from the traditional "performance review," this element of leader standard work can require significant coaching for managers and supervisors to unlearn past behaviour. It's less about achieving specific objectives—although those remain important—and more focused on learning and growing every day.

    Reflection can revolve around general performance, when managers might ask their reports: How did we make the business better this week? How did you make yourself more valuable? What did you learn? What can I do to support you?

    Or it could address specific issues: What problem do you see? How is the customer affected? Where is the waste? Why? What did you observe us doing about it? What role did you play in this?

    By building each individual's problem-solving ability, this type of reflection and coaching develops the next generation of leaders. Because such a culture can be more engaging and satisfying on a personal level for both supervisors and employees—ask anyone who has ever left such a company for a one that's more traditionally managed—it tends to attract and retain the most talented people.

    Strategy deployment

    Strategy deployment is an execution planning tool. Management starts by connecting the company's vision (or True North, which rarely changes) and three- to five-year breakthrough objectives to the annual improvement priorities. These priorities are then linked to key performance measures and flowed down to specific projects, each with clear responsibility and accountability.

    Monthly progress reviews help ensure that both daily process improvement activities and efforts that support future-reaching breakthrough objectives are working synergistically to move the organization steadily toward True North. The approach gives the leadership team a structured process for managing strategy.

    Is problem solving skills important to you when hiring new staff? Or are other skills more important? Have your say by answering this 2-question survey and Efficiency Works will come back to you with the consensus.

    For further information contact Efficiency Works on 02 4620 8042 or go to

  • 21-Sep-2021 11:46 | Deleted user

    The Connection would like to welcome our newest Platinum Partner, NEC.

    NEC has delivered world-class technology solutions and services to customers across the globe, for over 120 years.

    Serving customers for over 50 years in Australia, NEC has built a sophisticated technology and anything-as-a-service company which brings together the best technology and the best people, driving maximum value for IT and networking investments.

    NEC connects Governments, Businesses and people through reliable communication infrastructure while also helping to keep communities safe and secure with smart systems and the world's leading biometrics identification technologies.

    Here in NSW, NEC is collaborating with the Government to deliver a future digitally advanced city in Western Sydney. NEC is a founding ICT Partner of the NSW Government, for the co-creation and development of a world-leading Digital Safer and Smarter City environment. Utilizing NEC’s world-leading Biometrics, 5G, IoT and AI technologies to support the vision of a sustainable circular economy, they are working on initiatives in five major sectors; Digital Government, Public Safety, Aviation, Healthcare and Smart Transportation.

    NEC has a century-long history of innovation. From its cornerstone ideal - “Orchestrating a brighter world” - NEC integrates technologies, expertise and ideas from around the world for the benefit of local Government and business environments. Their focus remains on value co-creation for customers and partners, maintaining a compatible balance between customer needs and societal expectations.

    They believe that innovation should extend beyond technology and should be embedded into our solutions and how we operate.

    Like the NSW State, NEC is committed to supporting the Government’s economic, ethical, environmental and social priorities. This social value innovation includes recruiting new staff through graduate programs, providing careers for Australians, supporting regional businesses, funding community grants, a commitment to the environment and investment into research and development.

  • 21-Sep-2021 11:14 | Deleted user

    By Diana Tapp, CEO of World Class Teams

    Do you have a colleague at work you just can’t get through to? They just don’t get it no matter how many times you try. They always seem to misunderstand or misconstrue what you’re saying.

    So, what can you do?

    Watch this short video below to discover the deceptively simple model for communication that will help you get the outcome you need to drive your career and business forward.

    If you’d like to find out more about the Birds Communication Model and how it can help your business, call us today on 1300 085 248 or email

    Do you want World Class Leaders in Your Business?

    Enquire about World Class Teams’ nationally accredited BSB50402 – Diploma of Leadership and Management program with generous funding assistance available from the NSW Government.

    Want to Know More About the Diploma?

    • Delivered by Diana Tapp from World Class Teams
    • Download your free Diploma course guide here
    • Click here to submit your Expression of Interest, or
    • Contact World Class Teams on 1300 085 248 or

  • 21-Sep-2021 09:23 | Deleted user

    The Powerhouse Museum has welcomed news that Lendlease has been awarded the contract to deliver Western Sydney’s first Cultural Institution – Powerhouse Parramatta.

