Australia's 3rd Largest Economy

Member News

  • 16-Oct-2018 11:40 | Anonymous

    Book your spot trackside today to enjoy live racing action with a decadent food and beverage package!

    Celebrate the end of year in style with entertainment and hospitality like no other.

    Spaces won’t last, book now!  I  1300 729 668

  • 16-Oct-2018 11:10 | Anonymous

    October is ‘National Safe Work Month’ with this year’s theme being “A moment is all it takes.” Indeed, a moment is all it takes for an incident to occur within the workplace, however equally, a commitment to taking a moment to address hazards and risks could prevent an injury from causing harm within your workplace.

    For those businesses operating within an office and desk-based environment, managing ergonomic risk should be a key focus for this month!

    Through targeted behavioural awareness and prevention strategies your business can achieve a healthy ergonomic and safe workplace.

    Why focus on ergonomic risk?

    How to manage ergonomic risk – Engage the experts!

    Prudence Rehab are the experts in occupational risk and we understand the effects that a workplace injury can have on both the personal welfare of an employee and financial impact to employer. This is why we created Reboot — a wellness and prevention program for your organisation, designed to deliver cost effective and outcome focused health solutions for your employees.

    Our Reboot: Ergonomic Wellness Coaching initiative has been designed to effectively identify and mitigate ergonomic risk behaviours within your organisation through delivery and execution of the following services:

    • Reviewing and identifying workplace environment and personnel risk
    • Onsite coaching and/or shadowing of your workforce
    • Development and delivery of collaborative health and wellness solutions
    • Overseeing the implementation of the solution and reinforcing healthy ergonomic practices
    • Driving Return to Work initiatives
    • Facilitating behavioural awareness education and improvement strategies
    • Leading health and well-being cultural change.

    Why not take advantage of our ‘National Safe Work Month’ promotion?

    For the month of October Prudence Rehab are offering a complimentary review of your workplace and two (2) ergonomic assessments*

    FREE ergonomic assessments - Want to know more?

    For expert advice please contact us on (02) 9283 5552 or submit your online enquiry to

    * Note: Performed by one of our ergonomic experts this offer is limited to the first 10 businesses. WSBC members are also eligible for an ongoing 10% discount until the end of 2018 with Prudence Rehab for ergonomic services.

    Prudence Rehabilitation is an iCare approved provider based in Harris Park with one of the most experienced Consultant teams in NSW. We are committed to providing Western Sydney with industry leading injury prevention & RTW services, supporting employers to return their valued employees to the workplace, and remain at the workplace in good health.

  • 15-Oct-2018 08:47 | Anonymous

    Four ways to lead the change 

    In a time of unprecedented market change, what does it take to stay ahead? Opening Macquarie’s Perspective event, Head of Business Banking Dean Firth told the audience of over 400 business leaders, “being ahead of the curve is what keeps you awake at night. But it’s also what gets you up in the morning.” And that demands a focused culture of innovation.

    Click here to read the full article.

    Macquarie has been providing Business Banking solutions for over 30 years and provides SME clients with tools and strategies to grow and develop their business. You can get regular updates by subscribing to the monthly newsletter, Strictly Business by visiting If you would like to find out more about how Macquarie can support you to take your business further, call Aisling Osborne at our Parramatta office on 0410 310 716 and be connected with one of our banking specialists.

    This information has been prepared by Macquarie Bank Limited ABN 46 008 583 542 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 237502 (“Macquarie”) for general information purposes only. This information does not constitute advice. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. No member of Macquarie accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, consequential or other loss arising from any use of this information.

  • 12-Oct-2018 15:44 | Anonymous

    The William Inglis Hotel is excited to announce two great events they will be hosting in November and December 2018. Gather your friends and colleagues and book your tickets now.

    Melbourne Cup Lunch

    Bring your team along to watch the Melbourne Cup live on multiple large screens. Feast on the delicious buffet lunch and a glass of champagne on arrival. Take part in the many competitions hosted throughout the day to win a race day prize. Tickets are $75.00 per person or book a table of 10 to receive a 10% discount.

    Click here for more information or to book your seats. 

