Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 22-Apr-2022 11:50 | Deleted user

    By Institute of Strategic Management (ISM)

    Finding it hard to attract and keep staff? Want to grow your business? ISM have a solution!

    Consider offering a NO COST - NO FUSS BSB30120 Certificate III in Business Traineeship.

    As our region re-builds post pandemic, it is proving difficult for some businesses to attract and retain good staff. ISM can help you to offer a BSB30120 Certificate III in Business Traineeship, as an incentive for staff to join your business.

    A Traineeship combines formal study with on the job learning and offers benefits to both employees and businesses. On successful completion of a Traineeship, participants receive nationally recognised BSB30120 Certificate III in Business qualification. Your business also benefits through higher productivity from superior skilled staff.

    Did you know?

    • You can receive Government rebate of up to $7,000 per quarter for every eligible Trainee.
    • ISM has available NSW Smart and Skilled funding (reduced course fee or fee-free, upon approval) which you can also take advantage of with a Traineeship.
    • ISM looks after all the administration and training involved, so all you have to do is focus on growing your business!

    Register now for ISM's no obligation Traineeship information webinar:

    Date: Friday 20th May 2022 

    Time: 7.00pm to 7.30pm

    Phone: 1300 200 705


    Want to know more about ISM:

  • 21-Apr-2022 16:06 | Deleted user

    Over the past few months the Metallum team have been working tirelessly alongside Fluid Building Services Pty Ltd on the design and manufacture of an upcoming project on Sydney Harbour.

    They have entered the final stages of prototyping, which includes Formwork (as shown below) Crank Beams for a large number of high end apartment balconies.

    The team at Metallum are looking forward to the next exciting stop on this project. Production will commence on the complete fabrication of the balcony balustrades within the coming months.

    This is just a small example of the capabilities of Metallum Fabrications. Click here to find out more. 


  • 21-Apr-2022 12:55 | Deleted user

    By PARKROYAL Parramatta

    Following on from London’s West End, this international sensation is returning to PARKROYAL Parramatta in June 2022.

    Become part of the action as Basil, Sybil and Manuel serve up mayhem on a plate alongside a three-course meal, three-hour beverage package and two hours of non-stop laughter. This highly interactive, hilarious and 70% improvised show is a truly unique experience where anything can happen...and usually does!

    Australian born in 1997, Faulty Towers The Dining Experience has appeared in 41 countries over the years and just recently sold its millionth ticket. Join us for the most successful interactive comedy show of its kind. You don't want to miss it!

    Click here for further information or contact the PARKROYAL Parramatta team:

    P: 02 9685 0377


  • 21-Apr-2022 10:13 | Deleted user

    By ChandlerWoods

    Whether you're running or managing a business, it's important to make sure that you're doing everything you can to make HR and recruitment as smooth as possible. Unfortunately, many businesses make common mistakes that can end up costing them time, money and resources.

    ChandlerWoods is an award-winning HR and recruitment agency based in Sydney with a wealth of experience helping clients overcome these common HR and recruitment mistakes.

    Let's take a deep dive into the five biggest HR and recruitment mistakes businesses make, and how to avoid them.

    Not writing clear job descriptions

    When it comes to HR and recruitment, one of the most common mistakes businesses make is not writing clear job descriptions. This can have a number of ramifications, including difficulty in finding qualified candidates, increased time to fill the role, reduced productivity as employees struggle to understand their role and what's expected of them and perhaps even poor retention rates as employees feel that they're not able to do their job properly or don't see a future with the company.

    To avoid this, make sure that you take the time to write clear and concise job descriptions that outline the key duties, responsibilities and required skills for each role. You should also consider using a job description template to ensure that all your job descriptions are consistent.

    Not adhering to employment legislation

    There are a number of ramifications for businesses that don't adhere to employment legislation. Firstly, you can face fines and other penalties from the government if you're found to be in breach of employment law. Additionally, you can experience increased HR and recruitment costs as a result of having to deal with employee disputes and hiring replacements for employees who have left the company. Moreover, bad publicity can damage your reputation and make it difficult to attract top talent. Finally, not adhering to employment law can lead to decreased productivity and lower morale among employees.

