Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 11-May-2018 08:23 | Anonymous

    This week, the Minister for Innovation, Matt Kean, launched the Manufacturing WHS Sector Plan, a key deliverable of the SafeWork NSW Work Health and Safety Roadmap for NSW 2022.

    SafeWork Director for Metropolitan Operations & Sector Initiatives, Elizabeth Tosti, said the Sector Plan represents a collaborative agreement between SafeWork NSW and industry that will drive and influence safety improvements across the state. The tools developed as part of this plan will be applicable to both small and large businesses

    “This launch marks the beginning of an exciting five-year journey that we are taking with industry,” she said.

    “Through this collaboration, we have set out a clear direction for manufacturing safety that shows the way forward. With strong leadership from the top, we are confident this will be a successful program of work with benefits for all levels of industry.”

    By providing leaders, and those who influence change, with the tools they need to set the highest possible standards, we can all reduce serious injuries and foster a workforce that looks out for each other.

    Click here or email us to learn more about the Manufacturing WHS Sector Plan.

  • 10-May-2018 10:14 | Anonymous

    The recent Fair Work Commission decision in George Talevski v Chalmers Industries Pty Ltd1 reminds employers that they have a duty to protect employees against inappropriate conduct in the workplace.

    In this unfair dismissal case, the applicant was dismissed for serious misconduct after he:

    • swore, raised his voice and banged the desk in a loud and threatening manner in a meeting in the office of the CFO
    • refused to leave the CFO’s office despite repeated directions to do so
    • on a number of occasions touched the hair and shoulders of the employer’s receptionist and 
    • despite being directed not to enter the building where the receptionist worked, entered the building a number of times on one day to repeatedly question the receptionist as to whether she had complained to management about him.

    Employees in the business had not received workplace behaviour training, but the employer was able to show that each year it required each employee to sign off that they have read and understood the employer’s policies.

    The applicant said he was not given an opportunity to respond to the reasons for the termination. The Commissioner rejected this position, finding that the employer had put the allegations to him at least twice. The applicant chose not to respond to his employer – instead opting to send a ‘written response’ to his colleagues.

    The receptionist gave evidence that she did not consider the conduct to be of a sexual nature and she had not wanted to get the employee into trouble, but she wanted his conduct (which had reduced her to tears on one occasion) to stop.

    Whilst the receptionist claimed the conduct was not sexual harassment, the employer rightly still treated it as inappropriate workplace conduct and dismissed the employee.

    The Commission agreed, reinforcing the position that employers have a duty to protect employees against the inappropriate conduct and not just sexual harassment in the workplace. The Fair Work Commission found this was a valid reason for dismissal and dismissed the application.

    For further information please contact:

    Aaron Dearden, Partner

    T: +61 2 8267 3805


    Iona Goodwin, Senior Associate

    T: +61 3 9603 3576


  • 07-May-2018 11:33 | Anonymous

    Western Sydney University's School of Business invites you to Ideas Lab 2018.

    Ideas Lab is the School of Business’ thinking-forum which brings together participants from various disciplines, who hone and develop novel ideas. This year the School, in collaboration with colleagues at the School of Computing, Engineering & Mathematics plans to demonstrate its innovative research work in the field of social robots.

    Join the School for an interactive presentation with Pepper (the world's first humanoid robot that can recognise emotions) and to discuss the future of such machines in the business world. In view of developments in other parts of the world, the School envisage the use of robots by businesses at various points of customer-interaction. Academics and research students at Western Sydney University hope to engage constructively in dialogue at the Ideas Lab to develop collaborative research proposals.

    Event details:

    When: Monday, 14 May 2018

    Time: 10:00am for a 10:30am start to 12:00pm

    Where: Western Sydney University

    Level 9, 169 Macquarie Street, Parramatta

    RSVP: Register by Friday, 11 May 2018

    Further queries please contact:

    Dr Aila Khan at   


    Dr Omar Mubin at

  • 30-Apr-2018 17:35 | Anonymous

    Over the weekend, the NSW Government announced the Powerhouse Museum will relocate to new premises in Parramatta and accommodate Australia’s largest and most advanced planetarium. The new museum will form the centrepiece of a new arts and cultural precinct on the banks of the Parramatta River, including a modernised Riverside Theatres complex.