    Locals Christmas Party

    Looking for the ideal location to take your colleagues for an early Christmas celebration? The William Inglis hotel have the perfect function for you. Pile up your plate with the scrumptious Christmas buffet and relax while watching live entertainment. Get to know people from other local businesses and enjoy the Christmas festivities. Tickets are $95.00 per person. 

    Click here to book.

  • 12-Oct-2018 10:28 | Anonymous

    Typically following separation, parents need to work together to come up with a routine that allows their child to spend meaningful time with both parents. In these circumstances, it can be tricky for a parent to take their child overseas particularly when this means the other parent does not get to spend time during that period. However separation does not mean that parents will miss out on being able to go overseas with their child.

    Travelling Overseas

    Even though parents can take their child overseas when there is a valid passport and visa, it is a good idea to obtain the other parent’s consent and provide travel information such as the intended destination, itinerary and basic contact details for the child while they are away. This should prevent the other parent from making any unnecessary applications to locate and recover the child. If there are already orders in place or parenting proceedings on foot, then there are other specific procedures that may need to be followed before travel can occur.

    Moving Overseas

    When a parent is intending to relocate with their child overseas following separation and the other parent does not consent, it is important to first seek Family Court Orders that permit this relocation. Adhering to this procedure will likely prevent future unnecessary disruptions such as a Court Order being made for the return of a child to their original place of residence despite being settled in a new location.

    If there is a risk of a child not being returned to Australia or the other parent is considering permanently relocating overseas with the child without consent, then circumstances can be much more urgent and require prompt action. It is important to get legal advice from a family lawyer as soon as these circumstances arise.

    When there is a risk of permanent removal of a child outside of Australia, it may be necessary to place the child’s name on the Australian Federal Police Watch List. This will prevent the child from leaving any airport or seaport in Australia.

    In instances where a child has already been removed overseas, there may be ways that the child can be located and recovered depending on which country the child is in. Australia is a party to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. If the country that the child is located in is also a party to this Convention, steps can be taken to return a child to their residence depending on the circumstances.

    It is an offence to remove a child from Australia if parenting court orders are in place and the other parent’s consent or a Court Order authorising such travel has not been obtained. Such offence can be punishable by imprisonment of up to 3 years.

    For more information on taking a child overseas, contact Matthews Folbigg Lawyers in Parramatta on 1800 300 170 or email Our team of family lawyers consists of Accredited Family Law Specialists who can provide any required assistance.

  • 11-Oct-2018 15:19 | Anonymous

    Authors: Jacqui Barrett and Paul Simons, Hall & Wilcox

    Disclosure documents

    Yes, it is that time of the year again! If you have entered into a franchise agreement in the past financial year and/or intend to enter into any new franchise agreements in the coming financial year, it is time to make sure your disclosure document is current.

    Under the Franchising Code of Conduct (Code), you have until 31 October 2018 to issue an updated disclosure document to franchisees.

    You must therefore ensure that all information in your disclosure document is current.

    Some key items that you may be required to update include:

    • your list of officers and their business experience for the past 10 years;
    • your list of ‘associates’;
    • your list of existing franchised businesses, including details of any franchises that have been transferred, ceased operating, bought back or acquired, or any franchise agreements that have been terminated or not extended;
    • your intellectual property; and
    • any incidences of unilateral variations that have been made to existing agreements.

    You will also need to provide:

    • updated financial records for your business reflecting your performance in the past financial year (or an independent auditor’s report);
    • updated financial records for any marketing cooperatives funds; and
    • a statement of solvency for the past financial year given by a director.

    Franchise agreements

    In addition to updates to your disclosure documents, we remind you that:

    1. Franchise agreements can be subject to the unfair contracts regime.

    If any of your franchisees fall within the definition of ‘small business’ in the Australian Consumer Law, you should ensure that terms in your franchise agreements do not constitute ‘unfair terms’.

    Particular attention should be paid to those clauses that are not necessary or appropriate to protect your interests, including restraints, liquidated damages clauses, and requirements to purchase supplies from specific (more expensive) suppliers.

    2. Amendments to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) came into effect earlier this year.

    These amendments introduced an obligation to notify individuals whose personal information is involved in a data breach that is likely to result in serious harm.