    Ensure you're up-to-date with all the latest employment legislation and that you have systems and processes in place to ensure compliance. You should also consider using an HR software solution to help automate HR processes and keep track of employee records.

    If you're not sure where to start, ChandlerWoods can help. We are an award-winning HR and recruitment agency based in Sydney with a wealth of experience helping businesses comply with employment law. Contact us today to find out more.

    Filling roles to address short-term needs

    When businesses need to fill a role quickly, often the temptation is to hire someone without doing a proper recruiting process. This can lead to a number of downsides, including increased HR and recruitment costs as a result of having to hire and train a new employee (potentially more than once), reduced productivity as the new employee, who might be a poor fit, struggles to adjust to their new role and poor retention rates as the new employee may not be a good fit for the company.

    To avoid this, make sure you take the time to do a proper recruiting process. This includes writing clear job descriptions, advertising the role, screening candidates and conducting interviews. It's also important to make sure you're taking into account your company's culture and values when making a hire.

    Not engaging with a recruitment consultant

    The main downside of not engaging with a recruitment consultant is that you may not be able to find the best candidates for the role. A recruitment consultant has access to a large pool of candidates, including those who aren't actively looking for a new job, and can help you find the best fit for your company. Additionally, a recruitment consultant can provide expert advice on the latest HR and recruitment trends, help you stay compliant with employment law and save you time and money.

    If you're looking to fill a role in your company, we recommend engaging with a recruitment consultant. At ChandlerWoods, we have a team of experienced recruitment consultants who can help you find the best candidates for your business. Contact us today to find out more.

    Not having an onboarding process

    The main downside of not having an onboarding process is that new employees may not be able to hit the ground running and may take longer to become productive. This can lead to decreased productivity and lower morale among employees. Additionally, if a company doesn't have an onboarding process, new employees may not be familiar with the company's culture and values, which can lead to disputes and conflict.

    To avoid these problems, it's important to have an onboarding process in place that outlines the key steps new employees need to take to get up to speed. This should include things like completing HR paperwork, attending orientation and training sessions, and meeting with their manager.

    Hiring and HR mistakes can be costly for businesses, both in terms of money and lost productivity. In order to avoid these mistakes, it's important to have a process in place for hiring new employees, write clear job descriptions, keep up-to-date with employment legislation and engage with a recruitment consultant. Additionally, you should make sure you have an onboarding process in place that outlines the key steps new employees need to take to get up to speed.

    If you're looking for help with HR and recruitment, contact ChandlerWoods today for a free consultation. We have a team of experienced HR consultants who can help you find the best candidates for your business, develop streamlined HR systems and processes and ensure you comply with employment law.


  • 19-Apr-2022 16:44 | Deleted user

    If you love a challenge and spent the last two years of the pandemic dreaming about taking on a travel adventure, then Westmead-based charity Children’s Medical Research Institute, has a brand new and exciting event.

    The 3 Peaks Challenge involves hiking three peaks in the magnificent Kosciuszko National Park, one of Australia’s pristine Alpine regions. All participants taking part will be doing so to raise money for the vital work being done in their labs.

    CMRI Director of Fundraising, Robert Wynn, said the 3 Peaks Challenge would provide participants with a chance to get outdoors and away from Zoom screens and virtual meetings.

    “Many of us have been waiting for the opportunity to get out of the house, return to travel, and challenge ourselves in a new and exciting way,’’ Mr Wynn said. “The 3 Peaks Challenge is a way to try something different, see a spectacular part of New South Wales, meet like-minded people and raise money for the incredible scientists at CMRI.’’

