Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

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  • 01-Jul-2021 11:59 | Deleted user

    With the commencement of a new financial year, it brings with it important changes and new rates which will apply from 1 July 2021.

    NEW! High Income Threshold (HIT)

    With the HIT:

    • it increases to $158,500
    • it impacts:

    (a) who can make a claim for unfair dismissal (for those not covered by a Modern Award or to whom an enterprise agreement does not apply)

    (b) the maximum amount of compensation payable in an unfair dismissal claim

    (c) those on a 'guarantee of annual earnings' (a Modern Award does not apply to an employee whenever this guarantee is in place provided it continues to meet the relevant legislative requirements)

    NEW! Changes to Casual Employment

    These amendments to the Fair Work Act commenced on 27 March 2021 and include:

    • a statutory definition of a ‘casual employee’ for the first time
    • a requirement for an employer to issue a Casual Employment Information Statement
    • an entitlement to convert to full-time or part-time employment when certain conditions are met

    NEW! Modern Award Increases

    With Modern Awards (including enterprise awards):

    • minimum wages increase by 2.5%
    • the date this increase takes effect from is:

    (a) for Group 1 Modern Awards, from the start of the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2021

    (b) for the General Retail Industry Award 2020, from the start of the first full pay period on or after 1 September 2021

    (c) for Group 3 Modern Awards, from the start of the first full pay period on or after 1 November 2021

    • absorption of wage increases into over-award payments remain permissible (subject to the terms of the relevant employment agreement and what other amounts are being absorbed into any annualised wage)
    • increases to the minimum wages of junior workers, apprentices, trainees, piece workers and employees on the supported wage system will occur
    • expense-related allowances in Modern Awards will increase as set out in the Modern Award (eg, by the applicable CPI index figure)
    • annualised wage arrangements will need to be reviewed to ensure they can still properly absorb/include all relevant minimum Modern Award amounts and that they continue to meet technical notification and reconciliation requirements previously introduced into several Modern Awards

    NEW! National Minimum Wage (NMW)

    With the NMW:

    • this is applicable to employees to whom neither a Modern Award or enterprise agreement applies
    • the NMW increases to become $772.60 (gross) per week or $20.33 (gross) per hour
    • the increase takes effect from the start of the first full pay period on or after 1 July 2021 (unlike the staggered increase applying to the Modern Awards)
    • in addition:

    (a) special NMW rates apply to employees with disabilities, junior employees, apprentices, and those on training arrangements

    (b) the minimum casual loading remains unchanged at 25%

    NEW! Impact on Enterprise Agreements

    With enterprise agreements:

    • they must always meet or exceed the minimum wage of:

    (a) the relevant Modern Award (ie, the Modern Award that would have applied had the enterprise agreement not been in existence)

    (b) the NMW (ie, where a Modern Award would not apply even if the enterprise agreement was not in existence)

    • thus, pay rates in enterprise agreements may need to be increased (even if the enterprise agreement has its own wage increase regime)

    NEW! The Sting

    Be mindful that wage increases may have flow-on effects such as increasing:

    • the value of leave loading, penalty rates, overtime and superannuation contributions
    • the value of accrued leave entitlements
    • the cost of wage related expenses such as payroll tax and workers compensation premiums

    NEW! Redundancy

    The tax-free component of a genuine redundancy payment increases to be:

    • a base amount of $11,341
    • an additional amount of $5,672 for each completed year of service

    NEW! Superannuation Contributions Base

    With superannuation:

    • the superannuation guarantee rate will increase to 10% from 1 July 2021
    • the maximum superannuation contribution base increases to $58,920 per quarter ($235,680 per annum)
    • an employer is not required to make superannuation contributions on behalf of employees on earnings in excess of that maximum contribution base

    REMINDER! Annualised Wage Arrangements

    As the annualised wage arrangements in several Modern Awards have changed, it is critical that employers:

    • check whether the applicable Modern Award(s) contain such a clause
    • ensure they comply with the terms of the annualised wage clause
    • adjust relevant clauses within the employee’s employment agreement (by consent) and any template employment agreements in order to meet those requirements

    REMINDER! 2020 Modern Awards

    Employers need to:

    • ensure they are using the correct (and current) version of the applicable Modern Award(s) as, over time, the 2010 editions have been replaced by 2020 versions (and even the 2020 versions are updated from time to time)
    • adjust relevant clauses within the employee’s employment agreement (by consent) and any template employment agreements in order to meet Modern Award requirements

    More Information

    With the industrial landscape constantly changing and the interaction between various sources of rights and obligations often complex, please contact us if you require any legal advice or assistance in respect of your workplace.