    While your franchisees may not be required to comply with such amendments, any breaches pertaining to any data that you own (including customer databases) may need to be disclosed.

    You should review your privacy policy and operating manuals to ensure that these changes are properly addressed.

    3. The ipso facto law reforms came into effect on 1 July 2018.

    Under these reforms, you will not be able to rely on any ipso facto clauses in your franchise agreements where a franchisee has gone into administration, if those agreements were entered into after 1 July 2018. If you intend to enter into new franchise agreements this financial year, we recommend reviewing your termination rights under those agreements.

    If you would like to discuss any of the above, please feel free to contact our franchising team.

    Jacqui Barrett


    T: +61 2 8267 3201

    Paul Simos


    T: +61 2 8267 3257

  • 10-Oct-2018 13:36 | Anonymous

    Creating digital content is not a low-cost exercise. Writing, editing, uploading, optimising, linking, sourcing images and producing video all take time. That’s time you’re paying for.

    Every piece of content or collateral you create for your website must be part of a strategic plan. Each piece forms a building block in the digital home of your business.

    At Brilliant Digital everything we do is hinged around a strategic framework so we don’t waste time … we get the full value of every piece of content and the best ROI for our clients.

    Homepage - a great first impression

    The most visited page on any website is the Homepage and it is the gateway to all your other relevant information. It should convey a very clear message about what you do for who and why. It should create an instant, strong brand awareness and present your UVP upfront.

    About Page - who and why?

    The About page is the place for your business story – shown through its relevance to the customer and their problems. It should include the ‘why’ behind your business – the reason the team works so hard.

    Case studies - show and tell

    Your Case Studies are a fantastic way to show your customer’s story and how your product or service has transformed their business. They will include plenty of relevant, relatable detail. And they show prospects your UVP in action.

    Team - time to get personal

    The personal stories behind your key people are a great way to build trust and that’s where your Team page comes in. Foster connection and engagement with your prospects. Tell them what your favourite customer outcomes are. And demonstrate your expertise.

    Product/service - problem solved

    A strong product or service page with high-quality information is where you can expect to generate significant enquiry. It’s important that you show how your product solves a customer’s problem here.

    Blog and newsletters - edutainment!

    The purpose of blogs and newsletters is to inform, entertain and create a buzz around your brand. They have SEO value and are a great way to drive people to your website. The content must be of high quality, ‘on brand’ and relevant at all times.

    Drive them home, every time

    With every news article and blog that you put into the digital space, focus on the ultimate goal … driving people back to your website to get enquiries.

    Keep focussed and clear about what you will use every piece of valuable content for before you waste time and money on something that isn’t going to play its part.

    Read the full article and download the Brilliant Digital Strategic Storytelling Framework pdf here.

  • 10-Oct-2018 09:35 | Anonymous

    An Australian-first peptide synthesis research facility has opened at Children’s Medical Research Institute in Westmead, thanks to a State Government grant which was made possible by the Cancer Institute of NSW.

    Health Minister, Brad Hazzard, recently announced that cancer patients would benefit from a $3.1 million NSW Government boost for research.

    The Health Minister said the funding will support six projects, including the NSW Cancer Research Peptide Synthesis Facility at CMRI, which will receive $700,000 out of the $3.1 m for its work in developing new diagnostic tests and cancer treatments.

    “The NSW Government is investing in significantly boosting state-of-the-art cancer research capability,” Mr Hazzard said.

    “Sadly, there are few people whose lives have not been touched by cancer. Keeping NSW at the forefront of cutting edge research will lead to new drugs and better-targeted treatment options.”

    Professor David Currow, Chief Cancer Officer and CEO of the Cancer Institute NSW, said the funding will foster collaboration among researchers and clinicians and make a difference to cancer outcomes around the world.

    “This investment means our brightest research minds have access to the latest technologies that will accelerate their research into new treatments and therapies for people with cancer,” Professor Currow said.

    Professor Roger Reddel, Director of Children’s Medical Research Institute and Chief Investigator of the NSW Cancer Research Peptide Synthesis Facility, said the equipment will help many important cancer research projects across NSW, now and in future.

