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  • 02-Sep-2019 15:51 | Deleted user

    A study by Harter et al., encompassing 152 organisations and over 950,000 employees, highlighted the very real negative impact on a business when some staff are not well-motivated, or worse still, demotivated.

    Their results indicated:

    • An 18% decrease in productivity when compared with highly motivated staff
    • A 60% decrease in quality, measured by defects in products
    • A ten-fold increase in errors compared with errors made by highly motivated staff
    • A 37% increase in the rate of absenteeism

    Clearly, it is critical for business that you know how to motivate your team, and how to avoid demotivating them.

    Factors That Demotivate

    1. Micromanagement

    Micromanagers usually have very good intentions. They want to see consistently high-quality work being produced. However, their method for achieving this consistently high quality of work drives most people mad! Their constant questions, instructions and observations leave people feeling frustrated, untrusted or incompetent.

    2. Too much ‘red tape’

    When a business has too many rules and regulations, it can seem to some staff that some of the rules are there ‘just for the sake of it’. These rules can hinder the implementation of improvements and innovation, and over time people tend to stop suggesting new ideas or changes.

    3. Lack of confidence in the business leadership

    It is critical that staff believe that their manager and the CEO are highly competent. They don’t have to agree with everything their manager proposes and implements, they don’t even need to really like them. They do need to respect their competence and vision. They do need to believe that their manager and the CEO ‘walk their talk’ extremely well and that they lead by example.

    4. Tolerance of mediocre performance

    If it is obvious, or perceived, that some team members are performing at a mediocre level and that there are no consequences of this, most people will struggle to maintain their own high level of motivation and work performance, certainly in the long term.

    5. Poor communication

    Clear and frequent communication has a major positive impact on the business. People know what they are expected to do and why they are expected to do it, they hear about changes firsthand and close to the event. When the reverse happens and communication is not frequent and not clear, people start to make up their own stories about the situation. Rumours and gossip become commonplace and these have a negative impact on the work environment and motivation levels.

    6. Difficult relationships with colleagues

    According to Gallup research, good working relationships can boost employee engagement levels and motivation levels by 50%. Conversely, even when the work is stimulating and challenging, if we don’t enjoy the people we work with our motivation levels will drop and we will most probably look for alternative employment.

    7. Job insecurity

    When people sense that their company is struggling, they tend to start looking for a new job. This situation is understandable and probably can’t be prevented; however, you can slow the decrease in motivation level by communicating frequently and transparently with the team. This creates a sense of trust, and with that comes additional loyalty and commitment to completing tasks to a high standard as quickly as possible.

    8. Boredom

    Gen Y are known for seeking jobs that are stimulating and inspiring. They look for companies and roles where there is a strong element of variety, and a purpose that they believe in. Interestingly, employees from Gen X, Gen Y and the Baby Boomers all state that they best like a job that is personally fulfilling. Many of them are prepared to sacrifice some salary in order to have this type of job.

    For your teams to be world class teams, achieving world class results, it is critical to have a strong emphasis on creating an environment in which individuals and teams are highly motivated. Only then can they achieve both high quantity and quality in their results, consistently.

    If you want to improve your team’s motivation, get in touch to learn more about our ENGAGE FOR SUCCESS program – a dynamic two-hour workshop that teaches your leaders how to get the best out of their people, achieve high levels of performance with their team and high levels of job satisfaction for each team member. Call World Class Teams on 1300 085 248 or email

  • 27-Aug-2019 14:43 | Deleted user

    NEC Australia has announced a major Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Digital Display partnership with Sydney’s newest Entertainment, Fitness, Lifestyle and Accommodation destination, West HQ.

    Providing a ‘best in class’ customer experience for patrons at one of the State’s largest entertainment destinations, the partnership is centred around the soon-to-be-completed Sydney Coliseum Theatre; a state-of-the-art 2,000 seat multi-mode venue, offering world class concerts, musicals, and theatrical entertainment.

    The partnership includes NEC’s world-class LED display systems for menus, wayfinding, and interactive customer promotions, powered by CiscoVision IPTV. NEC will also partner with West HQ to develop and deploy market-leading solutions for CCTV security systems, network infrastructure, and across the eight-hectare site, free Wi-Fi for guests.

    The partnership will see NEC establish West HQ and the Sydney Coliseum Theatre as a technology showcase venue for technical innovation. This will include the future deployment of an NEC technology enhanced customer access solution in partnership with West HQ’s other major technology partners.