    Stewart Gough


    T 02 9806 7483 | M 0458 586 444


    Peter Doughman

    Senior Associate

    T 02 9806 7412 | M 0404 020 409


    Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. This article is provided to readers for their general information and on a complimentary basis. It contains a brief summary only and should not be relied upon or used as a definitive or complete statement of the relevant law.

  • 24-Jun-2021 09:56 | Deleted user

    The first Innovate Parramatta: Parramatta Startup Forum event took place in Parramatta Square on 10 June 2021 and brought together business and tech industry leaders, investors and representatives from the education sector and government agencies, so they could connect with emerging startups and offer them support and advice.

    Hosted by City of Parramatta Council and joined by partners NSW Treasury, Launch Pad, Grounded Space, AusIndustry and Spark Festival, attendees learned about how startups and entrepreneurs are being supported to start and grow in Parramatta, and how record investment in new infrastructure is transforming Parramatta into a leading centre of innovation.

    The fantastic line-up of speakers included Michelle Long, Associate Director of the Sydney Startup Hub; Stephan Wagner, Regional Manager Western Sydney at AusIndustry; Peter James Doueihi, Managing Director of Grounded Space; Jamie Pride, Chief Entrepreneur in Residence at Launch Pad; and Maxine Sherrin, Festival Director of Spark Festival.

    The event also featured two local startups, Dr Belinda Chapman from Quantal Bioscience and James Worsfold from KartaSoft who shared their experiences of achieving success in Parramatta.

    This is an exciting space in Parramatta as the City’s incubators, businesses and universities are driving the growth of the local entrepreneurial community, and creating new opportunities for the City’s emerging tech and innovation-driven businesses.

  • 23-Jun-2021 13:31 | Deleted user

    Celebrate in style with your colleagues this Christmas with a range of festive dining packages that will cater for all your party requirements - from AUD99 per person.

    Enjoy a delightful canape package, delicious set menu or a Christmas themed buffet hosted with care by the friendly and expert PARKROYAL Parramatta team.

    All packages include a DJ and dancefloor, lectern with microphone and Christmas theming.

    To book your Christmas party, speak with PARKROYAL Parramatta's Meetings and Events team:

    P: 02 9685 0339


    For further information click here.

    Christmas Canapes
    • AUD99 per person
    • Eight piece canape package including hot, cold and dessert station options
    • Three hour beverage package

    Christmas Set Menu
    • AUD110 per person
    • Three course alternate serve menu
    • Four hour beverage package

    Christmas Buffet 
    • AUD119 per person
    • Christmas themed buffet
    • Four hour beverage package

    Terms and conditions

    • Minimum of fifty guests per booking applies.
    • Minimum spend applies.
    • Standard beverage package included in all Christmas packages.
    • Christmas theming included in the package consists of a Christmas tree, Christmas bon-bons and a table centrepiece.
    • Subject to hotel availability.
    • Inclusive of GST.
    • Valid for bookings between 1st October – 31st December 2021.
    • A merchant service fee of 0.99% for Alipay, 1.25% for American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Union Pay and 3% for Diners and JCB will be applied to all credit card payments.

  • 23-Jun-2021 11:59 | Deleted user

    Rich Cropley, CEO of legendary outdoor adventure company, Rhino-Rack, is proud to announce their eligibility to use the iconic Australian Made logo on many of their cross bar roof rack product range.

    “We are truly Australian owned, operated and now officially Australian Made on many of our products. We are proud to now be donning the renowned green and gold Australian Made logo.” said Rich. This translates to jobs for Aussies, skill development for locals, and a team that Richard calls family at their Eastern Creek warehouse.

    Australian Made Chief Executive, Ben Lazzaro, said “The Australian Made logo is the true mark of Aussie authenticity. It is exciting to see many items in Rhino-Rack’s cross bar roof rack range carrying the iconic green and gold kangaroo.

    Aussie products are made to some of the highest standards in the world. They are trusted and known for their safety and quality. When you buy Australian, you are also helping to pump money back into our economy, which helps to keep Aussie jobs, strengthen local industries and supports local communities.”

    The Rhino-Rack family are not the only locals benefiting from the partnership. Sydney manufacturer, Laser Wizard, sells components to Rhino-Rack, helping them deliver their locally produced products. CEO, Lawrence Thomson said, “without companies like Rhino-Rack supporting local businesses, we wouldn’t be able to continue to develop and grow the standard of our manufacturing or stay in business at all.”

    And Rich agrees. “We’ve got to help get everyone back to work, but we also need to think about developing our own skills and industry here in Australia, so we’ve got a robust Australian manufacturing industry that’s got jobs for Aussies in the future”.

