Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 15-Apr-2019 14:51 | Anonymous

    Spoil Mum this Mother's Day at TABLE 30 Restaurant with a delicious breakfast buffet filled with a range of hot and cold dishes, and made-to-order omelettes. Or treat her to a seafood buffet lunch and she'll enjoy a complimentary glass of French sparkling wine on arrival.

    For reservations and enquiries, please speak with a member of the Parkroyal Parramatta team on 02 9685 0377 or email

    Buffet Breakfast

    • From 7:00am to 10:30am
    • AUD32 per adult
    • AUD16 per child (five to 12 years of age)

    Seafood Buffet Lunch

    • From 12:30pm to 3:00pm
    • AUD69 per adult
    • AUD39 per child (five to 12 years of age)
    • All Mums will receive a complimentary glass of French sparkling wine on arrival

    Click here for more information or to book. 

    Terms and conditions

    • Offer is available Sunday, 12 May 2019 at TABLE 30 Restaurant
    • Complimentary parking, subject to availability.
    • Bookings are essential.
    • Complimentary glass of French sparkling wine only valid for Buffet Lunch.
    • Not valid in conjunction with any other offer.
    • A merchant service fee of 1.1% for Visa, MasterCard and 3% for Diners, Amex and JCB will be applied to all credit card transactions. 

  • 09-Apr-2019 13:44 | Anonymous

    Every 39 seconds, a hack occurs – and SMEs are increasingly vulnerable. Macquarie’s recent Breakfast Briefing shared some important tips on building resilience to fraud.

    As businesses adopt and depend on increasingly advanced digital technology, the risks of doing business evolve. And while larger organisations have strengthened their cybersecurity systems and protocols, smaller firms become more vulnerable – because cyber-criminals know their weak spots make them easier targets.

    Click here to read the full article.

    Macquarie has been providing Business Banking solutions for over 30 years and provides SME clients with tools and strategies to grow and develop their business. You can get regular updates by subscribing to the monthly newsletter, Strictly Business by visiting If you would like to find out more about how Macquarie can support you to take your business further, call Sam McCarthy at our Parramatta office on 0417 518 724 and be connected with one of our banking specialists.

    This information has been prepared by Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 237502 (“Macquarie”) for general information purposes only. This information does not constitute advice. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. No member of Macquarie accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss arising from any use of this information.

  • 08-Apr-2019 15:29 | Anonymous

    Site investigations for the Parramatta Light Rail project will start on T6 Carlingford Line heavy rail corridor between Camellia and Carlingford from Monday 8 April 2019.

    For more information on works including:

    • When works will take place
    • Why the works are needed
    • Traffic and pedestrian changes
    • What equipment will be used
    • How works will affect you.

    You can read the community notification by clicking here.

    If you would like further information or assistance, please contact us on 1800 139 389 or email

  • 03-Apr-2019 11:08 | Anonymous

    They say the numbers don't lie, so if the volume of bookings for our latest Breakfast Masterclass are a reflection of their value, we’re thrilled to be delivering such invaluable content to our members.

    Our Breakfast Masterclass Series focuses on delivering professional development opportunities for WSBC members in the areas of leadership and digital marketing and it is presented by two of our Platinum Partners: Brilliant Digital and World Class Teams.

    Our first Breakfast Masterclass of 2019 - Creating A Digital Brand Strategy for Business Growth - presented by Deb Croucher was sold out, even after we opened up a second release of tickets.

    So if you missed out, here’s a short video summary of Deb’s presentation.

    Why you need to own your brand message and storytelling

    “The reality of 2019? We don’t GO online…We live online. 

    Your market is looking at you online...this is the biggest business change since the industrial revolution.

    Digital marketing is now the mainstream and eclipses all other forms…but unless you have a solid strategy it’s easy to waste time and cash and get no measured return on investment.

    You can no longer rely on the media giants to make the phone ring. You need to step up and own your brand message and storytelling. And you’ve also got to take ownership of your own platforms, especially your website.

    If we don't attract young blood through and up into our businesses then obviously our business is going to disappear! So grabbing that young market and bringing them through is crucial.

    We need to know what to say to get this younger generation to stop to look and to engage with our brand,” says Deb.

    Creating a Digital Brand Strategy for Business Growth

    Brilliant Digital has helped transform business of many different sizes by helping them to develop their digital brand strategy for business growth.

    But according to Deb, regardless of the size of the business, the formula for success remains the same.

    “The same system works for both small and large organisations and the results are outstanding!”

    Deb then went on to share with participants the proven formula for success Brilliant Digital uses, covering the key steps:

    ● What to say

    ● Where to say it

    ● Brilliant Digital’s Success Formula

    ● What is a Content Framework

    ● How to Measure ROI

    ● Where to Begin working on your brand strategy

    Small businesses have a huge opportunity

    The takeout message from the Masterclass?

    “The playing fields are levelling out. Small businesses have a huge opportunity here to step and own their own brand message and storytelling.