    “Peptides have a wide range of research uses, including obtaining new insights into how cancers grow, devising new diagnostic tests for early detection of cancer, and developing new anti-cancer treatments,” Professor Reddel said.

    The NSW Cancer Research Peptide Synthesis Facility will provide a complete workflow for the synthesis of peptides to support a broad range of cancer projects in NSW and beyond.

    The new equipment made possible by the grant, includes two Biotage Syro II Peptide Synthesizers, Biotage Isolera™ Dalton and a Biotage V-10 Touch.

    The instruments at CMRI are two of only five in the world with tip synthesis functionality. This new technology, which has only become available recently, allows researchers to make hundreds of peptides at once (576 per instrument) in small amounts.

    Placing this equipment in one location together means that this facility, which is the first of its kind in Australia, provides a complete world-class workflow for peptide synthesis to support local research projects with an international impact.

    The University of Sydney has also funded a different instrument in the laboratory of Professor Richard Payne that can make large amounts of small numbers of peptides. This group will work in concert with the scientists at Children’s Medical Research Institute to provide cancer researchers across the state with these cutting-edge research materials.

    The collaboration between CMRI and the University of Sydney takes advantage of both locations’ expertise and encourages researchers to work together to push forward their work on cancer.

  • 09-Oct-2018 12:54 | Anonymous

    Over 480 business leaders and distinguished guests from across Western Sydney gathered at The William Inglis Hotel, Warwick Farm, in September for the sold out State of the Region Address 2018.

    Weeknight Presenter Juanita Phillips from ABC News NSW emceed the event and facilitated an insightful Audience Q&A with the Premier.

    For WSBC General Manager, Amanda Brisot, the key theme that shone through on the day was ‘people centric planning’.

    “Talk of infrastructure is still robust and businesses in the region have many exciting projects underway. But the focus on people and communities in Western Sydney dominated - they are our greatest asset and will ultimately drive the success of these initiatives.”

    A new super campus for Western Sydney

    It was an honour to welcome back the Premier of New South Wales, The Hon Gladys Berejiklian MP for her 2nd State of the Region Address. She shared her government’s future plans for Western Sydney, including a super university campus at Badgerys Creek. The Premier explained that this campus will focus on STEM - planning for the jobs of the future. It is expected not only to attract students from across Greater Western Sydney and Australia but from around the world.

    Amanda comments that “The announcement of the super campus at the Aerotropolis will be huge in terms of investment and development... and as a centre of innovation for Western Sydney. Bringing industry and education together in that location, catalysing with major projects including the airport, will generate a lot of activity and growth in the region.”

    A passion for the region

    We also heard from Mayor Wendy Waller, Liverpool City Council, a passionate advocate for harnessing the potential of the people of Western Sydney. Mayor Waller spoke of a city on the move. It is home to three universities and a growing health precinct. International businesses like Amazon and Toll are making it their home. There is a strong creative arts scene and an airport under construction on its doorstep – all contributing to Liverpool becoming a city full of opportunity.

    Local career pathways

    As a business community it is vital to invest in the education sector to nurture local talent if we want to continue to create a prosperous and thriving region. Western Sydney University has transformed the local workforce ensuring the region is amongst the fastest growing professional classes in the country. It is essential that we create local career pathways and opportunities for the next generation if we want to keep our talent in the region. The way forward is through collaborative partnerships between industry and education. Western Sydney University’s Penny Tribe agrees: “Events like this are absolutely essential because this is the fastest growing region in Australia and we need to work together.”

    A who’s who of Western Sydney

    Amanda was delighted with the attendance - “With all major councils and State Government Departments, through to industry heads and small business leaders represented, the event was a who’s who of Western Sydney today.”

    Business leaders had the opportunity to network and connect, and hear about the latest initiatives in the region. There was also the chance to say hello to familiar faces and enjoy more relaxed conversation over lunch.

    Our event partners shared their vision for Western Sydney with the audience, giving some wonderful food for thought. Here are some of the highlights.

