Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 17-Jun-2019 15:30 | Anonymous

    Hold your event before July 31 and save!

    Package Usually  EOFY Sale 
    Full Day Delegate Package $78.00  $70.00 
    Half Day Delegate Package $68.00  $60.00 

    Day Delegate Package includes:

    • Complimentary room hire of the main plenary room from 9:00am to 5:00pm
    • Notepads, pens, mints and water
    • Standard audio visual: data projector screen, flipchart, whiteboard and markers
    • Complimentary Wi-Fi
    • Arrival tea and coffee with whole fruit bowl and fresh juice
    • Morning tea with two gourmet food items
    • Gourmet lunch with hot and cold platters, dessert, tea and coffee
    • Afternoon tea with two gourmet food items (Full Day Delegate Package only)

    To request a quote or site visit, please speak with the PARKROYAL Parramatta team today:

    P: 02 9685 0309 


    Terms and Conditions

    • Valid for meetings held before 31 July 2019 for meetings with a minimum of 20 delegates
    • Subject to availability
    • Not valid for existing bookings and cannot be combined with any other promotions
    • Prices are subject to prevailing taxes and service charges

  • 14-Jun-2019 14:18 | Anonymous

    As part of the NSW Advanced Manufacturing Industry Development Strategy, the NSW Government is partnering with the NSW Smart Sensing Network and the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre to deliver the ‘Successfully Adopting Smart Sensing Technologies’ series.

    The series will focus on how manufacturing businesses can successfully partner with universities to adopt advanced manufacturing technologies that enhance their competitiveness and resilience.

    The first event will be hosted by Western Sydney University and will provide an opportunity to learn more about:

    • essentials of smart sensing – what you need to know
    • unlocking university and research know-how
    • identifying government support
    • how to start on the journey
    • recent successful experiences navigating the academic-industry interface from industry and academic perspectives.

    The event will include a tour of the Western Sydney University Launch Pad facility.

    Event details

    • Date: Monday 8 July 2019
    • Time: 10 am – 12 noon
    • Cost: Free
    • Venue: Western Sydney University Launch Pad – Werrington Park Corporate Centre, Great Western Highway, Kingswood NSW


    Please RSVP by 1 July 2019 by clicking here

  • 14-Jun-2019 13:57 | Anonymous

    In the seventh edition of their Building the Lucky Country series, Deloitte’s ground-breaking research reveals what the changing nature of work really means for businesses and government.

    The future of work isn’t scary, but it is misunderstood. Deloitte's research shows how human skills are hugely under supplied and as a result – skills, rather than occupations or qualifications – are the job currency of the future. These trends in job markets aren’t alarming, they’re liberating, as the boring, repetitive work will be done by robots, leaving the more challenging and interesting work for humans.

    Explore The path to prosperity: Why the future of work is human to find out:

    • What myths about the future of work have been busted

    • What the job currency of the future will be. Tip – it’s not qualifications or occupations

    • Why today’s jobs require us to use our heads, rather than our hands, and how something new is happening…

    • Which human skills are hugely under supplied and which ones will be most in demand

    • How businesses and governments can make better choices about our work, our workers, and our workplaces.

  • 14-Jun-2019 13:44 | Anonymous

    Your event is guaranteed to succeed when you choose to work with Events by ATC. With a number of unique and iconic indoor/outdoor spaces, combined with exceptional and plentiful cuisine, your event is destined to be a winner. Led by an elite team that delivers year-round high profile events and world-class carnivals, we have the experience and champion mentality to ensure your meeting, conference or gala dinner is simply unmatched.

    Premium Race Day Hospitality

    Every qualifying event will go into the draw to win a Premium Race Day Hospitality experience with Naming Rights to a race on the day. This includes a dining experience for four, ATC beverage package, on table TV monitors, private bookmaking facilities and priceless national brand exposure on TV, radio and racing publications and websites. Plus, every booker will also receive a Magnum of Moet and Chandon… it’s just ATC's way of saying thanks*. (*Subject to T&C’s under NSW permit LYPS/19/34677).

  • 14-Jun-2019 13:32 | Anonymous

    By Michael Page

    A company with a strong learning culture is one where everything from the structure to the processes to the culture are all geared towards allowing but also encouraging employees at all levels to continue their education in skills, knowledge, and performance. Importantly, this culture allows for insights and facts to inform growth across the entirety of a company.

    Try these tips to instil a learning culture in the workplace, and reap the benefits of a workforce that is constantly improving and growing:

    Implement formal training

    On-the-job training is commonplace throughout organisations but at times can be informal and more on the relaxed side. For some employees, this can create an atmosphere where the training isn’t taken as seriously as it should be, and those skills may not be implemented as a result.

