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  • 19-Nov-2019 13:55 | Deleted user

    Blacktown City Council is launching its Business Success Program in February 2020.

    This exciting new program is a series of affordable business education workshops to provide skills and knowledge to help local businesses succeed and grow. The program is proudly sponsored by CGU Insurance as part of its commitment to supporting the local community.

    The workshops will be presented by Jeremy Carter of Rapport Leadership International. Some workshops will feature specialist industry guest presenters, providing additional industry perspective and expertise.

    “At Blacktown City Council we’re committed to being a more approachable and valuable resource for business. The Business Success Program is just the beginning, and we believe it could be a real game-changer for a lot of businesses, providing top notch business education that is practical, relevant and made easy” said Mayor Tony Bleasdale OAM.

    The cost of attending each workshop will be just $25. Registrations are now open at

    For further details, contact Blacktown City Council’s Economic Development team on (02) 9839 5914.

  • 18-Nov-2019 15:48 | Deleted user

    Who are the three most valuable people in your business? What would happen to your business if just one of them left?

    In any business, people are your greatest asset. Yet, we tend to take more care of our capital assets than our human assets. We insure them adequately, maintain them well and have back-up power and a contingency plan so that interruptions are minimised.

    In the current competitive climate, replication of your products and services is relatively easy for your competitor to do. What is much more difficult is to replicate your people, the relationships they have developed with your customers and the cohesion and therefore morale of your staff.

    You know who your best people are. These are your highly experienced people who have unique knowledge or skills, they have formed strong relationships and therefore influence with your customers and their colleagues enjoy working with them. There would be an enormous gap if they left your business.

    Yet we often take very little proactive action to keep these valuable people, nor do we often have a back-up plan if they do leave.

    Keeping Your Best People

    What can, in fact what should you do, to keep your best people engaged, thus making it less likely they will be lured by your competitors?

    People become, and stay, engaged when they feel motivated to do their best work and when they feel appreciated for their contribution to the team and the business.

    It is therefore critical that you know precisely what motivates each person in your team.

    Is it ensuring that they have interesting and challenging work? Is it knowing that they will have the resources to do their job? Does the group of people they are working with on the project motivate them? Is it knowing that their ability and willingness to do a variety of tasks increases their job security?

    Motivational Drivers

    Each person has 3-5 strong motivational drivers and when you know these you can ‘push’ these drivers and thus help the person to become, and to remain, strongly motivated.

    When people are highly motivated, they do their best work and they feel a high level of satisfaction. They are highly engaged and are unlikely to seek work elsewhere.

    There is a pertinent quote: ‘We go where we are wanted, we stay where we are appreciated.’

    Often your best people achieve exceptional results, autonomously and quietly. They don’t demand resources or feedback, while others who are less competent and less confident can demand much of your time and energy.

    As a result, it is easy to unwittingly take your best people for granted, and eventually, they feel unappreciated and become open to approaches from your competitors.

    Jim Collins in his book ‘Good to Great’ said that for a business to succeed you should ‘get the right people on the bus’. The secret you then need to know is how to keep those people on the bus.

    To ensure you retain your best people, understand motivational drivers and get the best out of your staff, BOOK NOW for our Breakfast Leadership Masterclass – How to Stop Competitors Poaching Your Best People.

    This dynamic 2-hour workshop, held in partnership with WSBC, will be brought to you by Diana Tapp from World Class Teams.

  • 18-Nov-2019 15:45 | Deleted user

  • 18-Nov-2019 14:12 | Deleted user

    The William Inglis Hotel located at The Riverside Stables is a unique, luxury venue offering a variety of spaces for teams to conference, explore and showcase.

    All function rooms are pillarless, have natural light and feature state of the art inbuilt audio visual systems.

    Day Delegate Packages from just $78.00pp, means making room in your calendar will be easy!

    An iconic destination with rural soul - The William Inglis Hotel is the place to host your 2020 Kick off Conference.

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  • 18-Nov-2019 12:30 | Deleted user

    By Michael Page

    The workplace continues to undergo fast change. And with millennials now making up a significant portion of the workforce, they’re the cohort driving workplace evolution.

