Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

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  • 03-Jun-2021 12:35 | Deleted user

    By Kim Nguyen, Lawyer at Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

    As we steadily enter 2021, Cyber security, IT and data analytics are the latest buzz words across every sector. The focus on cyber security is unsurprising as the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed private organisations to digitally hold and retain more personal data across the digital platform than ever before.

    The recent cyber security attacks on the Parliament House and Nine Entertainment (Channel Nine) are a shining example of the dangers associated with the use of third-party vendors (such as cloud storage) by commercial entities.

    In September 2020, a survey conducted by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) revealed that data privacy is a major concern for 70% of the Australian community, and almost 9 in 10 want more choice and control over their personal information.1

    In August 2020, the Minister for Home Affairs released ‘Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy 2020’. The strategy delivers an investment of $1.6 billion over the span of 10 years to strengthen cyber resilience across both the public and private sector.2 This is a massive jump from the 2016 Cyber Security Strategy which invested $230 million.

    What will cyber resilience look like in 2021?

    The key highlights of the plan:

    • Protecting and actively defending the critical infrastructure that all Australians rely on, including cyber security obligations for owners and operators.
    • New ways to investigate and shut down cyber crime, including on the dark web.
    • Stronger defences for Government networks and data.
    • Greater collaboration to build Australia’s cyber skills pipeline.
    • Increased situational awareness and improved sharing of threat information.
    • Stronger partnerships with industry through the Joint Cyber Security Centre program.
    • Advice for small and medium enterprises to increase their cyber resilience.
    • Clear guidance for businesses and consumers about securing Internet of Things devices.
    • 24/7 cyber security advice hotline for SMEs and families.
    • Improved community awareness of cyber security threats.
    • Operational resilience

    How can I protect my business and unauthorised access to customer data?

    1. Use the Australian Governments Cyber Security Assessment Tool to assess how secure your business is.

    2. Make it a habit to back up your business’s data and website in the event you lost any information during a cyber attack.

    3. Secure your devices and network by upgrading to the latest security software and operating system.

    4. Encrypt important and personal customer information, such as: name, signature, address, date of birth, medical records or any other information which could be used to identify your customers.

    5. Update your privacy policy and make it publically available on your business website.

    Most importantly, if your business has an annual turnover of over $3 million, you must comply with the Privacy Act. For further information on privacy obligations relating to small businesses, please visit the OAIC website.

    Cyber security was once seen as an “IT issue”. Now, cyber security is recognised as a core governance issue with regulatory bodies expecting greater accountability from directors and senior management.3 Although small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can expect to receive more assistance with their security awareness and capability, businesses should take steps to develop a skilled cyber workforce to instil greater consumer confidence in information and data handling.

    Further information

    The information contained in this article is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice. If you require specific advice or assistance on a particular privacy or workplace issue, please contact the Matthews Folbigg’s local government team on 9635 7966.

    Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation Commission

    1 Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, ‘Australians want more control over privacy, survey shows’ (Media Release,


    3 Cary Di Lernia, Catherine Hardy and Asaf Dori, Cyber-related Risk Disclosure in Australia: Evidence from the ASX200, Company and Securities Law Journal Vol 37(7) September 2020

  • 03-May-2021 14:39 | Deleted user

    BINGO has officially opened the world’s largest and most advanced dry mixed waste recycling facility at its Eastern Creek Recycling Ecology Park in Western Sydney.

    Federal Environment Minister, the Hon. Sussan Ley MP and the Hon. Trevor Evans MP, Assistant Minister for Waste Reduction and Environmental Management, along with NSW EPA CEO Tracy Mackey helped BINGO cut the ribbon on the new state-of-the-art recycling facility.

    Fitted with some of the world’s most advanced resource recovery and manufacturing technology, when fully operational the $100 million plant will be capable of diverting approximately 90% of materials from landfill.

    Construction of the facility has been supported by a $5 million grant from the NSW Environmental Trust as part of the NSW Government’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative funded from the waste levy.

    Federal Environment Minister, Sussan Ley, said:

    “Recycling and waste management are both a key environmental issues and key economic opportunities."

    "I applaud BINGO for being at the leading edge of the supply curve as the market for recycled materials will continue to grow."

    “We want people, companies and industries to have a genuine reason to recycle, to have confidence in the process and in the new products that will be created."