    It’s vital to put training at the forefront of your culture by creating a formal process for upskilling, no matter the employee level.

    Reward learning

    As much as most managers understand the value for learning, there’s also the very common problem that nobody has spare time especially when business deadlines, priorities and problems need immediate attention. It’s therefore easy for learning to fall by the wayside.

    Creating a formal structure for rewarding learning will encourage employees to bump training up their list of priorities, and to show learning is just as valuable as meeting targets. In many companies, often a full day of intensive learning on a Friday means an early mark as a reward.

    RELATED: Mike Cannon-Brookes, Atlassian’s co-founder, says lifelong learning is key to the future of work

    Create time for learning

    To truly show your commitment to creating a learning culture in the workplace, it’s essential to carve out time for employees purely dedicated for learning. An example could be pausing an employee’s projects one day of the month to allow for learning time, or setting aside a company-wide time slot to watch and discuss a presentation or similar.

    Lead by example

    Set the standard as a manager by bettering yourself through learning. Whether it’s through courses, conferences, or even simply sitting down with employees with different skill sets of your own, showing others in your team you are committed to learning demonstrates: you value their development, you lead by example and you follow through.

    When others see you taking the time and genuinely enjoying the process, they may be more inspired to commit to learning themselves. After all, the responsibility of defining and setting the example of the business’s learning culture often comes from the top and filters its way down.

    Ensure new skills are applied

    To highlight both the importance of learning and then ensuring those new skills aren’t wasted or forgotten you must find ways to test, utilise and review what your employees have learned. You might consider incorporating their new skills into their tasks, or create a brief test or exercise to double-check that the new knowledge has become ingrained.

    Hire the right people

    Another fantastic way to create a learning culture is by planning ahead and hiring those who show a genuine interest in improving their skills and knowledge. They can help take ownership of your initiatives and may have some new approaches, since knowledge and further development comes naturally to them.

    Incorporate questions into your interview process that will allow those with curious minds to shine, and include a penchant for learning as a bonus factor when making your hiring decisions. Eventually, this should lead to a workplace filled with staff who proactively seek learning opportunities, strengthening your business and its culture as a result.

    If you're looking for your next role in Western Sydney, or need help with staffing, contact a Michael Page specialist today

  • 13-Jun-2019 17:25 | Anonymous

    New JAWS Open For Business

    Western Sydney’s popular home-grown jobs website, Jobs Available Western Sydney (JAWS) has undergone a major upgrade.

    Exciting new features have been added to enable an easier journey matching job seekers and candidates.

    Job seekers and employers in Western Sydney now have a specialised platform that delivers the region’s most advanced online employment matching service.

    JAWS has posted thousands of jobs since its inception in 2013. The popular portal focuses on Western Sydney job opportunities and has a Facebook following exceeding 45,000.

    The new look state-of-the-art website enables job seekers to create and post their resumes with the resume builder feature.

    Employers can source applicants from among the bank of resumes. Employers can now post their opportunity with greater confidence.

    JAWS director Rick Swaleh said the new portal is ideal for employers looking for the best talent in the region and for job seekers who want to join some of Western Sydney’s top organisations. Benefits include:

    For employers:

    • Post advertisements with greater confidence direct through the JAWS site.
    • Increased chances of securing the best talent through the JAWS online resume builder. Scan live resumes.
    • Easily track and receive job applicants through the JAWS interactive portal.
    • Tap into a social media network that inlcudes Linkedin and Facebook (45,000 followers).

    For job seekers:

    • Apply for positions direct through the JAWS website.
    • Build an online resume through the JAWS resume builder tool so that employers can scan resumes at their leisure.
    • See the latest employment tips and news 24/7.


    This article supplied by WSBC Media Regional Partner: 

  • 11-Jun-2019 16:18 | Anonymous

    Parramatta's new $280 million Engineering Innovation Hub is closer to being realised with the proposal now on public exhibition.

    The joint venture between Western Sydney University, UNSW and Charter Hall will deliver a new education and commercial precinct in Parramatta CBD. Read more about the project and view the plan here

  • 11-Jun-2019 16:08 | Anonymous

    In May, the RBA board discussed a scenario in which there was no further improvement in the labour market and the unemployment rate remained around the 5% mark. In this scenario, they judged that inflation was likely to remain low relative to the target of 2-3% and that a decrease in the cash rate would likely be appropriate. The RBA has now delivered, by cutting the official cash rate by 0.25% to 1.25%, the first move in rates since August 2016.