    McCrindle revealed that based on current trends, the average Australian millennial will have 17 jobs across 5 careers in their lifetime. This is because gen Y employees don’t seek stability from their employers but rather opportunity: they want new pathways or prospects to pursue their passion.

    As an employer, this changes the game when it comes to attracting and retaining highly talented employees. Here’s how to keep the best talent in your team.

    Be clear on company values and mission

    Championing your company’s values and mission has a big impact when it comes to talent management and retention. Share your company values as early as possible in the recruitment process. And importantly, demonstrate these values throughout your organisational structure, training and development programs, compensation packages, product development, and corporate sustainability programs.

    RELATED: What compensation and benefits can you offer to retain talent?

    Hire for growth mindset and cultural fit, not just skills

    You can train for skills but it’s a lot harder to train or change mindset. Rather than questioning, “Does this employee have the skills I need?” think, “Will this employee fit into our team? Do they have a great attitude, and are they willing and able to learn and progress with us?”

    One of the best ways to hire for a growth mindset is to focus on things like:

    • Critical and analytical thinking
    • Creative thinking and problem solving
    • Communication skills
    • Resourcefulness and adaptability to different scenarios
    • Self-awareness
    • Dedication to self-development
    • Time management and organisation

    Provide a varied role and pathway

    Rather than having a rigid linear progression plan, advertise opportunities across all departments and encourage team members and managers to adopt an open mindset to cross-departmental recruitment. For those employees who express interest in other career pathways, try to build bridges to encourage them to apply. Also, work with respective department heads or stakeholders to see how you can create a training and development program to help them make the switch.

    Focus on workplace environment and culture

    Talented people are looking for an environment where they can be productive but are also encouraged to enjoy a bit of down time. While you don’t have to run out and spend big on ping-pong tables, video game consoles and nap pods, there are a few things you can do to tweak your office environment to create a positive workplace atmosphere:

    • Launch programs dedicated to cultivating employee wellness
    • Offer time off for employees to focus on charity events
    • Train managers to be coaches rather than top-down managers
    • Have open spaces for relaxation or breaks

    Think beyond salary

    51% of professionals in today’s workforce are proud to work for a company offering flexibility and balance. If you’re not sure where to start, send out an anonymous survey on the additional benefits your employees would most value – you might be surprised at the results. And implementing little changes can make a significant impact.

    If you require assistance with staffing or hiring new talent, contact a Michael Page specialist today.

    RELATED: Why CSR and corporate volunteering helps retain staff

  • 15-Nov-2019 15:19 | Deleted user

    By Children's Medical Research Institute

    CMRI’s Cell Biology Unit, headed by Associate Professor Tracy Bryan, has secured funding for an important project that will lay the groundwork for treating inherited bone marrow failures.

    The grant came from Maddie’s Vision, which was named in honour of 26-year-old Maddie Riewoldt, who died of a rare condition known as Aplastic Anaemia. It is a Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome which she fought for five years.

    When Maddie was losing her five year battle in 2015, Maddie asked that her family do all they could to prevent conditions like this from taking other young people’s lives, according to Chief Executive Officer, Nicky Long.

    “No one should have to go through the five years of hell that Maddie did,’’ Ms Long said. “She was very close to her family, and she asked them to please do something.”

    Maddie’s Vision has the sole focus of investing in research and has already committed over $4.1 million to 18 research projects across Australia and conduct a call for grants twice annually.

    The CMRI funding will go to a team led by Associate Professor Tracy Bryan and including Dr Karen McKenzie, Professor Ian Alexander, Dr Leszek Lisowski, and Dr Pasquale Barbaro.

    Progressive bone marrow failure can be caused by problems with a patient’s telomeres, protective tips at the end of their DNA. When those protective tips are lost in stem cells, the cells may die, which causes the bone marrow to stop producing blood or immune cells.

    The CMRI team will create and test a gene editing model for correcting these telomere problems, in order to prevent bone marrow failure and related cancers. This research will involve collaboration with Professor Adrian Thrasher of University College London, a leading expert in gene therapy for human bone marrow disorders.

    “People like Tracy need champions and advocacy,’’ Ms Long said. “We have established a Centre of Research Excellence that is putting our arms around all these research projects around Australia so that everyone shares, collaborates and joins the dots.