    The trip is over three days, from November 11 to 13, and involves one day of hiking. Participants arrive in Thredbo on the first day to meet their fellow hikers in a social atmosphere. On Day 2 the group will walk a total of 18km to the peaks of Mt Kosciuszko (2228m), Etheridge Ridge – the fifth highest peak in Australia, then onto Rams Head North, the sixth highest peak in Australia. A celebratory meal will take place back in Thredbo that night and everyone returns home on the third day after this incredible achievement!

    The opportunity is limited to a group of less than 25 and everyone is supported in their preparation for the trek by the crew at Inspired Adventures who also provide you with guidance to support your fundraising efforts.

    If you’d like to learn more about the CMRI 3 Peaks Challenge, click here

  • 19-Apr-2022 15:29 | Deleted user

    By Energy Action 

    Australia needs Net Zero. There’s no doubt that climate change is having an impact on us.

    Energy Action want to know where your business is at regarding its Net Zero journey. Energy Action would really appreciate it if you could take 5 minutes to complete their short questionnaire outlining where you are at on your journey.

    As a thank you for your contribution, you’ll be able to gain early access to Energy Action's next Net Zero Insights document so you can position yourself as a true leader in your industry on your pathway towards Net Zero. See where you sit on the spectrum of Net Zero with businesses just like yours.

    What are you waiting for? Click here to fill out their survey. All your answers will be kept anonymous and confidential.

    Energy Action is a certified Climate Active business. Their mission is to make energy cleaner, simpler and at lower cost. To find out more about Energy Action or see an example of their previous Net Zero Insights document, click here

  • 19-Apr-2022 15:08 | Deleted user

    By Diana Tapp, CEO of World Class Teams

    In a recent World Class Teams poll, voting revealed that feeling appreciated is the most important factor causing people to stay, rather than leave, their current organisation. In fact, feeling appreciated gained 43% of the votes – clearly, it really matters to your staff!

    What can you do then, as a leader, to ensure that the people in your team do indeed FEEL appreciated and therefore stay with you rather than being tempted to move to your competitor?

    Here are three specific actions you can, and should, take:

    #1 Say it, don’t assume it

    So often we assume that our staff ‘of course know’ that we are really grateful for their work and appreciate them. The problem is, we assume they know it rather than making sure we TELL them.

    Being appreciative inside your head doesn’t make your people feel appreciated.

    You need to say it and show it. In fact, you need to show your appreciation frequently. This means not saving it up for the end of the year thank-you speech or for performance review time. Say it close to the event when it matters most.

    You can say it or show it with your spoken words, a hand-written card, flowers, an early finish on a day that matters to them. It’s about being thoughtful rather than spending a lot of money.

    #2 Make it specific and personal

    The broad statements to the team ‘great job everyone’ and ‘thanks for all your hard work’ are important but they are not enough by themselves for individuals to feel appreciated. They don’t have anywhere near the impact that a quiet, more specific comment to the person has.

    For example, quietly saying to the person when they have just completed an important or complex task ‘Thanks so much Ros, I really appreciate the quality of your work and your reliability. It is brilliant to know I can trust you to always complete the tasks to a high standard and on time. Thank you.’ The 15 seconds it takes you to say these words to Ros have a huge payoff. Not only will Ros feel appreciated, but she will also continue to produce high quality work, on time.

    #3 Be sincere, be present

    When you say something specific, and say it with a sincere tone of voice, your team member will feel genuinely valued and appreciated. Your tone tells them you are authentic and truly appreciative of their contribution.

    In order to be present, the appreciation needs to be shown face to face, or via Teams, Zoom or phone. Your team member wants to see your facial expression, your body language and hear your tone. They want to sense that you are making time for them, being present. Appreciation by email rarely has this impact, it is much better as a follow up to a conversation.

    Three simple, but powerful, actions to show your appreciation. The challenge is to do them. Who will you make feel appreciated today?

    Because ‘we go where we are wanted, we stay where we are appreciated’.

    Want to Make Your Employees Feel Appreciated?