    By following our success formula, you’ll get an outcome. You’ll get a result…and you’ll enjoy sustained brand growth.”

    Book in early for our Breakfast Masterclasses 

    Our second Breakfast Masterclass for 2019, Boosting Your Emotional Intelligence For Workplace Success, has also sold out.

    Presented by World Class Teams’ CEO, Diana Tapp, this second Breakfast Masterclass is for business owners and leaders who want to discover practical tools & tips they can implement today to rapidly improve their Emotional Intelligence.

    To find out more about our Breakfast Masterclass Series or other WSBC events, you can subscribe to keep up to date or simply contact us.

  • 20-Mar-2019 15:04 | Anonymous

    For the third year NSW Council of Social Service (NCOSS) will host the Investing for Good Conference (I4G), in partnership with the NSW Office of Social Impact Investment (OSII), on Thursday, 9th May 2019 at Pier One, Sydney.

    NSW is leading the way with social impact investment and we are excited to bring government, not-for-profit organisations, the private sector, business and investors together to further cultivate the ecosystem needed for social investment to reach its full potential.

    I4G 2019 will enhance the capacity, nurture the ecosystem and celebrate the successes of the NSW not for profit, public and private sectors in developing mutually beneficial relationships that create long lasting, positive social impacts.

    Join us as a corporate attendee and develop the necessary partnerships in order for you to engage in social impact investment and contribute to creating strong and thriving communities in NSW.

    Special Offer to WSBC Members: Register now and receive a 20% discount using the code WSBCDiscount. This offer is valid until 12th April 2019.

    NCOSS also invites you to review the Sponsorship Prospectus for the upcoming I4G Conference 2019. This is an exciting event that will contribute to new ways of tackling complex social problems that deliver results and a return on investment. Sponsorship opportunities are limited!

    For more information, Contact: Susie Saba | Business Development Manager | | 02 8960 7918 | 0407 780 787

  • 20-Mar-2019 09:35 | Anonymous

    Business owners in Campbelltown are off to a flying start in 2019, with 278 new businesses being launched between the months of January and March 2019. The top three industries for new established businesses were transport and warehousing (95), construction (56), and professional/scientific/technical services (25).

    Not to be left behind, entrepreneurs were also keen to make a great start to 2019 with the registration of 929 new ABNs (Australian Business Number). The top three industries for ABN registrations were transport and warehousing (209), construction (149), and administration and support services (110).

    View other economic statistics about Campbelltown.

  • 20-Mar-2019 09:27 | Anonymous

    By Michael Page

    Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue has named housing and construction at the top of its priorities, with the policies from the NSW state and federal elections to impact the region’s economy and growth.

    “Construction is a major factor in Western Sydney’s economy so any major policy shifts or changes to housing, such as the banks and lending practices, are going to have serious effects on the regional economy,” Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue, Executive Director, Adam Leto told Michael Page Australia.

    “We always set out to have a better understanding of what is proposed and what will be next when it comes to construction and development in the property space, as it’s going to be a pretty strong indicator of the direction that Western Sydney’s economy goes, over the next 12 to 24 months.”

    He said housing and construction will always be crucial factors for the region, and therefore top the Dialogue’s policy discussions.

    Leto also underscored whatever the outcomes from the elections, the independent community body has worked with both sides of government successfully since inception and will continue to do so.

    “Our primary focus is to ensure the issues from both sides of government are understood, and that we have the right people in the room to be able to have a productive and hopefully successful outcome,” he said.

    Commenting on the region’s employment opportunities, Michael Page Managing Director Adrian Oldham said: “We anticipate a balancing out of employment distribution in Sydney, and continued growth for Western Sydney in sectors including property, infrastructure and construction, manufacturing, sales and service-related industries.

    “As Australia’s third largest economic region, Western Sydney’s contribution to the state’s bottom line is significant.”

    Three key hiring trends for the property market were identified in the Michael Page “Salary Benchmark Report 2019”.

    With the development market turning, job-seeking professionals are focusing more on the pipeline of works and stability, it said.

    In addition, career progression and stability in organisations has become increasingly more important than remuneration.

    The third trend highlighted was professionals showing a desire to be in more nimble organisations with fast career progression opportunities.

    The property report also revealed the average salary increase was 5 per cent to 15 per cent when switching jobs within similar industries.

    Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue was launched in early 2015 by then premier Mike Baird. It facilitates interaction between key opinion leaders across industry, government, academia and the community to inform policy debate, and advance the region’s agenda through research, advocacy and events.

    To view the latest property and construction roles in Western Sydney or to find out what’s happening in the region from a hiring front, contact Michael Page.

    For a copy of our Salary Benchmark Report 2019, download it here.

    RELATED: Western Sydney story: Scott Timbrell on the region’s real estate potential

  • 19-Mar-2019 17:24 | Anonymous

    Top transport and infrastructure experts, manufacturers and technology providers from around the world are set to meet at a groundbreaking thinktank around how autonomous vehicle use can be built into the design and development of greenfield smart cities of the future.