    “The Morrison Government is committed to the process and Bingo have made it clear today that they are committed,” Minister Ley said.

    NSW EPA CEO Tracy Mackey said:

    “The EPA encourages the waste sector to find innovative solutions that can help preserve resources and prevent waste from going to landfill.”

    "This facility supports the move towards a circular economy and with the $5m funding received from the NSW Government I look forward to seeing the innovative outcomes of this project near the end of 2021,” she said.

    BINGO Managing Director and CEO Daniel Tartak said delivery of this project was significant for not only BINGO but also for the growth and development of Australia’s circular economy.

    “As companies like BINGO, encouraged by supportive government policy, begin to invest in these world-class assets, we are starting to see a shift away from our traditional model of “take, make and dispose” towards a circular model where resources are preserved and reused,” Daniel said.

    “Our vision is for a waste free Australia. Completion of this project will be a significant milestone in the development of our world-class Recycling Ecology Park, which is a central part of achieving this vision,” he said.

    The 9,000 square metre plant is now BINGO’s largest in its recycling network and is expected to process up to 7,000 tonnes of materials a day or 300 tonnes per hour. The new plant is capable of processing both building & demolition (B&D) and commercial & industrial (C&I) waste.

    The advanced screening, sorting and processing technology installed in the new plant will produce a high-quality end-product, most of which will be turned into BINGO’s ECO Product range of recycled building and landscaping products such as aggregate, roadbase, sand, soil, mulches, paper, cardboard, plastics and metals.

    “BINGO’s recycling segment and revenue from our recycled products continue to grow each year. We have a big vision for our Eastern Creek Ecology Park with development plans underway for additional facilities at the site to deliver solutions for other waste streams such as tyres, plastics and glass,” Daniel said.

    “We are really proud of what we have achieved here, this has been our biggest development to-date and it is an exciting time to be operating in the recycling industry,” he said.

    Construction of this project has created some 400 construction jobs and will generate up to 100 jobs once operational.

    Expected to be fully-operational in July this year, the plant has also been fitted with the latest in safety, environment and fire management technology and rain water catchment tanks.

    The new recycling centre will also be fitted with rooftop solar later this year, as part of BINGO’s RE100 commitment to achieve 100% renewable electricity across all its sites by 2025.

  • 29-Apr-2021 13:24 | Deleted user

    Have you been wanting to get fit but just need the motivation – join Ks for Kids!

    Children’s Medical Research Institute (CMRI), the home of Jeans for Genes®, is excited to announce a new steps-challenge taking place in May called Ks for Kids. Sign up to do 6,000 steps a day – be it walk, run, jump, dance, or twirl – to fund research to fight the 6,000+ genetic diseases, which along with birth defects and childhood cancers affect 1 in 20 kids.

    Ks for Kids is designed to fit around your lifestyle. You can walk, run, hit a trail, pick up a skipping rope – do a dance class – it is only limited by your imagination. Perhaps you could take the stairs at work instead of the lift? Maybe take the dog for a walk in the evening instead of watching TV? . Why not start walking the kids to school instead of driving?

    It is as easy as registering to take part, find the way that you would like to monitor your steps – whether it is using a fitness device, pedometer, or an app on your phone – then share the challenge with your friends and family and ask them to sponsor you.

    Kylie Kelich is mother to Addelyn and Ethan who both share a genetic mutation which impacts their vascular system (blood vessels) Addelyn is in constant pain and Ethan’s pain has only been reduced by major surgery. Kylie has been a long-term supporter of research, running the City to Surf to raise money for Jeans for Genes – so she was very excited to hear about Ks for Kids.

    “It is heartbreaking to watch your child struggle in pain,’’ Kylie said. “Sometimes as a parent you can feel helpless. Once we received the genetic diagnosis, it was time to focus on how to help Ethan and Addelyn live with minimal pain and live their best life.’’

    She now appeals to people to “step out and count your steps’’.

    “It is vital people invest in the work of CMRI to help kids impacted by genetic disease. Research is gaining knowledge and equipping medical professionals who make treatment plans for the many different diseases that kids are living with.’’

    CMRI scientist, Jane Sun, has signed up to do Ks for Kids herself and urged the public to get behind Australian research.