    “Our aim is to find a cure but, in the process, let’s try and find better treatments. We need research to delve more deeply into what is causing this problem and how can we manage it. We’d like it to become like HIV – a condition that is a life-long manageable condition managed if not cured.’’

    Currently, patients with bone marrow diseases are given transplanted stem cells, but success rates for such patients after five years is only around 65%. However, very recent advances in CRISPR-based human gene editing raise the exciting possibility that corrective gene therapy (i.e. a cure) is possible for patients with telomere-related bone marrow syndromes and other diseases.

    This funding comes at a crucial time. The technology involved has matured enough that researchers are now creating gene editing models that will serve as an encyclopedia for understanding the causes of these conditions and for finding treatments to save patients’ lives.

    The importance of bone marrow research extends beyond the diseases of bone marrow only. Professor Bryan’s research will examine the precise way in which telomeres are lost in bone marrow syndromes, which will also help enable more precise molecular diagnoses for conditions caused by similar problems in other stem cells and organs.

    Maddie’s Vision has also organised a national symposium on Bone Marrow Failure Syndrome to bring researchers and medical specialists together and hopes to broaden it even further.

    “This really is an urgent problem,” Ms Long said, “because 50% of young people with these conditions don’t survive and it’s when they are at their most vibrant and full of stage of life. When we see projects like this, where you can see the sparks of innovation – we just want to ignite it.’’

  • 15-Nov-2019 14:44 | Deleted user

    By Institute of Strategic Management

    What do we mean when we talk about coaching in organisations? We often assume coaching is about a sports team and the role of the coach is to prepare them and monitor their on-field performance.

    Coaching, though, is much more than that. For leaders in organisations, coaching is an active and key part of their overall role. Leaders act through coaching by communicating with people to help them perform better in their current roles or prepare them for handling challenges in future roles.

    Is leadership the same as coaching? The best way to answer this question is to say that a leader also needs to be a coach, but will also require other skills such as strategic decision making, leading change and inspiring others. Coaching is more focused on individuals and what needs to be done to encourage individuals to perform to achieve work goals.

    Coaching may involve some or all of those aspects, but should be seen as a subset of leadership.

    What is Coaching?

    There are many coaching definitions, some examples include -

    "A process that enables learning and development to occur and thus performance to improve. To be a successful Coach requires a knowledge and understanding of process as well as the variety of styles, skills and techniques that are appropriate for the context in which coaching takes place"


    "Partnering with people in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential."

    Coaching has its origin in the writings of Plato on Socrates - where Plato observed the influence Socrates had on people. Two interesting quotes cited by Plato were:


    image source:

    To best define the term coach - let's examine what a coach is and what a coach offers.

    A Coach is a:

    • sounding board
    • truth teller
    • supporter
    • accountability partner
    • advocate
    • morale booster
    • questioner
    • reflector

    A Coach offers:

    • support in critical decision making
    • direction
    • encouragement
    • information
    • knowledge
    • insight
    • clarity
    • co-planning
    • challenge

    Coaching is based on character - leaders that practiced virtuous character were viewed by Diogenes as great coaches (teachers). Diogenes, who lived during 412 to 323 BC, held the view that it was virtuous to neglect one's own needs for those of others.

    This philosophy reflects the principle that coaching is about being concerned with those whom we are coaching. Also, it is virtuous to avoid focusing on one's own needs, so that we become better listeners.

    So how can you become a better coach?

    As coaches we need to listen for meaning and the intent of the person being coached.

    Often, coaches act from a position of power. That is, leaders who practice coaching have power not only based on position power, but also through personal power. Abraham Lincoln is quoted as saying - "if you want to test someone's character, give that person power"

    Want to discover more about Leadership in the 21st century and how you can become a better leader? This is an excerpt from our Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management. You can find out more about it by clicking here

  • 14-Nov-2019 10:28 | Deleted user

    Picture our world without smartphones – it’s impossible. Today we manoeuvre our lives through the tap of a button, the swipe of a screen and a spoken command. As we peer into the next decade, on the cusp of 5G-driven digital experiences, the only certainty is it will be different again.