    The Government plans to retain cultural spaces at Ultimo, including plans for MAAS to lead a new design and fashion museum and a Broadway-style lyric theatre.

    The announcement is the start of a more detailed planning process for the MAAS Project, as we work towards realising new cultural experiences at Parramatta and Ultimo.

    For project details, please refer to the new museum project website at or contact if you have any questions.

  • 23-Apr-2018 11:36 | Anonymous

    National Manufacturing Week is Australia’s largest gathering of manufacturing decision-makers under one roof. It is the one place for the manufacturing community to come together to be inspired, innovate and connect with one another over three days.

    National Manufacturing Week 2018 will showcase 11 product zones:

    • Advanced Materials
    • Additive Manufacturing
    • Automation & Robotics
    • Electrical
    • Engineering
    • Industrial Internet of Things
    • Machine Tools
    • Industrial Safety
    • Supply Chain and Logistics
    • Warehousing & Materials Handling
    • Welding Technology

    Visitors will also have the opportunity to hear from world-class speakers across 3 conference stages; Industry 4.0 Theatre, Business of Manufacturing Theatre and Safety First Theatre.

    Co-located with Inside 3D Printing Conference & Expo and Safety First Conference & Expo, this free-to-attend expo and conference will run from 9-11 May 2018 at Sydney Showground.

    Click here for more information

  • 20-Apr-2018 10:36 | Anonymous

    Ronald McDonald House (RMH) Westmead is a home away from home for families with a seriously ill child receiving treatment at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

    When a child is diagnosed with a serious illness or injury, it can be a traumatic time in a family’s life. Keeping families close through such times is at the heart of what RMH Westmead do.

    In 2017, sadly more than 400 families had to be turned away with their former House at capacity. With their new larger 60 room House now open, turning away families is a thing of the past. RMH Westmead can now support more families than ever before - over 1,360 families each year.

    To keep the doors open 365 days of the year, RMH Westmead rely heavily on corporate and community support. Now in their larger House, the need for support is greater than ever!

    To find out more and help keep families close, contact RMH Westmead today.

    T: 02 9806 7111



  • 18-Apr-2018 17:49 | Anonymous

    As a leader, setting clear expectations is critical to making sure your team understand what is required of them. Of course, this applies to all of the basics like vacation time, appointments, breaks and sickness among others. But even more importantly, it also refers to what is required of different tasks and goal-setting.

    There are 3 areas where providing clear expectations of your staff will have a profound impact on your ability to get the very best from these people… over the short and long term. To lay the foundations for a high performing workplace, managers need to ensure they are setting clear expectations around:

    Direction – “Where are we going?”

    This includes the vision and strategy of the organisation (or team).

    Values – “Who are we?”

    Values are shared standards and behaviours that contribute to the organisational culture and answer the question “Who are we and what do we stand for?”

    Roles and Responsibilities – “What is my contribution?”

    This includes ‘inputs’ and ‘outputs’, goals and timeframes and answers the question “What’s my contribution to the performance of the business?”


    For everyone in an organisation to clearly see what’s ahead of them, leaders must have and convey a vision, direction or focus.

    Visions are the first step in the goal setting and planning process. A vision represents what the organisation wants to become and sets the direction for the future. To achieve the organisation’s vision and strategic intent, the high-level strategic objectives and measures need to be translated into plans and actions that each business unit and individual can take.

    The high-level goals in the strategic plan need to be cascaded through the organisation – firstly into the WIGS (wildly important goals) for each unit and then the work plans and KPIs for individuals. It is vital that each individual understands what is expected of them and the contribution they make to the organisation’s goals.


    Values clarify how an organisation will conduct its activities to achieve the Vision. They represent the core principles and behaviours that are important.

    Values exist in every workplace whether they are written down or not. Your organisation’s culture is partially the outward demonstration of the values currently existing in your workplace. The question you need to ask is whether these existing values are creating the workplace you desire.

    An organisation will have functioning values and standards only to the extent that it has a capable management system (and skilful managers) that will NOT TOLERATE deviations from those values.

    Intolerance is about responding quickly to any and every instance of non-compliance with set values. This takes a lot of courage (and skill).

    It is worth noting that a weak or non-existent value system requires a lot more management time than an effective value system. A value system that is a living part of the culture takes minimal effort to sustain.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    Clear Roles and Responsibilities come from a position description/job statement and work plan so that each employee knows what their contribution is to the overall goals of the business. It also comes from a manager providing clear instructions about tasks and clear outcomes required, with regular progress updates.