    “We rely on Australians to help fund most of what we do,’’ she said. “The same reason I chose to work at CMRI is the reason I request Australians to invest, because I really believe in the message and the outcome of our research.

    Investing in the lab means that I know I can continue my research and do what I believe really matters, without running out of funding halfway or not being able to perform experiments to their full potential due to funding restrictions. When funding is low, we spend more time thinking of ways to save money and looking into other options than doing the actual research.

    By raising funds through Ks for Kids, you will help CMRI researchers to continue working on some of the most challenging problems facing seriously unwell children and to help save lives.

    For the details visit:

  • 26-Apr-2021 10:24 | Deleted user

    By Diana Tapp, CEO of World Class Teams

    How do you rank as a leader? True leaders have mastered the five core skills of leadership.

    And what are those 5 core skills? Watch this short 2-minute video where Diana Tapp, CEO of World Class Teams uncovers what they are, and why it is critical for you to master them.

    Do you want to Become a World Class Leader?

    Enquire about World Class Teams’ nationally accredited BSB51918 – Diploma of Leadership and Management with generous funding assistance from the NSW Government for WSBC Members.

    Want to Know More About the Diploma?

    • Delivered by Diana Tapp from World Class Teams

    • Download your free Diploma course guide here

    • Click here to submit your Expression of Interest, or

    • Contact World Class Teams on 1300 085 248 or

  • 22-Apr-2021 14:05 | Deleted user

    WSBC would like to welcome Robson Civil Projects as our newest Gold Member.

    Robson is a privately owned business with a solid reputation that has been in operation for over 50 years.  They have emerged as one of the leading civil construction companies on the east coast of Australia, having developed partnerships with a number of major clients and engineering consultancy firms.

    Below is a look at the recently completed Western North-South Link Road project at Erskine Park where Robson played a central role in development and gaining approval of the Construction Environmental Management Plan through State Government, with this project being a State Significant Development.

    For more information about Robson go to

    WSBC would like to welcome Robson Civil Projects as our newest Gold Member.

    Robson is a privately owned business with a solid reputation that has been in operation for over 50 years.  They have emerged as one of the leading civil construction companies on the east coast of Australia, having developed partnerships with a number of major clients and engineering consultancy firms.

    Below is a look at the recently completed Western North-South Link Road project at Erskine Park where Robson played a central role in developing the Construction Environmental Management Plan.

    For more information about Robson go to

  • 20-Apr-2021 16:47 | Deleted user

    By Blacktown City Council

    In June last year, we highlighted the emerging development of the ‘Australian Motorsport Innovation Precinct’ at Sydney Motorsport Park.

    This year, the councils of Blacktown, Cumberland and Fairfield are collaborating with the Australian Racing Drivers’ Club (operators of Sydney Motorsport Park) to present a follow up event to the highly successful ‘Advanced Manufacturing Symposium’ which was held at Sydney Motorsport Park in October 2019.

    A Showcase event

    The Greater Sydney region is already home to significant business activity across the fields of high-performance technology, allied automotive and precision engineering. The ‘invitation-only’ August 5 event will showcase the future potential of the Innovation Precinct for local businesses, and event preparations are well underway. The ARDC will also outline some of the innovative activities and operations of the organisations that are or will be based at the Park and share their facilities.

    Event details

    This year’s event titled “Gearing Up” provides attendees with the opportunity to engage with industry leaders, suppliers, researchers and entrepreneurs within the motorsport industry and across a wide range of industry sectors. The aim is to create a community that connects and collaborates on the development and demonstration of new processes and innovative technologies on an industrial scale.

    High technology automotive related businesses and those operating in the advanced manufacturing, defence, aerospace, marine and medical instrumentation industries are invited to contact their local council representatives below. They are encouraged to attend and showcase their specialist expertise, new products or innovative manufacturing processes and technologies to their peers, potential partner, investors and clients, academia and related government bodies.

    The Australian Motorsport Innovation Precinct (AMIP)

    The Australian Racing Drivers’ Club (ARDC) has managed and operated Sydney Motorsport Park since 1996. Since 2011, the ARDC’s venue masterplan has driven a $52M+ capital investment programme with valuable co-investment by the NSW Government. This has provided significant improvements to key infrastructure, new and expanded racing circuit and allowed for a landmark permanent circuit lighting project to proceed. Included in this vision and investment is the new Innovation Precinct.