    “NEC has been intimately involved with the design and construction of the Sydney Coliseum Theatre at West HQ to ensure the customer experience from arrival to exit is exceptional. This really will be a centre of technological excellence, a world class venue with world class technology solutions, and a one-of-a-kind for Sydney,” said NEC Australia Managing Director, Mitsuhiro Murooka.

    “NEC already has a strong relationship with Western Sydney in the Health and Education sectors, but this is an entirely new frontier for us – the possibilities now and into the future are boundless,” Mr Murooka said.

    The customer experience will include another major theatrical first – a digital walkway ‘crystal bridge’ with glass flooring brought to life by the latest in LED display technology, creating a spectacular, immersive visual experience for patrons before they even enter the Sydney Coliseum Theatre.

    “This major partnership with NEC is a step-change in pace, innovation, security, and customer experience for West HQ as a destination, and as an industry leader,” said Richard Errington, Chief Executive Officer, West HQ.

    Following our recent successful opening of West HQ’s Eat. St premium dining precinct which is already showcasing the quality of NEC’s display systems, we can’t wait to welcome the customers to the Sydney Coliseum Theatre this December.

    “We are incredibly excited about the relationship forged with NEC and are confidently looking to how we will evolve the partnership and do exceptional things for the arts and the community together,” said Richard Errington.

  • 20-Aug-2019 08:34 | Deleted user

    For many business owners in the built environment industry, taking on debt may seem like a brave thing to do. But Danny Chung, National Head of the Built Environment with Macquarie Business Banking, says that failing to borrow money or make use of credit facilities could be minimising the chances your business will ever be as successful as it could be.

    So how can you use debt to stimulate growth, build a more valuable business, and improve your personal financial circumstances?

    Click here to read more.

    Macquarie has been providing Business Banking solutions for over 30 years and provides SME clients with tools and strategies to grow and develop their business. You can get regular updates by subscribing to the monthly newsletter, Strictly Business by visiting If you would like to find out more about how Macquarie can support you to take your business further, call Sam McCarthy at our Parramatta office on 0417 518 724 and be connected with one of our banking specialists.

    This information has been prepared by Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 237502 (“Macquarie”) for general information purposes only. This information does not constitute advice. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. No member of Macquarie accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss arising from any use of this information.

  • 06-Aug-2019 11:04 | Deleted user

    Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now open for exclusive naming rights for Campbelltown Sports Stadium.

    Campbelltown Sports Stadium is arguably the most accessible venue in NSW, adjacent to one of three railway stations that form Campbelltown’s CBD and with direct rail links to Sydney’s CBD.

    With the reputation of having one of the best playing surfaces in Australia, the venue is looking forward to fulfilling its potential as the only sports and entertainment venue in south west Sydney located in one of Australia’s fastest growing regions.

    Click here to download the prospectus or visit:

  • 31-Jul-2019 10:51 | Deleted user

    Regional Development Australia Sydney, Fairfield City Council, Cumberland Council and the Export Council of Australia invite you to:


    Aiming to assist small and medium businesses aspiring to export or already exporting, this free workshop will be facilitated by the Export Council of Australia.

    Take advantage of this amazing opportunity!

    The workshop will be a morning session with a FREE hot breakfast, and will be held at Smithfield RSL Club on Thursday 22 August 2019. It has been made possible with the support of the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science.

    The Going Global export workshop features:

    • Content and facilitation by the Export Council of Australia
    • Tips for export planning, resourcing, marketing and researching your target market
    • Local case studies presented by the businesses themselves
    • Information on grants and other assistance currently available for exporters and businesses trying to build their capacity.

    Who should attend?

    • Western Sydney businesses looking to develop a growth plan to extend beyond the domestic market
    • Aspiring exporters and new exporters
    • Existing exporters who would like an export refresher
    • Anyone interested in meeting other entrepreneurs and exporters

    Event details

    • When: 7.15 am for breakfast with workshop commencing at 7.45am to 10.15am Thursday 22 August 2019
    • Where: Smithfield RSL Club, Cumberland Highway, Smithfield 2164
    • Cost - free (breakfast provided)
    • Registrations open until 16 August 2019

  • 25-Jul-2019 19:14 | Anonymous

    A long-term proposition for Australia

    Migration has long been key to creating a successful social melting pot in Australia. The broader migration equation is, of course, a complex one that seeks to strike a balance that meets Australia humanitarian obligations as well as its economic needs – and the federal government’s Significant Investor Visa (SIV) Program is an important part of this equation. Explore the dimensions of this program’s impact on Australia in Deloitte's latest Access Economics study.