    This thinktank workshop has been co-developed by Celestino, the developers of the 280-hectare, multi-billion-dollar Sydney Science Park (SSP) in Western Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS); and supported by Transport for NSW Smart Innovation Centre.

    The workshop is part of a broader Expression of Interest process that aims to develop and deliver the roadmap for an autonomous mobility solution within the SSP greenfield development that could be the home to over 100,000 people.

    Celestino and project partners UTS and Transport NSW are hoping to identify potential collaborators, systems, infrastructure and technologies that may be required to deliver the autonomous future of SSP once the ‘science city’ is being developed.

    Already 27 companies are registered to participate.

    “We’ve been overwhelmed with interest from some of the greatest autonomous transport innovators in the country and are delighted to see the level of enthusiasm and interest to co-develop with industry, government and academia an autonomous vehicles solution for SSP,” says Celestino CEO John Vassallo.

    “Our intention is that SSP will become an internationally recognised epicentre for autonomous vehicles research and development and commercialisation, where the greatest minds in innovative transport can meet and use SSP as a testing ground for the systems and technologies that will become a fundamental part of our future everyday life.”

  • 19-Mar-2019 17:11 | Anonymous

    Imagine you are crossing a raging river with your team. The second section of the bridge collapses and you are stuck on a rock in the middle of the swirling, freezing water. Do you look behind and analyse why you are crossing the river? Or ask why you didn’t examine the safety of the bridge more closely? Or do you look forward and ask, “how can we get to the other side?”


    Stephen Covey in his book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” challenges us to develop the habit to “begin with the end in mind”. In other words, to start by looking forward and saying, “this is what I ideally want”.

    Looking forward creates a more positive mindset and set of expectations.

    All too often, we start with a review of where we are now. In fact, we often spend most of the discussion examining why we are not in the position we’d like to be in. We look behind rather than “beginning with the end in mind”. This tends to create a limiting mindset, lowering our expectations of what we can achieve.


    Once you have established the outcome you want, retain that forward focus and start to consider the steps required to move towards that outcome.

    The best question to ask yourself and those in your team is “how can we?” or “what are some of the steps we will take?”.

    Avoid “can we?” or “have we tried this before?” The nature of these questions encourages you and your team to give up before you start!

    There will always be people who say you can’t, or it’s been tried before and failed.

    By asking “how can we?”, you set the expectation that we will find a way, even if it’s difficult. The mindset is one of accepting that there will be obstacles. That you will pre-empt and avoid these or overcome them, rather than letting these obstacles prevent you from starting or trying.


    Your attitude and language make a huge difference. As a leader, you must model the attitude and behaviour you want to see in your team.

    If you want them to have a forward focus, design the future and have a “how can we” attitude, you must model this.

    Your team notices what you DO more than what you SAY.

    If you ask the right questions, but they overhear you saying “I’m not convinced this is possible” or see doubt reflected in your tone or body language, both your credibility and their commitment will be diminished.

    As you plan projects and change programs this year, challenge yourself to spend 80% of your time looking forward. Focus on where you want to go and how you will get there.

    See yourself in the middle of that river looking to the other side. Then determine with your team how to bridge the gap and succeed in your mission to get across.

    Beginning ‘with the end in mind’ rather than starting with ‘a review’ is easy conceptually. It turns out to be very difficult for most of us in practice, because we have grown up with the habit of starting with ‘so, where are we now?’ We have been asked this question throughout our education at school and university, and in our workplaces at business planning meetings and project planning meetings. We need to unlearn the old habit and learn the new one.

    The internationally successful GREENLINE program, uses the power of neuroscience to help you change this habit as rapidly as possible. It will enable you to increase your own level of success and to implement change programs and client projects with greater success and less stress.

    Western Sydney Business Connection are excited to present the new WSBC Member Benefit of a FULLY FUNDED, nationally accredited 1-day GREENLINE program for your business*.

    In this fully funded one-day program, leaders and managers will start to unlearn the old habit and use the new habit of ‘beginning with the end in mind’. They will all get ‘on the same page and use the same language’ so that they drive the innovation and changes you want to see in your business.

    To book your program or learn more, please call Ramsina McCully from World Class Teams on 1300 085 248.

    *Must be a current WSBC member to be eligible for this program.

  • 18-Mar-2019 15:39 | Anonymous

    The Qantas Wallabies have announced an additional pre-Rugby World Cup Test against Samoa, to be played on September 7 at Parramatta’s new world-class Bankwest Stadium!

    This is the only Sydney match for the Wallabies this year and is the last chance for fans to farewell the team before they head to Japan.

    Hospitality packages are now on sale, giving you the opportunity to enjoy the match from the best seats in the house. To secure your tickets or enquire about the range of packages, contact Rugby AU Hospitality on 1800 619 181 or

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