    A Great Manager will let staff know how their performance will be measured and what success looks like for them. This is described clearly up front rather than at an annual or bi-annual performance review, and feedback is regularly given about whether expectations are being met.

    One way you’ll instantly demoralise employees is by saying “that’s not good enough” months after the event.

    When setting and conveying expectations, Great Managers start by saying something like “This task/objective will be successful if….” and then fill in the blank.

    Setting Clear Expectations Requires Effective Communication

    It is critical to check for understanding when giving direction and no, this does not mean providing information and then saying, “Do you understand?” or “Have you got that?”

    Instead, use your effective communication skills to ensure the other person has truly understood what is required.

    Remember, communication is the transfer of information from the mind of one person to the mind of another, so be sure that the transfer is complete and not misunderstood in any way.

    When setting clear expectations, it is important to remember that your team will do what you do, not what you say to do, if the two are different.

    This means that whatever expectations you set for the team, you will also have to meet yourself.

    As a Leader, YOU set the tone for others to follow.

    What to Do Next

    Setting Clear Expectations is one of the 7 Essential Skills for every Great Manager. Register for our next webinar here to learn more about Setting Clear Expectations and the other 6 critical people-leadership skills.

  • 18-Apr-2018 17:03 | Anonymous

    Join a major Australian delegation, network with global rail decision-makers and showcase your organisation in the Australian Rail Industry pavilion at InnoTrans 2018 in Berlin, Germany. 

    About this event

    With 3,000 exhibitors from 60 countries and over 137,000 trade visitors from 120 countries, InnoTrans is the largest transport event in the world. Every facet of rail is represented among the exhibitors and visitors - from passenger and freight, to services, technology, equipment and training.

    A key feature of InnoTrans is a large outdoor track display area showcasing a wide range of heavy and light rail vehicles as well as a static bus display and live bus demonstration area.

    Austrade is in partnership with the Australasian Railways Association (ARA), Transport for Victoria (TfV) with Trade Victoria and the NSW Department of Industry to organise the Australian pavilion. The objective is to maximise exposure and business connections for Australian delegates to global rail industry executives, distributors, potential commercial partners and customers.

    Why you should participate?

    • Benefit from being involved in the high-profile Australian Rail Industry national delegation, including senior executives from TfV, TfNSW and ARA.
    • Be invited to networking events with senior rail sector decision-makers from around the world.
    • Receive pre-exhibition briefings, on-the-ground assistance and one-on-one business matching with global firms, as well as insights and advice on how to succeed in global rail markets.
    • Use the national pavilion as a base for meetings and interactions with partners and customers, and as a platform to display marketing collateral.
    • Participate in site visits to European rolling stock manufacturing plants to connect with decision-makers and inspect cutting edge technologies and processes.
    • Engage with Australian executives already experienced in global business - fast-track your skills development and explore commercial opportunities.
    • Be included in the Australian rail industry InnoTrans printed and electronic directory to raise your company profile.

    Event details

    Date: 18-21 September 2018

    Time: 9.00am – 6.00pm

    Location: Berlin, Germany

    Apply by: 31 May 2018 by clicking here

    Who should attend?

    Australian businesses in:

    • rail
    • transportation
    • advanced manufacturing of rolling stock, rail signalling and communications
    • intermodal and logistics
    • infrastructure development
    • rail training and education
    • research and development
    • workforce planning
    • engineering
    • consulting.
    For further information and to apply click here.

  • 17-Apr-2018 09:22 | Anonymous

    In response to highly publicised failings of franchisors, the Senate has resolved to commence a Parliamentary inquiry into the Australian franchising sector.


    Over the past few months, there have been increasing calls for a review into the Australian franchising sector. Critics of the sector have cited the power imbalance and limited enforceability in practice of breaches of the Franchise Code of Conduct (Code).

    The sector itself has been embroiled in numerous scandals in recent years. Notably, 7-Eleven, and more recently Caltex, have been sanctioned by the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO). Investigations into Domino’s are ongoing, and Retail Food Group (owner of Michel’s Patisserie, Gloria Jeans and Donut King, amongst other franchises) has been accused of numerous breaches of the Code amidst worsening performance of its franchises.