    Since its inception in 2012, the SIV program has brought over $10B worth of investments into Australia. This group of approximately 2,000 foreign high net worth investors are small in number, though they have the potential to make an important contribution to Australia’s future.

    This study explores the economic and cultural impact of the program to date, and considers its future potential.

    Click here to download the report.

  • 23-Jul-2019 17:04 | Anonymous

    Everyone has heard of Jeans for Genes but not many understand that what the campaign aims to achieve is the very real possibility of treatments and cures for most genetic diseases affecting children – even before kids get sick.

    1 in 20 Aussie kids face a birth defect or genetic disease. Laura is the mother of Jeans for Genes star, Ryan, who is one of those kids, and she knows better than anyone how close research is to helping her two-year-old with cystic fibrosis.

    “I think every parent’s worst nightmare is that they lose a child, and so it’s really heart-warming to know that there’s so much support for them,’’ she said. “My understanding of gene therapy is that, for what it means for me and for Ryan, is that it will change his life. He would not have cystic fibrosis anymore.’’

    Jeans for Genes is the iconic fundraising campaign behind Children’s Medical Research Institute, which aims to find cures for children’s genetic diseases.

    One of the most promising areas of research happening at Children’s Medical Research Institute is in the area of gene therapy. It is called ‘the medicine of the future’ because it can cure previously incurable genetic diseases with a single injection to correct the error in the DNA.

    Dr Leszek Lisowski from Children’s Medical Research Institute at Westmead sees a future where every child could undergo screening to have disease-causing genes identified and treated without waiting for the child to become sick.

    “Unfortunately, while our knowledge and diagnostic power have grown exponentially, the progress in disease prevention and treatment has been slower,’’ he said. “Gene therapy has the power to fill the gap that has formed and bring real benefits to patients. Ultimately, it is the fact that we are developing therapies which will change peoples’ lives that drives us.’’

    That is why families like Ryan’s support Jeans for Genes.

    “You just don’t know if it’s going to be you sitting on the other side one day, hoping that other people are out there supporting you. We certainly didn’t think we’d be in this position, but here we are.’’

    Jeans for Genes Day is on Friday, August 2nd. You can support research to help the 1 in 20 children living with a genetic disease or birth defect by donating at

  • 19-Jul-2019 17:36 | Anonymous

    By Diana Tapp, World Class Teams

    ‘The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.’ Alvin Toffler 

    One of the challenges to improving your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is that you need to unlearn some habits and beliefs that you’ve had since you were a young child. Only then will you be able to learn behaviours that are commensurate with high EQ.

    Consider some of the phrases and beliefs we have grown up with:

    • ‘Stick to the facts, leave the feelings out of this.’
    • ‘Just get it done!’
    • ‘If you don’t give as good as you get, you’re weak.’
    • ‘Boys don’t cry.’
    • ‘Don’t beat around the bush.’
    • ‘There can only be one winner.’

    While these phrases are all well-intentioned and have validity in certain circumstances, we can tend to overplay them. They can easily foster simplistic black-and-white responses and behaviours, whereas most important conversations and situations in workplaces are NOT black-and-white. We would be better served by adapting our language or behaviour to take account of the other person’s likely response or reaction.

    The purpose of communication is to gain a desirable outcome. Sometimes the outcomes we get are far from desirable because of our lack of management of our emotions and our lack of regard for the other person’s emotions.

    Was your purpose in those situations to annoy someone, to send them away or did you actually hope to influence them, to persuade them to do something you wanted?

    So, you need to UNLEARN some of these old habits and beliefs, to admit that they while they have served you well, and continue to do so in some situations, it is not a ‘one size fits all’.

    If you want to influence people and to have a positive impact on results, then you need to be mindful of other people’s emotions and of your own emotions.

    You must ensure that your behaviour is appropriate for managing the emotions and relationships to gain the best possible outcome, an outcome that is genuinely a win-win. This win-win outcome will be good for you personally, satisfying for the other stakeholders too and ultimately a great decision for business.

    People buy from people they know, like and trust. Why would they like or trust someone they feel puts them down, doesn’t listen to their view, negates or trivialises their feelings?

    If you want to get the outcomes you want then you need to be good at including people, both their ideas and their feelings.

    • Ask rather than assume
    • Ask rather than ignore (we often call ignoring pretending we didn’t notice!!)
    • Ask first rather than giving your view first

    While this is conceptually easy, it is difficult in practice because of those old beliefs we have.