  • 23-Jun-2021 11:10 | Deleted user

    “Sometimes it can be easier to go with the flow in business, but conformity can come at a cost.” In this video, Subculture Co-Founder, Michael Maness, explains why dominant logic can be so dangerous for businesses and what leaders can do about it.

    Watch it here.

    Macquarie has been providing Business Banking solutions for over 30 years and provides SME clients with tools and strategies to grow and develop their business. You can get regular updates by subscribing to the monthly newsletter, Strictly Business by visiting If you would like to find out more about how Macquarie can support you to take your business further, call Luca Catelli at our Parramatta office on 0418 253 049 and be connected with one of our industry specialists.

    This information has been prepared by Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 237502 (“Macquarie”) for general information purposes only. This information does not constitute advice. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. No member of Macquarie accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss arising from any use of this information.

  • 23-Jun-2021 09:52 | Deleted user

    WSBC would like to welcome our newest Gold member J&J Metro Air Conditioning.

    With over 27 years of experience and a client portfolio including developers of large commercial, residential and retail projects, their mission is to deliver clean, comfortable, and fresh air across Australia, through filtered, heating and cooling air conditioning and mechanical ventilation solutions.

    They offer a complete turn-key solution from initial concept and engineering designs through to sourcing equipment, manufacturing parts, installation, servicing and preventative maintenance programs.

    You can follow J&J Metro on LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook or get in touch with them on:

    P: 1300 883 153


    Image: Infinity By Crown Group; Photo credit: Jarvis Liu.

  • 18-Jun-2021 13:34 | Deleted user

    The cyber threats facing businesses today are very different from last year. With more businesses automating processes and moving online, cyber criminals are quick to exploit the new digital economy.

    The team at William Buck hosted a special webinar with a panel of technology experts who discussed the security controls and strategies that every business should be thinking about.

    Click here to view the webinar.

  • 17-Jun-2021 14:11 | Deleted user

    By Diana Tapp, CEO of World Class Teams

    Do star players automatically become successful coaches? What qualities do you need to keep an eye out for when choosing a coach? What skills do they require?

    When a top coach is needed for the football, netball or rugby team a top-performing player is often selected. They are seen as the ‘obvious choice’, but the skills of a successful coach are completely different to the skills of a star player.

    Gets results largely through their own ability and skill Gets results by improving the skills of other people
    Can do ‘the job’ quickly and well Coaches and develops others to do ‘the job’
    Must be motivated and disciplined enough to practise Inspire others to want to practise
    Be motivated to deliver Motivate others
    Execute the strategy Create the strategy
    Often struggle to accommodate less able and motivated team members Is patient and enables players to learn

    When you compare the skills, it becomes obvious that they are very different.

    It is critical that when a player makes this transition, they are trained in the new skills they require. They must not be given the job and expected to make the transition automatically, just because they have a new title!

    The Must-Have Skills of a Coach

    The coach needs to bring out the best in each player and in the team as a whole in order to win games and then tournaments. It is important the coach is competent in the sport, otherwise he/she has no credibility as a coach. But once that box is ticked, what matters is the coach’s ability to

    • Get to know each player’s skills and what motivates them
    • Inspire players to give their best, at practice and during the games
    • Coach them in the skills they need to improve and win matches
    • Create the strategy for the game plan and the style of play appropriate for winning each match
    • Set clear expectations and hold the players to account
    • Mould talented individuals into a winning team, a star team rather than a team of stars

    It is these coaching skills that make them succeed or fail as a coach, with their team enjoying a winning streak or living a losing nightmare.

    The Same is True for Leaders

    The sports coach experience is mirrored in business with leaders and managers.

    Staff who demonstrate a high level of technical or professional skill stand out. They complete tasks and projects quickly and to a high standard. Their work ethic, output and results get noticed. They are your standout performers and as a result, they get promoted to a management/leadership role, the equivalent of the sports coach.

    But just as with sports, the leadership skills they need now are completely different to the technical or professional skills they are so talented and experienced in.

    While they probably have talent in one or two of those skills, it is very unlikely that they demonstrate ALL five critical leadership skills, the skills which are essential for top-performing leaders. There will be some significant gaps in their leadership ability, and it is critical they get training and mentoring to fix these gaps.

    The Transition to Leadership

    Often those gaps include learning to ‘let go’ of a number of habits.

    Habits like ‘quickly doing tasks’ because they easily can, and the tasks ‘won’t take any time’. Actually, easy tasks are the easiest ones to delegate, and they should be delegated.

    Habits like ‘I’ll answer that because the client knows me’ even though they now have a new account manager. In doing so, you disregard the fact that this behaviour reinforces that the client can always come directly to you. In addition, inadvertently and disturbingly you undermine the confidence and position of the new account manager too.