    The 2019 Deloitte Mobile Consumer Survey examines mobile battlegrounds, where innovation and evolution is taking place, the health paradox of digital devices, privacy challenges and the shift from mobile to mobility. Learn more about where we are and where we’re headed: a society that has become unwired, a technology unrivalled in its dominance, and the emerging frontiers on which mobile’s impact is still unknown.

    Do you know what your mobile customers are doing and where they are headed?

    Deloitte's Mobile Consumer Survey, now in its sixth year in Australia, is a multi-country study of mobile phone users around the world. The 2019 study comprises more than 44,150 responses across 28 countries. Australian findings are based on a nationally representative sample of over 2000 consumers aged 18 to 75, polled online during June 2019.

    Learn more

  • 12-Nov-2019 09:33 | Deleted user

    By Macquarie Bank

    Successful leaders understand the importance of investing in their people and culture, because they recognise the impact their people have on the business performance and customer experience. In fact, research shows that companies with engaged employees outperform their counterparts by 202% in terms of growth1 and increase customer metrics by 10%2.

    Click here to read more

    Macquarie has been providing Business Banking solutions for over 30 years and provides SME clients with tools and strategies to grow and develop their business. You can get regular updates by subscribing to the monthly newsletter, Strictly Business by visiting If you would like to find out more about how Macquarie can support you to take your business further, call Sam McCarthy at our Parramatta office on 0417 518 724 and be connected with one of our banking specialists.

    This information has been prepared by Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 237502 (“Macquarie”) for general information purposes only. This information does not constitute advice. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. No member of Macquarie accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss arising from any use of this information.

  • 11-Nov-2019 18:00 | Deleted user

    By Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

    Year end work functions provide employers and employees with the opportunity to reflect on the year that was and are a great way to reward staff for their efforts and enthusiasm, however...


    As such functions are work events (even if held away from the workplace) an employer must take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of employees including:

    • limiting employees’ consumption of alcohol if it is available, including by limiting alcohol options to beer and wine and/or implementing a ‘last drinks’ cut-off time
    • ensuring that sufficient food is available to mitigate the effects of the alcohol
    • ensuring illicit drugs are not consumed during the event
    • monitoring employee behaviour for any inappropriate conduct (eg, sexual harassment, discrimination, bullying or violence) and immediately intervening if any such behaviour occurs or has the potential to occur
    • being aware of any potential safety risks associated with the venue or activities (eg, falling overboard on a harbour cruise)
    • ensuring that any intoxicated employees do not drive home following the function and that such employees have access to public transport or other appropriate means of getting home
    • ensuring that a senior manager remains present and sober at all times during the function in order to monitor the function and deal with any issues if they arise


    To minimise risk, employers must be proactive in the lead-up to the function including by:

    • reminding employees that the function is work-related and that employees are expected to uphold the same standards of behaviour that apply during ordinary working hours
    • ensuring Codes of Conduct and other policies are in place relating to acceptable conduct at work and work-related functions, and referring employees to these policies in advance of the function
    • reminding employees of their obligations regarding the responsible consumption of alcohol and to not drive home whilst over the legal driving limit (or such lower limit as may be contained in any applicable company policy such as a drugs & alcohol policy)
    • making clear to employees that although the function is intended to be fun and enjoyable, any employees found engaging in inappropriate or dangerous behaviour during the function may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal


    Given the scope and potential seriousness of claims arising from inappropriate conduct during end-of-year work functions, it is essential that employers take pro-active steps to endeavour to prevent the inappropriate conduct before it arises.

    If, however, an incident does occur then employers should:

    • conduct a thorough investigation into the incident including by interviewing all relevant parties and witnesses
    • ensure all employees involved in the incident are afforded fair and equal treatment
    • maintain procedural fairness throughout the investigation and any disciplinary proceeding
    • seek legal advice if dismissal is being considered

    More Information

    Please call the leading employment lawyers in Parramatta, the Matthews Folbigg Workplace Solutions employment law team on 9635 7966 to speak with one of our employment lawyers if you require any assistance or advice.

    Article By


    Stewart Gough, Principal


    Peter Doughman, Senior Associate

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