    When you let go or unlearn some of the old beliefs you can replace them with new beliefs, which will enable you to improve your EQ and your performance, decrease your level of stress, increase your likeability and your chance of being noticed for the right reasons!

    What are some of the phrases and beliefs you grew up with? How do these impact the way you relate to, and work with, other people? What do you need to unlearn so that you can then learn a better way to gain the best outcomes in difficult situations with difficult people?

    If you want to learn how to have more Emotionally Intelligent conversations, we suggest attending our internationally successful GREENLINE Conversations Program. It has been used by companies such as Google, Pepsi and EY to create a high-performance culture in their business.

    For WSBC members the 1-Day GREENLINE Conversations Program is FULLY FUNDED and nationally accredited.

    The program can be run as an in-house program at your workplace, for groups of 20-25 people. Or you can book individual tickets to an Open Program using this link

    If you’d like to LEARN MORE and to discuss if GREENLINE is right for your business, call World Class Teams on 1300 085 248.

  • 18-Jul-2019 12:38 | Anonymous

    Book and hold your next Residential Conference with PARKROYAL Parramatta and take advantage of their all-inclusive Residential Package from AUD255 per person, with overnight accommodation in one of their stylish Superior Rooms.

    Included in this package

    • Accommodation in a sophisticated Superior Room
    • Meeting room hire
    • Full day catering including morning tea, table buffet lunch and afternoon tea
    • Complimentary buffet breakfast in TABLE 30
    • Complimentary Wi-Fi
    • Prices per person starts from $255.00

    To request a quote or site visit, please speak with the PARKROYAL Parramatta team on 02 9685 0340 or email

    Click here for further information. 

    Terms and conditions

    • Subject to availability.
    • Not valid with any other offer or promotion.
    • A merchant service fee of 1.1% for Visa, MasterCard and 3% for Diners and Amex will be applied to all credit card transactions.

  • 17-Jul-2019 14:14 | Anonymous

    By Michael Page

    One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today is how to create effective management training programs to prepare up-and-coming managers to become its next round of strong leaders.

    If you’re involved in or can influence your organisation’s management training programs, here are key factors to keep in mind.

    Align expectations and business objectives

    Before putting someone into a managerial role, it’s important to have a conversation with your management trainee about their expectations, their future career progression pathway, what their expectations are, and what skills they feel they need to develop.

    Up-and-coming managers also need to understand your company’s business objectives, and how their role and their team will work together to get the company there. According to author and consultant William Schiemann, only 14 per cent of companies polled in a study revealed their employees have a good understanding of the company’s strategy and direction.

    Assign them a mentor or coach

    The first few years of a new managerial position can be difficult. By assigning a mentor or coach as part of the management development training, up-and-coming managers will be better set up for success going forward and will have already had initial support they need in order to thrive.

    Connecting a new hire with a more experienced manager not only provides employees with guidance and a sounding board during the early stages, it also helps keep new managers aligned with the company’s expectations and objectives.

    The benefits of mentoring can even have a profound effect on leaders in top management positions: the Harvard Business Review reported 84 per cent of CEOs surveyed said mentors helped them avoid costly mistakes and become proficient in their roles faster.

    Focus on developing key skills and competencies

    There are some skills that help managers perform better in their roles, and incorporating these into your company’s leadership skills training can fast-track a manager’s performance and productivity.

    In an internal study codenamed Project Oxygen, Google identified six habits of highly effective managers, which can act as the foundation for leadership courses for all organisations:

    • Mindset and values
    • Emotional intelligence
    • Manager transition
    • Coaching
    • Feedback
    • Decision making

    Build a supportive company culture

    After promoting someone to manager, it’s crucial to provide them with ongoing support and training, as well as an open environment to discuss any challenges they’re facing. On-going training will help managers avoid common coaching pitfalls, such as micromanaging or infrequent feedback.

    Whether through brief informal conversations or scheduled monthly check-ins, fostering a supportive company culture is key to a successful and productive team of employees. If you’re looking to cultivate strong managers in your company, you first need to invest in the ongoing training and development of your leaders.

    When it comes down to it, having well-trained managers are key for any company to succeed. By setting your up-and-coming managers with the foundations for success, you’ll foster the growth of great managers – and your whole organisation will reap the benefits for years to come.

    If you're looking for your next role in Western Sydney, or need help with staffing, contact a Michael Page specialist today.

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