    The aim of the Australian Motorsport Innovation Precinct is to provide a national/regional destination for innovation, business development and engineering - attracting businesses looking to achieve a competitive advantage by harnessing race-bred research and development, rapid prototyping capabilities, high tolerance engineering skills and next generation technology to find solutions to their everyday engineering issues.

    The initial Stage One building of the Precinct is currently in the design and development phase and is slated to be open by mid 2022.


    If you want to know more about the event and receive an invitation, please contact the following:

    If you’re based in Blacktown LGA contact - David Somerville


    If you’re based in the Cumberland LGA contact – Helder Guerreiro


    If you’re based in the Fairfield LGA contact – Kay Pak


    If you’re located elsewhere, contact Peter Larum


  • 20-Apr-2021 16:32 | Deleted user

    By Matthews Folbigg Lawyers

    We are all aware of the Australian Consumer and Competition Commissioner (ACCC) but it is always interesting and informative when ACCC publishes its industry-specific enforcement goals.


    ACCC reviews and updates its Compliance and Enforcement Priorities each year in respect of its initiatives and strategies to implement its statutory role to enforce the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Act).

    The recently announced ACCC Compliance and Enforcement Priorities 2021 (Priorities) should be noted by Australian businesses especially when we are currently recovering from the pandemic.

    The Priorities indicate that ACCC will be focused on the following industries/business sectors and it will scrutinise various business practices and implement enforcement actions as required.

    Essential Services

    The pricing and selling practices of essential services such as electricity and telecommunications sector will continue to be a key area for ACCC’s investigation this year.


    The long-standing imbalance in market power in favour of existing suppliers (ie. funeral directors) at the expense of consumers and new entrants will be carefully watched.


    In light of ACCC’s 2020 Home Loan Price Enquiry, it is proposed that lenders will be required to (i) provide a prompt to alert borrowers to available prevailing rates; and (ii) lower administrative fees imposed on borrowers who wish to switch their lenders.

    Travel & Aviation

    Sales practices by travel and aviation businesses as well as their marketing materials and advertisements will be closely monitored by ACCC due to the high level of uncertainty associated with the current travel restrictions.


    Various business practices adopted by franchisors affecting franchisees such as representations in respect of likely earnings and the use of marketing funds will also be scrutinised.

    Motor Vehicles

    There has been a high volume of consumer complaints in respect of failure by motor vehicle dealers to comply with consumer guarantees offered under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). ACCC plans to take enforcement actions against various dealers.

    Key Takeaways

    • 2021 will be a critical year for all Australian businesses to review their practices to ensure compliance with the Act.
    • Failure to comply with the Act may result in hefty penalties and/or compliance orders.
    • Businesses should check their terms of trade, supply contracts and business practices generally and make any necessary updates to ensure compliance with the Act.

    More Information

    Please contact our commercial law team at Matthews Folbigg Lawyers on 9635 7966 if you would like us to review your current terms of trade, supply contracts or other dealings or if you would like advice or assistance in respect of ACCC compliance and enforcement action.

    DISCLAIMER: This article is provided to readers for their general information and on a complimentary basis. It contains a brief summary only and should not be relied upon or used as a definitive or complete statement of the relevant law. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

  • 20-Apr-2021 14:42 | Deleted user

    By ChandlerWoods

    Clearly-communicated organisational policies and procedures can have a significant positive impact on any business' bottom line. Organisational policies and procedures are "must-have" HR resources that set clear guidelines for employees and provide something of a human resources safety net for the employer. They are equally important for the established medium-sized business and the new start-up enterprise hitting the ground running.

    Small business owners understandably have many "must do" items competing for their attention, and all too often, policies and procedures tend to get pushed to the back of the queue. However, not getting your workplace policies and procedures in order can have serious, costly ramifications.

    To help you get started, here is a list of ten must-have workplace policies and procedures.

    1. Work Health and Safety Policy

    Occupational health and safety is a key policy that should be clearly communicated to all personnel. Besides the obvious human cost, workplace accidents are likely to hurt your business in various ways, impacting both morale and productivity. Financial burdens include increased WorkCover premiums, sick leave, the cost of employing replacement staff, and the potential imposition of fines in severe cases. WHS policies should be treated as living documents and be reviewed regularly.