    Government inquiry

    In light of the purported non-compliance with the franchising regulatory framework by both franchisors and franchisees, there was a call for a parliamentary inquiry into the franchising sector.

    On 21 March 2018, the Australian Senate resolved to commence a parliamentary inquiry into the Australian franchising sector. The inquiry is to report by 30 September 2018.

    The areas that the inquiry will cover include:

    • the operation and effectiveness of the Code, including the disclosure document and information statement, in properly informing franchisees of their rights and obligations (including financial performance, contractual obligations and rights, leasing arrangements and expenses)
    • the effectiveness of dispute resolution under the Code
    • the impact of the small business unfair contract provisions (under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL)) on franchise agreements
    • adequacy of termination provisions under the Code
    • the effect of restraints of trade under the Code
    • the enforcement of breaches of the Code (as well as other applicable laws include the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth)).

    The inquiry appears to focus on the power imbalance between franchisors and franchisees, particularly in relation to the effectiveness of the protections in the Code and the franchisee’s ability to enforce breaches. Further, it appears as though a primary focus of the inquiry will be ensuring that franchisors afford transparency to franchisees.

    Critically, the inquiry also appears extensive enough to encourage a balanced review of the franchising sector and consideration of the problems faced by franchisors. Notably, franchisors have had difficulty terminating franchise agreements where the franchisee has been found to have underpaid employees. Such challenges will likely fall within the scope of the review, particularly given recent investigations and findings by the FWO.

    Key takeaways

    Given the breadth of the inquiry, and the increasingly negative perception of the franchising sector, significant amendments to the Code (and the franchising regulatory framework) may result from the inquiry.

    In the interim, franchisors should ensure that their franchise agreements are reasonable and fair. Some areas for franchisors to consider are:

    • Termination rights: Franchise agreements should provide the franchisee the right to terminate the agreement and, where they have not breached the agreement, exit without incurring significant costs and losses. Conversely, franchisors should also provide themselves the ability to terminate the agreement for material breaches (such as wage fraud and underpayment of employees).
    • Unfair contract terms: The unfair contracts regime in the ACL applies to franchises where the franchisee is a “small business”. Where this is the case, franchisors should ensure that terms in their franchise agreements do not constitute “unfair terms”. Particular attention should be paid to those clauses that are not necessary or appropriate to protect their interests. Examples of such clauses are restraints, liquidated damages clauses, and requirements to purchase supplies from specific (more expensive) suppliers.
    • Reporting obligations: Strict reporting obligations should be included in franchisor agreements to minimise the risk of wage fraud and underpayment of employees.
    • Disclosure of information: Franchisors should provide franchisees with all information required for them to make informed decisions. This should include materially accurate financial information, the projected financial performance of the franchise, worst-case financial performance, details regarding leasing arrangements (including any limitations of the franchisee’s ability to enforce tenant rights) and the expected costs of operating.

    Jacqui Barrett 


    T: +61 2 8267 3201


    Paul Simos


    T: +61 2 8267 3257


  • 13-Apr-2018 16:38 | Anonymous

    It’s time to challenge your talent thinking

    The commercial benefits of a more diverse workforce are clear. So why do so many offices still look so homogenous? The truth is, hiring someone who has a different appearance, cultural background, age or experience doesn’t come naturally. Our unconscious biases are exactly that: unconscious. They stem from a natural need to make quick judgements, but they hold us back from embracing difference.

    “It all starts with the hiring manager’s perception of what the ideal candidate ‘looks like’,” explains Natalie Goldman, CEO of FlexCareers. “Often they keep repeating situations: ‘the person who did this role before was like this and it worked.’ Of course, clearly it didn't – because they left.”

    Goldman believes small businesses can change their habits and practices much more quickly than large enterprise – and they have even more to gain.

    Click here to read the full article.

    Macquarie has been providing Business Banking solutions for over 30 years and provides SME clients with tools and strategies to grow and develop their business. You can get regular updates by subscribing to the monthly newsletter, Strictly Business by visiting If you would like to find out more about how Macquarie can support you to take your business further, call Aisling Osborne or Melissa Chung at our Parramatta office on 0410 310 716 and be connected with one of our banking specialists.

    This information has been prepared by Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 237502 (“Macquarie”) for general information purposes only. This information does not constitute advice. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. No member of Macquarie accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss arising from any use of this information.

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