    Lendlease will build the Moreau Kusunoki Genton designed museum, which will be the largest in NSW with over 18,000 square metres of exhibition and public space.

    Lendlease will deliver a 6 Star Green Star rated building that includes expansive exhibition spaces including the largest column-free space in Australia.

    Designed to be flexible, Powerhouse Parramatta will enable a dynamic and changing program for visitors with more than 2 million visitors expected in the first year of operation.

    A feature of Powerhouse Parramatta will be The Academy which will support thousands of students from across regional NSW and Greater Sydney to stay at the museum and engage with immersive science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) education programs.

    Situated on the banks of the Parramatta River, Powerhouse Parramatta will be exceptionally well connected to public transport including the metro, light rail, ferries and bus services, and will form the cultural anchor of the Parramatta Civic Link which is currently in development.

    Trust President, Peter Collins AM QC said:

    “I’m delighted that Lendlease will be working with the Powerhouse and Infrastructure NSW to deliver Powerhouse Parramatta – our extraordinary new flagship that will have generational impact for our communities and audiences.” said Mr Collins.

    “This museum will be at the leading edge of contemporary thinking and new technology and we are proud to be embedding zero net carbon into our operations alongside our shared commitment with the NSW Government on a 6 Star Green Star rating.

    Powerhouse Chief Executive Lisa Havilah said:

    “With the appointment of our partner Lendlease, Western Sydney’s long-awaited NSW Cultural Institution will become a reality,” said Ms Havilah.

    “Powerhouse Parramatta will redefine the cultural landscape of Greater Sydney, NSW and Australia and the Powerhouse team and I are looking forward to collaborating with our communities, industry as well as our many partners as we embark on the construction of this remarkable building.”

  • 21-Sep-2021 08:58 | Deleted user

    Cutting-edge technology and innovative design will come together on the airfield at Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport to set a new benchmark for air travel in Australia.

    Construction of the 3.7-kilometre runway and rapid-exit taxiways will begin in 2022 after the contract to design and build the airfield at Sydney’s new airport was awarded to the CPB Contractors and ACCIONA joint venture following a competitive procurement process.

    Western Sydney Airport CEO Simon Hickey said the efficient airfield design, enabled by the latest technology, will reduce taxi times, preventing delays on the tarmac that can be frustrating for passengers and costly for airlines.

    “Our airfield’s design means we’ll safely get planes in the air or to the gates faster,” Mr Hickey said.

    “At Western Sydney International, we’ll get passengers on their way sooner, whether that’s getting to your meeting on time or arriving home to loved ones.

    “Passengers and airlines will love using Western Sydney International because the experience we deliver will be seamless, safe and reliable from start to finish.”

    WSI’s runway will handle the full range of commercial aircraft, including the new generation of ultra-long-haul airliners like the A350-1000 and Boeing 777X.

    WSI will be the only airport in Sydney equipped with a modern CAT III-B instrument landing system.

    ”Western Sydney International will continue operating safely in foggy conditions that currently shut down Sydney’s skies,” Mr Hickey said.

    “Our airfield will be future-ready, designed for expansion with consideration for emerging technologies such as electric aircraft.”

    Sustainability will remain a key focus on the airfield as well as in the terminal, with the efficient design reducing fuel burn and emissions. Lighting will be LED with recycled content used where appropriate for construction.

    Crushed sandstone from tunnelling projects across Sydney will be reused as a high-strength foundation to support construction of the runway, taxiways and roads.

    Along with the runway and taxiways, airfield construction will include more than 40 kilometres of roads and the installation of 3000 aeronautical ground lights.

    It also includes 90 kilometres of power and fibre optic cabling to electrify the airport and enable the delivery of tomorrow’s technology to what will be Australia’s new gateway to the world.

    Airfield construction is expected to create around 1,200 direct jobs and support many more indirect jobs through flow-on benefits to suppliers, subcontractors and the local economy.

    Western Sydney International is on track to open to international, domestic and air cargo services in late 2026.

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