    2. Code of Conduct

    Clearly-written codes of conduct set clear expectations and boundaries for all employees. They should address expectations concerning dress code, punctuality, company property treatment, public representation of the company, and mobile phone use. Codes of conduct should state clear expectations, leaving no room for doubt.

    3. Bullying Harassment and Discrimination Policy

    Employers may be held legally liable for any acts of discrimination or harassment in their business. A comprehensive policy in this area will not only help to minimise the risk of this behaviour occurring; it will go some way to demonstrate that the business has made every effort to prevent it from happening.

    A well-written policy will clearly state what constitutes such actions as bullying and sexual harassment. It should also contain clearly-written complaint handling procedures.

    4. Social Media Policy

    Social media's influence continues to increase at an exponential rate, and the lines between personal and professional lives are becoming increasingly hard to distinguish. Comments made on social media by employees can potentially impact the organisation's brand, particularly when employees have their occupations listed on their profile. To mitigate the risks associated with social media, it may be appropriate to document the company's expectations surrounding social media use.

    5. Leave Policy

    An organisation's leave policy must be thought through carefully, taking into account peak business periods where all hands need to be on deck. Appropriately documented leave policies guarantee that there will be no surprises for employees when planning their holidays.

    6. Drug and Alcohol Policy

    Drug and alcohol use both during and outside working hours can significantly impact an organisation's effective business operations. Overindulgence can lower productivity levels, cause absenteeism, and escalate the risk of workplace injury. Drug and alcohol policy needs to be carefully considered, and issues such as privacy need to be balanced against the right to drug-test.

    7. Internet and Email Policy

    The increased reliance upon the internet in the workplace is a double-edged sword. The availability of internet and email resources can be tempting for employees to exploit. An internet and email policy helps define reasonable use and flag inappropriate internet use in the workplace. Ideally, the policy should detail the consequences of inappropriate internet and email use.

    8. Grievance Policy

    At one time or another, workplaces will have disputes of some kind. A well-considered grievance policy is one of those small business HR resources that allow employees and management to follow and effectively resolve disputes.

    9. Performance Counselling and Discipline Policy

    Candid performance management can be uncomfortable at times. Lack of proper procedures can lead to all sorts of legal and moral problems. It is imperative that you have a coherent policy in this area that ensures you manage poor performance appropriately while adhering to procedural fairness.

    10. Privacy Policy

    Employers are legally bound to safeguard the privacy of both customers and employees. A business must have a coherent and workable privacy policy that clearly states what information will remain private. The privacy policy should demonstrate that details such as employees' personal information and health records, remain confidential.

    Getting your organisational policies and procedures right is a critical step to ensuring that your business is built on solid foundations.

    Looking for help with your business' HR? The team at ChandlerWoods can help you develop the appropriate policies and procedures for your business.

    Get in touch with ChandlerWoods today.

  • 20-Apr-2021 13:48 | Deleted user

    By Macquarie Bank

    Having worked with small and mid-sized businesses for over 30 years, we have seen many successfully navigate challenging situations and environments – building more adaptive organisations that continue to thrive. And in a year like no other, businesses are meeting the challenge. In this report, we share frameworks for consideration when assessing the momentum of change in a rapidly shifting landscape, inspiring stories of resilience and adaptation, alongside insights from experts in their fields.

    Download the full report here.

    Macquarie has been providing Business Banking solutions for over 30 years and provides SME clients with tools and strategies to grow and develop their business. You can get regular updates by subscribing to the monthly newsletter, Strictly Business by visiting If you would like to find out more about how Macquarie can support you to take your business further, call Sam McCarthy at our Parramatta office on 0417 518 724 and be connected with one of our industry specialists.

    This information has been prepared by Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 237502 (“Macquarie”) for general information purposes only. This information does not constitute advice. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. No member of Macquarie accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss arising from any use of this information. 

  • 20-Apr-2021 10:04 | Deleted user

    By William Buck

    Mistakes in your financial records can cause a string of problems. Whether it’s higher taxes as a result of exaggerated profits or making your business look worse with underestimated profits.

    William Buck reveals the top 10 errors they discovered during audits over the last year. Find out the steps you can take to make sure your financial reports accurately reflect your companies value.

    Click here to access the webinar, using the password ghz7?MP. to view the recording.

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