    Click here to listen to Martin Lakos, Division Director of Macquarie Wealth Management discuss the recent rate cut.

    Macquarie has been providing Business Banking solutions for over 30 years and provides SME clients with tools and strategies to grow and develop their business. You can get regular updates by subscribing to the monthly newsletter, Strictly Business by visiting If you would like to find out more about how Macquarie can support you to take your business further, call Sam McCarthy at our Parramatta office on 0417 518 724 and be connected with one of our banking specialists.

    This information has been prepared by Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 237502 (“Macquarie”) for general information purposes only. This information does not constitute advice. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. No member of Macquarie accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss arising from any use of this information.

  • 31-May-2019 17:19 | Anonymous

    You’re invited to an exclusive seminar for senior finance professionals.

    With the rapid changes in financial reporting, an increased focus by the ATO on tax risk, and an active M&A environment, the challenges facing senior finance professionals are wide ranging and significant. Hear first-hand from William Buck experts:

    • Cate Pozzi, National Technical Senior Consultant will provide an update on ASIC focus areas, moving from SPFS to GPFS, the new framework for revenue recognition and other important factors you need to consider.
    • Greg Travers, Tax Director will share his insights on ATO’s approach to auditing and reviewing larger private groups and public companies, and how you can reduce your risk of being selected for an audit.
    • Mark Calvetti, Corporate Advisory Director will talk about the latest trends in Merger & Acquisition activities and Venture Capital Investments in Australia.

    Date: Thursday 13 June 2019

    Time: 12.00pm - 2:00pm (11:45am registration)

    Location: SKYE Hotel Suites, 30 Hunter Street, Parramatta

    Lunch will be served

    Click here to register your complimentary place.

    Attendees will each receive a complimentary booklet with useful information to help you understand what accounting standard changes mean for your business and how you can be better prepared, and also the key attributes of the ATO approach to analysing the tax risk of business taxpayers.

    If you would like to bring a guest, simply request additional tickets when registering.

    If you have any questions about this event, please contact Natalie Tellis on (02) 8263 4000 or email

    Click here to register your complimentary place.

  • 24-May-2019 16:34 | Anonymous

    The high cost of living, the impact of addiction, homelessness, and family crises continue to place unbelievable pressure on Australian families, often with tragic results.

    But in people’s darkest moments, The Salvation Army is there to show love, care and practical support. In western Sydney that comes in the form of locally-based teams of Moneycare financial counsellors, Doorways case managers and youth services, Salvos Connect sites, and centres in Parramatta, Auburn, Blacktown and Penrith. The Salvos stand beside people to help them get back on their feet again.

    Major Beth Twivey has been a Salvo all her life and an officer (an ordained minister) since she was 29. She oversees Sydney’s social services and says that one of the unique things about the Salvos is its ability to support people in many different ways.

    “Some of the most marginalised suburbs of Australia are in western Sydney,” she says. “We’re working with more and more people experiencing financial crisis. When people are living below the poverty line, they don’t engage, they retreat. So there’s loneliness and isolation even in a crowd. The Salvation Army helps provide a place to belong, connection, friendship, sense of family. We all need that.”

    For more than 50 years, donations given by generous Australians to The Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal have helped it continue its vital work, such as providing addiction treatment services to over 14,000 people annually, 16,000 meals to the hungry every week, and financial assistance to over 43,000 families every year, across Australia.

    “Someone might come to our Freedom Centre at Penrith for emergency food relief,” Major Twivey says, “and we can have a conversation and hear their story. This person might struggle with finance or budgets as well as needing food, and because we have several parts of The Salvation Army in that building, we can very quickly understand a person’s need and connect them to a service to support them.”

    Supporting an individual transforms whole communities

    Major Twivey’s stories paint a poignant picture of Australian life when things get rough. “I recently chatted with a beautiful family, who’d been torn apart by some awful things that could happen to any of us. Their little girl stood up and said, ‘Thank you for giving me my mum back.’ The power of that thank you from that little girl, imagining what her life had been like, and hearing her say that, that’s the sort of thing we want to be able to continue to do.”

    So the Salvos would like to say thank you – thank you to the community of western Sydney for trusting The Salvation Army to use the funds raised wisely. The impact is immense, Major Twivey says. “When you’re giving money to support one individual it helps not just that one person, but their family, street, school, workplace and community. The money will be well administered and used effectively so that the community is transformed – all from helping that one person.”

    Click here to donate now. 

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