    Training is an incredibly cost-effective way to reward employees, keep star performers and make your people feel appreciated. And there's never been a better time to invest with Federal Government's new Small Business Skills and Training Boost tax incentives.

    Enquire about World Class Teams’ Open Leadership Accelerator program.

    This six-month program is made up of 12 x 2-hour live online workshops, designed to rapidly upskill Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders and create true leaders at ALL levels of your business.

    Want to Know More?

    • Download your free Leadership Accelerator course guide here
    • Delivered by Diana Tapp from World Class Teams
    • Click here to submit your Expression of Interest, or
    • To learn how this program will help your business contact World Class Teams on 1300 085 248 or

  • 14-Apr-2022 16:03 | Deleted user

    J&J Metro Air Conditioning has 28 years of HVAC experience, working with property developers, construction companies, builders, property managers and home owners. Offering in-house expertise for the entire project from the initial design concepts through to completion, including, design, engineering, manufacturing of customise system components, equipment purchase, installation, ongoing servicing and maintenance and emergency call-out, giving their clients real peace of mind during all phases of a project.

    The team also has an in-house design and engineering team with senior, site and design engineers conducting peer reviews and cost saving exercises; and also have the knowledge and expertise in delivering Green Star and NABERS rated projects across commercial, residential and medical applications.

    Why Work With J&J Metro Air Conditioning

    1. Expertise – proven peace of mind

    2. Save you money and issues

    3. Offer and take full ownership

    4. Long-term reassurance

    5. Complete Air Solutions

    6. Quality control – consistency, relationship and familiarity

    7. Peace of mind with system longevity

    8. Compliant, being members of HVAC Industry Associations including ARC, AIRAH, HIA and MBA, ISO 9001:2015 Accredited and Cm3 Prequalified

    9. They care about you, your needs and the environment

    Proudly Doing Whatever It Takes For 28 Years!

  • 13-Apr-2022 16:26 | Deleted user

    Are you waiting for that contract win to warrant your investment in digital technology? There’s no need to wait. Introducing EV20 Consulting Group and their management software application, Drive Lynx, a local software company and a member of Western Sydney Business Connection's Construction Connect program.

    Drive Lynx has a full access entry level subscription, allowing for SME construction companies to level up over time and be ready to implement new contracts into the software from the tendering stage right through to project completion.

    Drive Lynx is geared to construction companies wanting to transition to a digital platform for cost savings, reduced paperwork and better resource management.

    Full access starts at $69 a month and includes:

    • Service Level Agreements Framework, Measurement and Reporting
    • Customer Portal for Real-Time Reporting
    • Risk Management, Project Health Analysis and Reporting
    • Site Management and Check In Reporting
    • Issues Management and Escalation/Quality Management Reporting
    • Real-time time log reporting, delays, overtime, delay costs analysis
    • Resource Management, Availability, Scheduling and Compliance Management
    • Asset Register & Maintenance plans

    Exciting features in the short-term roadmap include:

    • Tendering automation
    • Xero integration
    • e-Documentation
    • Financial Management and Tracking, Reporting at a Project level

    All customers are fully supported locally by EV20's Customer Success Team in Norwest.

    Did you know:

    The Government's Technology Investment Boost means you'll be able to deduct a bonus 20 per cent of the cost of expenses and depreciating assets that support digital uptake. That includes your subscription to the management software application Drive Lynx! For example, if your Drive Lynx subscription is $12,000 a year, you will receive a bonus $2,400 in your tax return. Contact Drive Lynx via their Western Sydney Business Connection Profile here.

  • 13-Apr-2022 16:15 | Deleted user

    Meet better at The William Inglis Hotel with modern audio visual systems that make hybrid meetings a seamless experience.

    The William Inglis Hotel have partnered with the team at Meet Better to bring the latest integrated system for digital meetings in South West Sydney.

    The future of work is here !! No additional AV hire required. See The Grand Armee Room features here.

    To book contact The William Inglis Events Team:

    P: 02 9058 0365



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