    World class infrastructure

    Deloitte Partner Danny Rezek highlighted world-class technology and unprecedented opportunity in the region. “We are exceedingly proud to be working with government and business across the region to bring their aspirations for Western Sydney to life and in doing so spring board the enterprise, investment and job creation the economy needs.

    A future western Sydney will invest in a world class technology-based infrastructure where citizens are placed at the heart of its cities – capturing the convergence of data, digital and design to strategically address mobility, the environment and livability. It will provide intelligence and responsive ecosystems in ways that support the sustained renewal of jobs and innovation and improve the quality of life in the region.”

    Great opportunity for SMEs

    According to Landcom Acting Chief Executive Officer Matthew Beggs, Western Sydney is where great working partnerships have flourished. “Landcom has been focused on delivering more affordable and sustainable communities for the people of NSW, and particularly for the people of Western Sydney… and has been a permanent fixture in the Western Sydney property sector for over 40 years.

    The planning and construction of our Western Sydney projects provide great opportunities for small-to-medium businesses in Western Sydney.”

    Shaping your future

    We would like to thank our Event Partners Liverpool City Council, Landcom, Deloitte, Western Sydney University, Claxton Speakers International and Jobs for NSW. Their support makes events such as the State of the Region Address possible.

    A big thanks also to the Western Sydney Youth Orchestra (WSYO), based in Parramatta, for their wonderful performance. It was the icing on the cake of a successful event.

    Amanda Brisot adds “We are delighted with the positive feedback about the 2018 State of the Region Address from our members and partners. We’re looking forward to working and partnering with this vibrant and visionary group of businesses into the future, as we continue to facilitate connection and growth in the region.

    In their video, our platinum partners Deloitte asked: “What would your Western Sydney future look like?” We think this is a great question for us all to take away from the day as we work together to dream big for Western Sydney.”

  • 09-Oct-2018 11:52 | Anonymous

    Theo Psychogios has been working in Western Sydney for a decade, and in that time he’s seen the area grow up from a place where ‘it felt like you were being transported back to the 70’s’, to the sprawling and commercially attractive hub it is today. Psychogios is Partner of financial advisory services at Deloitte, and co-author of the economic blueprint Shaping Future Cities: Designing Western Sydney. Working from Deloitte’s Parramatta offices, he advises government and commercial clients on the value propositions of transformative urban renewal, service delivery reform, and major infrastructure investments in the region.

    How do you think Western Sydney has changed since you first came here?

    “What I've seen is the obvious physical transformation that the place is undergoing. Towers going up all over the place, old buildings coming down, but more than that it's the new businesses starting to emerge, it's those cafes around the corner, the social impact providers, it's new restaurants coming in. It's all these big brands, you know. Neil Perry is coming to town, Jamie Oliver is in town. Those sorts of things are signals as to how a place is transforming and changing in front of you.

    “I very much see Western Sydney as this adolescent child that's starting to grow into its skin. It's starting to bulk up, to get character and it's starting to be more self-confident. And you know that's really exciting to watch and it's exciting to help shape that.”

    Shaping Future Cities was released in 2015, with a focus on recommendations for building platforms to enable jobs growth, creation of jobs and local employment. Where do you see Western Sydney going now that project planning and the initiatives that were set out are well underway?

    “Shaping Future Cities laid down a pretty bold aspiration for Western Sydney, and it was an aspiration that was very much tied to the hopes and dreams of businesses and residents in the area being able to rise to make their contribution in Sydney.

    “What we've seen over the last two years or so is of that 200,000 jobs target that was put in place [for the next five years], 60-70,000 are already being achieved now. The economy's been able to continue moving forward. There've been significant investments and announcements made by government that have led to business confidence continuing to grow, and you're starting to see significant housing and commercial developments taking place.

    “Western Sydney has a high population of younger people with growing educational capabilities and long working lives ahead of them. We have greater diversity of culture and language which makes these people more relevant to the world both from a technical skills and a social and environmental perspective, and those ingredients are second-to-none when it comes to being a powerhouse for now and into the future.

    “It's within these environments that you start to see the real fruits of the region’s labour coming to bear. You start seeing more universities established in the area or expressing interest to want to do so, because they see the longevity of the economy as advantageous to be around. You're starting to see corporates establish themselves in the area. Costco have set up their national headquarters here. Amazon are starting to set up their presence. They're all really positive signs of the green shoots that the region has been able to put in place.”