    Habits like making decisions without consulting your team. We often excuse this behaviour with statements like ‘well, there just won’t be time to check/consult with everyone’. This excuse is half-true at best, mostly it reflects the desire to make decisions yourself and quickly, and then to take action. These are excellent skills in a high-performing team member but not so excellent in a manager or leader who wants to succeed in that role and be respected and admired by their team.


    Think about the people you have promoted in your business. Do you always give them the training and skills to become excellent leaders? Or do you hope that since they were high-performers they will automatically morph into excellent leaders?

    How many great future leaders have left your business as a result, believing they are failures?

    Do you want World Class Leaders in Your Business?

    Enquire about World Class Teams’ nationally accredited BSB51918 – Diploma of Leadership and Management program with generous funding assistance available from the NSW Government.

    Want to Know More About the Diploma?

    • Delivered by Diana Tapp from World Class Teams
    • Download your free Diploma course guide here
    • Click here to submit your Expression of Interest, or
    • Contact World Class Teams on 1300 085 248 or 

  • 17-Jun-2021 13:52 | Deleted user

    If there is one thing Australians have learned from the ongoing pandemic, it is the critical importance of research and its ability to change the world. That is exactly what Jeans for Genes aims to do – change the world for kids with genetic disease.

    Imagine what would be possible for the 1 in 20 kids facing a birth defect or genetic disease - if we all invested in research this Jeans for Genes Day on Friday 6th August. This fundraiser enables the vital work being done in the Westmead labs at Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI), which couldn’t happen without community support.

    CMRI’s research could change the lives of kids like Jude who has Cystic Fibrosis. His mum, Caron, is a nurse and when he was diagnosed as a newborn baby, she mourned the life she felt he was losing with such a serious condition that impacts his lungs every day.

    “Mothers will know, you've got this blissful new-mum feeling,’’ Caron said. “And then that feeling just vanished straightaway. I could not enjoy it when he learnt to smile. I would just burst into tears.’’

    But then Caron discovered all the research being done on CF, and she now lives in hope.

    “With all the genetic research, there really is a lot of hope. It is exciting, I no longer think my child will die at a young age. People should invest in research - it will save lives. They could be your children; they could be your grandchildren.’’

    One of the biggest hopes for families of children with genetic disease is gene therapy. This technology adds a working copy of a faulty gene to diseased cells or replaces the genetic error with a functioning ‘edit’. Gene therapy aims to cure, not just treat, genetic disorders by addressing the cause—errors in genes.

    Children’s Medical Research Institute is a world renowned for its research contributions to the “genomic revolution’’. Research leader, Associate Professor Leszek Lisowski and his team are developing gene therapy tools that can be used in conditions ranging from blindness-causing eye diseases to cystic fibrosis and life-threatening metabolic conditions of the liver.

    “While the knowledge and diagnostic power around genetic disease has grown exponentially, the progress in disease prevention and treatment has been slower,’’ Associate Professor Lisowski said. “Gene therapy has the power to fill the gap that has formed between our ability to diagnose and cure a disease and therefore bring real benefits to patients.

    “This is an exciting and a very rewarding time to be a researcher in the area of gene therapy.”

    With your help we can make a difference to children and families over many future generations. Jeans for Genes Day is on Friday August 6th, but you can donate any time of year! Sign up to raise money, volunteer or learn more at

  • 15-Jun-2021 17:00 | Deleted user

    City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Bob Dwyer has welcomed the NSW Government’s commitment to invest $50 million in Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 planning in its upcoming 2021-22 NSW Budget.

    “Parramatta Light Rail is a game-changing transport project for the City of Parramatta and it’s fantastic to see the NSW Government committing to planning for Stage 2,” Cr Dwyer said.

    “City of Parramatta Council has long advocated for a light rail network that includes Sydney Olympic Park with a direct interchange to Sydney Metro West, ferries and the existing heavy rail network.

    “Sydney’s Central River City is booming and a strong public transport connection from the Parramatta CBD to growing residential suburbs and employment hubs will support our transformation.

    “This critical funding announcement is a really important next step in realising the vision for a 30-minute City, and now provides certainty for the community and businesses along the route.”

    In its Local Strategic Planning Statement, Council estimated that about 29,000 homes will be built along the extended Stage 2 route by 2036.

    “Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 will provide enormous economic and social benefits for the communities along the proposed route, particularly the construction of a public transport bridge from Melrose Park to Wentworth Point,” Cr Dwyer said.

    “We look forward to working with the NSW Government to plan Stage 2 and ensure the project complements other City-shaping projects across the Parramatta Local Government Area.”

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