    Do you see this shift happening across the board, or do you still think businesses need more evidence of success, a bit more time to make a move?

    “No, I don’t. There is zero available A-grade commercial property in Parramatta right now. Every time new stock comes along it’s sucked up straightaway.

    “There are [big insurance companies and banks] like QBE and NAB. There’s a holistic move of state government departments coming here, not just because of political decisions, but because it works for their staff, it works for the people they’re servicing and that’s relevant in how they deliver their portfolios.

    “They don't build here on the basis of ‘build it and they'll come’. Properties don't get financed unless they've got committed leases, unless they've got absolute belief in the pipeline of sale. It doesn't matter where you go, from Penrith and all the way down to Liverpool or to Campbelltown, you have the major tier-one developers, the major global financial investors, putting money into bricks and mortar. They're not doing that if the underlying demand isn't there.”

    There’s a sense that there’s a lot of emphasis on the bigger centres like Parramatta and Liverpool when it comes to development. What’s going on in all of those ‘in between’ areas of Western Sydney?

    “Western Sydney was developed to deal with the migrant flow of the 60’s and 70’s and a lot of its planning then was at the macro scale. It was dealing with town centres and asking ‘how we can house these people’. The fine fabric of community that comes about from strip malls and corner shops in other areas wasn't really built in.

    “So what's happening now is the people living there are creating that community, creating a sense of place, and councils are playing tremendous roles in making sure that they deliver that sort of amenity and service into a lot of those Western Sydney communities. There’s a long way to go because there's a lot of people living there - there's a lot of established suburbs. And many of those suburbs were historically migrant placement suburbs, they were social affordable housing suburbs and they've grown out of themselves and some are still growing out of themselves. But I'd say it's front and centre thinking for most of the councils in the West. They know the transformation of their town centres is critical to offering the services and the amenity and the job opportunities locally that they're able to carry.”

    RELATED: Western Sydney story: How Nathan Birch is investing in the heartland

    If you were helping other businesses decide whether to position themselves in Western Sydney today, what would you say to them?

    “Is the region providing you the ingredients you need to do your business? Is the region providing you the landscape that is your market for your business? It's really simple in those two contexts.

    “Why did Amazon come here? Because when they've stepped back and looked at the profile of online spending and their history, some of the largest trends in online purchases have come from the Southwest Sydney region. So they're staying close to where their market is and then they're tapping into the investments around logistics and supply chain and major motorways that are then enabling them to service the rest of Sydney and into Greater New South Wales as that comes into play.

    “Businesses are thinking about the labor forces they’re looking for, thinking, ‘I'm looking for young, smart, dynamic, creative people. I'm looking for well-established people in their industry, for people who have a desire to succeed. And what they see when they then look at the resident profile of Western Sydney, is exactly those characteristics. First and second-generation migrants, people who've come here from other countries because of what the opportunity affords. There's a significant drive that comes with that, and you get this culture that starts building.

    “If you're looking for work forces, you'll go a long way to find a more dynamic workforce than what’s in western Sydney. If you're looking for a market, well, you’ll be within 40 minutes’ drive of two million people within a couple of years. It's pretty compelling.

    “I think the other thing that's in play is, ‘do I want to be globally relevant’? You're going to be in the most connected place in Australia between road, rail and international exit points with Badgerys Creek Airport. To succeed you've got to be close to where the markets are and you've got to invest to make it real.”


    What would your advice be to businesses who are just setting out to employ and foster a workforce in Western Sydney?

    “Invest in place, invest in people and authentically buy into the issues that shape the region. That makes every business from the local takeaway to your banks, to your realtor and hairdresser, all the way through to professional services firm like ours and others, relevant in the market and attractive as an employer. Focus on the purpose of how to make an impact that matters, because that connection of purpose, with people who have a connection to this place, makes it a no-brainer to ensure we can continue to draw on the best talent from the region.”

    If you’d like to talk about how you can access the best talent for your business, speak to one of Michael Page's Western Sydney experts today.

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